// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef EVAL_H_ #define EVAL_H_ #include <memory> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include <vector> #include "loc.h" #include "stmt.h" #include "string_piece.h" #include "symtab.h" using namespace std; class Makefile; class Rule; class Var; class Vars; class Evaluator { public: Evaluator(); ~Evaluator(); void EvalAssign(const AssignStmt* stmt); void EvalRule(const RuleStmt* stmt); void EvalCommand(const CommandStmt* stmt); void EvalIf(const IfStmt* stmt); void EvalInclude(const IncludeStmt* stmt); void EvalExport(const ExportStmt* stmt); Var* LookupVar(Symbol name); // For target specific variables. Var* LookupVarInCurrentScope(Symbol name); // Equivalent to LookupVar, but doesn't mark as used. Var* PeekVar(Symbol name); string EvalVar(Symbol name); const Loc& loc() const { return loc_; } void set_loc(const Loc& loc) { loc_ = loc; } const vector<const Rule*>& rules() const { return rules_; } const unordered_map<Symbol, Vars*>& rule_vars() const { return rule_vars_; } const unordered_map<Symbol, bool>& exports() const { return exports_; } void Error(const string& msg); void set_is_bootstrap(bool b) { is_bootstrap_ = b; } void set_is_commandline(bool c) { is_commandline_ = c; } void set_current_scope(Vars* v) { current_scope_ = v; } bool avoid_io() const { return avoid_io_; } void set_avoid_io(bool a) { avoid_io_ = a; } const vector<string>& delayed_output_commands() const { return delayed_output_commands_; } void add_delayed_output_command(const string& c) { delayed_output_commands_.push_back(c); } void clear_delayed_output_commands() { delayed_output_commands_.clear(); } static const unordered_set<Symbol>& used_undefined_vars() { return used_undefined_vars_; } int eval_depth() const { return eval_depth_; } void IncrementEvalDepth() { eval_depth_++; } void DecrementEvalDepth() { eval_depth_--; } string GetShell(); string GetShellFlag(); string GetShellAndFlag(); void CheckStack() { void* addr = __builtin_frame_address(0); if (__builtin_expect(addr < lowest_stack_ && addr >= stack_addr_, 0)) { lowest_stack_ = addr; lowest_loc_ = loc_; } } void DumpStackStats() const; bool ExportDeprecated() const { return export_message_ && !export_error_; }; bool ExportObsolete() const { return export_error_; }; void SetExportDeprecated(StringPiece msg) { export_message_.reset(new string(msg.as_string())); } void SetExportObsolete(StringPiece msg) { export_message_.reset(new string(msg.as_string())); export_error_ = true; } private: Var* EvalRHS(Symbol lhs, Value* rhs, StringPiece orig_rhs, AssignOp op, bool is_override = false); void DoInclude(const string& fname); Var* LookupVarGlobal(Symbol name); // Equivalent to LookupVarInCurrentScope, but doesn't mark as used. Var* PeekVarInCurrentScope(Symbol name); unordered_map<Symbol, Vars*> rule_vars_; vector<const Rule*> rules_; unordered_map<Symbol, bool> exports_; Rule* last_rule_; Vars* current_scope_; Loc loc_; bool is_bootstrap_; bool is_commandline_; bool avoid_io_; // This value tracks the nest level of make expressions. For // example, $(YYY) in $(XXX $(YYY)) is evaluated with depth==2. // This will be used to disallow $(shell) in other make constructs. int eval_depth_; // Commands which should run at ninja-time (i.e., info, warning, and // error). vector<string> delayed_output_commands_; Symbol posix_sym_; bool is_posix_; void* stack_addr_; size_t stack_size_; void* lowest_stack_; Loc lowest_loc_; unique_ptr<string> export_message_; bool export_error_; static unordered_set<Symbol> used_undefined_vars_; Symbol kati_readonly_; }; #endif // EVAL_H_