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 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>

extern "C" {

#include "fixed_point.h"
#include "qmi_client.h"
#include "sns_smgr_api_v01.h"
#include "sns_smgr_internal_api_v02.h"
#include "timetick.h"

}  // extern "C"

#include "chre_api/chre/sensor.h"
#include "chre/core/event_loop_manager.h"
#include "chre/platform/assert.h"
#include "chre/platform/fatal_error.h"
#include "chre/platform/log.h"
#include "chre/platform/platform_sensor.h"
#include "chre/platform/slpi/platform_sensor_util.h"

namespace chre {
namespace {

//! The timeout for QMI messages in milliseconds.
constexpr uint32_t kQmiTimeoutMs = 1000;

constexpr float kMicroTeslaPerGauss = 100.0f;

//! The QMI sensor service client handle.
qmi_client_type gPlatformSensorServiceQmiClientHandle = nullptr;

//! The QMI sensor internal service client handle.
qmi_client_type gPlatformSensorInternalServiceQmiClientHandle = nullptr;

//! A sensor report indication for deserializing sensor sample indications
//! into. This global instance is used to avoid thrashy use of the heap by
//! allocating and freeing this on the heap for every new sensor sample. This
//! relies on the assumption that the QMI callback is not reentrant.
sns_smgr_buffering_ind_msg_v01 gSmgrBufferingIndMsg;

//! A struct to store the sensor monitor status indication results.
struct SensorStatus {
  uint8_t sensorId;
  uint8_t numClients;

//! A vector that tracks the number clients of each supported sensorId.
DynamicVector<SensorStatus> gSensorStatusMonitor;

 * Converts a sensorId, dataType and calType as provided by SMGR to a
 * SensorType as used by platform-independent CHRE code. This is useful in
 * sensor discovery.
 * @param sensorId The sensorID as provided by the SMGR request for sensor info.
 * @param dataType The dataType for the sesnor as provided by the SMGR request
 *                 for sensor info.
 * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API.
 * @return Returns the platform-independent sensor type or Unknown if no
 *         match is found.
SensorType getSensorTypeFromSensorId(uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t dataType,
                                     uint8_t calType) {
  // Here be dragons. These constants below are defined in
  // sns_smgr_common_v01.h. Refer to the section labelled "Define sensor
  // identifier" for more details. This function relies on the ordering of
  // constants provided by their API. Do not change these values without care.
  // You have been warned!
  if (dataType == SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_PRIMARY_V01) {
    if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_ACCEL_V01
        && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01) {
      if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01) {
        return SensorType::Accelerometer;
      } else if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01) {
        return SensorType::UncalibratedAccelerometer;
    } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01
        && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_MAG_V01) {
      if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01) {
        return SensorType::Gyroscope;
      } else if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01) {
        return SensorType::UncalibratedGyroscope;
    } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_MAG_V01
        && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_PRESSURE_V01) {
      if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01) {
        return SensorType::GeomagneticField;
      } else if (calType == SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01) {
        return SensorType::UncalibratedGeomagneticField;
    } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_PRESSURE_V01
        && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_PROX_LIGHT_V01) {
      return SensorType::Pressure;
    } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_PROX_LIGHT_V01
        && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_HUMIDITY_V01) {
      return SensorType::Proximity;
    } else if (sensorId == SNS_SMGR_ID_OEM_SENSOR_09_V01) {
      return SensorType::StationaryDetect;
    } else if (sensorId == SNS_SMGR_ID_OEM_SENSOR_10_V01) {
      return SensorType::InstantMotion;
  } else if (dataType == SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_SECONDARY_V01) {
    if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_ACCEL_V01
        && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01) {
      return SensorType::AccelerometerTemperature;
    } else if (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_GYRO_V01
        && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_MAG_V01) {
      return SensorType::GyroscopeTemperature;
    } else if ((sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_PROX_LIGHT_V01
        && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_HUMIDITY_V01)
        || (sensorId >= SNS_SMGR_ID_ULTRA_VIOLET_V01
            && sensorId < SNS_SMGR_ID_OBJECT_TEMP_V01)) {
      return SensorType::Light;

  return SensorType::Unknown;

