// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Features shared by parsing and pre-parsing scanners.
#include "src/allocation.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/char-predicates.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/messages.h"
#include "src/parsing/token.h"
#include "src/unicode-decoder.h"
#include "src/unicode.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class AstRawString;
class AstValueFactory;
class DuplicateFinder;
class ExternalOneByteString;
class ExternalTwoByteString;
class ParserRecorder;
class UnicodeCache;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Buffered stream of UTF-16 code units, using an internal UTF-16 buffer.
// A code unit is a 16 bit value representing either a 16 bit code point
// or one part of a surrogate pair that make a single 21 bit code point.
class Utf16CharacterStream {
static const uc32 kEndOfInput = -1;
virtual ~Utf16CharacterStream() { }
// Returns and advances past the next UTF-16 code unit in the input
// stream. If there are no more code units it returns kEndOfInput.
inline uc32 Advance() {
if (V8_LIKELY(buffer_cursor_ < buffer_end_)) {
return static_cast<uc32>(*(buffer_cursor_++));
} else if (ReadBlock()) {
return static_cast<uc32>(*(buffer_cursor_++));
} else {
// Note: currently the following increment is necessary to avoid a
// parser problem! The scanner treats the final kEndOfInput as
// a code unit with a position, and does math relative to that
// position.
return kEndOfInput;
// Go back one by one character in the input stream.
// This undoes the most recent Advance().
inline void Back() {
// The common case - if the previous character is within
// buffer_start_ .. buffer_end_ will be handles locally.
// Otherwise, a new block is requested.
if (V8_LIKELY(buffer_cursor_ > buffer_start_)) {
} else {
ReadBlockAt(pos() - 1);
// Go back one by two characters in the input stream. (This is the same as
// calling Back() twice. But Back() may - in some instances - do substantial
// work. Back2() guarantees this work will be done only once.)
inline void Back2() {
if (V8_LIKELY(buffer_cursor_ - 2 >= buffer_start_)) {
buffer_cursor_ -= 2;
} else {
ReadBlockAt(pos() - 2);
inline size_t pos() const {
return buffer_pos_ + (buffer_cursor_ - buffer_start_);
inline void Seek(size_t pos) {
if (V8_LIKELY(pos >= buffer_pos_ &&
pos < (buffer_pos_ + (buffer_end_ - buffer_start_)))) {
buffer_cursor_ = buffer_start_ + (pos - buffer_pos_);
} else {
Utf16CharacterStream(const uint16_t* buffer_start,
const uint16_t* buffer_cursor,
const uint16_t* buffer_end, size_t buffer_pos)
: buffer_start_(buffer_start),
buffer_pos_(buffer_pos) {}
Utf16CharacterStream() : Utf16CharacterStream(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0) {}
void ReadBlockAt(size_t new_pos) {
// The callers of this method (Back/Back2/Seek) should handle the easy
// case (seeking within the current buffer), and we should only get here
// if we actually require new data.
// (This is really an efficiency check, not a correctness invariant.)
DCHECK(new_pos < buffer_pos_ ||
new_pos >= buffer_pos_ + (buffer_end_ - buffer_start_));
// Change pos() to point to new_pos.
buffer_pos_ = new_pos;
buffer_cursor_ = buffer_start_;
bool success = ReadBlock();
// Post-conditions: 1, on success, we should be at the right position.
// 2, success == we should have more characters available.
DCHECK_IMPLIES(success, pos() == new_pos);
DCHECK_EQ(success, buffer_cursor_ < buffer_end_);
DCHECK_EQ(success, buffer_start_ < buffer_end_);
// Read more data, and update buffer_*_ to point to it.
// Returns true if more data was available.
// ReadBlock() may modify any of the buffer_*_ members, but must sure that
// the result of pos() remains unaffected.
// Examples:
// - a stream could either fill a separate buffer. Then buffer_start_ and
// buffer_cursor_ would point to the beginning of the buffer, and
// buffer_pos would be the old pos().
