## This file is used by NFC NXP NCI HAL(external/libnfc-nci/halimpl/pn547)
## and NFC Service Java Native Interface Extensions (packages/apps/Nfc/nci/jni/extns/pn547)
# Application options
# Logging Levels
# ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG          0x03
# ANDROID_LOG_WARN           0x02
# ANDROID_LOG_ERROR          0x01
# ANDROID_LOG_SILENT         0x00

# Nfc Device Node name

# Extension for Mifare reader enable

# Firmware file type
#.so file   0x01
#.bin file  0x02

# System clock source selection configuration
#define CLK_SRC_XTAL       1
#define CLK_SRC_PLL        2

# System clock frequency selection configuration
#define CLK_FREQ_13MHZ         1
#define CLK_FREQ_19_2MHZ       2
#define CLK_FREQ_24MHZ         3
#define CLK_FREQ_26MHZ         4
#define CLK_FREQ_38_4MHZ       5
#define CLK_FREQ_52MHZ         6

# The timeout value to be used for clock request acknowledgment
# min value = 0x01 to max = 0x06

# NXP proprietary settings
NXP_ACT_PROP_EXTN={2F, 02, 00}

# NFC forum profile settings
NXP_NFC_PROFILE_EXTN={20, 02, 05, 01, A0, 44, 01, 00}

# NXP TVDD configurations settings
# Allow NFCC to configure External TVDD, two configurations (1 and 2) supported,
# out of them only one can be configured at a time.

#config1:SLALM, 3.3V for both RM and CM
NXP_EXT_TVDD_CFG_1={20, 02, 0F, 01, A0, 0E, 0B, 31, 01, 01, 31, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, D0, 0C}

#config2: use DCDC in CE, use Tx_Pwr_Req, set CFG2 mode, SLALM,
#monitoring 5V from DCDC, 3.3V for both RM and CM, DCDCWaitTime=4.2ms
NXP_EXT_TVDD_CFG_2={20, 02, 0F, 01, A0, 0E, 0B, 11, 01, 82, B2, 00, BA, 1E, 18, 00, D0, 0C}

# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
20, 02, 22, 04,
 A0, 0D, 03, 24, 03, 7E,
 A0, 0D, 06, 34, 44, 66, 0A, 00, 00,
 A0, 0D, 06, 06, 42, 00, 02, F4, F4,
 A0, 0D, 06, 06, 37, 28, 76, 00, 00

# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
20, 02, D6, 01, A0, 34, D2, 23, 04, 18, 47, 40, 00, 00, 40, 01, 10, 00, 00, 03, 1E, 00, 80, 02, 32, 00, B0, 00, 4B, 00, 30, 02, 67, 00, 38, 02, 99, 00, 38, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 47, 00, 00, 40, 01, 10, 00, 00, 03, 1E, 00, 80, 02, 32, 00, B0, 00, 4B, 00, 30, 02, 67, 00, 38, 02, 99, 00, 38, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 08, 02, 00, 00, 00, 00

# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform
20, 02, 5B, 01, A0, 0B, 57, F2, 12, 90, 78, 0F, 4E, 00, 3D, 95, 00, 00, 3D, 9F, 00, 00, 50, 9F, 00, 00, 59, 9F, 00, 00, 5A, 9F, 00, 00, 64, 9F, 00, 00, 65, 9F, 00, 00, 6E, 9F, 00, 00, 72, 9F, 00, 00, 79, 9F, 00, 00, 7B, 9F, 00, 00, 84, 9F, 00, 00, 86, 9F, 00, 00, 8F, 9F, 00, 00, 91, 9F, 00, 00, 9A, 9F, 00, 00, A1, 9F, 00, 00, A7, 9F, 00, 00, B0, 9F, 00, 00, B9, 1F, 00, 00

# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform

# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform

# NXP RF configuration ALM/PLM settings
# This section needs to be updated with the correct values based on the platform

# Core configuration extensions
# It includes
# Wired mode settings A0ED, A0EE
# Tag Detector A040, A041, A043
# Low Power mode A007
# Clock settings A002, A003
# PbF settings A008
# Clock timeout settings A004
# eSE (SVDD) PWR REQ settings A0F2
# Window size A0D8
# DWP Speed   A0D5
# How eSE connected to PN553 A012
# UICC2 bit rate A0D1
# SWP1A interface A0D4
# DWP intf behavior config, SVDD Load activated by default if set to 0x31 A037
NXP_CORE_CONF_EXTN={20, 02, 44, 0E,
    A0, EC, 01, 01,
    A0, ED, 01, 01,
    A0, 5E, 01, 01,
    A0, 12, 01, 02,
    A0, 40, 01, 01,
    A0, D1, 01, 02,
    A0, D4, 01, 00,
    A0, 37, 01, 35,
    A0, D8, 01, 02,
    A0, D5, 01, 0A,
    A0, 43, 01, 00,
    A0, B1, 02, 8C, 0A,
    A0, 38, 04, 0A, 06, 06, 00,
    A0, 3A, 08, 0E, 01, 0E, 01, 0E, 01, 0E, 01

# Core configuration rf field filter settings to enable set to 01 to disable set
# to 00 last bit
NXP_CORE_RF_FIELD={ 20, 02, 05, 01, A0, 62, 01, 00 }

# To enable i2c fragmentation set i2c fragmentation enable 0x01 to disable set
# to 0x00

# Core configuration settings
NXP_CORE_CONF={ 20, 02, 31, 0F,
        85, 01, 01,
        28, 01, 00,
        21, 01, 00,
        30, 01, 08,
        31, 01, 03,
        32, 01, 60,
        38, 01, 01,
        33, 04, 01, 02, 03, 04,
        54, 01, 06,
        50, 01, 02,
        5B, 01, 00,
        80, 01, 01,
        81, 01, 01,
        82, 01, 0E,
        18, 01, 01

#Enable SWP full power mode when phone is power off

#Set the default Felica T3T System Code OffHost route Location :
# host  0x00
# eSE   0x01
# UICC  0x02
# UICC2 0x03

#Set the default Felica T3T System Code :

# AID Matching platform options

#Enable  0x01
#Disable  0x00

# Allowed range of swp timeout setting is 0x00 to 0x3C [0 - 60].
# Timeout in milliseconds, for example
# No Timeout  0x00
# 10 millisecond timeout 0x0A

# Extended APDU length for ISO_DEP

# Vendor Specific Proprietary Protocol & Discovery Configuration
# Set to 0xFF if unsupported
#  byte[0] NCI_PROTOCOL_18092_ACTIVE
#  byte[3] NCI_PROTOCOL_15693
NFA_PROPRIETARY_CFG={05, FF, FF, 06, 81, 80, 70, FF, FF}

# Choose the presence-check algorithm for type-4 tag.  If not defined, the default value is 1.
# 0  NFA_RW_PRES_CHK_DEFAULT; Let stack selects an algorithm
# 1  NFA_RW_PRES_CHK_I_BLOCK; ISO-DEP protocol's empty I-block
# 2 NFA_RW_PRES_CHK_ISO_DEP_NAK; Type - 4 tag protocol iso-dep nak presence check
#    command is sent waiting for rsp and ntf.
