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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Page heap.
// See malloc.go for overview.

package runtime

import (

// minPhysPageSize is a lower-bound on the physical page size. The
// true physical page size may be larger than this. In contrast,
// sys.PhysPageSize is an upper-bound on the physical page size.
const minPhysPageSize = 4096

// Main malloc heap.
// The heap itself is the "free[]" and "large" arrays,
// but all the other global data is here too.
// mheap must not be heap-allocated because it contains mSpanLists,
// which must not be heap-allocated.
type mheap struct {
	lock      mutex
	free      [_MaxMHeapList]mSpanList // free lists of given length
	freelarge mSpanList                // free lists length >= _MaxMHeapList
	busy      [_MaxMHeapList]mSpanList // busy lists of large objects of given length
	busylarge mSpanList                // busy lists of large objects length >= _MaxMHeapList
	sweepgen  uint32                   // sweep generation, see comment in mspan
	sweepdone uint32                   // all spans are swept

	// allspans is a slice of all mspans ever created. Each mspan
	// appears exactly once.
	// The memory for allspans is manually managed and can be
	// reallocated and move as the heap grows.
	// In general, allspans is protected by mheap_.lock, which
	// prevents concurrent access as well as freeing the backing
	// store. Accesses during STW might not hold the lock, but
	// must ensure that allocation cannot happen around the
	// access (since that may free the backing store).
	allspans []*mspan // all spans out there

	// spans is a lookup table to map virtual address page IDs to *mspan.
	// For allocated spans, their pages map to the span itself.
	// For free spans, only the lowest and highest pages map to the span itself.
	// Internal pages map to an arbitrary span.
	// For pages that have never been allocated, spans entries are nil.
	// This is backed by a reserved region of the address space so
	// it can grow without moving. The memory up to len(spans) is
	// mapped. cap(spans) indicates the total reserved memory.
	spans []*mspan

	// sweepSpans contains two mspan stacks: one of swept in-use
	// spans, and one of unswept in-use spans. These two trade
	// roles on each GC cycle. Since the sweepgen increases by 2
	// on each cycle, this means the swept spans are in
	// sweepSpans[sweepgen/2%2] and the unswept spans are in
	// sweepSpans[1-sweepgen/2%2]. Sweeping pops spans from the
	// unswept stack and pushes spans that are still in-use on the
	// swept stack. Likewise, allocating an in-use span pushes it
	// on the swept stack.
	sweepSpans [2]gcSweepBuf

	_ uint32 // align uint64 fields on 32-bit for atomics

	// Proportional sweep
	pagesInUse        uint64  // pages of spans in stats _MSpanInUse; R/W with mheap.lock
	spanBytesAlloc    uint64  // bytes of spans allocated this cycle; updated atomically
	pagesSwept        uint64  // pages swept this cycle; updated atomically
	sweepPagesPerByte float64 // proportional sweep ratio; written with lock, read without
	// TODO(austin): pagesInUse should be a uintptr, but the 386
	// compiler can't 8-byte align fields.

	// Malloc stats.
	largefree  uint64                  // bytes freed for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
	nlargefree uint64                  // number of frees for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
	nsmallfree [_NumSizeClasses]uint64 // number of frees for small objects (<=maxsmallsize)

	// range of addresses we might see in the heap
	bitmap         uintptr // Points to one byte past the end of the bitmap
	bitmap_mapped  uintptr
	arena_start    uintptr
	arena_used     uintptr // always mHeap_Map{Bits,Spans} before updating
	arena_end      uintptr
	arena_reserved bool

	// central free lists for small size classes.
	// the padding makes sure that the MCentrals are
	// spaced CacheLineSize bytes apart, so that each MCentral.lock
	// gets its own cache line.
	central [_NumSizeClasses]struct {
		mcentral mcentral
		pad      [sys.CacheLineSize]byte

	spanalloc             fixalloc // allocator for span*
	cachealloc            fixalloc // allocator for mcache*
	specialfinalizeralloc fixalloc // allocator for specialfinalizer*
	specialprofilealloc   fixalloc // allocator for specialprofile*
	speciallock           mutex    // lock for special record allocators.

var mheap_ mheap

// An MSpan is a run of pages.
// When a MSpan is in the heap free list, state == MSpanFree
// and heapmap(s->start) == span, heapmap(s->start+s->npages-1) == span.
// When a MSpan is allocated, state == MSpanInUse or MSpanStack
// and heapmap(i) == span for all s->start <= i < s->start+s->npages.

// Every MSpan is in one doubly-linked list,
// either one of the MHeap's free lists or one of the
// MCentral's span lists.

// An MSpan representing actual memory has state _MSpanInUse,
// _MSpanStack, or _MSpanFree. Transitions between these states are
// constrained as follows:
// * A span may transition from free to in-use or stack during any GC
//   phase.
// * During sweeping (gcphase == _GCoff), a span may transition from
//   in-use to free (as a result of sweeping) or stack to free (as a
//   result of stacks being freed).
// * During GC (gcphase != _GCoff), a span *must not* transition from
//   stack or in-use to free. Because concurrent GC may read a pointer
//   and then look up its span, the span state must be monotonic.
type mSpanState uint8

const (
	_MSpanDead  mSpanState = iota
	_MSpanInUse            // allocated for garbage collected heap
	_MSpanStack            // allocated for use by stack allocator

// mSpanStateNames are the names of the span states, indexed by
// mSpanState.
var mSpanStateNames = []string{