 * Converts a reportId as provided by SMGR to a SensorType.
 * @param reportId The reportID as provided by the SMGR buffering index.
 * @return Returns the sensorType that corresponds to the reportId.
SensorType getSensorTypeFromReportId(uint8_t reportId) {
  SensorType sensorType;
  if (reportId < static_cast<uint8_t>(SensorType::SENSOR_TYPE_COUNT)) {
    sensorType = static_cast<SensorType>(reportId);
  } else {
    sensorType = SensorType::Unknown;
  return sensorType;

 * Converts a PlatformSensor to a unique report ID through SensorType. This is
 * useful in making sensor request.
 * @param sensorId The sensorID as provided by the SMGR request for sensor info.
 * @param dataType The dataType for the sesnor as provided by the SMGR request
 *                 for sensor info.
 * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API.
 * @return Returns a unique report ID that is based on SensorType.
uint8_t getReportId(uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t dataType, uint8_t calType) {
  SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId(
      sensorId, dataType, calType);

  CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(sensorType != SensorType::Unknown,
                  "sensorId %" PRIu8 ", dataType %" PRIu8 ", calType %" PRIu8,
                  sensorId, dataType, calType);
  return static_cast<uint8_t>(sensorType);

 * Checks whether the corresponding sensor is a sencondary temperature sensor.
 * @param reportId The reportID as provided by the SMGR buffering index.
 * @return true if the sensor is a secondary temperature sensor.
bool isSecondaryTemperature(uint8_t reportId) {
  SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromReportId(reportId);
  return (sensorType == SensorType::AccelerometerTemperature
          || sensorType == SensorType::GyroscopeTemperature);

 * Verifies whether the buffering index's report ID matches the expected
 * indices length.
 * @return true if it's a valid pair of indices length and report ID.
bool isValidIndicesLength() {
  return ((gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.Indices_len == 1
           && !isSecondaryTemperature(gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.ReportId))
          || (gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.Indices_len == 2
              && isSecondaryTemperature(gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.ReportId)));

 * Allocates memory and specifies the memory size for an on-change sensor to
 * store its last data event.
 * @param sensorType The sensorType of this sensor.
 * @param eventSize A non-null pointer to indicate the memory size allocated.
 * @return Pointer to the memory allocated.
ChreSensorData *allocateLastEvent(SensorType sensorType, size_t *eventSize) {

  *eventSize = 0;
  ChreSensorData *event = nullptr;
  if (sensorTypeIsOnChange(sensorType)) {
    SensorSampleType sampleType = getSensorSampleTypeFromSensorType(sensorType);
    switch (sampleType) {
      case SensorSampleType::ThreeAxis:
        *eventSize = sizeof(chreSensorThreeAxisData);
      case SensorSampleType::Float:
        *eventSize = sizeof(chreSensorFloatData);
      case SensorSampleType::Byte:
        *eventSize = sizeof(chreSensorByteData);
      case SensorSampleType::Occurrence:
        *eventSize = sizeof(chreSensorOccurrenceData);
        CHRE_ASSERT_LOG(false, "Unhandled sample type");

    event = static_cast<ChreSensorData *>(memoryAlloc(*eventSize));
    if (event == nullptr) {
      *eventSize = 0;
      FATAL_ERROR("Failed to allocate last event memory for SensorType %d",
  return event;

 * Adds a Platform sensor to the sensor list.
 * @param sensorInfo The sensorInfo as provided by the SMGR.
 * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API.
 * @param sensor The sensor list.
void addPlatformSensor(const sns_smgr_sensor_datatype_info_s_v01& sensorInfo,
                       uint8_t calType,
                       DynamicVector<PlatformSensor> *sensors) {
  PlatformSensor platformSensor;
  platformSensor.sensorId = sensorInfo.SensorID;
  platformSensor.dataType = sensorInfo.DataType;
  platformSensor.calType = calType;
  size_t bytesToCopy = std::min(sizeof(platformSensor.sensorName) - 1,
  memcpy(platformSensor.sensorName, sensorInfo.SensorName, bytesToCopy);
  platformSensor.sensorName[bytesToCopy] = '\0';
  platformSensor.minInterval = static_cast<uint64_t>(
      Seconds(1).toRawNanoseconds() / sensorInfo.MaxSampleRate);

