/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Implementation file of dex ir verifier. * * Compares two dex files at the IR level, allowing differences in layout, but not in data. */ #include "dex_verify.h" #include <inttypes.h> #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" namespace art { using android::base::StringPrintf; bool VerifyOutputDexFile(dex_ir::Header* orig_header, dex_ir::Header* output_header, std::string* error_msg) { dex_ir::Collections& orig = orig_header->GetCollections(); dex_ir::Collections& output = output_header->GetCollections(); // Compare all id sections. They have a defined order that can't be changed by dexlayout. if (!VerifyIds(orig.StringIds(), output.StringIds(), "string ids", error_msg) || !VerifyIds(orig.TypeIds(), output.TypeIds(), "type ids", error_msg) || !VerifyIds(orig.ProtoIds(), output.ProtoIds(), "proto ids", error_msg) || !VerifyIds(orig.FieldIds(), output.FieldIds(), "field ids", error_msg) || !VerifyIds(orig.MethodIds(), output.MethodIds(), "method ids", error_msg)) { return false; } // Compare class defs. The order may have been changed by dexlayout. if (!VerifyClassDefs(orig.ClassDefs(), output.ClassDefs(), error_msg)) { return false; } return true; } template<class T> bool VerifyIds(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>>& orig, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>>& output, const char* section_name, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig.size() != output.size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched size for %s section: %zu vs %zu.", section_name, orig.size(), output.size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig.size(); ++i) { if (!VerifyId(orig[i].get(), output[i].get(), error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyId(dex_ir::StringId* orig, dex_ir::StringId* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (strcmp(orig->Data(), output->Data()) != 0) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched string data for string id %u at offset %x: %s vs %s.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->Data(), output->Data()); return false; } return true; } bool VerifyId(dex_ir::TypeId* orig, dex_ir::TypeId* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->GetStringId()->GetIndex() != output->GetStringId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched string index for type id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->GetStringId()->GetIndex(), output->GetStringId()->GetIndex()); return false; } return true; } bool VerifyId(dex_ir::ProtoId* orig, dex_ir::ProtoId* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->Shorty()->GetIndex() != output->Shorty()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched string index for proto id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->Shorty()->GetIndex(), output->Shorty()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig->ReturnType()->GetIndex() != output->ReturnType()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched type index for proto id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->ReturnType()->GetIndex(), output->ReturnType()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (!VerifyTypeList(orig->Parameters(), output->Parameters())) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched type list for proto id %u at offset %x.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset()); } return true; } bool VerifyId(dex_ir::FieldId* orig, dex_ir::FieldId* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->Class()->GetIndex() != output->Class()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched class type index for field id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->Class()->GetIndex(), output->Class()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig->Type()->GetIndex() != output->Type()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched type index for field id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->Class()->GetIndex(), output->Class()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig->Name()->GetIndex() != output->Name()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched string index for field id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->Name()->GetIndex(), output->Name()->GetIndex()); return false; } return true; } bool VerifyId(dex_ir::MethodId* orig, dex_ir::MethodId* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->Class()->GetIndex() != output->Class()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched type index for method id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->Class()->GetIndex(), output->Class()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig->Proto()->GetIndex() != output->Proto()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched proto index for method id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->Class()->GetIndex(), output->Class()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig->Name()->GetIndex() != output->Name()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched string index for method id %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->Name()->GetIndex(), output->Name()->GetIndex()); return false; } return true; } struct ClassDefCompare { bool operator()(dex_ir::ClassDef* lhs, dex_ir::ClassDef* rhs) const { return lhs->ClassType()->GetIndex() < rhs->ClassType()->GetIndex(); } }; // The class defs may have a new order due to dexlayout. Use the class's class_idx to uniquely // identify them and sort them for comparison. bool VerifyClassDefs(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<dex_ir::ClassDef>>& orig, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<dex_ir::ClassDef>>& output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig.size() != output.size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched size for class defs section: %zu vs %zu.", orig.size(), output.size()); return false; } // Store the class defs into sets sorted by the class's type index. std::set<dex_ir::ClassDef*, ClassDefCompare> orig_set; std::set<dex_ir::ClassDef*, ClassDefCompare> output_set; for (size_t i = 0; i < orig.size(); ++i) { orig_set.insert(orig[i].get()); output_set.insert(output[i].get()); } auto orig_iter = orig_set.begin(); auto output_iter = output_set.begin(); while (orig_iter != orig_set.end() && output_iter != output_set.end()) { if (!VerifyClassDef(*orig_iter, *output_iter, error_msg)) { return false; } orig_iter++; output_iter++; } return true; } bool VerifyClassDef(dex_ir::ClassDef* orig, dex_ir::ClassDef* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->ClassType()->GetIndex() != output->ClassType()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched class type index for class def %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->ClassType()->GetIndex(), output->ClassType()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig->GetAccessFlags() != output->GetAccessFlags()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched access flags for class def %u at offset %x: %x vs %x.