// - a stream with existing buffer chunks would set buffer_start_ and
// buffer_end_ to cover the full chunk, and then buffer_cursor_ would
// point into the middle of the buffer, while buffer_pos_ would describe
// the start of the buffer.
virtual bool ReadBlock() = 0;
const uint16_t* buffer_start_;
const uint16_t* buffer_cursor_;
const uint16_t* buffer_end_;
size_t buffer_pos_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JavaScript Scanner.
class Scanner {
// Scoped helper for a re-settable bookmark.
class BookmarkScope {
explicit BookmarkScope(Scanner* scanner)
: scanner_(scanner), bookmark_(kNoBookmark) {
~BookmarkScope() {}
void Set();
void Apply();
bool HasBeenSet();
bool HasBeenApplied();
static const size_t kNoBookmark;
static const size_t kBookmarkWasApplied;
static const size_t kBookmarkAtFirstPos;
Scanner* scanner_;
size_t bookmark_;
// Representation of an interval of source positions.
struct Location {
Location(int b, int e) : beg_pos(b), end_pos(e) { }
Location() : beg_pos(0), end_pos(0) { }
bool IsValid() const {
return beg_pos >= 0 && end_pos >= beg_pos;
static Location invalid() { return Location(-1, -1); }
int beg_pos;
int end_pos;
// -1 is outside of the range of any real source code.
static const int kNoOctalLocation = -1;
static const uc32 kEndOfInput = Utf16CharacterStream::kEndOfInput;
explicit Scanner(UnicodeCache* scanner_contants);
void Initialize(Utf16CharacterStream* source);
// Returns the next token and advances input.
Token::Value Next();
// Returns the token following peek()
Token::Value PeekAhead();
// Returns the current token again.
Token::Value current_token() { return current_.token; }
// Returns the location information for the current token
// (the token last returned by Next()).
Location location() const { return current_.location; }
bool has_error() const { return scanner_error_ != MessageTemplate::kNone; }
MessageTemplate::Template error() const { return scanner_error_; }
Location error_location() const { return scanner_error_location_; }
// Similar functions for the upcoming token.
// One token look-ahead (past the token returned by Next()).
Token::Value peek() const { return next_.token; }
Location peek_location() const { return next_.location; }
bool literal_contains_escapes() const {
return LiteralContainsEscapes(current_);
bool is_literal_contextual_keyword(Vector<const char> keyword) {
DCHECK(current_.token == Token::IDENTIFIER ||
current_.token == Token::ESCAPED_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD);
return current_.literal_chars->is_contextual_keyword(keyword);
bool is_next_contextual_keyword(Vector<const char> keyword) {
return next_.literal_chars->is_contextual_keyword(keyword);
const AstRawString* CurrentSymbol(AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);
const AstRawString* NextSymbol(AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);
const AstRawString* CurrentRawSymbol(AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory);
double DoubleValue();
bool ContainsDot();
bool LiteralMatches(const char* data, int length, bool allow_escapes = true) {
if (!current_.literal_chars) {
return !strncmp(Token::Name(current_.token), data, length);
} else if (is_literal_one_byte() && literal_length() == length &&
(allow_escapes || !literal_contains_escapes())) {
const char* token =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(literal_one_byte_string().start());
return !strncmp(token, data, length);
return false;
inline bool UnescapedLiteralMatches(const char* data, int length) {
return LiteralMatches(data, length, false);
bool IsGetOrSet(bool* is_get, bool* is_set) {
if (is_literal_one_byte() &&
literal_length() == 3 &&
!literal_contains_escapes()) {
const char* token =
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(literal_one_byte_string().start());
*is_get = strncmp(token, "get", 3) == 0;
*is_set = !*is_get && strncmp(token, "set", 3) == 0;
return *is_get || *is_set;
return false;
int FindSymbol(DuplicateFinder* finder, int value);
UnicodeCache* unicode_cache() { return unicode_cache_; }
// Returns the location of the last seen octal literal.
Location octal_position() const { return octal_pos_; }
void clear_octal_position() { octal_pos_ = Location::invalid(); }
// Returns the location of the last seen decimal literal with a leading zero.
Location decimal_with_leading_zero_position() const {
return decimal_with_leading_zero_pos_;
void clear_decimal_with_leading_zero_position() {
decimal_with_leading_zero_pos_ = Location::invalid();
// Returns the value of the last smi that was scanned.
uint32_t smi_value() const { return current_.smi_value_; }
// Seek forward to the given position. This operation does not
// work in general, for instance when there are pushed back
// characters, but works for seeking forward until simple delimiter
// tokens, which is what it is used for.
void SeekForward(int pos);
// Returns true if there was a line terminator before the peek'ed token,
// possibly inside a multi-line comment.
bool HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() const {
return has_line_terminator_before_next_ ||
bool HasAnyLineTerminatorAfterNext() {
Token::Value ensure_next_next = PeekAhead();
return has_line_terminator_after_next_;
// Scans the input as a regular expression pattern, next token must be /(=).
// Returns true if a pattern is scanned.
bool ScanRegExpPattern();
// Scans the input as regular expression flags. Returns the flags on success.
