/** @file * * Copyright (c) 2015, Hisilicon Limited. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015, Linaro Limited. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License * which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at * http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php * * THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. * **/ #ifndef _HW_MEM_INIT_LIB_H_ #define _HW_MEM_INIT_LIB_H_ #include <PlatformArch.h> #define I2C_CHANNEL 2 #define MAX_I2C_DEV 6 #define SPD_MODULE_PART 18 #define SPD_MODULE_PART_DDR4 20 #define NVRAM_ADDR 0x00D00000 typedef enum { DDR_FREQ_AUTO = 0, DDR_FREQ_800, DDR_FREQ_1000, DDR_FREQ_1066, DDR_FREQ_1200, DDR_FREQ_1333, DDR_FREQ_1400, DDR_FREQ_1600, DDR_FREQ_1800, DDR_FREQ_1866, DDR_FREQ_2000, DDR_FREQ_2133, DDR_FREQ_2200, DDR_FREQ_2400, DDR_FREQ_2600, DDR_FREQ_2666, DDR_FREQ_2800, DDR_FREQ_2933, DDR_FREQ_3000, DDR_FREQ_3200, DDR_FREQ_MAX } DDR_FREQUENCY_INDEX; typedef struct _DDR_FREQ_TCK { UINT32 ddrFreq; UINT32 ddrCk; }DDR_FREQ_TCK; typedef struct _GBL_CFG{ }GBL_CFG; typedef struct _GBL_VAR{ }GBL_VAR; typedef struct _GBL_NVDATA{ }GBL_NVDATA; typedef struct _GOBAL { const GBL_CFG Config; // constant input data GBL_VAR Variable; // variable, volatile data GBL_NVDATA NvData; // variable, non-volatile data for S3, warm boot path UINT32 PreBootFailed; }GOBAL, *PGOBAL; struct DDR_RANK { BOOLEAN Status; UINT16 RttNom; UINT16 RttPark; UINT16 RttWr; UINT16 MR0; UINT16 MR1; UINT16 MR2; UINT16 MR3; UINT16 MR4; UINT16 MR5; UINT16 MR6[9]; }; struct baseMargin { INT16 n; INT16 p; }; struct rankMargin { struct baseMargin rank[MAX_CHANNEL][MAX_RANK_CH]; }; typedef struct _DDR_DIMM{ BOOLEAN Status; UINT8 mapout; UINT8 DramType; //Byte 2 UINT8 ModuleType; //Byte 3 UINT8 ExtendModuleType; UINT8 SDRAMCapacity; //Byte 4 UINT8 BankNum; UINT8 BGNum; //Byte 4 For DDR4 UINT8 RowBits; //Byte 5 UINT8 ColBits; //Byte 5 UINT8 SpdVdd; //Byte 6 UINT8 DramWidth; //Byte 7 UINT8 RankNum; //Byte 7 UINT8 PrimaryBusWidth; //Byte 8 UINT8 ExtensionBusWidth; //Byte 8 UINT32 Mtb; UINT32 Ftb; UINT32 minTck; UINT8 MtbDividend; UINT8 MtbDivsor; UINT8 nCL; UINT32 nRCD; UINT32 nRP; UINT8 SPDftb; UINT8 SpdMinTCK; UINT8 SpdMinTCKFtb; UINT8 SpdMaxTCK; UINT8 SpdMinTCL; UINT8 SpdMinTCLFtb; UINT8 SpdMinTWR; UINT8 SpdMinTRCD; UINT8 SpdMinTRCDFtb; UINT8 SpdMinTRRD; UINT8 SpdMinTRRDL; UINT16 SpdMinTRAS; UINT16 SpdMinTRC; UINT16 SpdMinTRCFtb; UINT16 SpdMinTRFC; UINT8 SpdMinTWTR; UINT8 SpdMinTRTP; UINT8 SpdMinTAA; UINT8 SpdMinTAAFtb; UINT8 SpdMinTFAW; UINT8 SpdMinTRP; UINT8 SpdMinTRPFtb; UINT8 SpdMinTCCDL; UINT8 SpdMinTCCDLFtb; UINT8 SpdAddrMap; UINT8 SpdModuleAttr; UINT8 SpdModPart[SPD_MODULE_PART]; // Module Part Number UINT8 SpdModPartDDR4[SPD_MODULE_PART_DDR4]; // Module Part Number DDR4 UINT16 SpdMMfgId; // Module Mfg Id from SPD UINT16 SpdRMId; // Register Manufacturer Id UINT16 SpdMMDate; // Module Manufacturing Date UINT32 SpdSerialNum; UINT16 DimmSize; UINT16 DimmSpeed; UINT32 RankSize; UINT8 SpdMirror; //Denote the dram address mapping is standard mode or mirrored mode struct DDR_RANK Rank[MAX_RANK_DIMM]; }DDR_DIMM; typedef struct { UINT32 ddrcTiming0; UINT32 ddrcTiming1; UINT32 ddrcTiming2; UINT32 ddrcTiming3; UINT32 ddrcTiming4; UINT32 ddrcTiming5; UINT32 ddrcTiming6; UINT32 ddrcTiming7; UINT32 ddrcTiming8; }DDRC_TIMING; typedef struct _MARGIN_RESULT{ UINT32 OptimalDramVref[12]; UINT32 optimalPhyVref[18]; }MARGIN_RESULT; typedef struct _DDR_Channel{ BOOLEAN Status; UINT8 CurrentDimmNum; UINT8 CurrentRankNum; UINT16 RankPresent; UINT8 DramType; UINT8 DramWidth; UINT8 ModuleType; UINT32 MemSize; UINT32 tck; UINT32 ratio; UINT32 CLSupport; UINT32 minTck; UINT32 taref; UINT32 nAA; UINT32 nAOND; UINT32 nCKE; UINT32 nCL; UINT32 nCCDL; UINT32 nCKSRX; UINT32 nCKSRE; UINT32 nCCDNSW; UINT32 nCCDNSR; UINT32 nFAW; UINT32 nMRD; UINT32 nMOD; UINT32 nRCD; UINT32 nRRD; UINT32 nRRDL; UINT32 nRAS; UINT32 nRC; UINT32 nRFC; UINT32 nRFCAB; UINT32 nRTP; UINT32 nRTW; UINT32 nRP; UINT32 nSRE; UINT32 nWL; UINT32 nWR; UINT32 nWTR; UINT32 nWTRL; UINT32 nXARD; UINT32 nZQPRD; UINT32 nZQINIT; UINT32 nZQCS; UINT8 