  // Allocates memory for on-change sensor's last event.
  SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId(
      sensorInfo.SensorID, sensorInfo.DataType, calType);
  platformSensor.lastEvent = allocateLastEvent(sensorType,

  if (!sensors->push_back(std::move(platformSensor))) {
    FATAL_ERROR("Failed to allocate new sensor: out of memory");

 * Converts SMGR ticks to nanoseconds as a uint64_t.
 * @param ticks The number of ticks.
 * @return The number of nanoseconds represented by the ticks value.
uint64_t getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks(uint32_t ticks) {
  return (ticks * Seconds(1).toRawNanoseconds())

 * Populate the header
void populateSensorDataHeader(
    SensorType sensorType, chreSensorDataHeader *header,
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) {
  uint64_t baseTimestamp = getNanosecondsFromSmgrTicks(
  memset(header->reserved, 0, sizeof(header->reserved));
  header->baseTimestamp = baseTimestamp;
  header->sensorHandle = getSensorHandleFromSensorType(sensorType);
  header->readingCount = sensorIndex.SampleCount;

 * Populate three-axis event data.
void populateThreeAxisEvent(
    SensorType sensorType, chreSensorThreeAxisData *data,
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) {
  populateSensorDataHeader(sensorType, &data->header, sensorIndex);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < sensorIndex.SampleCount; i++) {
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_s_v01& sensorData =
        gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.Samples[i + sensorIndex.FirstSampleIdx];

    // TimeStampOffset has max value of < 2 sec so it will not overflow here.
    data->readings[i].timestampDelta =

    // Convert from SMGR's NED coordinate to Android coordinate.
    data->readings[i].x = FX_FIXTOFLT_Q16(sensorData.Data[1]);
    data->readings[i].y = FX_FIXTOFLT_Q16(sensorData.Data[0]);
    data->readings[i].z = -FX_FIXTOFLT_Q16(sensorData.Data[2]);

    // Convert from Gauss to micro Tesla
    if (sensorType == SensorType::GeomagneticField
        || sensorType == SensorType::UncalibratedGeomagneticField) {
      data->readings[i].x *= kMicroTeslaPerGauss;
      data->readings[i].y *= kMicroTeslaPerGauss;
      data->readings[i].z *= kMicroTeslaPerGauss;

 * Populate float event data.
void populateFloatEvent(
    SensorType sensorType, chreSensorFloatData *data,
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) {
  populateSensorDataHeader(sensorType, &data->header, sensorIndex);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < sensorIndex.SampleCount; i++) {
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_s_v01& sensorData =
        gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.Samples[i + sensorIndex.FirstSampleIdx];

    // TimeStampOffset has max value of < 2 sec so it will not overflow.
    data->readings[i].timestampDelta =
    data->readings[i].value = FX_FIXTOFLT_Q16(sensorData.Data[0]);

 * Populate byte event data.
void populateByteEvent(
    SensorType sensorType, chreSensorByteData *data,
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) {
  populateSensorDataHeader(sensorType, &data->header, sensorIndex);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < sensorIndex.SampleCount; i++) {
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_s_v01& sensorData =
        gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.Samples[i + sensorIndex.FirstSampleIdx];

    // TimeStampOffset has max value of < 2 sec so it will not overflow.
    data->readings[i].timestampDelta =
    // Zero out fields invalid and padding0.
    data->readings[i].value = 0;
    // SMGR reports 1 in Q16 for near, and 0 for far.
    data->readings[i].isNear = sensorData.Data[0] ? 1 : 0;

 * Populate occurrence event data.
void populateOccurrenceEvent(
    SensorType sensorType, chreSensorOccurrenceData *data,
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) {
  populateSensorDataHeader(sensorType, &data->header, sensorIndex);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < sensorIndex.SampleCount; i++) {
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_s_v01& sensorData =
        gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.Samples[i + sensorIndex.FirstSampleIdx];

    // TimeStampOffset has max value of < 2 sec so it will not overflow.
    data->readings[i].timestampDelta =