Maybe<RegExp::Flags> ScanRegExpFlags();
// Scans the input as a template literal
Token::Value ScanTemplateStart();
Token::Value ScanTemplateContinuation();
Handle<String> SourceUrl(Isolate* isolate) const {
Handle<String> tmp;
if (source_url_.length() > 0) tmp = source_url_.Internalize(isolate);
return tmp;
Handle<String> SourceMappingUrl(Isolate* isolate) const {
Handle<String> tmp;
if (source_mapping_url_.length() > 0)
tmp = source_mapping_url_.Internalize(isolate);
return tmp;
bool IdentifierIsFutureStrictReserved(const AstRawString* string) const;
bool FoundHtmlComment() const { return found_html_comment_; }
// Scoped helper for literal recording. Automatically drops the literal
// if aborting the scanning before it's complete.
class LiteralScope {
explicit LiteralScope(Scanner* self) : scanner_(self), complete_(false) {
~LiteralScope() {
if (!complete_) scanner_->DropLiteral();
void Complete() { complete_ = true; }
Scanner* scanner_;
bool complete_;
// LiteralBuffer - Collector of chars of literals.
class LiteralBuffer {
LiteralBuffer() : is_one_byte_(true), position_(0), backing_store_() {}
~LiteralBuffer() { backing_store_.Dispose(); }
INLINE(void AddChar(char code_unit)) {
if (position_ >= backing_store_.length()) ExpandBuffer();
backing_store_[position_] = static_cast<byte>(code_unit);
position_ += kOneByteSize;
INLINE(void AddChar(uc32 code_unit)) {
if (position_ >= backing_store_.length()) ExpandBuffer();
if (is_one_byte_) {
if (code_unit <= static_cast<uc32>(unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar)) {
backing_store_[position_] = static_cast<byte>(code_unit);
position_ += kOneByteSize;
if (code_unit <=
static_cast<uc32>(unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode)) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&backing_store_[position_]) = code_unit;
position_ += kUC16Size;
} else {
*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&backing_store_[position_]) =
position_ += kUC16Size;
if (position_ >= backing_store_.length()) ExpandBuffer();
*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(&backing_store_[position_]) =
position_ += kUC16Size;
bool is_one_byte() const { return is_one_byte_; }
bool is_contextual_keyword(Vector<const char> keyword) const {
return is_one_byte() && keyword.length() == position_ &&
(memcmp(keyword.start(), backing_store_.start(), position_) == 0);
Vector<const uint16_t> two_byte_literal() const {
DCHECK((position_ & 0x1) == 0);
return Vector<const uint16_t>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(backing_store_.start()),
position_ >> 1);
Vector<const uint8_t> one_byte_literal() const {
return Vector<const uint8_t>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(backing_store_.start()), position_);
int length() const { return is_one_byte_ ? position_ : (position_ >> 1); }
void ReduceLength(int delta) {
position_ -= delta * (is_one_byte_ ? kOneByteSize : kUC16Size);
void Reset() {
position_ = 0;
is_one_byte_ = true;
Handle<String> Internalize(Isolate* isolate) const;
static const int kInitialCapacity = 16;
static const int kGrowthFactory = 4;
static const int kMinConversionSlack = 256;
static const int kMaxGrowth = 1 * MB;
inline bool IsValidAscii(char code_unit) {
// Control characters and printable characters span the range of
// valid ASCII characters (0-127). Chars are unsigned on some
// platforms which causes compiler warnings if the validity check
// tests the lower bound >= 0 as it's always true.
return iscntrl(code_unit) || isprint(code_unit);
inline int NewCapacity(int min_capacity) {
int capacity = Max(min_capacity, backing_store_.length());
int new_capacity = Min(capacity * kGrowthFactory, capacity + kMaxGrowth);
return new_capacity;
void ExpandBuffer() {
Vector<byte> new_store = Vector<byte>::New(NewCapacity(kInitialCapacity));
MemCopy(new_store.start(), backing_store_.start(), position_);
backing_store_ = new_store;
void ConvertToTwoByte() {
Vector<byte> new_store;
int new_content_size = position_ * kUC16Size;
if (new_content_size >= backing_store_.length()) {
// Ensure room for all currently read code units as UC16 as well
// as the code unit about to be stored.
new_store = Vector<byte>::New(NewCapacity(new_content_size));
} else {
new_store = backing_store_;
uint8_t* src = backing_store_.start();
uint16_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(new_store.start());
for (int i = position_ - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
dst[i] = src[i];
if (new_store.start() != backing_store_.start()) {
backing_store_ = new_store;
position_ = new_content_size;
is_one_byte_ = false;
bool is_one_byte_;
int position_;
Vector<byte> backing_store_;
// The current and look-ahead token.