cwl; //tWL? UINT8 pl; //parity latency UINT8 wr_pre_2t_en; UINT8 rd_pre_2t_en; UINT8 cmd_2t_en; UINT8 parity_en; UINT8 wr_dbi_en; UINT8 wr_dm_en; UINT8 ddr4_crc_en; UINT16 emrs0; UINT16 emrs1; UINT16 emrs1Wr; UINT16 emrs2; UINT16 emrs3; UINT16 emrs4; UINT16 emrs5; UINT16 emrs5Wr; UINT16 emrs6; UINT16 emrs7; UINT8 phy_rddata_set; UINT8 phyif_tim_rdcs; UINT8 phyif_tim_rden; UINT8 phyif_tim_wden; UINT8 phyif_tim_wdda; UINT8 phyif_tim_wdcs; UINT8 per_cs_training_en; UINT32 phyRdDataEnIeDly; UINT32 phyPadCalConfig; UINT32 phyDqsFallRiseDelay; UINT32 ddrcCfgDfiLat0; UINT32 ddrcCfgDfiLat1; UINT32 parityLatency; UINT32 dimm_parity_en; DDRC_TIMING ddrcTiming; DDR_DIMM Dimm[MAX_DIMM]; MARGIN_RESULT sMargin; }DDR_CHANNEL; typedef struct _NVRAM_RANK{ UINT16 MR0; UINT16 MR1; UINT16 MR2; UINT16 MR3; UINT16 MR4; UINT16 MR5; UINT16 MR6[9]; }NVRAM_RANK; typedef struct _NVRAM_DIMM{ NVRAM_RANK Rank[MAX_RANK_DIMM]; }NVRAM_DIMM; typedef struct _NVRAM_CHANNEL{ NVRAM_DIMM Dimm[MAX_DIMM]; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ECC; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_WORKMODE; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_WORKMODE1; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_WORKMODE2; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_DDRMODE; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_DIMM; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_0; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_1; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_2; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_3; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_4; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_5; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_6; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_7; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_8; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_9; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_10; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_RNKVOL_11; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_0; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_1; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_2; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_3; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_4; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_5; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_6; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_7; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_8; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_9; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_10; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_ODT_11; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_TIMING0; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_TIMING1; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_TIMING2; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_TIMING3; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_TIMING4; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_TIMING5; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_TIMING6; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_TIMING7; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_DFI_LAT0; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_DFI_LAT1; UINT32 DDRC_CFG_DDRPHY; UINT32 Config[24]; BOOLEAN Status; }NVRAM_CHANNEL; typedef struct _NVRAM{ UINT32 NvramCrc; NVRAM_CHANNEL Channel[MAX_SOCKET][MAX_CHANNEL]; UINT32 DdrFreqIdx; }NVRAM; typedef struct _MEMORY{ UINT8 Config0; UINT8 marginTest; UINT8 Config1[5]; UINT8 ErrorBypass; //register of spd mirror mode UINT32 Config2; }MEMORY; typedef struct _NUMAINFO{ UINT8 NodeId; UINT64 Base; UINT64 Length; UINT32 ScclInterleaveEn; }NUMAINFO; typedef struct _GBL_DATA { DDR_CHANNEL Channel[MAX_SOCKET][MAX_CHANNEL]; UINT8 DramType; UINT8 CurrentDimmNum; UINT8 CurrentRankNum; UINT8 MaxSPCNum; UINT32 Freq; UINT32 SpdTckMtb; UINT32 SpdTckFtb; UINT32 SpdTck; UINT32 Tck; UINT32 DdrFreqIdx; UINT32 DevParaFreqIdx; //Maximum frequency of DDR device UINT32 