 * Allocate event memory according to SensorType and populate event readings.
void *allocateAndPopulateEvent(
    SensorType sensorType,
    const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex) {
  SensorSampleType sampleType = getSensorSampleTypeFromSensorType(sensorType);
  size_t memorySize = sizeof(chreSensorDataHeader);
  switch (sampleType) {
    case SensorSampleType::ThreeAxis: {
      memorySize += sensorIndex.SampleCount *
      auto *event =
          static_cast<chreSensorThreeAxisData *>(memoryAlloc(memorySize));
      if (event != nullptr) {
        populateThreeAxisEvent(sensorType, event, sensorIndex);
      return event;

    case SensorSampleType::Float: {
      memorySize += sensorIndex.SampleCount *
      auto *event =
          static_cast<chreSensorFloatData *>(memoryAlloc(memorySize));
      if (event != nullptr) {
        populateFloatEvent(sensorType, event, sensorIndex);
      return event;

    case SensorSampleType::Byte: {
      memorySize += sensorIndex.SampleCount *
      auto *event =
          static_cast<chreSensorByteData *>(memoryAlloc(memorySize));
      if (event != nullptr) {
        populateByteEvent(sensorType, event, sensorIndex);
      return event;

    case SensorSampleType::Occurrence: {
      memorySize += sensorIndex.SampleCount *
      auto *event =
          static_cast<chreSensorOccurrenceData *>(memoryAlloc(memorySize));
      if (event != nullptr) {
        populateOccurrenceEvent(sensorType, event, sensorIndex);
      return event;

      LOGW("Unhandled sensor data %" PRIu8, sensorType);
      return nullptr;

void smgrSensorDataEventFree(uint16_t eventType, void *eventData) {
  // Events are allocated using the simple memoryAlloc/memoryFree platform
  // functions.
  // TODO: Consider using a MemoryPool.

  // Remove all requests if it's a one-shot sensor and only after data has been
  // delivered to all clients.
  SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeForSampleEventType(eventType);
  if (sensorTypeIsOneShot(sensorType)) {

 * A helper function that updates the last event of a in the main thread.
 * Platform should call this function only for an on-change sensor.
 * @param sensorType The SensorType of the sensor.
 * @param eventData A non-null pointer to the sensor's CHRE event data.
void updateLastEvent(SensorType sensorType, const void *eventData) {

  auto *header = static_cast<const chreSensorDataHeader *>(eventData);
  if (header->readingCount != 1) {
    // TODO: better error handling when SMGR behavior changes.
    // SMGR delivers one sample per report for on-change sensors.
    LOGE("%" PRIu16 " samples in an event for on-change sensor %d",
         header->readingCount, static_cast<int>(sensorType));
  } else {
    struct CallbackData {
      SensorType sensorType;
      const ChreSensorData *event;
    auto *callbackData = memoryAlloc<CallbackData>();
    if (callbackData == nullptr) {
      LOGE("Failed to allocate deferred callback memory");
    } else {
      callbackData->sensorType = sensorType;
      callbackData->event = static_cast<const ChreSensorData *>(eventData);

      auto callback = [](uint16_t /* type */, void *data) {
        auto *cbData = static_cast<CallbackData *>(data);

        Sensor *sensor = EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()
        if (sensor != nullptr) {

      // Schedule a deferred callback.
      if (!EventLoopManagerSingleton::get()->deferCallback(
          SystemCallbackType::SensorLastEventUpdate, callbackData, callback)) {
        LOGE("Failed to schedule a deferred callback for sensorType %d",
    }  // if (callbackData == nullptr)

 * Handles sensor data provided by the SMGR framework.
 * @param userHandle The userHandle is used by the QMI decode function.
 * @param buffer The buffer to decode sensor data from.
 * @param bufferLength The size of the buffer to decode.
void handleSensorDataIndication(void *userHandle, void *buffer,
                                unsigned int bufferLength) {
  int status = qmi_client_message_decode(
      bufferLength, &gSmgrBufferingIndMsg,
  if (status != QMI_NO_ERR) {
    LOGE("Error parsing sensor data indication %d", status);
  } else {
    // We only requested one sensor per request except for a secondary
    // temperature sensor.
    bool validReport = isValidIndicesLength();
                    "Got buffering indication from %" PRIu32
                    " sensors with report ID %" PRIu8,
    if (validReport) {
      // Identify the index for the desired sensor. It is always 0 except
      // possibly for a secondary temperature sensor.
      uint32_t index = 0;
      if (isSecondaryTemperature(gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.ReportId)) {
        index = (gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.Indices[0].DataType
                 == SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_SECONDARY_V01) ? 0 : 1;
      const sns_smgr_buffering_sample_index_s_v01& sensorIndex =

