# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#            http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Provides functionality to interact with a device via `fastboot`."""

import os
import re
import subprocess

class FastbootError(Exception):
    """Something went wrong interacting with fastboot."""

class FastbootDevice(object):
    """Class to interact with a fastboot device."""

    # Prefix for INFO-type messages when printed by fastboot. If we want
    # to parse the output from an INFO message we need to strip this off.
    INFO_PREFIX = '(bootloader) '

    def __init__(self, path='fastboot'):

            path: path to the fastboot executable to test with.

            FastbootError: Failed to find a device in fastboot mode.
        self.path = path

        # Make sure the fastboot executable is available.
            _subprocess_check_output([self.path, '--version'])
        except OSError:
            raise FastbootError('Could not execute `{}`'.format(self.path))

        # Make sure exactly 1 fastboot device is available if <specific device>
        # was not given as an argument. Do not try to find an adb device and
        # put it in fastboot mode, it would be too easy to accidentally
        # download to the wrong device.
        if not self._check_single_device():
            raise FastbootError('Requires exactly 1 device in fastboot mode')

    def _check_single_device(self):
        """Returns True if there is exactly one fastboot device attached.
           When ANDROID_SERIAL is set it checks that the device is available.

        if 'ANDROID_SERIAL' in os.environ:
                return True
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                return False
        devices = _subprocess_check_output([self.path, 'devices']).splitlines()
        return len(devices) == 1 and devices[0].split()[1] == 'fastboot'

    def getvar(self, name):
        """Calls `fastboot getvar`.

        To query all variables (fastboot getvar all) use getvar_all()

            name: variable name to access.

            String value of variable |name| or None if not found.
            output = _subprocess_check_output([self.path, 'getvar', name],
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            return None
        # Output format is <name>:<whitespace><value>.
        out = 0
        if output[0] == "< waiting for any device >":
            out = 1
        result = re.search(r'{}:\s*(.*)'.format(name), output[out])
        if result:
            return result.group(1)
            return None

    def getvar_all(self):
        """Calls `fastboot getvar all`.

            A {name, value} dictionary of variables.
        output = _subprocess_check_output([self.path, 'getvar', 'all'],
        all_vars = {}
        for line in output:
            result = re.search(r'(.*):\s*(.*)', line)
            if result:
                var_name = result.group(1)

                # `getvar all` works by sending one INFO message per variable
                # so we need to strip out the info prefix string.
                if var_name.startswith(self.INFO_PREFIX):
                    var_name = var_name[len(self.INFO_PREFIX):]

                # In addition to returning all variables the bootloader may
                # also think it's supposed to query a return a variable named
                # "all", so ignore this line if so. Fastboot also prints a
                # summary line that we want to ignore.
                if var_name != 'all' and 'total time' not in var_name:
                    all_vars[var_name] = result.group(2)
        return all_vars

    def flashall(self, wipe_user=True, slot=None, skip_secondary=False, quiet=True):
        """Calls `fastboot [-w] flashall`.

            wipe_user: whether to set the -w flag or not.
            slot: slot to flash if device supports A/B, otherwise default will be used.
            skip_secondary: on A/B devices, flashes only the primary images if true.
            quiet: True to hide output, false to send it to stdout.
        func = (_subprocess_check_output if quiet else subprocess.check_call)
        command = [self.path, 'flashall']
        if slot:
            command.extend(['--slot', slot])
        if skip_secondary:
        if wipe_user:
        func(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    def flash(self, partition='cache', img=None, slot=None, quiet=True):
        """Calls `fastboot flash`.

            partition: which partition to flash.
            img: path to .img file, otherwise the default will be used.
            slot: slot to flash if device supports A/B, otherwise default will be used.
            quiet: True to hide output, false to send it to stdout.
        func = (_subprocess_check_output if quiet else subprocess.check_call)
        command = [self.path, 'flash', partition]
        if img:
        if slot:
            command.extend(['--slot', slot])
        if skip_secondary:
        func(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    def reboot(self, bootloader=False):
        """Calls `fastboot reboot [bootloader]`.

            bootloader: True to reboot back to the bootloader.
        command = [self.path, 'reboot']
        if bootloader:
        _subprocess_check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    def set_active(self, slot):
        """Calls `fastboot set_active <slot>`.

            slot: The slot to set as the current slot."""
        command = [self.path, 'set_active', slot]
        _subprocess_check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

# If necessary, modifies subprocess.check_output() or subprocess.Popen() args
# to run the subprocess via Windows PowerShell to work-around an issue in
# Python 2's subprocess class on Windows where it doesn't support Unicode.
def _get_subprocess_args(args):
    # Only do this slow work-around if Unicode is in the cmd line on Windows.
    # PowerShell takes 600-700ms to startup on a 2013-2014 machine, which is
    # very slow.
    if os.name != 'nt' or all(not isinstance(arg, unicode) for arg in args[0]):
        return args

    def escape_arg(arg):
        # Escape for the parsing that the C Runtime does in Windows apps. In
        # particular, this will take care of double-quotes.
        arg = subprocess.list2cmdline([arg])
        # Escape single-quote with another single-quote because we're about
        # to...
        arg = arg.replace(u"'", u"''")
        # ...put the arg in a single-quoted string for PowerShell to parse.
        arg = u"'" + arg + u"'"
        return arg

    # Escape command line args.
    argv = map(escape_arg, args[0])
    # Cause script errors (such as adb not found) to stop script immediately
    # with an error.
    ps_code = u'$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"\r\n'
    # Add current directory to the PATH var, to match cmd.exe/CreateProcess()
    # behavior.
    ps_code += u'$env:Path = ".;" + $env:Path\r\n'
    # Precede by &, the PowerShell call operator, and separate args by space.
    ps_code += u'& ' + u' '.join(argv)
    # Make the PowerShell exit code the exit code of the subprocess.
    ps_code += u'\r\nExit $LastExitCode'
    # Encode as UTF-16LE (without Byte-Order-Mark) which Windows natively
    # understands.
    ps_code = ps_code.encode('utf-16le')

    # Encode the PowerShell command as base64 and use the special
    # -EncodedCommand option that base64 decodes. Base64 is just plain ASCII,
    # so it should have no problem passing through Win32 CreateProcessA()
    # (which python erroneously calls instead of CreateProcessW()).
    return (['powershell.exe', '-NoProfile', '-NonInteractive',
             '-EncodedCommand', base64.b64encode(ps_code)],) + args[1:]

# Call this instead of subprocess.check_output() to work-around issue in Python
# 2's subprocess class on Windows where it doesn't support Unicode.
def _subprocess_check_output(*args, **kwargs):
        return subprocess.check_output(*_get_subprocess_args(args), **kwargs)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        # Show real command line instead of the powershell.exe command line.
        raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(e.returncode, args[0],