// mSpanList heads a linked list of spans.
type mSpanList struct {
	first *mspan // first span in list, or nil if none
	last  *mspan // last span in list, or nil if none

type mspan struct {
	next *mspan     // next span in list, or nil if none
	prev *mspan     // previous span in list, or nil if none
	list *mSpanList // For debugging. TODO: Remove.

	startAddr     uintptr   // address of first byte of span aka s.base()
	npages        uintptr   // number of pages in span
	stackfreelist gclinkptr // list of free stacks, avoids overloading freelist

	// freeindex is the slot index between 0 and nelems at which to begin scanning
	// for the next free object in this span.
	// Each allocation scans allocBits starting at freeindex until it encounters a 0
	// indicating a free object. freeindex is then adjusted so that subsequent scans begin
	// just past the the newly discovered free object.
	// If freeindex == nelem, this span has no free objects.
	// allocBits is a bitmap of objects in this span.
	// If n >= freeindex and allocBits[n/8] & (1<<(n%8)) is 0
	// then object n is free;
	// otherwise, object n is allocated. Bits starting at nelem are
	// undefined and should never be referenced.
	// Object n starts at address n*elemsize + (start << pageShift).
	freeindex uintptr
	// TODO: Look up nelems from sizeclass and remove this field if it
	// helps performance.
	nelems uintptr // number of object in the span.

	// Cache of the allocBits at freeindex. allocCache is shifted
	// such that the lowest bit corresponds to the bit freeindex.
	// allocCache holds the complement of allocBits, thus allowing
	// ctz (count trailing zero) to use it directly.
	// allocCache may contain bits beyond s.nelems; the caller must ignore
	// these.
	allocCache uint64

	// allocBits and gcmarkBits hold pointers to a span's mark and
	// allocation bits. The pointers are 8 byte aligned.
	// There are three arenas where this data is held.
	// free: Dirty arenas that are no longer accessed
	//       and can be reused.
	// next: Holds information to be used in the next GC cycle.
	// current: Information being used during this GC cycle.
	// previous: Information being used during the last GC cycle.
	// A new GC cycle starts with the call to finishsweep_m.
	// finishsweep_m moves the previous arena to the free arena,
	// the current arena to the previous arena, and
	// the next arena to the current arena.
	// The next arena is populated as the spans request
	// memory to hold gcmarkBits for the next GC cycle as well
	// as allocBits for newly allocated spans.
	// The pointer arithmetic is done "by hand" instead of using
	// arrays to avoid bounds checks along critical performance
	// paths.
	// The sweep will free the old allocBits and set allocBits to the
	// gcmarkBits. The gcmarkBits are replaced with a fresh zeroed
	// out memory.
	allocBits  *uint8
	gcmarkBits *uint8

	// sweep generation:
	// if sweepgen == h->sweepgen - 2, the span needs sweeping
	// if sweepgen == h->sweepgen - 1, the span is currently being swept
	// if sweepgen == h->sweepgen, the span is swept and ready to use
	// h->sweepgen is incremented by 2 after every GC

	sweepgen    uint32
	divMul      uint16     // for divide by elemsize - divMagic.mul
	baseMask    uint16     // if non-0, elemsize is a power of 2, & this will get object allocation base
	allocCount  uint16     // capacity - number of objects in freelist
	sizeclass   uint8      // size class
	incache     bool       // being used by an mcache
	state       mSpanState // mspaninuse etc
	needzero    uint8      // needs to be zeroed before allocation
	divShift    uint8      // for divide by elemsize - divMagic.shift
	divShift2   uint8      // for divide by elemsize - divMagic.shift2
	elemsize    uintptr    // computed from sizeclass or from npages
	unusedsince int64      // first time spotted by gc in mspanfree state
	npreleased  uintptr    // number of pages released to the os
	limit       uintptr    // end of data in span
	speciallock mutex      // guards specials list
	specials    *special   // linked list of special records sorted by offset.

func (s *mspan) base() uintptr {
	return s.startAddr

func (s *mspan) layout() (size, n, total uintptr) {
	total = s.npages << _PageShift
	size = s.elemsize
	if size > 0 {
		n = total / size

func recordspan(vh unsafe.Pointer, p unsafe.Pointer) {
	h := (*mheap)(vh)
	s := (*mspan)(p)
	if len(h.allspans) >= cap(h.allspans) {
		n := 64 * 1024 / sys.PtrSize
		if n < cap(h.allspans)*3/2 {
			n = cap(h.allspans) * 3 / 2
		var new []*mspan
		sp := (*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&new))
		sp.array = sysAlloc(uintptr(n)*sys.PtrSize, &memstats.other_sys)
		if sp.array == nil {
			throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
		sp.len = len(h.allspans)
		sp.cap = n
		if len(h.allspans) > 0 {
			copy(new, h.allspans)
		oldAllspans := h.allspans
		h.allspans = new
		if len(oldAllspans) != 0 {
			sysFree(unsafe.Pointer(&oldAllspans[0]), uintptr(cap(oldAllspans))*unsafe.Sizeof(oldAllspans[0]), &memstats.other_sys)
	h.allspans = append(h.allspans, s)

