/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <wifi_hal.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string> class Netlink; class NetlinkMessage; class Interface { public: Interface(Netlink& netlink, const char* name); Interface(Interface&& other); bool init(); wifi_error getSupportedFeatureSet(feature_set* set); wifi_error getName(char* name, size_t size); wifi_error getLinkStats(wifi_request_id requestId, wifi_stats_result_handler handler); wifi_error setLinkStats(wifi_link_layer_params params); wifi_error setAlertHandler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_alert_handler handler); wifi_error resetAlertHandler(wifi_request_id id); wifi_error getFirmwareVersion(char* buffer, size_t size); wifi_error getDriverVersion(char* buffer, size_t size); wifi_error setScanningMacOui(oui scan_oui); wifi_error clearLinkStats(u32 requestMask, u32* responseMask, u8 request, u8* response); wifi_error getValidChannels(int band, int maxChannels, wifi_channel* channels, int* numChannels); wifi_error startLogging(u32 verboseLevel, u32 flags, u32 maxIntervalSec, u32 minDataSize, char* ringName); wifi_error setCountryCode(const char* countryCode); wifi_error setLogHandler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_ring_buffer_data_handler handler); wifi_error getRingBuffersStatus(u32* numRings, wifi_ring_buffer_status* status); wifi_error getLoggerSupportedFeatureSet(unsigned int* support); wifi_error getRingData(char* ringName); wifi_error configureNdOffload(u8 enable); wifi_error startPacketFateMonitoring(); wifi_error getTxPacketFates(wifi_tx_report* txReportBuffers, size_t numRequestedFates, size_t* numProvidedFates); wifi_error getRxPacketFates(wifi_rx_report* rxReportBuffers, size_t numRequestedFates, size_t* numProvidedFates); wifi_error getPacketFilterCapabilities(u32* version, u32* maxLength); wifi_error getWakeReasonStats(WLAN_DRIVER_WAKE_REASON_CNT* wakeReasonCount); private: Interface(const Interface&) = delete; Interface& operator=(const Interface&) = delete; void onLinkStatsReply(wifi_request_id requestId, wifi_stats_result_handler handler, const NetlinkMessage& reply); Netlink& mNetlink; std::string mName; uint32_t mInterfaceIndex; };