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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Mach-O header data structures
// http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/MachORuntime/Reference/reference.html

package macho

import "strconv"

// A FileHeader represents a Mach-O file header.
type FileHeader struct {
	Magic  uint32
	Cpu    Cpu
	SubCpu uint32
	Type   Type
	Ncmd   uint32
	Cmdsz  uint32
	Flags  uint32

const (
	fileHeaderSize32 = 7 * 4
	fileHeaderSize64 = 8 * 4

const (
	Magic32  uint32 = 0xfeedface
	Magic64  uint32 = 0xfeedfacf
	MagicFat uint32 = 0xcafebabe

// A Type is the Mach-O file type, e.g. an object file, executable, or dynamic library.
type Type uint32

const (
	TypeObj    Type = 1
	TypeExec   Type = 2
	TypeDylib  Type = 6
	TypeBundle Type = 8

// A Cpu is a Mach-O cpu type.
type Cpu uint32

const cpuArch64 = 0x01000000

const (
	Cpu386   Cpu = 7
	CpuAmd64 Cpu = Cpu386 | cpuArch64
	CpuArm   Cpu = 12
	CpuPpc   Cpu = 18
	CpuPpc64 Cpu = CpuPpc | cpuArch64

var cpuStrings = []intName{
	{uint32(Cpu386), "Cpu386"},
	{uint32(CpuAmd64), "CpuAmd64"},
	{uint32(CpuArm), "CpuArm"},
	{uint32(CpuPpc), "CpuPpc"},
	{uint32(CpuPpc64), "CpuPpc64"},

func (i Cpu) String() string   { return stringName(uint32(i), cpuStrings, false) }
func (i Cpu) GoString() string { return stringName(uint32(i), cpuStrings, true) }

// A LoadCmd is a Mach-O load command.
type LoadCmd uint32

const (
	LoadCmdSegment    LoadCmd = 1
	LoadCmdSymtab     LoadCmd = 2
	LoadCmdThread     LoadCmd = 4
	LoadCmdUnixThread LoadCmd = 5 // thread+stack
	LoadCmdDysymtab   LoadCmd = 11
	LoadCmdDylib      LoadCmd = 12
	LoadCmdDylinker   LoadCmd = 15
	LoadCmdSegment64  LoadCmd = 25

var cmdStrings = []intName{
	{uint32(LoadCmdSegment), "LoadCmdSegment"},
	{uint32(LoadCmdThread), "LoadCmdThread"},
	{uint32(LoadCmdUnixThread), "LoadCmdUnixThread"},
	{uint32(LoadCmdDylib), "LoadCmdDylib"},
	{uint32(LoadCmdSegment64), "LoadCmdSegment64"},

func (i LoadCmd) String() string   { return stringName(uint32(i), cmdStrings, false) }
func (i LoadCmd) GoString() string { return stringName(uint32(i), cmdStrings, true) }

// A Segment64 is a 64-bit Mach-O segment load command.
type Segment64 struct {
	Cmd     LoadCmd
	Len     uint32
	Name    [16]byte
	Addr    uint64
	Memsz   uint64
	Offset  uint64
	Filesz  uint64
	Maxprot uint32
	Prot    uint32
	Nsect   uint32
	Flag    uint32

// A Segment32 is a 32-bit Mach-O segment load command.
type Segment32 struct {
	Cmd     LoadCmd
	Len     uint32
	Name    [16]byte
	Addr    uint32
	Memsz   uint32
	Offset  uint32
	Filesz  uint32
	Maxprot uint32
	Prot    uint32
	Nsect   uint32
	Flag    uint32

// A DylibCmd is a Mach-O load dynamic library command.
type DylibCmd struct {
	Cmd            LoadCmd
	Len            uint32
	Name           uint32
	Time           uint32
	CurrentVersion uint32
	CompatVersion  uint32

// A Section32 is a 32-bit Mach-O section header.
type Section32 struct {
	Name     [16]byte
	Seg      [16]byte
	Addr     uint32
	Size     uint32
	Offset   uint32
	Align    uint32
	Reloff   uint32
	Nreloc   uint32
	Flags    uint32
	Reserve1 uint32
	Reserve2 uint32

// A Section64 is a 64-bit Mach-O section header.
type Section64 struct {
	Name     [16]byte
	Seg      [16]byte
	Addr     uint64
	Size     uint64
	Offset   uint32
	Align    uint32
	Reloff   uint32
	Nreloc   uint32
	Flags    uint32
	Reserve1 uint32
	Reserve2 uint32
	Reserve3 uint32

// A SymtabCmd is a Mach-O symbol table command.
type SymtabCmd struct {
	Cmd     LoadCmd
	Len     uint32
	Symoff  uint32
	Nsyms   uint32
	Stroff  uint32
	Strsize uint32

// A DysymtabCmd is a Mach-O dynamic symbol table command.
type DysymtabCmd struct {
	Cmd            LoadCmd
	Len            uint32
	Ilocalsym      uint32
	Nlocalsym      uint32
	Iextdefsym     uint32
	Nextdefsym     uint32
	Iundefsym      uint32
	Nundefsym      uint32
	Tocoffset      uint32
	Ntoc           uint32
	Modtaboff      uint32
	Nmodtab        uint32
	Extrefsymoff   uint32
	Nextrefsyms    uint32
	Indirectsymoff uint32
	Nindirectsyms  uint32
	Extreloff      uint32
	Nextrel        uint32
	Locreloff      uint32
	Nlocrel        uint32

// An Nlist32 is a Mach-O 32-bit symbol table entry.
type Nlist32 struct {
	Name  uint32
	Type  uint8
	Sect  uint8
	Desc  uint16
	Value uint32

// An Nlist64 is a Mach-O 64-bit symbol table entry.
type Nlist64 struct {
	Name  uint32
	Type  uint8
	Sect  uint8
	Desc  uint16
	Value uint64

// A Symbol is a Mach-O 32-bit or 64-bit symbol table entry.
type Symbol struct {
	Name  string
	Type  uint8
	Sect  uint8
	Desc  uint16
	Value uint64

// A Thread is a Mach-O thread state command.
type Thread struct {
	Cmd  LoadCmd
	Len  uint32
	Type uint32
	Data []uint32

// Regs386 is the Mach-O 386 register structure.
type Regs386 struct {
	AX    uint32
	BX    uint32
	CX    uint32
	DX    uint32
	DI    uint32
	SI    uint32
	BP    uint32
	SP    uint32
	SS    uint32
	FLAGS uint32
	IP    uint32
	CS    uint32
	DS    uint32
	ES    uint32
	FS    uint32
	GS    uint32

// RegsAMD64 is the Mach-O AMD64 register structure.
type RegsAMD64 struct {
	AX    uint64
	BX    uint64
	CX    uint64
	DX    uint64
	DI    uint64
	SI    uint64
	BP    uint64
	SP    uint64
	R8    uint64
	R9    uint64
	R10   uint64
	R11   uint64
	R12   uint64
	R13   uint64
	R14   uint64
	R15   uint64
	IP    uint64
	FLAGS uint64
	CS    uint64
	FS    uint64
	GS    uint64

type intName struct {
	i uint32
	s string

func stringName(i uint32, names []intName, goSyntax bool) string {
	for _, n := range names {
		if n.i == i {
			if goSyntax {
				return "macho." + n.s
			return n.s
	return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10)