// inheap reports whether b is a pointer into a (potentially dead) heap object.
// It returns false for pointers into stack spans.
// Non-preemptible because it is used by write barriers.
func inheap(b uintptr) bool {
	if b == 0 || b < mheap_.arena_start || b >= mheap_.arena_used {
		return false
	// Not a beginning of a block, consult span table to find the block beginning.
	s := mheap_.spans[(b-mheap_.arena_start)>>_PageShift]
	if s == nil || b < s.base() || b >= s.limit || s.state != mSpanInUse {
		return false
	return true

// inHeapOrStack is a variant of inheap that returns true for pointers into stack spans.
func inHeapOrStack(b uintptr) bool {
	if b == 0 || b < mheap_.arena_start || b >= mheap_.arena_used {
		return false
	// Not a beginning of a block, consult span table to find the block beginning.
	s := mheap_.spans[(b-mheap_.arena_start)>>_PageShift]
	if s == nil || b < s.base() {
		return false
	switch s.state {
	case mSpanInUse:
		return b < s.limit
	case _MSpanStack:
		return b < s.base()+s.npages<<_PageShift
		return false

// TODO: spanOf and spanOfUnchecked are open-coded in a lot of places.
// Use the functions instead.

// spanOf returns the span of p. If p does not point into the heap or
// no span contains p, spanOf returns nil.
func spanOf(p uintptr) *mspan {
	if p == 0 || p < mheap_.arena_start || p >= mheap_.arena_used {
		return nil
	return spanOfUnchecked(p)

// spanOfUnchecked is equivalent to spanOf, but the caller must ensure
// that p points into the heap (that is, mheap_.arena_start <= p <
// mheap_.arena_used).
func spanOfUnchecked(p uintptr) *mspan {
	return mheap_.spans[(p-mheap_.arena_start)>>_PageShift]

func mlookup(v uintptr, base *uintptr, size *uintptr, sp **mspan) int32 {
	_g_ := getg()

	if sys.PtrSize == 4 && _g_.m.mcache.local_nlookup >= 1<<30 {
		// purge cache stats to prevent overflow

	s := mheap_.lookupMaybe(unsafe.Pointer(v))
	if sp != nil {
		*sp = s
	if s == nil {
		if base != nil {
			*base = 0
		if size != nil {
			*size = 0
		return 0

	p := s.base()
	if s.sizeclass == 0 {
		// Large object.
		if base != nil {
			*base = p
		if size != nil {
			*size = s.npages << _PageShift
		return 1

	n := s.elemsize
	if base != nil {
		i := (v - p) / n
		*base = p + i*n
	if size != nil {
		*size = n

	return 1

// Initialize the heap.
func (h *mheap) init(spansStart, spansBytes uintptr) {
	h.spanalloc.init(unsafe.Sizeof(mspan{}), recordspan, unsafe.Pointer(h), &memstats.mspan_sys)
	h.cachealloc.init(unsafe.Sizeof(mcache{}), nil, nil, &memstats.mcache_sys)
	h.specialfinalizeralloc.init(unsafe.Sizeof(specialfinalizer{}), nil, nil, &memstats.other_sys)
	h.specialprofilealloc.init(unsafe.Sizeof(specialprofile{}), nil, nil, &memstats.other_sys)

	// Don't zero mspan allocations. Background sweeping can
	// inspect a span concurrently with allocating it, so it's
	// important that the span's sweepgen survive across freeing
	// and re-allocating a span to prevent background sweeping
	// from improperly cas'ing it from 0.
	// This is safe because mspan contains no heap pointers.
	h.spanalloc.zero = false

	// h->mapcache needs no init
	for i := range h.free {

	for i := range h.central {

	sp := (*slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&h.spans))
	sp.array = unsafe.Pointer(spansStart)
	sp.len = 0
	sp.cap = int(spansBytes / sys.PtrSize)

// mHeap_MapSpans makes sure that the spans are mapped
// up to the new value of arena_used.
// It must be called with the expected new value of arena_used,
// *before* h.arena_used has been updated.
// Waiting to update arena_used until after the memory has been mapped
// avoids faults when other threads try access the bitmap immediately
// after observing the change to arena_used.
func (h *mheap) mapSpans(arena_used uintptr) {
	// Map spans array, PageSize at a time.
	n := arena_used
	n -= h.arena_start
	n = n / _PageSize * sys.PtrSize
	n = round(n, physPageSize)
	need := n / unsafe.Sizeof(h.spans[0])
	have := uintptr(len(h.spans))
	if have >= need {
	h.spans = h.spans[:need]
	sysMap(unsafe.Pointer(&h.spans[have]), (need-have)*unsafe.Sizeof(h.spans[0]), h.arena_reserved, &memstats.other_sys)

// Sweeps spans in list until reclaims at least npages into heap.
// Returns the actual number of pages reclaimed.
func (h *mheap) reclaimList(list *mSpanList, npages uintptr) uintptr {
	n := uintptr(0)
	sg := mheap_.sweepgen
	for s := list.first; s != nil; s = s.next {
		if s.sweepgen == sg-2 && atomic.Cas(&s.sweepgen, sg-2, sg-1) {
			// swept spans are at the end of the list
			snpages := s.npages
			if s.sweep(false) {
				n += snpages
			if n >= npages {
				return n
			// the span could have been moved elsewhere
			goto retry
		if s.sweepgen == sg-1 {
			// the span is being sweept by background sweeper, skip
		// already swept empty span,
		// all subsequent ones must also be either swept or in process of sweeping
	return n

// Sweeps and reclaims at least npage pages into heap.
// Called before allocating npage pages.
func (h *mheap) reclaim(npage uintptr) {
	// First try to sweep busy spans with large objects of size >= npage,
	// this has good chances of reclaiming the necessary space.
	for i := int(npage); i < len(h.busy); i++ {
		if h.reclaimList(&h.busy[i], npage) != 0 {
			return // Bingo!

