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# Note: this file is not published by Unicode, but since its format follows Unicode's format, it's
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2600 ; Emoji_Presentation # (☀) BLACK SUN WITH RAYS
2601 ; Emoji_Presentation # (☁) CLOUD
260E ; Emoji_Presentation # (☎) BLACK TELEPHONE
261D ; Emoji_Presentation # (☝) WHITE UP POINTING INDEX
263A ; Emoji_Presentation # (☺) WHITE SMILING FACE
2660 ; Emoji_Presentation # (♠) BLACK SPADE SUIT
2663 ; Emoji_Presentation # (♣) BLACK CLUB SUIT
2665 ; Emoji_Presentation # (♥) BLACK HEART SUIT
2666 ; Emoji_Presentation # (♦) BLACK DIAMOND SUIT
270C ; Emoji_Presentation # (✌) VICTORY HAND
2744 ; Emoji_Presentation # (❄) SNOWFLAKE
2764 ; Emoji_Presentation # (❤) HEAVY BLACK HEART