## @file # Replace distribution package. # # Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # """ Replace a distribution package """ ## # Import Modules # from shutil import rmtree from traceback import format_exc from platform import python_version from sys import platform from Logger import StringTable as ST from Logger.ToolError import UNKNOWN_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import FatalError from Logger.ToolError import ABORT_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import CODE_ERROR from Logger.ToolError import UPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED_ERROR import Logger.Log as Logger from Core.DependencyRules import DependencyRules from Library import GlobalData from InstallPkg import UnZipDp from InstallPkg import InstallDp from RmPkg import GetInstalledDpInfo from RmPkg import RemoveDist ## Tool entrance method # # This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options. # If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know # if it's executed successfully or not. # # @param Options: command Options # def Main(Options = None): ContentZipFile, DistFile = None, None try: DataBase = GlobalData.gDB WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE Dep = DependencyRules(DataBase) DistPkg, ContentZipFile, DpPkgFileName, DistFile = UnZipDp(WorkspaceDir, Options.PackFileToReplace) StoredDistFile, OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion = GetInstalledDpInfo(Options.PackFileToBeReplaced, \ Dep, DataBase, WorkspaceDir) # # check dependency # CheckReplaceDpx(Dep, DistPkg, OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion) # # Remove the old distribution # RemoveDist(OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion, StoredDistFile, DataBase, WorkspaceDir, Options.Yes) # # Install the new distribution # InstallDp(DistPkg, DpPkgFileName, ContentZipFile, Options, Dep, WorkspaceDir, DataBase) ReturnCode = 0 except FatalError, XExcept: ReturnCode = XExcept.args[0] if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9: Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(), platform) + format_exc()) except KeyboardInterrupt: ReturnCode = ABORT_ERROR if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9: Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(), platform) + format_exc()) except: ReturnCode = CODE_ERROR Logger.Error( "\nReplacePkg", CODE_ERROR, ST.ERR_UNKNOWN_FATAL_REPLACE_ERR % (Options.PackFileToReplace, Options.PackFileToBeReplaced), ExtraData=ST.MSG_SEARCH_FOR_HELP, RaiseError=False ) Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(), platform) + format_exc()) finally: Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_REMOVE_TEMP_FILE_STARTED) if DistFile: DistFile.Close() if ContentZipFile: ContentZipFile.Close() if GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR: rmtree(GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR) GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR = None Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_REMOVE_TEMP_FILE_DONE) if ReturnCode == 0: Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_FINISH) return ReturnCode def CheckReplaceDpx(Dep, DistPkg, OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion): NewDpPkgList = [] for PkgInfo in DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea: Guid, Version = PkgInfo[0], PkgInfo[1] NewDpPkgList.append((Guid, Version)) NewDpInfo = "%s %s" % (DistPkg.Header.GetGuid(), DistPkg.Header.GetVersion()) OrigDpInfo = "%s %s" % (OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion) # # check whether new distribution is already installed and not replacing itself # if (NewDpInfo != OrigDpInfo): if Dep.CheckDpExists(DistPkg.Header.GetGuid(), DistPkg.Header.GetVersion()): Logger.Error("\nReplacePkg", UPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED_ERROR, ST.WRN_DIST_PKG_INSTALLED, ExtraData=ST.MSG_REPLACE_ALREADY_INSTALLED_DP) # # check whether the original distribution could be replaced by new distribution # Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_CHECK_DP_FOR_REPLACE%(NewDpInfo, OrigDpInfo)) DepInfoResult = Dep.CheckDpDepexForReplace(OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion, NewDpPkgList) Replaceable = DepInfoResult[0] if not Replaceable: Logger.Error("\nReplacePkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_PACKAGE_NOT_MATCH_DEPENDENCY) # # check whether new distribution could be installed by dependency rule # Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_CHECK_DP_FOR_INSTALL%str(NewDpInfo)) if not Dep.ReplaceCheckNewDpDepex(DistPkg, OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion): Logger.Error("\nReplacePkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR, ST.ERR_PACKAGE_NOT_MATCH_DEPENDENCY, ExtraData=DistPkg.Header.Name)