	// Then -- even larger objects.
	if h.reclaimList(&h.busylarge, npage) != 0 {
		return // Bingo!

	// Now try smaller objects.
	// One such object is not enough, so we need to reclaim several of them.
	reclaimed := uintptr(0)
	for i := 0; i < int(npage) && i < len(h.busy); i++ {
		reclaimed += h.reclaimList(&h.busy[i], npage-reclaimed)
		if reclaimed >= npage {

	// Now sweep everything that is not yet swept.
	for {
		n := sweepone()
		if n == ^uintptr(0) { // all spans are swept
		reclaimed += n
		if reclaimed >= npage {

// Allocate a new span of npage pages from the heap for GC'd memory
// and record its size class in the HeapMap and HeapMapCache.
func (h *mheap) alloc_m(npage uintptr, sizeclass int32, large bool) *mspan {
	_g_ := getg()
	if _g_ != _g_.m.g0 {
		throw("_mheap_alloc not on g0 stack")

	// To prevent excessive heap growth, before allocating n pages
	// we need to sweep and reclaim at least n pages.
	if h.sweepdone == 0 {
		// TODO(austin): This tends to sweep a large number of
		// spans in order to find a few completely free spans
		// (for example, in the garbage benchmark, this sweeps
		// ~30x the number of pages its trying to allocate).
		// If GC kept a bit for whether there were any marks
		// in a span, we could release these free spans
		// at the end of GC and eliminate this entirely.

	// transfer stats from cache to global
	memstats.heap_scan += uint64(_g_.m.mcache.local_scan)
	_g_.m.mcache.local_scan = 0
	memstats.tinyallocs += uint64(_g_.m.mcache.local_tinyallocs)
	_g_.m.mcache.local_tinyallocs = 0

	s := h.allocSpanLocked(npage)
	if s != nil {
		// Record span info, because gc needs to be
		// able to map interior pointer to containing span.
		atomic.Store(&s.sweepgen, h.sweepgen)
		h.sweepSpans[h.sweepgen/2%2].push(s) // Add to swept in-use list.
		s.state = _MSpanInUse
		s.allocCount = 0
		s.sizeclass = uint8(sizeclass)
		if sizeclass == 0 {
			s.elemsize = s.npages << _PageShift
			s.divShift = 0
			s.divMul = 0
			s.divShift2 = 0
			s.baseMask = 0
		} else {
			s.elemsize = uintptr(class_to_size[sizeclass])
			m := &class_to_divmagic[sizeclass]
			s.divShift = m.shift
			s.divMul = m.mul
			s.divShift2 = m.shift2
			s.baseMask = m.baseMask

		// update stats, sweep lists
		h.pagesInUse += uint64(npage)
		if large {
			atomic.Xadd64(&memstats.heap_live, int64(npage<<_PageShift))
			// Swept spans are at the end of lists.
			if s.npages < uintptr(len(h.free)) {
			} else {
	// heap_scan and heap_live were updated.
	if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 {

	if trace.enabled {

	// h.spans is accessed concurrently without synchronization
	// from other threads. Hence, there must be a store/store
	// barrier here to ensure the writes to h.spans above happen
	// before the caller can publish a pointer p to an object
	// allocated from s. As soon as this happens, the garbage
	// collector running on another processor could read p and
	// look up s in h.spans. The unlock acts as the barrier to
	// order these writes. On the read side, the data dependency
	// between p and the index in h.spans orders the reads.
	return s

func (h *mheap) alloc(npage uintptr, sizeclass int32, large bool, needzero bool) *mspan {
	// Don't do any operations that lock the heap on the G stack.
	// It might trigger stack growth, and the stack growth code needs
	// to be able to allocate heap.
	var s *mspan
	systemstack(func() {
		s = h.alloc_m(npage, sizeclass, large)

	if s != nil {
		if needzero && s.needzero != 0 {
			memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(s.base()), s.npages<<_PageShift)
		s.needzero = 0
	return s

func (h *mheap) allocStack(npage uintptr) *mspan {
	_g_ := getg()
	if _g_ != _g_.m.g0 {
		throw("mheap_allocstack not on g0 stack")
	s := h.allocSpanLocked(npage)
	if s != nil {
		s.state = _MSpanStack
		s.stackfreelist = 0
		s.allocCount = 0
		memstats.stacks_inuse += uint64(s.npages << _PageShift)

	// This unlock acts as a release barrier. See mHeap_Alloc_m.
	return s

// Allocates a span of the given size.  h must be locked.
// The returned span has been removed from the
// free list, but its state is still MSpanFree.
func (h *mheap) allocSpanLocked(npage uintptr) *mspan {
	var list *mSpanList
	var s *mspan

	// Try in fixed-size lists up to max.
	for i := int(npage); i < len(h.free); i++ {
		list = &h.free[i]
		if !list.isEmpty() {
			s = list.first
			goto HaveSpan

	// Best fit in list of large spans.
	list = &h.freelarge
	s = h.allocLarge(npage)
	if s == nil {
		if !h.grow(npage) {
			return nil
		s = h.allocLarge(npage)
		if s == nil {
			return nil