      // Use ReportID to identify sensors as
      // gSmgrBufferingIndMsg.Samples[i].Flags are not populated.
      SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromReportId(
      if (sensorType == SensorType::Unknown) {
        LOGW("Received sensor sample for unknown sensor %" PRIu8 " %" PRIu8,
             sensorIndex.SensorId, sensorIndex.DataType);
      } else if (sensorIndex.SampleCount == 0) {
        LOGW("Received sensorType %d event with 0 sample",
      } else {
        void *eventData = allocateAndPopulateEvent(sensorType, sensorIndex);
        if (eventData == nullptr) {
          LOGW("Dropping event due to allocation failure");
        } else {
          // Schedule a deferred callback to update on-change sensor's last
          // event in the main thread.
          if (sensorTypeIsOnChange(sensorType)) {
            updateLastEvent(sensorType, eventData);

              getSampleEventTypeForSensorType(sensorType), eventData,
    }  // if (validReport)

 * This callback is invoked by the QMI framework when an asynchronous message is
 * delivered. Unhandled messages are logged. The signature is defined by the QMI
 * library.
 * @param userHandle The userHandle is used by the QMI library.
 * @param messageId The type of the message to decode.
 * @param buffer The buffer to decode.
 * @param bufferLength The length of the buffer to decode.
 * @param callbackData Data that is provided as a context to this callback. This
 *                     is not used in this context.
void platformSensorServiceQmiIndicationCallback(void *userHandle,
                                                unsigned int messageId,
                                                void *buffer,
                                                unsigned int bufferLength,
                                                void *callbackData) {
  switch (messageId) {
      handleSensorDataIndication(userHandle, buffer, bufferLength);
      LOGW("Received unhandled sensor service message: 0x%x", messageId);

uint8_t getNumClients(uint8_t sensorId) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < gSensorStatusMonitor.size(); i++) {
    if (gSensorStatusMonitor[i].sensorId == sensorId) {
      return gSensorStatusMonitor[i].numClients;
  return 0;

void setNumClients(uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t numClients) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < gSensorStatusMonitor.size(); i++) {
    if (gSensorStatusMonitor[i].sensorId == sensorId) {
      gSensorStatusMonitor[i].numClients = numClients;

 * Handles sensor status provided by the SMGR framework.
 * @param userHandle The userHandle is used by the QMI decode function.
 * @param buffer The buffer to decode sensor data from.
 * @param bufferLength The size of the buffer to decode.
void handleSensorStatusMonitorIndication(void *userHandle, void *buffer,
                                         unsigned int bufferLength) {
  sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_ind_msg_v02 smgrMonitorIndMsg;

  int status = qmi_client_message_decode(
      buffer, bufferLength, &smgrMonitorIndMsg, sizeof(smgrMonitorIndMsg));
  if (status != QMI_NO_ERR) {
    LOGE("Error parsing sensor status monitor indication %d", status);
  } else {
    uint8_t numClients = getNumClients(smgrMonitorIndMsg.sensor_id);
    if (numClients != smgrMonitorIndMsg.num_clients) {
      LOGD("Status: id %" PRIu64 ", num clients: curr %" PRIu8 " new %" PRIu8,
           smgrMonitorIndMsg.sensor_id, numClients,

      //TODO: add onNumClientsChange()

 * This callback is invoked by the QMI framework when an asynchronous message is
 * delivered. Unhandled messages are logged. The signature is defined by the QMI
 * library.
 * @param userHandle The userHandle is used by the QMI library.
 * @param messageId The type of the message to decode.
 * @param buffer The buffer to decode.
 * @param bufferLength The length of the buffer to decode.
 * @param callbackData Data that is provided as a context to this callback. This
 *                     is not used in this context.
void platformSensorInternalServiceQmiIndicationCallback(void *userHandle,
    unsigned int messageId, void *buffer, unsigned int bufferLength,
    void *callbackData) {
  switch (messageId) {
      handleSensorStatusMonitorIndication(userHandle, buffer, bufferLength);
      LOGW("Received unhandled sensor internal service message: 0x%x",

