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 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef GrSurface_DEFINED
#define GrSurface_DEFINED

#include "GrTypes.h"
#include "GrGpuResource.h"
#include "SkImageInfo.h"
#include "SkRect.h"

class GrOpList;
class GrRenderTarget;
class GrSurfacePriv;
class GrTexture;

class SK_API GrSurface : public GrGpuResource {
     * Retrieves the width of the surface.
    int width() const { return fDesc.fWidth; }

     * Retrieves the height of the surface.
    int height() const { return fDesc.fHeight; }

     * Helper that gets the width and height of the surface as a bounding rectangle.
    SkRect getBoundsRect() const { return SkRect::MakeIWH(this->width(), this->height()); }

    GrSurfaceOrigin origin() const {
        SkASSERT(kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == fDesc.fOrigin || kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin == fDesc.fOrigin);
        return fDesc.fOrigin;

     * Retrieves the pixel config specified when the surface was created.
     * For render targets this can be kUnknown_GrPixelConfig
     * if client asked us to render to a target that has a pixel
     * config that isn't equivalent with one of our configs.
    GrPixelConfig config() const { return fDesc.fConfig; }

     * Return the descriptor describing the surface
    const GrSurfaceDesc& desc() const { return fDesc; }

     * @return the texture associated with the surface, may be NULL.
    virtual GrTexture* asTexture() { return NULL; }
    virtual const GrTexture* asTexture() const { return NULL; }

     * @return the render target underlying this surface, may be NULL.
    virtual GrRenderTarget* asRenderTarget() { return NULL; }
    virtual const GrRenderTarget* asRenderTarget() const { return NULL; }

     * Reads a rectangle of pixels from the surface, possibly performing color space conversion.
     * @param srcColorSpace color space of the source data (this surface)
     * @param left          left edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
     * @param top           top edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
     * @param width         width of rectangle to read in pixels.
     * @param height        height of rectangle to read in pixels.
     * @param config        the pixel config of the destination buffer
     * @param dstColorSpace color space of the destination buffer
     * @param buffer        memory to read the rectangle into.
     * @param rowBytes      number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero means rows are tightly
     *                      packed.
     * @param pixelOpsFlags See the GrContext::PixelOpsFlags enum.
     * @return true if the read succeeded, false if not. The read can fail because of an unsupported
     *              pixel config.
    bool readPixels(SkColorSpace* srcColorSpace,
                    int left, int top, int width, int height,
                    GrPixelConfig config,
                    SkColorSpace* dstColorSpace,
                    void* buffer,
                    size_t rowBytes = 0,
                    uint32_t pixelOpsFlags = 0);

     * Reads a rectangle of pixels from the surface. Does not perform any color space conversion.
     * @param left          left edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
     * @param top           top edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
     * @param width         width of rectangle to read in pixels.
     * @param height        height of rectangle to read in pixels.
     * @param config        the pixel config of the destination buffer
     * @param buffer        memory to read the rectangle into.
     * @param rowBytes      number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero means rows are tightly
     *                      packed.
     * @param pixelOpsFlags See the GrContext::PixelOpsFlags enum.
     * @return true if the read succeeded, false if not. The read can fail because of an unsupported
     *              pixel config.
    bool readPixels(int left, int top, int width, int height,
                    GrPixelConfig config,
                    void* buffer,
                    size_t rowBytes = 0,
                    uint32_t pixelOpsFlags = 0) {
        return this->readPixels(nullptr, left, top, width, height, config, nullptr, buffer,
                                rowBytes, pixelOpsFlags);

     * Copy the src pixels [buffer, rowbytes, pixelconfig] into the surface at the specified
     * rectangle, possibly performing color space conversion.
     * @param dstColorSpace color space of the destination (this surface)
     * @param left          left edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
     * @param top           top edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
     * @param width         width of rectangle to write in pixels.
     * @param height        height of rectangle to write in pixels.
     * @param config        the pixel config of the source buffer
     * @param srcColorSpace color space of the source buffer
     * @param buffer        memory to read the rectangle from.
     * @param rowBytes      number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero means rows are tightly
     *                      packed.
     * @param pixelOpsFlags See the GrContext::PixelOpsFlags enum.
     * @return true if the write succeeded, false if not. The write can fail because of an
     *              unsupported pixel config.
    bool writePixels(SkColorSpace* dstColorSpace,
                     int left, int top, int width, int height,
                     GrPixelConfig config,
                     SkColorSpace* srcColorSpace,
                     const void* buffer,
                     size_t rowBytes = 0,
                     uint32_t pixelOpsFlags = 0);

     * Copy the src pixels [buffer, rowbytes, pixelconfig] into the surface at the specified
     * rectangle. Does not perform any color space conversion.
     * @param left          left edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
     * @param top           top edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
     * @param width         width of rectangle to write in pixels.
     * @param height        height of rectangle to write in pixels.
     * @param config        the pixel config of the source buffer
     * @param buffer        memory to read the rectangle from.
     * @param rowBytes      number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero means rows are tightly
     *                      packed.
     * @param pixelOpsFlags See the GrContext::PixelOpsFlags enum.
     * @return true if the write succeeded, false if not. The write can fail because of an
     *              unsupported pixel config.
    bool writePixels(int left, int top, int width, int height,
                     GrPixelConfig config,
                     const void* buffer,
                     size_t rowBytes = 0,
                     uint32_t pixelOpsFlags = 0) {
        return this->writePixels(nullptr, left, top, width, height, config, nullptr, buffer,
                                 rowBytes, pixelOpsFlags);

     * After this returns any pending writes to the surface will be issued to the backend 3D API.
    void flushWrites();

    /** Access methods that are only to be used within Skia code. */
    inline GrSurfacePriv surfacePriv();
    inline const GrSurfacePriv surfacePriv() const;

    typedef void* ReleaseCtx;
    typedef void (*ReleaseProc)(ReleaseCtx);

    void setRelease(ReleaseProc proc, ReleaseCtx ctx) {
        fReleaseProc = proc;
        fReleaseCtx = ctx;

    void setLastOpList(GrOpList* opList);
    GrOpList* getLastOpList() { return fLastOpList; }

    static size_t WorstCaseSize(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, bool useNextPow2 = false);
    static size_t ComputeSize(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, int colorSamplesPerPixel,
                              bool hasMIPMaps, bool useNextPow2 = false);

    // Methods made available via GrSurfacePriv
    bool hasPendingRead() const;
    bool hasPendingWrite() const;
    bool hasPendingIO() const;

    // Provides access to methods that should be public within Skia code.
    friend class GrSurfacePriv;

    GrSurface(GrGpu* gpu, const GrSurfaceDesc& desc)
        : INHERITED(gpu)
        , fDesc(desc)
        , fReleaseProc(NULL)
        , fReleaseCtx(NULL)
        , fLastOpList(nullptr) {
    ~GrSurface() override;

    GrSurfaceDesc fDesc;

    void onRelease() override;
    void onAbandon() override;

    void invokeReleaseProc() {
        if (fReleaseProc) {
            fReleaseProc = NULL;

    ReleaseProc fReleaseProc;
    ReleaseCtx  fReleaseCtx;

    // The last opList that wrote to or is currently going to write to this surface
    // The opList can be closed (e.g., no render target or texture context is currently bound
    // to this renderTarget or texture).
    // This back-pointer is required so that we can add a dependancy between
    // the opList used to create the current contents of this surface
    // and the opList of a destination surface to which this one is being drawn or copied.
    GrOpList* fLastOpList;

    typedef GrGpuResource INHERITED;