	// Mark span in use.
	if s.state != _MSpanFree {
		throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - MSpan not free")
	if s.npages < npage {
		throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - bad npages")
	if s.inList() {
		throw("still in list")
	if s.npreleased > 0 {
		sysUsed(unsafe.Pointer(s.base()), s.npages<<_PageShift)
		memstats.heap_released -= uint64(s.npreleased << _PageShift)
		s.npreleased = 0

	if s.npages > npage {
		// Trim extra and put it back in the heap.
		t := (*mspan)(h.spanalloc.alloc())
		t.init(s.base()+npage<<_PageShift, s.npages-npage)
		s.npages = npage
		p := (t.base() - h.arena_start) >> _PageShift
		if p > 0 {
			h.spans[p-1] = s
		h.spans[p] = t
		h.spans[p+t.npages-1] = t
		t.needzero = s.needzero
		s.state = _MSpanStack // prevent coalescing with s
		t.state = _MSpanStack
		h.freeSpanLocked(t, false, false, s.unusedsince)
		s.state = _MSpanFree
	s.unusedsince = 0

	p := (s.base() - h.arena_start) >> _PageShift
	for n := uintptr(0); n < npage; n++ {
		h.spans[p+n] = s

	memstats.heap_inuse += uint64(npage << _PageShift)
	memstats.heap_idle -= uint64(npage << _PageShift)

	//println("spanalloc", hex(s.start<<_PageShift))
	if s.inList() {
		throw("still in list")
	return s

// Allocate a span of exactly npage pages from the list of large spans.
func (h *mheap) allocLarge(npage uintptr) *mspan {
	return bestFit(&h.freelarge, npage, nil)

// Search list for smallest span with >= npage pages.
// If there are multiple smallest spans, take the one
// with the earliest starting address.
func bestFit(list *mSpanList, npage uintptr, best *mspan) *mspan {
	for s := list.first; s != nil; s = s.next {
		if s.npages < npage {
		if best == nil || s.npages < best.npages || (s.npages == best.npages && s.base() < best.base()) {
			best = s
	return best

// Try to add at least npage pages of memory to the heap,
// returning whether it worked.
// h must be locked.
func (h *mheap) grow(npage uintptr) bool {
	// Ask for a big chunk, to reduce the number of mappings
	// the operating system needs to track; also amortizes
	// the overhead of an operating system mapping.
	// Allocate a multiple of 64kB.
	npage = round(npage, (64<<10)/_PageSize)
	ask := npage << _PageShift
	if ask < _HeapAllocChunk {
		ask = _HeapAllocChunk

	v := h.sysAlloc(ask)
	if v == nil {
		if ask > npage<<_PageShift {
			ask = npage << _PageShift
			v = h.sysAlloc(ask)
		if v == nil {
			print("runtime: out of memory: cannot allocate ", ask, "-byte block (", memstats.heap_sys, " in use)\n")
			return false

	// Create a fake "in use" span and free it, so that the
	// right coalescing happens.
	s := (*mspan)(h.spanalloc.alloc())
	s.init(uintptr(v), ask>>_PageShift)
	p := (s.base() - h.arena_start) >> _PageShift
	for i := p; i < p+s.npages; i++ {
		h.spans[i] = s
	atomic.Store(&s.sweepgen, h.sweepgen)
	s.state = _MSpanInUse
	h.pagesInUse += uint64(s.npages)
	h.freeSpanLocked(s, false, true, 0)
	return true

// Look up the span at the given address.
// Address is guaranteed to be in map
// and is guaranteed to be start or end of span.
func (h *mheap) lookup(v unsafe.Pointer) *mspan {
	p := uintptr(v)
	p -= h.arena_start
	return h.spans[p>>_PageShift]

// Look up the span at the given address.
// Address is *not* guaranteed to be in map
// and may be anywhere in the span.
// Map entries for the middle of a span are only
// valid for allocated spans. Free spans may have
// other garbage in their middles, so we have to
// check for that.
func (h *mheap) lookupMaybe(v unsafe.Pointer) *mspan {
	if uintptr(v) < h.arena_start || uintptr(v) >= h.arena_used {
		return nil
	s := h.spans[(uintptr(v)-h.arena_start)>>_PageShift]
	if s == nil || uintptr(v) < s.base() || uintptr(v) >= uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s.limit)) || s.state != _MSpanInUse {
		return nil
	return s

// Free the span back into the heap.
func (h *mheap) freeSpan(s *mspan, acct int32) {
	systemstack(func() {
		mp := getg().m
		memstats.heap_scan += uint64(mp.mcache.local_scan)
		mp.mcache.local_scan = 0
		memstats.tinyallocs += uint64(mp.mcache.local_tinyallocs)
		mp.mcache.local_tinyallocs = 0
		if msanenabled {
			// Tell msan that this entire span is no longer in use.
			base := unsafe.Pointer(s.base())
			bytes := s.npages << _PageShift
			msanfree(base, bytes)
		if acct != 0 {
		if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 {
			// heap_scan changed.
		h.freeSpanLocked(s, true, true, 0)

func (h *mheap) freeStack(s *mspan) {
	_g_ := getg()
	if _g_ != _g_.m.g0 {
		throw("mheap_freestack not on g0 stack")
	s.needzero = 1
	memstats.stacks_inuse -= uint64(s.npages << _PageShift)
	h.freeSpanLocked(s, true, true, 0)