void setSensorStatusMonitor(uint8_t sensorId, bool enable) {
  sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_req_msg_v02 monitorRequest;
  sns_smgr_sensor_status_monitor_resp_msg_v02 monitorResponse;
  monitorRequest.sensor_id = sensorId;
  monitorRequest.registering = enable ? TRUE : FALSE;

  qmi_client_error_type status = qmi_client_send_msg_sync(
      &monitorRequest, sizeof(monitorRequest),
      &monitorResponse, sizeof(monitorResponse), kQmiTimeoutMs);

  if (status != QMI_NO_ERR) {
    LOGE("Error setting sensor status monitor: %d", status);
  } else if (monitorResponse.resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01) {
    LOGE("Sensor status monitor request failed with error: %" PRIu8
         " sensor ID %" PRIu8 " enable %d",
         monitorResponse.resp.sns_err_t, sensorId, enable);

 * Requests the sensors for a given sensor ID and appends them to the provided
 * list of sensors. If an error occurs, false is returned.
 * @param sensorId The sensor ID to request sensor info for.
 * @param sensors The list of sensors to append newly found sensors to.
 * @return Returns false if an error occurs.
bool getSensorsForSensorId(uint8_t sensorId,
                           DynamicVector<PlatformSensor> *sensors) {
  sns_smgr_single_sensor_info_req_msg_v01 sensorInfoRequest;
  sns_smgr_single_sensor_info_resp_msg_v01 sensorInfoResponse;

  sensorInfoRequest.SensorID = sensorId;

  qmi_client_error_type status = qmi_client_send_msg_sync(
      gPlatformSensorServiceQmiClientHandle, SNS_SMGR_SINGLE_SENSOR_INFO_REQ_V01,
      &sensorInfoRequest, sizeof(sns_smgr_single_sensor_info_req_msg_v01),
      &sensorInfoResponse, sizeof(sns_smgr_single_sensor_info_resp_msg_v01),

  bool success = false;
  if (status != QMI_NO_ERR) {
    LOGE("Error requesting single sensor info: %d", status);
  } else if (sensorInfoResponse.Resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01) {
    LOGE("Single sensor info request failed with error: %d",
  } else {
    bool isSensorIdSupported = false;
    const sns_smgr_sensor_info_s_v01& sensorInfoList =
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sensorInfoList.data_type_info_len; i++) {
      const sns_smgr_sensor_datatype_info_s_v01& sensorInfo =
      LOGD("SensorID %" PRIu8 ", DataType %" PRIu8 ", MaxRate %" PRIu16
           "Hz, SensorName %s",
           sensorInfo.SensorID, sensorInfo.DataType,
           sensorInfo.MaxSampleRate, sensorInfo.SensorName);

      SensorType sensorType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId(
          sensorInfo.SensorID, sensorInfo.DataType,
      if (sensorType != SensorType::Unknown) {
        isSensorIdSupported = true;
        addPlatformSensor(sensorInfo, SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01, sensors);

        // Add an uncalibrated version if defined.
        SensorType uncalibratedType = getSensorTypeFromSensorId(
            sensorInfo.SensorID, sensorInfo.DataType,
        if (sensorType != uncalibratedType) {
          addPlatformSensor(sensorInfo, SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FACTORY_CAL_V01,

    // If CHRE supports sensors with this sensor ID, enable its status monitor.
    if (isSensorIdSupported) {
      // Initialize monitor status before making a QMI request.
      SensorStatus sensorStatus;
      sensorStatus.sensorId = sensorId;
      sensorStatus.numClients = 0;

      setSensorStatusMonitor(sensorId, true);
    success = true;

  return success;

 * Converts a SensorMode into an SMGR request action. When the net request for
 * a sensor is considered to be active an add operation is required for the
 * SMGR request. When the sensor becomes inactive the request is deleted.
 * @param mode The sensor mode.
 * @return Returns the SMGR request action given the sensor mode.
uint8_t getSmgrRequestActionForMode(SensorMode mode) {
  if (sensorModeIsActive(mode)) {
  } else {