struct TokenDesc {
Location location;
LiteralBuffer* literal_chars;
LiteralBuffer* raw_literal_chars;
uint32_t smi_value_;
Token::Value token;
static const int kCharacterLookaheadBufferSize = 1;
const int kMaxAscii = 127;
// Scans octal escape sequence. Also accepts "\0" decimal escape sequence.
template <bool capture_raw>
uc32 ScanOctalEscape(uc32 c, int length);
// Call this after setting source_ to the input.
void Init() {
// Set c0_ (one character ahead)
STATIC_ASSERT(kCharacterLookaheadBufferSize == 1);
// Initialize current_ to not refer to a literal.
current_.token = Token::UNINITIALIZED;
current_.literal_chars = NULL;
current_.raw_literal_chars = NULL;
next_.token = Token::UNINITIALIZED;
next_.literal_chars = NULL;
next_.raw_literal_chars = NULL;
next_next_.token = Token::UNINITIALIZED;
next_next_.literal_chars = NULL;
next_next_.raw_literal_chars = NULL;
found_html_comment_ = false;
scanner_error_ = MessageTemplate::kNone;
void ReportScannerError(const Location& location,
MessageTemplate::Template error) {
if (has_error()) return;
scanner_error_ = error;
scanner_error_location_ = location;
void ReportScannerError(int pos, MessageTemplate::Template error) {
if (has_error()) return;
scanner_error_ = error;
scanner_error_location_ = Location(pos, pos + 1);
// Seek to the next_ token at the given position.
void SeekNext(size_t position);
// Literal buffer support
inline void StartLiteral() {
LiteralBuffer* free_buffer =
(current_.literal_chars == &literal_buffer0_)
? &literal_buffer1_
: (current_.literal_chars == &literal_buffer1_) ? &literal_buffer2_
: &literal_buffer0_;
next_.literal_chars = free_buffer;
inline void StartRawLiteral() {
LiteralBuffer* free_buffer =
(current_.raw_literal_chars == &raw_literal_buffer0_)
? &raw_literal_buffer1_
: (current_.raw_literal_chars == &raw_literal_buffer1_)
? &raw_literal_buffer2_
: &raw_literal_buffer0_;
next_.raw_literal_chars = free_buffer;
INLINE(void AddLiteralChar(uc32 c)) {
INLINE(void AddLiteralChar(char c)) {
INLINE(void AddRawLiteralChar(uc32 c)) {
INLINE(void ReduceRawLiteralLength(int delta)) {
// Stops scanning of a literal and drop the collected characters,
// e.g., due to an encountered error.
inline void DropLiteral() {
next_.literal_chars = NULL;
next_.raw_literal_chars = NULL;
inline void AddLiteralCharAdvance() {
// Low-level scanning support.
template <bool capture_raw = false, bool check_surrogate = true>
void Advance() {
if (capture_raw) {
c0_ = source_->Advance();
if (check_surrogate) HandleLeadSurrogate();
void HandleLeadSurrogate() {
if (unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(c0_)) {
uc32 c1 = source_->Advance();
if (!unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(c1)) {
} else {
c0_ = unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(c0_, c1);
void PushBack(uc32 ch) {
if (c0_ > static_cast<uc32>(unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode)) {
} else {
c0_ = ch;
// Same as PushBack(ch1); PushBack(ch2).
// - Potentially more efficient as it uses Back2() on the stream.
// - Uses char as parameters, since we're only calling it with ASCII chars in
// practice. This way, we can avoid a few edge cases.
void PushBack2(char ch1, char ch2) {
c0_ = ch2;
inline Token::Value Select(Token::Value tok) {
return tok;
inline Token::Value Select(uc32 next, Token::Value then, Token::Value else_) {
if (c0_ == next) {
return then;
} else {
return else_;
// Returns the literal string, if any, for the current token (the
// token last returned by Next()). The string is 0-terminated.
// Literal strings are collected for identifiers, strings, numbers as well
// as for template literals. For template literals we also collect the raw
// form.
// These functions only give the correct result if the literal was scanned
// when a LiteralScope object is alive.
// Current usage of these functions is unfortunately a little undisciplined,
// and is_literal_one_byte() + is_literal_one_byte_string() is also
// requested for tokens that do not have a literal. Hence, we treat any
// token as a one-byte literal. E.g. Token::FUNCTION pretends to have a
// literal "function".