// s must be on a busy list (h.busy or h.busylarge) or unlinked.
func (h *mheap) freeSpanLocked(s *mspan, acctinuse, acctidle bool, unusedsince int64) {
	switch s.state {
	case _MSpanStack:
		if s.allocCount != 0 {
			throw("MHeap_FreeSpanLocked - invalid stack free")
	case _MSpanInUse:
		if s.allocCount != 0 || s.sweepgen != h.sweepgen {
			print("MHeap_FreeSpanLocked - span ", s, " ptr ", hex(s.base()), " allocCount ", s.allocCount, " sweepgen ", s.sweepgen, "/", h.sweepgen, "\n")
			throw("MHeap_FreeSpanLocked - invalid free")
		h.pagesInUse -= uint64(s.npages)
		throw("MHeap_FreeSpanLocked - invalid span state")

	if acctinuse {
		memstats.heap_inuse -= uint64(s.npages << _PageShift)
	if acctidle {
		memstats.heap_idle += uint64(s.npages << _PageShift)
	s.state = _MSpanFree
	if s.inList() {

	// Stamp newly unused spans. The scavenger will use that
	// info to potentially give back some pages to the OS.
	s.unusedsince = unusedsince
	if unusedsince == 0 {
		s.unusedsince = nanotime()
	s.npreleased = 0

	// Coalesce with earlier, later spans.
	p := (s.base() - h.arena_start) >> _PageShift
	if p > 0 {
		t := h.spans[p-1]
		if t != nil && t.state == _MSpanFree {
			s.startAddr = t.startAddr
			s.npages += t.npages
			s.npreleased = t.npreleased // absorb released pages
			s.needzero |= t.needzero
			p -= t.npages
			h.spans[p] = s
			t.state = _MSpanDead
	if (p + s.npages) < uintptr(len(h.spans)) {
		t := h.spans[p+s.npages]
		if t != nil && t.state == _MSpanFree {
			s.npages += t.npages
			s.npreleased += t.npreleased
			s.needzero |= t.needzero
			h.spans[p+s.npages-1] = s
			t.state = _MSpanDead

	// Insert s into appropriate list.

func (h *mheap) freeList(npages uintptr) *mSpanList {
	if npages < uintptr(len(h.free)) {
		return &h.free[npages]
	return &h.freelarge

func (h *mheap) busyList(npages uintptr) *mSpanList {
	if npages < uintptr(len(h.free)) {
		return &h.busy[npages]
	return &h.busylarge

func scavengelist(list *mSpanList, now, limit uint64) uintptr {
	if list.isEmpty() {
		return 0

	var sumreleased uintptr
	for s := list.first; s != nil; s = s.next {
		if (now-uint64(s.unusedsince)) > limit && s.npreleased != s.npages {
			start := s.base()
			end := start + s.npages<<_PageShift
			if physPageSize > _PageSize {
				// We can only release pages in
				// physPageSize blocks, so round start
				// and end in. (Otherwise, madvise
				// will round them *out* and release
				// more memory than we want.)
				start = (start + physPageSize - 1) &^ (physPageSize - 1)
				end &^= physPageSize - 1
				if end <= start {
					// start and end don't span a
					// whole physical page.
			len := end - start

			released := len - (s.npreleased << _PageShift)
			if physPageSize > _PageSize && released == 0 {
			memstats.heap_released += uint64(released)
			sumreleased += released
			s.npreleased = len >> _PageShift
			sysUnused(unsafe.Pointer(start), len)
	return sumreleased

func (h *mheap) scavenge(k int32, now, limit uint64) {
	var sumreleased uintptr
	for i := 0; i < len(h.free); i++ {
		sumreleased += scavengelist(&h.free[i], now, limit)
	sumreleased += scavengelist(&h.freelarge, now, limit)

	if debug.gctrace > 0 {
		if sumreleased > 0 {
			print("scvg", k, ": ", sumreleased>>20, " MB released\n")
		// TODO(dvyukov): these stats are incorrect as we don't subtract stack usage from heap.
		// But we can't call ReadMemStats on g0 holding locks.
		print("scvg", k, ": inuse: ", memstats.heap_inuse>>20, ", idle: ", memstats.heap_idle>>20, ", sys: ", memstats.heap_sys>>20, ", released: ", memstats.heap_released>>20, ", consumed: ", (memstats.heap_sys-memstats.heap_released)>>20, " (MB)\n")

//go:linkname runtime_debug_freeOSMemory runtime/debug.freeOSMemory
func runtime_debug_freeOSMemory() {
	gcStart(gcForceBlockMode, false)
	systemstack(func() { mheap_.scavenge(-1, ^uint64(0), 0) })