 * Populates a sns_smgr_buffering_req_msg_v01 struct to request sensor data.
 * @param request The new request to set this sensor to.
 * @param sensorId The sensorID as provided by the SMGR request for sensor info.
 * @param dataType The dataType for the sesnor as provided by the SMGR request
 *                 for sensor info.
 * @param calType The calibration type (CAL_SEL) as defined in the SMGR API.
 * @param minInterval The minimum interval allowed by this sensor.
 * @param sensorDataRequest The pointer to the data request to be populated.
void populateSensorRequest(
    const SensorRequest& chreRequest, uint8_t sensorId, uint8_t dataType,
    uint8_t calType, uint64_t minInterval,
    sns_smgr_buffering_req_msg_v01 *sensorRequest) {
  // Zero the fields in the request. All mandatory and unused fields are
  // specified to be set to false or zero so this is safe.
  memset(sensorRequest, 0, sizeof(*sensorRequest));

  // Reconstruts a request as CHRE API requires one-shot sensors to be
  // requested with pre-defined interval and latency that may not be accepted
  // by SMGR.
  bool isOneShot = sensorTypeIsOneShot(getSensorTypeFromSensorId(
      sensorId, dataType, calType));
  SensorRequest request(
      isOneShot ? Nanoseconds(minInterval) : chreRequest.getInterval(),
      isOneShot ? Nanoseconds(0) : chreRequest.getLatency());

  // Build the request for one sensor at the requested rate. An add action for a
  // ReportID that is already in use causes a replacement of the last request.
  sensorRequest->ReportId = getReportId(sensorId, dataType, calType);
  sensorRequest->Action = getSmgrRequestActionForMode(request.getMode());
  // If latency < interval, request to SMGR would fail.
  Nanoseconds batchingInterval =
      (request.getLatency() > request.getInterval()) ?
      request.getLatency() : request.getInterval();
  sensorRequest->ReportRate = intervalToSmgrQ16ReportRate(batchingInterval);
  sensorRequest->Item_len = 1; // One sensor per request if possible.
  sensorRequest->Item[0].SensorId = sensorId;
  sensorRequest->Item[0].DataType = dataType;
  sensorRequest->Item[0].Decimation = SNS_SMGR_DECIMATION_RECENT_SAMPLE_V01;
  sensorRequest->Item[0].Calibration = calType;
  sensorRequest->Item[0].SamplingRate =

  // Add a dummy primary sensor to accompany a secondary temperature sensor.
  // This is requred by the SMGR. The primary sensor is requested with the same
  // (low) rate and the same latency, whose response data will be ignored.
  if (isSecondaryTemperature(sensorRequest->ReportId)) {
    sensorRequest->Item_len = 2;
    sensorRequest->Item[1].SensorId = sensorId;
    sensorRequest->Item[1].DataType = SNS_SMGR_DATA_TYPE_PRIMARY_V01;
    sensorRequest->Item[1].Decimation = SNS_SMGR_DECIMATION_RECENT_SAMPLE_V01;
    sensorRequest->Item[1].Calibration = SNS_SMGR_CAL_SEL_FULL_CAL_V01;
    sensorRequest->Item[1].SamplingRate = sensorRequest->Item[0].SamplingRate;

}  // anonymous namespace

PlatformSensor::~PlatformSensor() {
  if (lastEvent != nullptr) {
    LOGD("Releasing lastEvent: 0x%p, id %" PRIu8 ", type %" PRIu8 ", cal %"
         PRIu8 ", size %zu",
         lastEvent, sensorId, dataType, calType, lastEventSize);

void PlatformSensor::init() {
  // sns_smgr_api_v01
  qmi_idl_service_object_type sensorServiceObject =
  if (sensorServiceObject == nullptr) {
    FATAL_ERROR("Failed to obtain the SNS SMGR service instance");

  qmi_client_os_params sensorContextOsParams;
  qmi_client_error_type status = qmi_client_init_instance(sensorServiceObject,
      QMI_CLIENT_INSTANCE_ANY, &platformSensorServiceQmiIndicationCallback,
      nullptr, &sensorContextOsParams, kQmiTimeoutMs,
  if (status != QMI_NO_ERR) {
    FATAL_ERROR("Failed to initialize the sensor service QMI client: %d",

