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 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include <android-base/macros.h>

#include "wificond/net/netlink_manager.h"

namespace com {
namespace android {
namespace server {
namespace wifi {
namespace wificond {

class NativeScanResult;

}  // namespace wificond
}  // namespace wifi
}  // namespace server
}  // namespace android
}  // namespace com

namespace android {
namespace wificond {

class NL80211Packet;

// Provides scanning helper functions.
class ScanUtils {
  explicit ScanUtils(NetlinkManager* netlink_manager);
  virtual ~ScanUtils();

  // Send 'get scan results' request to kernel and get the latest scan results.
  // |interface_index| is the index of interface we want to get scan results
  // from.
  // A vector of ScanResult object will be returned by |*out_scan_results|.
  // Returns true on success.
  virtual bool GetScanResult(
      uint32_t interface_index,
      std::vector<::com::android::server::wifi::wificond::NativeScanResult>* out_scan_results);

  // Send scan request to kernel for interface with index |interface_index|.
  // |request_random_mac| is used for asking device/driver to use a random MAC
  // address during scan.
  // This flag should only be set if kernel supports this feature as
  // |supports_random_mac_oneshot_scan| indicates.
  // |ssids| is a vector of ssids we request to scan, which mostly is used
  // for hidden networks.
  // If |ssids| is an empty vector, it will do a passive scan.
  // If |ssids| contains an empty string, it will a scan for all ssids.
  // |freqs| is a vector of frequencies we request to scan.
  // If |freqs| is an empty vector, it will scan all supported frequencies.
  // Returns true on success.
  virtual bool Scan(uint32_t interface_index,
                    bool request_random_mac,
                    const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& ssids,
                    const std::vector<uint32_t>& freqs);

  // Send scan request to kernel for interface with index |interface_index|.
  // |inteval_ms| is the expected scan interval in milliseconds.
  // |rssi_threshold| is the minimum RSSI threshold value as a filter.
  // |scan_ssids| is a vector of ssids we request to scan, which is mostly
  // used for hidden networks.
  // |request_random_mac| is used for asking device/driver to use a random MAC
  // address during scan.
  // This flag should only be set if kernel supports this feature as
  // |supports_random_mac_sched_scan| indicates.
  // If |scan_ssids| is an empty vector, it will do a passive scan.
  // If |scan_ssids| contains an empty string, it will a scan for all ssids.
  // |freqs| is a vector of frequencies we request to scan.
  // |match_ssids| is the list of ssids that we want to add as filters.
  // If |freqs| is an empty vector, it will scan all supported frequencies.
  // Only BSSs match the |match_ssids| and |rssi_threshold| will be returned as
  // scan results.
  // Returns true on success.
  virtual bool StartScheduledScan(
      uint32_t interface_index,
      uint32_t interval_ms,
      int32_t rssi_threshold,
      bool request_random_mac,
      const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& scan_ssids,
      const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& match_ssids,
      const std::vector<uint32_t>& freqs);

  // Stop existing scheduled scan on interface with index |interface_index|.
  // Returns true on success.
  // Returns false on error or when there is no scheduled scan running.
  virtual bool StopScheduledScan(uint32_t interface_index);

  // Abort ongoing single scan on interface with index |interface_index|.
  // Returns true on success.
  virtual bool AbortScan(uint32_t interface_index);

  // Sign up to be notified when new scan results are available.
  // |handler| will be called when the kernel signals to wificond that a scan
  // has been completed on the given |interface_index|.  See the declaration of
  // OnScanResultsReadyHandler for documentation on the semantics of this
  // callback.
  virtual void SubscribeScanResultNotification(
      uint32_t interface_index,
      OnScanResultsReadyHandler handler);

  // Cancel the sign-up of receiving new scan result notification from
  // interface with index |interface_index|.
  virtual void UnsubscribeScanResultNotification(uint32_t interface_index);

  // Sign up to be notified when new scan results are available.
  // |handler| will be called when the kernel signals to wificond that a
  // scheduled scan has been completed on the given |interface_index|.
  // See the declaration of OnSchedScanResultsReadyHandler for documentation
  // on the semantics of this callback.
  virtual void SubscribeSchedScanResultNotification(
      uint32_t interface_index,
      OnSchedScanResultsReadyHandler handler);

  // Cancel the sign-up of receiving new scheduled scan result notification from
  // interface with index |interface_index|.
  virtual void UnsubscribeSchedScanResultNotification(uint32_t interface_index);

  bool GetSSIDFromInfoElement(const std::vector<uint8_t>& ie,
                              std::vector<uint8_t>* ssid);
  // Converts a NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS packet to a ScanResult object.
  bool ParseScanResult(
      std::unique_ptr<const NL80211Packet> packet,
      ::com::android::server::wifi::wificond::NativeScanResult* scan_result);

  NetlinkManager* netlink_manager_;


}  // namespace wificond
}  // namespace android