// Initialize a new span with the given start and npages.
func (span *mspan) init(base uintptr, npages uintptr) {
	// span is *not* zeroed.
	span.next = nil
	span.prev = nil
	span.list = nil
	span.startAddr = base
	span.npages = npages
	span.allocCount = 0
	span.sizeclass = 0
	span.incache = false
	span.elemsize = 0
	span.state = _MSpanDead
	span.unusedsince = 0
	span.npreleased = 0
	span.speciallock.key = 0
	span.specials = nil
	span.needzero = 0
	span.freeindex = 0
	span.allocBits = nil
	span.gcmarkBits = nil

func (span *mspan) inList() bool {
	return span.list != nil

// Initialize an empty doubly-linked list.
func (list *mSpanList) init() {
	list.first = nil
	list.last = nil

func (list *mSpanList) remove(span *mspan) {
	if span.list != list {
		println("runtime: failed MSpanList_Remove", span, span.prev, span.list, list)
	if list.first == span {
		list.first = span.next
	} else {
		span.prev.next = span.next
	if list.last == span {
		list.last = span.prev
	} else {
		span.next.prev = span.prev
	span.next = nil
	span.prev = nil
	span.list = nil

func (list *mSpanList) isEmpty() bool {
	return list.first == nil

func (list *mSpanList) insert(span *mspan) {
	if span.next != nil || span.prev != nil || span.list != nil {
		println("runtime: failed MSpanList_Insert", span, span.next, span.prev, span.list)
	span.next = list.first
	if list.first != nil {
		// The list contains at least one span; link it in.
		// The last span in the list doesn't change.
		list.first.prev = span
	} else {
		// The list contains no spans, so this is also the last span.
		list.last = span
	list.first = span
	span.list = list

func (list *mSpanList) insertBack(span *mspan) {
	if span.next != nil || span.prev != nil || span.list != nil {
		println("failed MSpanList_InsertBack", span, span.next, span.prev, span.list)
	span.prev = list.last
	if list.last != nil {
		// The list contains at least one span.
		list.last.next = span
	} else {
		// The list contains no spans, so this is also the first span.
		list.first = span
	list.last = span
	span.list = list

const (
	_KindSpecialFinalizer = 1
	_KindSpecialProfile   = 2
	// Note: The finalizer special must be first because if we're freeing
	// an object, a finalizer special will cause the freeing operation
	// to abort, and we want to keep the other special records around
	// if that happens.

type special struct {
	next   *special // linked list in span
	offset uint16   // span offset of object
	kind   byte     // kind of special

// Adds the special record s to the list of special records for
// the object p. All fields of s should be filled in except for
// offset & next, which this routine will fill in.
// Returns true if the special was successfully added, false otherwise.
// (The add will fail only if a record with the same p and s->kind
//  already exists.)
func addspecial(p unsafe.Pointer, s *special) bool {
	span := mheap_.lookupMaybe(p)
	if span == nil {
		throw("addspecial on invalid pointer")

	// Ensure that the span is swept.
	// Sweeping accesses the specials list w/o locks, so we have
	// to synchronize with it. And it's just much safer.
	mp := acquirem()

	offset := uintptr(p) - span.base()
	kind := s.kind


	// Find splice point, check for existing record.
	t := &span.specials
	for {
		x := *t
		if x == nil {
		if offset == uintptr(x.offset) && kind == x.kind {
			return false // already exists
		if offset < uintptr(x.offset) || (offset == uintptr(x.offset) && kind < x.kind) {
		t = &x.next

	// Splice in record, fill in offset.
	s.offset = uint16(offset)
	s.next = *t
	*t = s

	return true

// Removes the Special record of the given kind for the object p.
// Returns the record if the record existed, nil otherwise.
// The caller must FixAlloc_Free the result.
func removespecial(p unsafe.Pointer, kind uint8) *special {
	span := mheap_.lookupMaybe(p)
	if span == nil {
		throw("removespecial on invalid pointer")

	// Ensure that the span is swept.
	// Sweeping accesses the specials list w/o locks, so we have
	// to synchronize with it. And it's just much safer.
	mp := acquirem()

	offset := uintptr(p) - span.base()

	t := &span.specials
	for {
		s := *t
		if s == nil {
		// This function is used for finalizers only, so we don't check for
		// "interior" specials (p must be exactly equal to s->offset).
		if offset == uintptr(s.offset) && kind == s.kind {
			*t = s.next
			return s
		t = &s.next
	return nil

// The described object has a finalizer set for it.
// specialfinalizer is allocated from non-GC'd memory, so any heap
// pointers must be specially handled.
type specialfinalizer struct {
	special special
	fn      *funcval // May be a heap pointer.
	nret    uintptr
	fint    *_type   // May be a heap pointer, but always live.
	ot      *ptrtype // May be a heap pointer, but always live.

// Adds a finalizer to the object p. Returns true if it succeeded.
func addfinalizer(p unsafe.Pointer, f *funcval, nret uintptr, fint *_type, ot *ptrtype) bool {
	s := (*specialfinalizer)(mheap_.specialfinalizeralloc.alloc())
	s.special.kind = _KindSpecialFinalizer
	s.fn = f
	s.nret = nret
	s.fint = fint
	s.ot = ot
	if addspecial(p, &s.special) {
		// This is responsible for maintaining the same
		// GC-related invariants as markrootSpans in any
		// situation where it's possible that markrootSpans
		// has already run but mark termination hasn't yet.
		if gcphase != _GCoff {
			_, base, _ := findObject(p)
			mp := acquirem()
			gcw := &mp.p.ptr().gcw
			// Mark everything reachable from the object
			// so it's retained for the finalizer.
			scanobject(uintptr(base), gcw)
			// Mark the finalizer itself, since the
			// special isn't part of the GC'd heap.
			scanblock(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&s.fn)), sys.PtrSize, &oneptrmask[0], gcw)
			if gcBlackenPromptly {
		return true

	// There was an old finalizer
	return false

// Removes the finalizer (if any) from the object p.
func removefinalizer(p unsafe.Pointer) {
	s := (*specialfinalizer)(unsafe.Pointer(removespecial(p, _KindSpecialFinalizer)))
	if s == nil {
		return // there wasn't a finalizer to remove