  // sns_smgr_interal_api_v02
  sensorServiceObject = SNS_SMGR_INTERNAL_SVC_get_service_object_v02();
  if (sensorServiceObject == nullptr) {
    FATAL_ERROR("Failed to obtain the SNS SMGR internal service instance");

  status = qmi_client_init_instance(sensorServiceObject,
      &platformSensorInternalServiceQmiIndicationCallback, nullptr,
      &sensorContextOsParams, kQmiTimeoutMs,
  if (status != QMI_NO_ERR) {
    FATAL_ERROR("Failed to initialize the sensor internal service QMI client: "
                "%d", status);

void PlatformSensor::deinit() {
  gPlatformSensorServiceQmiClientHandle = nullptr;

  // Removing all sensor status monitor requests. Releaseing a QMI client also
  // releases all of its subscriptions.

  gPlatformSensorInternalServiceQmiClientHandle = nullptr;

bool PlatformSensor::getSensors(DynamicVector<PlatformSensor> *sensors) {

  sns_smgr_all_sensor_info_req_msg_v01 sensorListRequest;
  sns_smgr_all_sensor_info_resp_msg_v01 sensorListResponse;

  qmi_client_error_type status = qmi_client_send_msg_sync(
      gPlatformSensorServiceQmiClientHandle, SNS_SMGR_ALL_SENSOR_INFO_REQ_V01,
      &sensorListRequest, sizeof(sns_smgr_all_sensor_info_req_msg_v01),
      &sensorListResponse, sizeof(sns_smgr_all_sensor_info_resp_msg_v01),

  bool success = false;
  if (status != QMI_NO_ERR) {
    LOGE("Error requesting sensor list: %d", status);
  } else if (sensorListResponse.Resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01) {
    LOGE("Sensor list lequest failed with error: %d",
  } else {
    success = true;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sensorListResponse.SensorInfo_len; i++) {
      uint8_t sensorId = sensorListResponse.SensorInfo[i].SensorID;
      if (!getSensorsForSensorId(sensorId, sensors)) {
        success = false;

  return success;

bool PlatformSensor::setRequest(const SensorRequest& request) {
  // Allocate request and response for the sensor request.
  auto *sensorRequest = memoryAlloc<sns_smgr_buffering_req_msg_v01>();
  auto *sensorResponse = memoryAlloc<sns_smgr_buffering_resp_msg_v01>();

  bool success = false;
  if (sensorRequest == nullptr || sensorResponse == nullptr) {
    LOGE("Failed to allocated sensor request/response: out of memory");
  } else {
    populateSensorRequest(request, this->sensorId, this->dataType,
        this->calType, this->getMinInterval(), sensorRequest);

    qmi_client_error_type status = qmi_client_send_msg_sync(
        gPlatformSensorServiceQmiClientHandle, SNS_SMGR_BUFFERING_REQ_V01,
        sensorRequest, sizeof(*sensorRequest),
        sensorResponse, sizeof(*sensorResponse),

    if (status != QMI_NO_ERR) {
      LOGE("Error requesting sensor data: %d", status);
    } else if (sensorResponse->Resp.sns_result_t != SNS_RESULT_SUCCESS_V01
        || (sensorResponse->AckNak != SNS_SMGR_RESPONSE_ACK_SUCCESS_V01
            && sensorResponse->AckNak != SNS_SMGR_RESPONSE_ACK_MODIFIED_V01)) {
      LOGE("Sensor data request failed with error: %d, AckNak: %d",
           sensorResponse->Resp.sns_err_t, sensorResponse->AckNak);
    } else {
      success = true;

  return success;

SensorType PlatformSensor::getSensorType() const {
  return getSensorTypeFromSensorId(this->sensorId, this->dataType,

uint64_t PlatformSensor::getMinInterval() const {
  return minInterval;

const char *PlatformSensor::getSensorName() const {
  return sensorName;

PlatformSensor& PlatformSensor::operator=(PlatformSensor&& other) {
  sensorId = other.sensorId;
  dataType = other.dataType;
  calType = other.calType;
  memcpy(sensorName, other.sensorName, SNS_SMGR_MAX_SENSOR_NAME_SIZE_V01);
  minInterval = other.minInterval;

  lastEvent = other.lastEvent;
  other.lastEvent = nullptr;

  lastEventSize = other.lastEventSize;
  other.lastEventSize = 0;
  return *this;

ChreSensorData *PlatformSensor::getLastEvent() const {
  return lastEvent;

void PlatformSensor::setLastEvent(const ChreSensorData *event) {
  memcpy(lastEvent, event, lastEventSize);

}  // namespace chre