// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// MIPS-specific opcodes that specify which assembly sequence to emit.
// Most opcodes specify a single instruction.
V(MipsAdd) \
V(MipsAddOvf) \
V(MipsSub) \
V(MipsSubOvf) \
V(MipsMul) \
V(MipsMulOvf) \
V(MipsMulHigh) \
V(MipsMulHighU) \
V(MipsDiv) \
V(MipsDivU) \
V(MipsMod) \
V(MipsModU) \
V(MipsAnd) \
V(MipsOr) \
V(MipsNor) \
V(MipsXor) \
V(MipsClz) \
V(MipsCtz) \
V(MipsPopcnt) \
V(MipsLsa) \
V(MipsShl) \
V(MipsShr) \
V(MipsSar) \
V(MipsShlPair) \
V(MipsShrPair) \
V(MipsSarPair) \
V(MipsExt) \
V(MipsIns) \
V(MipsRor) \
V(MipsMov) \
V(MipsTst) \
V(MipsCmp) \
V(MipsCmpS) \
V(MipsAddS) \
V(MipsSubS) \
V(MipsMulS) \
V(MipsDivS) \
V(MipsModS) \
V(MipsAbsS) \
V(MipsSqrtS) \
V(MipsMaxS) \
V(MipsMinS) \
V(MipsCmpD) \
V(MipsAddD) \
V(MipsSubD) \
V(MipsMulD) \
V(MipsDivD) \
V(MipsModD) \
V(MipsAbsD) \
V(MipsSqrtD) \
V(MipsMaxD) \
V(MipsMinD) \
V(MipsNegS) \
V(MipsNegD) \
V(MipsAddPair) \
V(MipsSubPair) \
V(MipsMulPair) \
V(MipsMaddS) \
V(MipsMaddD) \
V(MipsMaddfS) \
V(MipsMaddfD) \
V(MipsMsubS) \
V(MipsMsubD) \
V(MipsMsubfS) \
V(MipsMsubfD) \
V(MipsFloat32RoundDown) \
V(MipsFloat32RoundTruncate) \
V(MipsFloat32RoundUp) \
V(MipsFloat32RoundTiesEven) \
V(MipsFloat64RoundDown) \
V(MipsFloat64RoundTruncate) \
V(MipsFloat64RoundUp) \
V(MipsFloat64RoundTiesEven) \
V(MipsCvtSD) \
V(MipsCvtDS) \
V(MipsTruncWD) \
V(MipsRoundWD) \
V(MipsFloorWD) \
V(MipsCeilWD) \
V(MipsTruncWS) \
V(MipsRoundWS) \
V(MipsFloorWS) \
V(MipsCeilWS) \
V(MipsTruncUwD) \
V(MipsTruncUwS) \
V(MipsCvtDW) \
V(MipsCvtDUw) \
V(MipsCvtSW) \
V(MipsCvtSUw) \
V(MipsLb) \
V(MipsLbu) \
V(MipsSb) \
V(MipsLh) \
V(MipsUlh) \
V(MipsLhu) \
V(MipsUlhu) \
V(MipsSh) \
V(MipsUsh) \
V(MipsLw) \
V(MipsUlw) \
V(MipsSw) \
V(MipsUsw) \
V(MipsLwc1) \
V(MipsUlwc1) \
V(MipsSwc1) \
V(MipsUswc1) \
V(MipsLdc1) \
V(MipsUldc1) \
V(MipsSdc1) \
V(MipsUsdc1) \
V(MipsFloat64ExtractLowWord32) \
V(MipsFloat64ExtractHighWord32) \
V(MipsFloat64InsertLowWord32) \
V(MipsFloat64InsertHighWord32) \
V(MipsFloat64SilenceNaN) \
V(MipsFloat32Max) \
V(MipsFloat64Max) \
V(MipsFloat32Min) \
V(MipsFloat64Min) \
V(MipsPush) \
V(MipsStoreToStackSlot) \
V(MipsByteSwap32) \
V(MipsStackClaim) \
V(MipsSeb) \
// Addressing modes represent the "shape" of inputs to an instruction.
// Many instructions support multiple addressing modes. Addressing modes
// are encoded into the InstructionCode of the instruction and tell the
// code generator after register allocation which assembler method to call.
// We use the following local notation for addressing modes:
// R = register
// O = register or stack slot
// D = double register
// I = immediate (handle, external, int32)
// MRI = [register + immediate]
// MRR = [register + register]
// TODO(plind): Add the new r6 address modes.
V(MRI) /* [%r0 + K] */ \
V(MRR) /* [%r0 + %r1] */
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8