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig->GetAccessFlags(), output->GetAccessFlags()); return false; } uint32_t orig_super = orig->Superclass() == nullptr ? 0 : orig->Superclass()->GetIndex(); uint32_t output_super = output->Superclass() == nullptr ? 0 : output->Superclass()->GetIndex(); if (orig_super != output_super) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched super class for class def %u at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig_super, output_super); return false; } if (!VerifyTypeList(orig->Interfaces(), output->Interfaces())) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched type list for class def %u at offset %x.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset()); return false; } const char* orig_source = orig->SourceFile() == nullptr ? "" : orig->SourceFile()->Data(); const char* output_source = output->SourceFile() == nullptr ? "" : output->SourceFile()->Data(); if (strcmp(orig_source, output_source) != 0) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched source file for class def %u at offset %x: %s vs %s.", orig->GetIndex(), orig->GetOffset(), orig_source, output_source); return false; } if (!VerifyAnnotationsDirectory(orig->Annotations(), output->Annotations(), error_msg)) { return false; } if (!VerifyClassData(orig->GetClassData(), output->GetClassData(), error_msg)) { return false; } return VerifyEncodedArray(orig->StaticValues(), output->StaticValues(), error_msg); } bool VerifyTypeList(const dex_ir::TypeList* orig, const dex_ir::TypeList* output) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { return orig == output; } const dex_ir::TypeIdVector* orig_list = orig->GetTypeList(); const dex_ir::TypeIdVector* output_list = output->GetTypeList(); if (orig_list->size() != output_list->size()) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_list->size(); ++i) { if ((*orig_list)[i]->GetIndex() != (*output_list)[i]->GetIndex()) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyAnnotationsDirectory(dex_ir::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* orig, dex_ir::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = "Found unexpected empty annotations directory."; return false; } return true; } if (!VerifyAnnotationSet(orig->GetClassAnnotation(), output->GetClassAnnotation(), error_msg)) { return false; } if (!VerifyFieldAnnotations(orig->GetFieldAnnotations(), output->GetFieldAnnotations(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg)) { return false; } if (!VerifyMethodAnnotations(orig->GetMethodAnnotations(), output->GetMethodAnnotations(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg)) { return false; } return VerifyParameterAnnotations(orig->GetParameterAnnotations(), output->GetParameterAnnotations(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg); } bool VerifyFieldAnnotations(dex_ir::FieldAnnotationVector* orig, dex_ir::FieldAnnotationVector* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Found unexpected empty field annotations for annotations directory at offset %x.", orig_offset); return false; } return true; } if (orig->size() != output->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched field annotations size for annotations directory at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig->size(), output->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig->size(); ++i) { dex_ir::FieldAnnotation* orig_field = (*orig)[i].get(); dex_ir::FieldAnnotation* output_field = (*output)[i].get(); if (orig_field->GetFieldId()->GetIndex() != output_field->GetFieldId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched field annotation index for annotations directory at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_field->GetFieldId()->GetIndex(), output_field->GetFieldId()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (!VerifyAnnotationSet(orig_field->GetAnnotationSetItem(), output_field->GetAnnotationSetItem(), error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyMethodAnnotations(dex_ir::MethodAnnotationVector* orig, dex_ir::MethodAnnotationVector* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Found unexpected empty method annotations for annotations directory at offset %x.", orig_offset); return false; } return true; } if (orig->size() != output->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched method annotations size for annotations directory at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig->size(), output->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig->size(); ++i) { dex_ir::MethodAnnotation* orig_method = (*orig)[i].get(); dex_ir::MethodAnnotation* output_method = (*output)[i].get(); if (orig_method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex() != output_method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched method annotation index for annotations directory at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex(), output_method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (!VerifyAnnotationSet(orig_method->GetAnnotationSetItem(), output_method->GetAnnotationSetItem(), error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyParameterAnnotations(dex_ir::ParameterAnnotationVector* orig, dex_ir::ParameterAnnotationVector* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Found unexpected empty parameter annotations for annotations directory at offset %x.", orig_offset); return false; } return true; } if (orig->size() != output->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched parameter annotations size for annotations directory at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig->size(), output->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig->size(); ++i) { dex_ir::ParameterAnnotation* orig_param = (*orig)[i].get(); dex_ir::ParameterAnnotation* output_param = (*output)[i].get(); if (orig_param->GetMethodId()->GetIndex() != output_param->GetMethodId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched parameter annotation index for annotations directory at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_param->GetMethodId()->GetIndex(), output_param->GetMethodId()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (!VerifyAnnotationSetRefList(orig_param->GetAnnotations(), output_param->GetAnnotations(), error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyAnnotationSetRefList(dex_ir::AnnotationSetRefList* orig, dex_ir::AnnotationSetRefList* output, std::string* error_msg) { std::vector<dex_ir::AnnotationSetItem*>* orig_items = orig->GetItems(); std::vector<dex_ir::AnnotationSetItem*>* output_items = output->GetItems(); if (orig_items->size() != output_items->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched annotation set ref list size at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig->GetOffset(), orig_items->size(), output_items->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_items->size(); ++i) { if (!VerifyAnnotationSet((*orig_items)[i], (*output_items)[i], error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyAnnotationSet(dex_ir::AnnotationSetItem* orig, dex_ir::AnnotationSetItem* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = "Found unexpected empty annotation set."; return false; } return true; } std::vector<dex_ir::AnnotationItem*>* orig_items = orig->GetItems(); std::vector<dex_ir::AnnotationItem*>* output_items = output->GetItems(); if (orig_items->size() != output_items->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched size for annotation set at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig->GetOffset(), orig_items->size(), output_items->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_items->size(); ++i) { if (!VerifyAnnotation((*orig_items)[i], (*output_items)[i], error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyAnnotation(dex_ir::AnnotationItem* orig, dex_ir::AnnotationItem* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->GetVisibility() != output->GetVisibility()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched visibility for annotation at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetOffset(), orig->GetVisibility(), output->GetVisibility()); return false; } return VerifyEncodedAnnotation(orig->GetAnnotation(), output->GetAnnotation(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg); } bool VerifyEncodedAnnotation(dex_ir::EncodedAnnotation* orig, dex_ir::EncodedAnnotation* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->GetType()->GetIndex() != output->GetType()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded annotation type for annotation at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig->GetType()->GetIndex(), output->GetType()->GetIndex()); return false; } dex_ir::AnnotationElementVector* orig_elements = orig->GetAnnotationElements(); dex_ir::AnnotationElementVector* output_elements = output->GetAnnotationElements(); if (orig_elements->size() != output_elements->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded annotation size for annotation at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig_elements->size(), output_elements->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_elements->size(); ++i) { if (!VerifyAnnotationElement((*orig_elements)[i].get(), (*output_elements)[i].get(), orig_offset, error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyAnnotationElement(dex_ir::AnnotationElement* orig, dex_ir::AnnotationElement* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->GetName()->GetIndex() != output->GetName()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched annotation element name for annotation at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig->GetName()->GetIndex(), output->GetName()->GetIndex()); return false; } return VerifyEncodedValue(orig->GetValue(), output->GetValue(), orig_offset, error_msg); } bool VerifyEncodedValue(dex_ir::EncodedValue* orig, dex_ir::EncodedValue* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->Type() != output->Type()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded value type for annotation or encoded array at offset %x: %d vs %d.", orig_offset, orig->Type(), output->Type()); return false; } switch (orig->Type()) { case DexFile::kDexAnnotationByte: if (orig->GetByte() != output->GetByte()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched encoded byte for annotation at offset %x: %d vs %d.", orig_offset, orig->GetByte(), output->GetByte()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationShort: if (orig->GetShort() != output->GetShort()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched encoded short for annotation at offset %x: %d vs %d.", orig_offset, orig->GetShort(), output->GetShort()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationChar: if (orig->GetChar() != output->GetChar()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched encoded char for annotation at offset %x: %c vs %c.", orig_offset, orig->GetChar(), output->GetChar()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationInt: if (orig->GetInt() != output->GetInt()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched encoded int for annotation at offset %x: %d vs %d.", orig_offset, orig->GetInt(), output->GetInt()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationLong: if (orig->GetLong() != output->GetLong()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded long for annotation at offset %x: %" PRId64 " vs %" PRId64 ".", orig_offset, orig->GetLong(), output->GetLong()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationFloat: // The float value is encoded, so compare as if it's an int. if (orig->GetInt() != output->GetInt()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded float for annotation at offset %x: %x (encoded) vs %x (encoded).", orig_offset, orig->GetInt(), output->GetInt()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationDouble: // The double value is encoded, so compare as if it's a long. if (orig->GetLong() != output->GetLong()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded double for annotation at offset %x: %" PRIx64 " (encoded) vs %" PRIx64 " (encoded).", orig_offset, orig->GetLong(), output->GetLong()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationString: if (orig->GetStringId()->GetIndex() != output->GetStringId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded string for annotation at offset %x: %s vs %s.", orig_offset, orig->GetStringId()->Data(), output->GetStringId()->Data()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationType: if (orig->GetTypeId()->GetIndex() != output->GetTypeId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched encoded type for annotation at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig->GetTypeId()->GetIndex(), output->GetTypeId()->GetIndex()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationField: case DexFile::kDexAnnotationEnum: if (orig->GetFieldId()->GetIndex() != output->GetFieldId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched encoded field for annotation at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig->GetFieldId()->GetIndex(), output->GetFieldId()->GetIndex()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationMethod: if (orig->GetMethodId()->GetIndex() != output->GetMethodId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded method for annotation at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig->GetMethodId()->GetIndex(), output->GetMethodId()->GetIndex()); return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationArray: if (!VerifyEncodedArray(orig->GetEncodedArray(), output->GetEncodedArray(), error_msg)) { return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationAnnotation: if (!VerifyEncodedAnnotation(orig->GetEncodedAnnotation(), output->GetEncodedAnnotation(), orig_offset, error_msg)) { return false; } break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationNull: break; case DexFile::kDexAnnotationBoolean: if (orig->GetBoolean() != output->GetBoolean()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched encoded boolean for annotation at offset %x: %d vs %d.", orig_offset, orig->GetBoolean(), output->GetBoolean()); return false; } break; default: break; } return true; } bool VerifyEncodedArray(dex_ir::EncodedArrayItem* orig, dex_ir::EncodedArrayItem* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = "Found unexpected empty encoded array."; return false; } return true; } dex_ir::EncodedValueVector* orig_vector = orig->GetEncodedValues(); dex_ir::EncodedValueVector* output_vector = output->GetEncodedValues(); if (orig_vector->size() != output_vector->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched size for encoded array at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig->GetOffset(), orig_vector->size(), output_vector->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_vector->size(); ++i) { if (!VerifyEncodedValue((*orig_vector)[i].get(), (*output_vector)[i].get(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyClassData(dex_ir::ClassData* orig, dex_ir::ClassData* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = "Found unexpected empty class data."; return false; } return true; } if (!VerifyFields(orig->StaticFields(), output->StaticFields(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg)) { return false; } if (!VerifyFields(orig->InstanceFields(), output->InstanceFields(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg)) { return false; } if (!VerifyMethods(orig->DirectMethods(), output->DirectMethods(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg)) { return false; } return VerifyMethods(orig->VirtualMethods(), output->VirtualMethods(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg); } bool VerifyFields(dex_ir::FieldItemVector* orig, dex_ir::FieldItemVector* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->size() != output->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched fields size for class data at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig->size(), output->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig->size(); ++i) { dex_ir::FieldItem* orig_field = (*orig)[i].get(); dex_ir::FieldItem* output_field = (*output)[i].get(); if (orig_field->GetFieldId()->GetIndex() != output_field->GetFieldId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched field index for class data at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_field->GetFieldId()->GetIndex(), output_field->GetFieldId()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig_field->GetAccessFlags() != output_field->GetAccessFlags()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched field access flags for class data at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_field->GetAccessFlags(), output_field->GetAccessFlags()); return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyMethods(dex_ir::MethodItemVector* orig, dex_ir::MethodItemVector* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig->size() != output->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched methods size for class data at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig->size(), output->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig->size(); ++i) { dex_ir::MethodItem* orig_method = (*orig)[i].get(); dex_ir::MethodItem* output_method = (*output)[i].get(); if (orig_method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex() != output_method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched method index for class data at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex(), output_method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig_method->GetAccessFlags() != output_method->GetAccessFlags()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched method access flags for class data at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_method->GetAccessFlags(), output_method->GetAccessFlags()); return false; } if (!VerifyCode(orig_method->GetCodeItem(), output_method->GetCodeItem(), error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyCode(dex_ir::CodeItem* orig, dex_ir::CodeItem* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = "Found unexpected empty code item."; return false; } return true; } if (orig->RegistersSize() != output->RegistersSize()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched registers size for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetOffset(), orig->RegistersSize(), output->RegistersSize()); return false; } if (orig->InsSize() != output->InsSize()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched ins size for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetOffset(), orig->InsSize(), output->InsSize()); return false; } if (orig->OutsSize() != output->OutsSize()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched outs size for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetOffset(), orig->OutsSize(), output->OutsSize()); return false; } if (orig->TriesSize() != output->TriesSize()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched tries size for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetOffset(), orig->TriesSize(), output->TriesSize()); return false; } if (!VerifyDebugInfo(orig->DebugInfo(), output->DebugInfo(), error_msg)) { return false; } if (orig->InsnsSize() != output->InsnsSize()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched insns size for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig->GetOffset(), orig->InsnsSize(), output->InsnsSize()); return false; } if (memcmp(orig->Insns(), output->Insns(), orig->InsnsSize()) != 0) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched insns for code item at offset %x.", orig->GetOffset()); return false; } if (!VerifyTries(orig->Tries(), output->Tries(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg)) { return false; } return VerifyHandlers(orig->Handlers(), output->Handlers(), orig->GetOffset(), error_msg); } bool VerifyDebugInfo(dex_ir::DebugInfoItem* orig, dex_ir::DebugInfoItem* output, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = "Found unexpected empty debug info."; return false; } return true; } // TODO: Test for debug equivalence rather than byte array equality. uint32_t orig_size = orig->GetDebugInfoSize(); uint32_t output_size = output->GetDebugInfoSize(); if (orig_size != output_size) { *error_msg = "DebugInfoSize disagreed."; return false; } uint8_t* orig_data = orig->GetDebugInfo(); uint8_t* output_data = output->GetDebugInfo(); if ((orig_data == nullptr && output_data != nullptr) || (orig_data != nullptr && output_data == nullptr)) { *error_msg = "DebugInfo null/non-null mismatch."; return false; } if (memcmp(orig_data, output_data, orig_size) != 0) { *error_msg = "DebugInfo bytes mismatch."; return false; } return true; } bool VerifyTries(dex_ir::TryItemVector* orig, dex_ir::TryItemVector* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = "Found unexpected empty try items."; return false; } return true; } if (orig->size() != output->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf("Mismatched tries size for code item at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig->size(), output->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig->size(); ++i) { const dex_ir::TryItem* orig_try = (*orig)[i].get(); const dex_ir::TryItem* output_try = (*output)[i].get(); if (orig_try->StartAddr() != output_try->StartAddr()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched try item start addr for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_try->StartAddr(), output_try->StartAddr()); return false; } if (orig_try->InsnCount() != output_try->InsnCount()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched try item insn count for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_try->InsnCount(), output_try->InsnCount()); return false; } if (!VerifyHandler(orig_try->GetHandlers(), output_try->GetHandlers(), orig_offset, error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyHandlers(dex_ir::CatchHandlerVector* orig, dex_ir::CatchHandlerVector* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { if (orig == nullptr || output == nullptr) { if (orig != output) { *error_msg = "Found unexpected empty catch handlers."; return false; } return true; } if (orig->size() != output->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched catch handlers size for code item at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig->size(), output->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig->size(); ++i) { if (!VerifyHandler((*orig)[i].get(), (*output)[i].get(), orig_offset, error_msg)) { return false; } } return true; } bool VerifyHandler(const dex_ir::CatchHandler* orig, const dex_ir::CatchHandler* output, uint32_t orig_offset, std::string* error_msg) { dex_ir::TypeAddrPairVector* orig_handlers = orig->GetHandlers(); dex_ir::TypeAddrPairVector* output_handlers = output->GetHandlers(); if (orig_handlers->size() != output_handlers->size()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched number of catch handlers for code item at offset %x: %zu vs %zu.", orig_offset, orig_handlers->size(), output_handlers->size()); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < orig_handlers->size(); ++i) { const dex_ir::TypeAddrPair* orig_handler = (*orig_handlers)[i].get(); const dex_ir::TypeAddrPair* output_handler = (*output_handlers)[i].get(); if (orig_handler->GetTypeId() == nullptr || output_handler->GetTypeId() == nullptr) { if (orig_handler->GetTypeId() != output_handler->GetTypeId()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Found unexpected catch all catch handler for code item at offset %x.", orig_offset); return false; } } else if (orig_handler->GetTypeId()->GetIndex() != output_handler->GetTypeId()->GetIndex()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched catch handler type for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_handler->GetTypeId()->GetIndex(), output_handler->GetTypeId()->GetIndex()); return false; } if (orig_handler->GetAddress() != output_handler->GetAddress()) { *error_msg = StringPrintf( "Mismatched catch handler address for code item at offset %x: %u vs %u.", orig_offset, orig_handler->GetAddress(), output_handler->GetAddress()); return false; } } return true; } } // namespace art