MemSize; UINT32 EccEn; BOOLEAN SetupExist; UINT8 warmReset; UINT8 needColdReset; UINT8 cl; UINT8 cwl; UINT8 pl; UINT8 wr_pre_2t_en; UINT8 rd_pre_2t_en; UINT8 cmd_2t_en; UINT8 ddr4_parity_en; UINT8 wr_dbi_en; UINT8 wr_dm_en; UINT8 ddr4_crc_en; UINT16 emrs0; UINT16 emrs1; UINT16 emrs2; UINT16 emrs3; UINT16 emrs4; UINT16 emrs5; UINT16 emrs6; UINT16 emrs7; UINT8 phy_rddata_set; UINT8 phyif_tim_rdcs; UINT8 phyif_tim_rden; UINT8 phyif_tim_wden; UINT8 phyif_tim_wdda; UINT8 phyif_tim_wdcs; UINT8 dimm_trtr; UINT8 dimm_twtw; UINT8 rnk_trtr; UINT8 rnk_twtw; UINT8 rnk_trtw; UINT8 rnk_twtr; UINT8 per_cs_training_en; UINT8 scale; UINT8 ddrFreq; UINT8 debugNeed; UINT8 ddr3OdtEnable; double fprd; BOOLEAN chipIsEc; NVRAM nvram; MEMORY mem; NUMAINFO NumaInfo[MAX_SOCKET][MAX_NUM_PER_TYPE]; }GBL_DATA, *pGBL_DATA; typedef union { struct { UINT16 freqIndex:4; //Frequency Index; UINT16 slot0:4; //Channel slot0 for DIMM UINT16 slot1:4; //Channel slot1 for DIMM UINT16 slot2:4; //Channel slot2 for DIMM }Bits; UINT16 Data; }ODT_VALUE_INDEX; typedef union { struct { UINT8 RTTNom:3; UINT8 reserved_3:1; UINT8 RTTWr:2; UINT8 reserved_6:2; }Bits; UINT8 Data; }ODT_RTT_VALUE_DDR3; typedef union { struct { UINT8 RTTNom:3; UINT8 RTTPark:3; UINT8 RTTWr:2; }Bits; UINT8 Data; }ODT_RTT_VALUE_DDR4; typedef union { struct { UINT16 tarDimm:2; // target DIMM UINT16 tarRank:2; // target Rank UINT16 slot0:4; // Channel slot0 for DIMM UINT16 slot1:4; // Channel slot1 for DIMM UINT16 slot2:4; // Channel slot2 for DIMM }Bits; UINT16 Data; }ODT_ACTIVE_INDEX; struct ODT_VALUE_STRUCT_DDR3 { UINT16 config; // ODT_VALUE_INDEX UINT8 dramOdt[MAX_DIMM][MAX_RANK_DIMM]; // ODT_VALUE_RTT_DDR3 }; struct ODT_VALUE_STRUCT_DDR4 { UINT16 config; UINT8 dramOdt[MAX_DIMM][MAX_RANK_DIMM]; }; struct ODT_ACTIVE_STRUCT { UINT16 config; // ODT config index UINT16 actBits[2]; // WR :Bits[3;0] = D0_R[3:0] Bits[7:4] = D1_R[3:0] Bits[11:8] = D2_R[3:0] }; // JEDEC manufacturer IDs from JEP-106 #define MFGID_AENEON 0x5705 #define MFGID_QIMONDA 0x5105 #define MFGID_NEC 0x1000 #define MFGID_IDT 0xB300 #define MFGID_TI 0x9700 #define MFGID_HYNIX 0xAD00 #define MFGID_MICRON 0x2C00 #define MFGID_INFINEON 0xC100 #define MFGID_SAMSUNG 0xCE00 #define MFGID_TEK 0x3D00 #define MFGID_KINGSTON 0x9801 #define MFGID_ELPIDA 0xFE02 #define MFGID_SMART 0x9401 #define MFGID_AGILENT 0xC802 #define MFGID_NANYA 0x0B03 #define MFGID_INPHI 0xB304 #define MFGID_MONTAGE 0x3206 #define MFGID_RAMAXEL 0x4304 // // DDR3 frequencies 800 - 2667 // DDR4 frequencies 1333 - 3200 // #define DDR_800 0 // tCK(ns)=2.5 #define DDR_1000 1 // tCK(ns)=2.0 #define DDR_1066 2 // tCK(ns)=1.875 #define DDR_1200 3 // tCK(ns)=1.667 #define DDR_1333 4 // tCK(ns)=1.5 #define DDR_1400 5 // tCK(ns)=1.429 #define DDR_1600 6 // tCK(ns)=1.25 #define DDR_1800 7 // tCK(ns)=1.11 #define DDR_1866 8 // tCK(ns)=1.07 #define DDR_2000 9 // tCK(ns)=1.0 #define DDR_2133 10 // tCK(ns)=0.9375 #define DDR_2200 11 // tCK(ns)=0.909 #define DDR_2400 12 // tCK(ns)=0.833 #define DDR_2600 13 // tCK(ns)=0.769 #define DDR_2666 14 // tCK(ns)=0.750 #define DDR_2800 15 // tCK(ns)=0.714 #define DDR_2933 16 // tCK(ns)=0.682 #define DDR_3000 17 // tCK(ns)=0.667 #define DDR_3200 18 // tCK(ns)=0.625 #define DDR_MAX (DDR_3200) #define FREQUENCY_MTB_OFFSET 1000000 #define FREQUENCY_FTB_OFFSET 1000 // #define DDR_800_TCK_MIN 25000 #define DDR_1000_TCK_MIN 20000 #define DDR_1067_TCK_MIN 18750 #define DDR_1200_TCK_MIN 16670 #define DDR_1333_TCK_MIN 15000 #define DDR_1400_TCK_MIN 14290 #define DDR_1600_TCK_MIN 12500 #define DDR_1800_TCK_MIN 11100 #define DDR_1867_TCK_MIN 10710 #define DDR_2000_TCK_MIN 10000 #define DDR_2133_TCK_MIN 9380 #define DDR_2200_TCK_MIN 9090 #define DDR_2400_TCK_MIN 8330 #define DDR_2600_TCK_MIN 7690 #define DDR_2667_TCK_MIN 7500 #define DDR_2800_TCK_MIN 7140 #define DDR_2933_TCK_MIN 6820 #define DDR_3000_TCK_MIN 6670 #define DDR_3200_TCK_MIN 6250 // // Serial Presence Detect bytes (JEDEC revision 1.0) // #define SPD_SIZE 0 // Bytes used, Device size, CRC coverage #define SPD_REVISION 1 // SPD Encoding Revision #define SPD_KEY_BYTE 2 // DRAM Device Type #define SPD_TYPE_DDR3 0x0B // DDR3 SDRAM #define SPD_TYPE_DDR4 0x0C // DDR4 SDRAM #define SPD_KEY_BYTE2 3 // Module Type and Thickness (RDIMM or UDIMM) #define SPD_RDIMM 1 // Module type is RDIMM #define SPD_UDIMM 2 // Module type is UDIMM #define SPD_SODIMM 3 // Module type is SODIMM #define SPD_MICRO_DIMM 4 // Module type is Micro-DIMM #define SPD_LRDIMM_DDR4 4 // Module type is LRDIMM (DDR4) #define SPD_MINI_RDIMM 5 // Module type is Mini-RDIMM #define SPD_MINI_UDIMM 6 // Module type is Mini-UDIMM #define SPD_MINI_CDIMM 7 // Module type is Mini-CDIMM #define SPD_ECC_SO_UDIMM 9 // Module type is 72b-SO-UDIMM #define SPD_ECC_SO_RDIMM 8 // Module type is 72b-SO-RDIMM #define SPD_ECC_SO_CDIMM 10 // Module type is 72b-SO-CDIMM #define SPD_LRDIMM 11 // Module type is LRDIMM #define SPD_UDIMM_ECC 18 // Module type is UDIMM-ECC #define SPD_SDRAM_BANKS 4 // SDRAM Density and number of internal banks #define SPD_1Gb 2 // Total SDRAM Capacity 1 Gigabits #define SPD_2Gb 3 // Total SDRAM Capacity 2 Gigabits #define SPD_4Gb 4 // Total SDRAM Capacity 4 Gigabits #define SPD_8Gb 5 // Total SDRAM Capacity 8 Gigabits #define SPD_16Gb 6 // Total SDRAM Capacity 16 Gigabits #define SPD_32Gb 7 // Total SDRAM Capacity 32 Gigabits #define SPD_SDRAM_ADDR 5 // Number of Row and Column address bits #define SPD_ROW_12 0 // 12 row bits #define SPD_ROW_13 1 // 13 row bits #define SPD_ROW_14 2 // 14 row bits #define SPD_ROW_15 3 // 15 row bits #define SPD_ROW_16 4 // 16 row bits #define SPD_ROW_17 5 // 17 row bits #define SPD_ROW_18 6 // 18 row bits #define SPD_COL_9 0 // 9 colum bits #define SPD_COL_10 1 // 10 colum bits #define SPD_COL_11 2 // 11 colum bits #define SPD_COL_12 3 // 12 colum bits #define SPD_VDD_SUPPORT 6 // Vdd DIMM supports #define SPD_VDD_150 0 // Module Supports 1.50V #define SPD_VDD_135 BIT1 // Module Supports 1.35V #define SPD_VDD_125 BIT2 // Module Supports 1.25V #define SPD_MODULE_ORG_DDR3 7 // Number of Ranks and SDRAM device width #define SPD_MODULE_ORG_DDR4 12 // DDR4 Module Organization #define DEVICE_WIDTH_X4 0 // SDRAM device width = 4 bits #define DEVICE_WIDTH_X8 1 // SDRAM device width = 8 bits #define DEVICE_WIDTH_X16 2 // SDRAM device width = 16 bits #define SPD_NUM_RANKS_1 0 #define SPD_NUM_RANKS_2 1 #define SPD_NUM_RANKS_4 3 #define SPD_NUM_RANKS_8 4 #define SPD_MEM_BUS_WID 8 // Width of SDRAM memory bus #define SPD_FTB 9 // Timebase for fine grain timing calculations #define SPD_MTB_DIVEND 10 // Medium Time Base Dividend #define SPD_MTB_DIVISOR 11 // Medium Time Base Divisor #define SPD_MIN_TCK 12 // Minimum cycle time (at max CL) #define SPD_TCKMIN_800 20 // tCK(MTB)=20, tCK(ns)=2.5 #define SPD_TCKMIN_1067 15 // tCK(MTB)=15, tCK(ns)=1.875 #define SPD_TCKMIN_1333 12 // tCK(MTB)=12, tCK(ns)=1.5 #define SPD_TCKMIN_1600 10 // tCK(MTB)=10, tCK(ns)=1.25 #define SPD_TCKMIN_1867 9 // tCK(MTB)=9, tCK(ns)=1.07 #define SPD_TCKMIN_2133 8 // tCK(MTB)=8, tCK(ns)=0.9375 #define SPD_TCKMIN_2400 7 // tCK(MTB)=7, tCK(ns)=.833 #define SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_LSB 14 // CAS Latencies Supported, Least Significant Byte #define SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_MSB 15 // CAS Latencies Supported, Most Significant Byte #define SPD_MIN_TAA 16 // Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin) #define SPD_MIN_TWR 17 // Minimum Write Recovery Time #define SPD_MIN_TRCD 18 // Minimum RAS to CAS delay #define SPD_MIN_TRRD 19 // Minimum Row active to row active delay #define SPD_MIN_TRP 20 // Minimum Row Precharge time #define SPD_EXT_TRC_TRAS 21 // Upper nibbles for min tRAS and tRC #define SPD_MIN_TRAS 22 // Minimum Active to Precharge time #define SPD_MIN_TRC 23 // Minimum Active to Active/Refresh time #define SPD_MIN_TRFC_LSB 24 // Minimum Refresh Recovery time least-significant byte #define SPD_MIN_TRFC_MSB 25 // Minimum Refresh Recovery time most-significant byte #define SPD_MIN_TWTR 26 // Minimum Internal Write to Read command delay #define SPD_MIN_TRTP 27 // Minimum Internal Read to Precharge command delay #define SPD_UN_TFAW 28 // Upper Nibble for tFAW #define SPD_MIN_TFAW 