Vector<const uint8_t> literal_one_byte_string() {
if (current_.literal_chars)
return current_.literal_chars->one_byte_literal();
const char* str = Token::String(current_.token);
const uint8_t* str_as_uint8 = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str);
return Vector<const uint8_t>(str_as_uint8,
Vector<const uint16_t> literal_two_byte_string() {
return current_.literal_chars->two_byte_literal();
bool is_literal_one_byte() {
return !current_.literal_chars || current_.literal_chars->is_one_byte();
int literal_length() const {
if (current_.literal_chars) return current_.literal_chars->length();
return Token::StringLength(current_.token);
// Returns the literal string for the next token (the token that
// would be returned if Next() were called).
Vector<const uint8_t> next_literal_one_byte_string() {
return next_.literal_chars->one_byte_literal();
Vector<const uint16_t> next_literal_two_byte_string() {
return next_.literal_chars->two_byte_literal();
bool is_next_literal_one_byte() {
return next_.literal_chars->is_one_byte();
Vector<const uint8_t> raw_literal_one_byte_string() {
return current_.raw_literal_chars->one_byte_literal();
Vector<const uint16_t> raw_literal_two_byte_string() {
return current_.raw_literal_chars->two_byte_literal();
bool is_raw_literal_one_byte() {
return current_.raw_literal_chars->is_one_byte();
template <bool capture_raw, bool unicode = false>
uc32 ScanHexNumber(int expected_length);
// Scan a number of any length but not bigger than max_value. For example, the
// number can be 000000001, so it's very long in characters but its value is
// small.
template <bool capture_raw>
uc32 ScanUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value, int beg_pos);
// Scans a single JavaScript token.
void Scan();
bool SkipWhiteSpace();
Token::Value SkipSingleLineComment();
Token::Value SkipSourceURLComment();
void TryToParseSourceURLComment();
Token::Value SkipMultiLineComment();
// Scans a possible HTML comment -- begins with '<!'.
Token::Value ScanHtmlComment();
void ScanDecimalDigits();
Token::Value ScanNumber(bool seen_period);
Token::Value ScanIdentifierOrKeyword();
Token::Value ScanIdentifierSuffix(LiteralScope* literal, bool escaped);
Token::Value ScanString();
// Scans an escape-sequence which is part of a string and adds the
// decoded character to the current literal. Returns true if a pattern
// is scanned.
template <bool capture_raw, bool in_template_literal>
bool ScanEscape();
// Decodes a Unicode escape-sequence which is part of an identifier.
// If the escape sequence cannot be decoded the result is kBadChar.
uc32 ScanIdentifierUnicodeEscape();
// Helper for the above functions.
template <bool capture_raw>
uc32 ScanUnicodeEscape();
Token::Value ScanTemplateSpan();
// Return the current source position.
int source_pos() {
return static_cast<int>(source_->pos()) - kCharacterLookaheadBufferSize;
static bool LiteralContainsEscapes(const TokenDesc& token) {
Location location = token.location;
int source_length = (location.end_pos - location.beg_pos);
if (token.token == Token::STRING) {
// Subtract delimiters.
source_length -= 2;
return token.literal_chars &&
(token.literal_chars->length() != source_length);
#ifdef DEBUG
void SanityCheckTokenDesc(const TokenDesc&) const;
UnicodeCache* unicode_cache_;
// Buffers collecting literal strings, numbers, etc.
LiteralBuffer literal_buffer0_;
LiteralBuffer literal_buffer1_;
LiteralBuffer literal_buffer2_;
// Values parsed from magic comments.
LiteralBuffer source_url_;
LiteralBuffer source_mapping_url_;
// Buffer to store raw string values
LiteralBuffer raw_literal_buffer0_;
LiteralBuffer raw_literal_buffer1_;
LiteralBuffer raw_literal_buffer2_;
TokenDesc current_; // desc for current token (as returned by Next())
TokenDesc next_; // desc for next token (one token look-ahead)
TokenDesc next_next_; // desc for the token after next (after PeakAhead())
// Input stream. Must be initialized to an Utf16CharacterStream.
Utf16CharacterStream* source_;
// Last-seen positions of potentially problematic tokens.
Location octal_pos_;
Location decimal_with_leading_zero_pos_;
// One Unicode character look-ahead; c0_ < 0 at the end of the input.
uc32 c0_;
// Whether there is a line terminator whitespace character after
// the current token, and before the next. Does not count newlines
// inside multiline comments.
bool has_line_terminator_before_next_;
// Whether there is a multi-line comment that contains a
// line-terminator after the current token, and before the next.
bool has_multiline_comment_before_next_;
bool has_line_terminator_after_next_;
// Whether this scanner encountered an HTML comment.
bool found_html_comment_;
MessageTemplate::Template scanner_error_;
Location scanner_error_location_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8