# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Nanohub sensor HAL usage instructions: # # Add the following to your device.mk file. # # # Enable the nanohub sensor HAL # TARGET_USES_NANOHUB_SENSORHAL := true # # # Nanohub sensor list source file # NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_SENSORLIST := $(LOCAL_PATH)/sensorhal/sensorlist.cpp # # # Sensor HAL name override (optional) # NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_NAME_OVERRIDE := sensors.nanohub # # # Enable lid-state reporting (optional) # NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_LID_STATE_ENABLED := true # # # Enable mag-bias reporting (optional) # NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_USB_MAG_BIAS_ENABLED := true # LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_NANOHUB_SENSORHAL), true) COMMON_CFLAGS := -Wall -Werror -Wextra ################################################################################ include $(CLEAR_VARS) ifeq ($(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_NAME_OVERRIDE),) ifeq ($(TARGET_DEVICE),angler_treble) LOCAL_MODULE := sensors.angler else ifeq ($(TARGET_DEVICE),bullhead_treble) LOCAL_MODULE := sensors.bullhead else LOCAL_MODULE := sensors.$(TARGET_DEVICE) endif endif else LOCAL_MODULE := $(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_NAME_OVERRIDE) endif LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH := hw LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER := google LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE := true LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(COMMON_CFLAGS) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += \ device/google/contexthub/firmware/os/inc \ device/google/contexthub/util/common LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ sensors.cpp \ ../../../../$(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_SENSORLIST) LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES := \ libhardware_headers LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \ liblog \ libcutils \ libhubconnection \ libstagefright_foundation \ libutils ifeq ($(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_DIRECT_REPORT_ENABLED), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DDIRECT_REPORT_ENABLED endif ifeq ($(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_DYNAMIC_SENSOR_EXT_ENABLED), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DDYNAMIC_SENSOR_EXT_ENABLED LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += libdynamic_sensor_ext endif ifeq ($(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_LEFTY_SERVICE_ENABLED), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DLEFTY_SERVICE_ENABLED LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += liblefty_service_nanohub endif include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) ################################################################################ include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := activity_recognition.$(TARGET_DEVICE) LOCAL_MODULE_RELATIVE_PATH := hw LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER := google LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE := true LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(COMMON_CFLAGS) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += \ device/google/contexthub/firmware/os/inc \ device/google/contexthub/util/common LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ activity.cpp LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES := \ libhardware_headers LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \ libcutils \ libhubconnection \ liblog \ libstagefright_foundation \ libutils include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) ################################################################################ include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := libhubconnection LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER := google LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE := true LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(COMMON_CFLAGS) ifeq ($(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_LID_STATE_ENABLED), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DLID_STATE_REPORTING_ENABLED endif ifeq ($(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_USB_MAG_BIAS_ENABLED), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DUSB_MAG_BIAS_REPORTING_ENABLED endif ifeq ($(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_DOUBLE_TOUCH_ENABLED), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DDOUBLE_TOUCH_ENABLED endif ifeq ($(NANOHUB_SENSORHAL_DIRECT_REPORT_ENABLED), true) LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DDIRECT_REPORT_ENABLED endif LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += \ device/google/contexthub/firmware/os/inc LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ hubconnection.cpp \ directchannel.cpp LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := \ libhubutilcommon LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \ libcutils \ libhardware \ libhardware_legacy \ liblog \ libstagefright_foundation \ libutils \ include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) ################################################################################ endif