29 // Minimum Four Activate Window Delay Time (tFAWmin) #define SPD_OD_SUP 30 // SDRAM Output Drivers Supported #define SPD_RFSH_OPT 31 // SDRAM Refresh Options #define ETR BIT0 // Bit location for Extended Temp Range #define ETRR BIT1 // Bit location for Extended Temp Refresh Rate #define ASR BIT2 // Bit location for Automatic Self Refresh #define ODTS BIT3 // Bit location for On-die Thermal Sensor #define SPD_DIMM_TS 32 // Module Temperature Sensor #define SPD_SDRAM_TYPE 33 // SDRAM device type #define SPD_FTB_TCK 34 // Fine Offset for SDRAM tCK #define SPD_FTB_TAA 35 // Fine Offset for SDRAM tAA #define SPD_FTB_TRCD 36 // Fine Offset for SDRAM tRCD #define SPD_FTB_TRP 37 // Fine Offset for SDRAM tRP #define SPD_FTB_TRC 38 // Fine Offset for SDRAM tRC #define SPD_OPT_FEAT 41 // SDRAM Optional Features #define SPD_PTRR BIT7 // Indicates if the DIMM is pTRR compliant // UDIMM specific bytes // Applicable when Module Type (key byte 3) = 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 #define SPD_ADDR_MAP_FECTD 63 // Address Mapping from Edge Connector to DRAM // RDIMM specific bytes // Applicable when Module Type (key byte 3) = 1, 5, or 9 #define SPD_RDIMM_ATTR 63 // RDIMM module attributes #define SPD_DIMM_HS 64 // Module Heat Spreader Solution #define SPD_REG_VEN_LSB 65 // Register Vendor ID LSB #define SPD_REG_VEN_MSB 66 // Register Vendor ID MSB #define SPD_REG_REV 67 // Register Revision #define SPD_CNTL_0 69 // Register Control Word 0 & 1 #define SPD_CNTL_1 70 // Register Control Word 2 & 3 #define SPD_CNTL_2 71 // Register Control Word 4 & 5 #define SPD_CNTL_3 72 // Register Control Word 6 & 7 (reserved) #define SPD_CNTL_4 73 // Register Control Word 8 & 9 (reserved) #define SPD_CNTL_5 74 // Register Control Word 10 & 11 (reserved) #define SPD_CNTL_6 75 // Register Control Word 12 & 13 (reserved) #define SPD_CNTL_7 76 // Register Control Word 14 & 15 (reserved) // LRDIMM specific bytes // Applicable when Module Type (key byte 3) = 0xB // Based on DDR3 SPD 1.0 Document Release 2.1 draft, dated May 27, 2011 #define SPD_LRDIMM_ATTR 63 // LRDIMM module attributes #define SPD_LRBUF_REV 64 // LR Buffer Revision #define SPD_LRBUF_VEN_LSB 65 // LR Buffer Vendor ID LSB #define SPD_LRBUF_VEN_MSB 66 // LR Buffer Vendor ID MSB #define SPD_LR_F0_RC2_3 67 // LR Buffer Function 0, Control Word 2 & 3 #define SPD_LR_F0_RC4_5 68 // LR Buffer Function 0, Control Word 4 & 5 #define SPD_LR_F1_RC8_11 69 // LR Buffer Function 1, Control Word 8 & 11 #define SPD_LR_F1_RC12_13 70 // LR Buffer Function 1, Control Word 12 & 13 #define SPD_LR_F1_RC14_15 71 // LR Buffer Function 1, Control Word 14 & 15 // Speed bin 0 = 800 & 1066 #define SPD_LR_SB0_MDQ_DS_ODT 72 // LR Buffer Function 3, Control Word 8 & 9 #define SPD_LR_SB0_DR01_QODT_ACT 73 // LR Buffer Function 3 & 4, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB0_DR23_QODT_ACT 74 // LR Buffer Function 5 & 6, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB0_DR45_QODT_ACT 75 // LR Buffer Function 7 & 8, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB0_DR67_QODT_ACT 76 // LR Buffer Function 9 & 10, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB0_MR1_2_RTT 77 // LR Buffer SMBus offsets 0xC0 - 0xC7 // Speed bin 1 = 1333 & 1600 #define SPD_LR_SB1_MDQ_DS_ODT 78 // LR Buffer Function 3, Control Word 8 & 9 #define SPD_LR_SB1_DR01_QODT_ACT 79 // LR Buffer Function 3 & 4, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB1_DR23_QODT_ACT 80 // LR Buffer Function 5 & 6, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB1_DR45_QODT_ACT 81 // LR Buffer Function 7 & 8, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB1_DR67_QODT_ACT 82 // LR Buffer Function 9 & 10, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB1_MR1_2_RTT 83 // LR Buffer SMBus offsets 0xC0 - 0xC7 // Speed bin 2 = 1866 & 2133 #define SPD_LR_SB2_MDQ_DS_ODT 84 // LR Buffer Function 3, Control Word 8 & 9 #define SPD_LR_SB2_DR01_QODT_ACT 85 // LR Buffer Function 3 & 4, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB2_DR23_QODT_ACT 86 // LR Buffer Function 5 & 6, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB2_DR45_QODT_ACT 87 // LR Buffer Function 7 & 8, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB2_DR67_QODT_ACT 88 // LR Buffer Function 9 & 10, Control Word 10 & 11 #define SPD_LR_SB2_MR1_2_RTT 89 // LR Buffer SMBus offsets 0xC0 - 0xC7 #define SPD_LR_150_MIN_MOD_DELAY 90 // LR DIMM minimum DQ Read propagation delay at 1.5V #define SPD_LR_150_MAX_MOD_DELAY 91 // LR DIMM maximum DQ Read propagation delay at 1.5V #define SPD_LR_135_MIN_MOD_DELAY 92 // LR DIMM minimum DQ Read propagation delay at 1.35V #define SPD_LR_135_MAX_MOD_DELAY 93 // LR DIMM maximum DQ Read propagation delay at 1.35V #define SPD_LR_12x_MIN_MOD_DELAY 94 // LR DIMM minimum DQ Read propagation delay at 1.2xV #define SPD_LR_12x_MAX_MOD_DELAY 95 // LR DIMM maximum DQ Read propagation delay at 1.2xV #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_0 102 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_1 103 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_2 104 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_3 105 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_4 106 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_5 107 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_6 108 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_7 109 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_8 110 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_9 111 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_10 112 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_11 113 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_12 114 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_13 115 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTE_14 116 // LR DIMM Personality Byte #define SPD_LR_PERS_BYTES_TOTAL 15 // LR DIMM Total number of Personality Bytes // End module specific section #define SPD_MMID_LSB 117 // Module Manufacturer ID Code, Least Significant Byte #define SPD_MMID_MSB 118 // Module Manufacturer ID Code, Mostst Significant Byte #define SPD_MM_LOC 119 // Module Manufacturing Location #define SPD_MM_DATE 120 // Module Manufacturing Date 120-121 #define SPD_MODULE_SN 122 // Module Serial Number 122-125 #define SPD_CRC_LSB 126 // LSB of 16-bit CRC #define SPD_CRC_MSB 127 // MSB of 16-bit CRC #define SPD_MODULE_PN 128 // Module Part Number 128-145 #define SPD_MODULE_RC 146 // Module Revision Code 146-147 #define SPD_DRAM_MIDC_LSB 148 // DRAM Manufacturer ID Code, Least Significant Byte #define SPD_DRAM_MIDC_MSB 149 // DRAM Manufacturer ID Code, Most Significant Byte #ifdef MEM_NVDIMM_EN #define SPD_NVDIMM_ID_N 174 // If NVDIMM value will be 'N' #define SPD_NVDIMM_ID_V 175 // If NVDIMM value will be 'V' #endif //MEM_NVDIMM_EN #define SPD_BYTE_200 200 // Fixed value 0xBE // // DDR4 Specific Bytes // #define SPD_SDRAM_TYPE_DDR4 6 // SDRAM Device Type (DDR4) #define SPD_OPT_FEAT_DDR4 7 // SDRAM Optional Features (DDR4) #define SPD_MAC_MASK BIT0 | BIT1 | BIT2 // Mask for Maximum Active Count field #define SPD_TRR_IMMUNE BIT3 // Indicates this DIMM does not require DRAM Maintenance #define SPD_RFSH_OPT_DDR4 8 // SDRAM Refresh Options (DDR4) #define SPD_VDD_DDR4 11 // Vdd DIMM supports (DDR4) #define SPD_VDD_120 3 // Module operable and endurant 1.20V #define SPD_MODULE_ORG_DDR4 12 // Number of Ranks and SDRAM device width (DDR4) #define SPD_MEM_BUS_WID_DDR4 13 // Width of SDRAM memory bus #define SPD_DIMM_TS_DDR4 14 // Module Thermal Sensor #define SPD_TB_DDR4 17 // Timebase [3:2] MTB, [1:0] FTB #define SPD_MIN_TCK_DDR4 18 // Minimum cycle time #define SPD_TCKMIN_DDR4_1600 10 // tCK(MTB)=10, tCK(ns)=1.25 #define SPD_TCKMIN_DDR4_1866 9 // tCK(MTB)=9, tCK(ns)=1.071 #define SPD_TCKMIN_DDR4_2133 8 // tCK(MTB)=8, tCK(ns)=.938 #define SPD_TCKMIN_DDR4_2400 7 // tCK(MTB)=7, tCK(ns)=.833 #define SPD_MAX_TCK_DDR4 19 // Maximum cycle time #define SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_1_DDR4 20 // CAS Latencies Supported, first byte #define SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_2_DDR4 21 // CAS Latencies Supported, second byte #define SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_3_DDR4 22 // CAS Latencies Supported, third byte #define SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_4_DDR4 23 // CAS Latencies Supported, fourth byte #define SPD_MIN_TAA_DDR4 24 // Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin) #define SPD_MIN_TRCD_DDR4 25 // Minimum RAS to CAS delay #define SPD_MIN_TRP_DDR4 26 // Minimum Row Precharge time #define SPD_EXT_TRC_TRAS_DDR4 27 // Upper nibbles for min tRAS and tRC #define SPD_MIN_TRAS_DDR4 28 // Minimum Active to Precharge time #define SPD_MIN_TRC_DDR4 29 // Minimum Active to Active/Refresh time #define SPD_MIN_TRFC1_LSB_DDR4 30 // Minimum Refresh Recovery time least-significant byte #define SPD_MIN_TRFC1_MSB_DDR4 31 // Minimum Refresh Recovery time most-significant byte #define SPD_MIN_TRFC2_LSB_DDR4 32 // Minimum Refresh Recovery time least-significant byte #define SPD_MIN_TRFC2_MSB_DDR4 33 // Minimum Refresh Recovery time most-significant byte #define SPD_MIN_TRFC3_LSB_DDR4 34 // Minimum Refresh Recovery time least-significant byte #define SPD_MIN_TRFC3_MSB_DDR4 35 // Minimum Refresh Recovery time most-significant byte #define SPD_TFAW_UPPER_DDR4 36 // Upper nibble for tFAW #define SPD_MIN_TFAW_DDR4 37 // Minimum For Active Window Delay Time (tFAW) #define SPD_MIN_TRRDS_DDR4 38 // Minimum Active to Active Delay Time tRRD_S Different Bank Group #define SPD_MIN_TRRDL_DDR4 39 // Minimum Active to Active Delay Time tRRD_L Same Bank Group #define SPD_MIN_TCCDL_DDR4 40 // Minimum CAS to CAS Delay Time (tCCD_Lmin), same bank group #define SPD_FTB_TCCDL_DDR4 117 // Fine offset for tCCD_L #define SPD_FTB_TRRDL_DDR4 118 // Fine offset for tRRD_L #define SPD_FTB_TRRDS_DDR4 119 // Fine offset for tRRD_S #define SPD_FTB_TRC_DDR4 120 // Fine offset for TRC #define SPD_FTB_TRP_DDR4 121 // Fine offset for TRP #define SPD_FTB_TRCD_DDR4 122 // Fine offset for TRCD #define SPD_FTB_TAA_DDR4 123 // Fine offset for TAA #define SPD_FTB_MAX_TCK_DDR4 124 // Fine offset for max TCK #define SPD_FTB_MIN_TCK_DDR4 125 // Fine offset for min TCK #define SPD_MIRROR_UNBUFFERED 131 // Unbuffered:Address Mapping from Edge Connector to DRAM #define SPD_MIRROR_REGISTERED 136 // Registered:Address Address Mapping from Register to DRAM #define SPD_MMID_LSB_DDR4 320 // Module Manufacturer ID Code, Least Significant Byte #define SPD_MMID_MSB_DDR4 321 // Module Manufacturer ID Code, Most Significant Byte #define SPD_MM_LOC_DDR4 322 // Module Manufacturing Location #define SPD_MM_DATE_DDR4 323 // Module Manufacturing Date 323-324 #define SPD_MODULE_SN_DDR4 325 // Module Serial Number 325-328 #define SPD_MODULE_PN_DDR4 329 // Module Part Number 329-348 #define SPD_MODULE_RC_DDR4 349 // Module Revision Code #define SPD_DRAM_MIDC_LSB_DDR4 350 // DRAM Manufacturer ID Code, Least Significant Byte #define SPD_DRAM_MIDC_MSB_DDR4 351 // DRAM Manufacturer ID Code, Most Significant Byte #define SPD_DRAM_REV_DDR4 352 // DRAM Revision ID #define SPD_CRC_LSB_DDR4 382 // LSB of 16-bit CRC #define SPD_CRC_MSB_DDR4 383 // MSB of 16-bit CRC // Begin DDR4 module specific section #define SPD_MODULE_NH_DDR4 128 // Module Nominal Height #define SPD_MODULE_MT_DDR4 129 // Module Maximum Thickness #define SPD_REF_RAW_CARD_DDR4 130 // Reference Raw Card Used // UDIMM specific bytes // Applicable when Module Type (key byte 3) = 2 #define SPD_ADDR_MAP_FECTD_DDR4 131 // Address Mapping from Edge Connector to DRAM // RDIMM specific bytes // Applicable when Module Type (key byte 3) = 1 #define SPD_RDIMM_ATTR_DDR4 131 // RDIMM module attributes #define SPD_DIMM_HS_DDR4 132 // Module Heat Spreader Solution #define SPD_REG_VEN_LSB_DDR4 133 // Register Vendor ID LSB #define SPD_REG_VEN_MSB_DDR4 134 // Register Vendor ID MSB #define SPD_REG_REV_DDR4 135 // Register Revision #define SPD_ADD_MAPPING_DDR4 136 // Address mapping from Reg to DRAM #define SPD_REG_OD_CTL_DDR4 137 // Register Output Drive Strength for Control #define SPD_REG_OD_CK_DDR4 138 // Register Output Drive Strength for Clock // LRDIMM specific bytes // Applicable when Module Type (key byte 3) = 0x4 #define SPD_LRDIMM_ATTR_DDR4 131 // LRDIMM module attributes #define SPD_LRBUF_HS_DDR4 132 // LR Buffer Heat Spreader Solution #define SPD_LRBUF_VEN_LSB_DDR4 133 // LR Buffer Vendor ID LSB #define SPD_LRBUF_VEN_MSB_DDR4 134 // LR Buffer Vendor ID MSB #define SPD_LRBUF_REV_DDR4 135 // LR Buffer Register Revision #define SPD_LRBUF_DB_REV_DDR4 139 // LR Buffer Data Buffer Revision #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_VREFDQ_R0_DDR4 140 // LR Buffer DRAM VrefDQ for Package Rank 0 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_VREFDQ_R1_DDR4 141 // LR Buffer DRAM VrefDQ for Package Rank 1 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_VREFDQ_R2_DDR4 142 // LR Buffer DRAM VrefDQ for Package Rank 2 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_VREFDQ_R3_DDR4 143 // LR Buffer DRAM VrefDQ for Package Rank 3 #define SPD_LRBUF_DB_VREFDQ_DDR4 144 // LR Data Buffer VrefDQ for DRAM Interface #define SPD_LRBUF_DB_DS_RTT_LE1866_DDR4 145 // LR Data Buffer MDQ Drive Strength and RTT for data rate <= 1866 #define SPD_LRBUF_DB_DS_RTT_GT1866_LE2400_DDR4 146 // LR Data Buffer MDQ Drive Strength and RTT for data rate > 1866 and <= 2400 #define SPD_LRBUF_DB_DS_RTT_GT2400_LE3200_DDR4 147 // LR Data Buffer MDQ Drive Strength and RTT for data rate > 2400 and <= 3200 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_DS_DDR4 148 // LR Buffer DRAM Drive Strength (for data rates <= 1866, 1866 < data rate <= 2400, and 2400 < data rate <= 3200) #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_ODT_WR_NOM_LE1866_DDR4 149 // LR Buffer DRAM ODT (RTT_WR and RTT_NOM) for data rate <= 1866 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_ODT_WR_NOM_GT1866_LE2400_DDR4 150 // LR Buffer DRAM ODT (RTT_WR and RTT_NOM) for data rate > 1866 and <= 2400 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_ODT_WR_NOM_GT2400_LE3200_DDR4 151 // LR Buffer DRAM ODT (RTT_WR and RTT_NOM) for data rate > 2400 and <= 3200 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_ODT_PARK_LE1866_DDR4 152 // LR Buffer DRAM ODT (RTT_PARK) for data rate <= 1866 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_ODT_PARK_GT1866_LE2400_DDR4 153 // LR Buffer DRAM ODT (RTT_PARK) for data rate > 1866 and <= 2400 #define SPD_LRBUF_DRAM_ODT_PARK_GT2400_LE3200_DDR4 154 // LR Buffer DRAM ODT (RTT_PARK) for data rate > 2400 and <= 3200 // // End DDR4 Specific Bytes // #define BANK0 0 #define BANK1 BIT0 #define BANK2 BIT1 #define BANK3 BIT0 + BIT1 #define BANK4 BIT2 #define BANK5 BIT2 + BIT0 #define BANK6 BIT2 + BIT1 #define BANK7 BIT2 + BIT1 + BIT0 #define RDIMM_RC00 0x00 #define RDIMM_RC01 0x01 #define RDIMM_RC02 0x02 #define RDIMM_RC03 0x03 #define RDIMM_RC04 0x04 #define RDIMM_RC05 0x05 #define RDIMM_RC08 0x08 #define RDIMM_RC09 0x09 #define RDIMM_RC0A 0x0A #define RDIMM_RC0B 0x0B #define RDIMM_RC0C 0x0C #define RDIMM_RC0D 0x0D #define RDIMM_RC0E 0x0E #define RDIMM_RC0F 0x0F #define RDIMM_RC1x 0x10 #define RDIMM_RC2x 0x20 #define RDIMM_RC3x 0x30 #define RDIMM_RC4x 0x40 #define RDIMM_RC5x 0x50 #define RDIMM_RC6x 0x60 #define RDIMM_RC7x 0x70 #define RDIMM_RC8x 0x80 #define RDIMM_RC9x 0x90 #define RDIMM_RCAx 0xA0 #define LRDIMM_BC00 0x00 #define LRDIMM_BC01 0x01 #define LRDIMM_BC02 0x02 #define LRDIMM_BC03 0x03 #define LRDIMM_BC04 0x04 #define LRDIMM_BC05 0x05 #define LRDIMM_BC06 0x06 #define LRDIMM_BC07 0x07 #define LRDIMM_BC08 0x08 #define LRDIMM_BC09 0x09 #define LRDIMM_BC0A 0x0A #define LRDIMM_BC0B 0x0B #define LRDIMM_BC0C 0x0C #define LRDIMM_BC0E 0x0E #define LRDIMM_BC0x 0x00 #define LRDIMM_BC1x 0x10 #define LRDIMM_BC2x 0x20 #define LRDIMM_BC3x 0x30 #define LRDIMM_BC4x 0x40 #define LRDIMM_BC5x 0x50 #define LRDIMM_BC6x 0x60 #define LRDIMM_BC7x 0x70 #define LRDIMM_BC8x 0x80 #define LRDIMM_BC9x 0x90 #define LRDIMM_BCAx 0xA0 #define LRDIMM_BCBx 0xB0 #define LRDIMM_BCCx 0xC0 #define LRDIMM_BCDx 0xD0 #define LRDIMM_BCEx 0xE0 #define LRDIMM_BCFx 0xF0 #define LRDIMM_F0 0x0 #define LRDIMM_F1 0x1 #define LRDIMM_F5 0x5 #define LRDIMM_F6 0x6 #define LRDIMM_F7 0x7 #define LRDIMM_F8 0x8 #define LRDIMM_F9 0x9 #endif /* _HW_MEM_INIT_LIB_H_ */