// The described object is being heap profiled.
type specialprofile struct {
	special special
	b       *bucket

// Set the heap profile bucket associated with addr to b.
func setprofilebucket(p unsafe.Pointer, b *bucket) {
	s := (*specialprofile)(mheap_.specialprofilealloc.alloc())
	s.special.kind = _KindSpecialProfile
	s.b = b
	if !addspecial(p, &s.special) {
		throw("setprofilebucket: profile already set")

// Do whatever cleanup needs to be done to deallocate s. It has
// already been unlinked from the MSpan specials list.
func freespecial(s *special, p unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) {
	switch s.kind {
	case _KindSpecialFinalizer:
		sf := (*specialfinalizer)(unsafe.Pointer(s))
		queuefinalizer(p, sf.fn, sf.nret, sf.fint, sf.ot)
	case _KindSpecialProfile:
		sp := (*specialprofile)(unsafe.Pointer(s))
		mProf_Free(sp.b, size)
		throw("bad special kind")
		panic("not reached")

const gcBitsChunkBytes = uintptr(64 << 10)
const gcBitsHeaderBytes = unsafe.Sizeof(gcBitsHeader{})

type gcBitsHeader struct {
	free uintptr // free is the index into bits of the next free byte.
	next uintptr // *gcBits triggers recursive type bug. (issue 14620)

type gcBits struct {
	// gcBitsHeader // side step recursive type bug (issue 14620) by including fields by hand.
	free uintptr // free is the index into bits of the next free byte.
	next *gcBits
	bits [gcBitsChunkBytes - gcBitsHeaderBytes]uint8

var gcBitsArenas struct {
	lock     mutex
	free     *gcBits
	next     *gcBits
	current  *gcBits
	previous *gcBits

// newMarkBits returns a pointer to 8 byte aligned bytes
// to be used for a span's mark bits.
func newMarkBits(nelems uintptr) *uint8 {
	blocksNeeded := uintptr((nelems + 63) / 64)
	bytesNeeded := blocksNeeded * 8
	if gcBitsArenas.next == nil ||
		gcBitsArenas.next.free+bytesNeeded > uintptr(len(gcBits{}.bits)) {
		// Allocate a new arena.
		fresh := newArena()
		fresh.next = gcBitsArenas.next
		gcBitsArenas.next = fresh
	if gcBitsArenas.next.free >= gcBitsChunkBytes {
		println("runtime: gcBitsArenas.next.free=", gcBitsArenas.next.free, gcBitsChunkBytes)
		throw("markBits overflow")
	result := &gcBitsArenas.next.bits[gcBitsArenas.next.free]
	gcBitsArenas.next.free += bytesNeeded
	return result

// newAllocBits returns a pointer to 8 byte aligned bytes
// to be used for this span's alloc bits.
// newAllocBits is used to provide newly initialized spans
// allocation bits. For spans not being initialized the
// the mark bits are repurposed as allocation bits when
// the span is swept.
func newAllocBits(nelems uintptr) *uint8 {
	return newMarkBits(nelems)

// nextMarkBitArenaEpoch establishes a new epoch for the arenas
// holding the mark bits. The arenas are named relative to the
// current GC cycle which is demarcated by the call to finishweep_m.
// All current spans have been swept.
// During that sweep each span allocated room for its gcmarkBits in
// gcBitsArenas.next block. gcBitsArenas.next becomes the gcBitsArenas.current
// where the GC will mark objects and after each span is swept these bits
// will be used to allocate objects.
// gcBitsArenas.current becomes gcBitsArenas.previous where the span's
// gcAllocBits live until all the spans have been swept during this GC cycle.
// The span's sweep extinguishes all the references to gcBitsArenas.previous
// by pointing gcAllocBits into the gcBitsArenas.current.
// The gcBitsArenas.previous is released to the gcBitsArenas.free list.
func nextMarkBitArenaEpoch() {
	if gcBitsArenas.previous != nil {
		if gcBitsArenas.free == nil {
			gcBitsArenas.free = gcBitsArenas.previous
		} else {
			// Find end of previous arenas.
			last := gcBitsArenas.previous
			for last = gcBitsArenas.previous; last.next != nil; last = last.next {
			last.next = gcBitsArenas.free
			gcBitsArenas.free = gcBitsArenas.previous
	gcBitsArenas.previous = gcBitsArenas.current
	gcBitsArenas.current = gcBitsArenas.next
	gcBitsArenas.next = nil // newMarkBits calls newArena when needed

// newArena allocates and zeroes a gcBits arena.
func newArena() *gcBits {
	var result *gcBits
	if gcBitsArenas.free == nil {
		result = (*gcBits)(sysAlloc(gcBitsChunkBytes, &memstats.gc_sys))
		if result == nil {
			throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
	} else {
		result = gcBitsArenas.free
		gcBitsArenas.free = gcBitsArenas.free.next
		memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(result), gcBitsChunkBytes)
	result.next = nil
	// If result.bits is not 8 byte aligned adjust index so
	// that &result.bits[result.free] is 8 byte aligned.
	if uintptr(unsafe.Offsetof(gcBits{}.bits))&7 == 0 {
		result.free = 0
	} else {
		result.free = 8 - (uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&result.bits[0])) & 7)
	return result