================================================================================ Build And Integration Instructions 2014 June 24th ================================================================================ ================================================================================ DISCLAIMER ================================================================================ This release note as well as the software described in it is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. The information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document or any software that may be provided in association with this document. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. ================================================================================ INDEX ================================================================================ A. INTRODUCTION B. HOW TO BUILD C. HOW TO INTEGRATE ================================================================================ A. INTRODUCTION ================================================================================ This document provides instructions on how to build Coreboot Uefi Payload and how to integrate it into coreboot firmware. ================================================================================ B. HOW TO BUILD ================================================================================ 1. Run the below two commands in windows command prompt window: edksetup.bat For debug ia32 build: build -a IA32 -p CorebootPayloadPkg\CorebootPayloadPkgIa32.dsc -b DEBUG -t <ToolChain> For release ia32 build: build -a IA32 -p CorebootPayloadPkg\CorebootPayloadPkgIa32.dsc -b RELEASE -t <ToolChain> For debug X64 build: build -a IA32 -a X64 -p CorebootPayloadPkg\CorebootPayloadPkgIa32X64.dsc -b DEBUG -t <ToolChain> For release X64 build: build -a IA32 -a X64 -p CorebootPayloadPkg\CorebootPayloadPkgIa32X64.dsc -b RELEASE -t <ToolChain> <ToolChain> is the EDK II build environment on your host. Currently it was tested with VS2008x64 toolchain. For details about EDK II build steps, refer to http://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/branches/UDK2014/BuildNotes2.txt 2. If build is successfully, the payload image (UEFIPAYLOAD.fd) will be generated inside the folder of Build\CorebootPayloadPkg. ================================================================================ C. HOW TO INTEGRATE ================================================================================ 1. Copy the payload image (UEFIPAYLOAD.fd) into the top-level directory of Coreboot source tree. 2. Run "make menuconfig" in linux console to start Coreboot configuration surface. 3. In the Payload section, 1) Choose "An ELF executable payload" for the option of "Add a payload". 2) Type the path of payload image for the option of "Payload path and filename". 3) Select the option of "Use LZMA compression for payloads". 4. If the graphics console is required in Coreboot UEFI payload, running VGA option rom should be enabled. For details: 1) In the Device section, select the option of "Run VGA Option ROMs". 2) In the VGA BIOS section, select the option of "Add a VGA BIOS Image", Input the path of vga bios image for the option of VGA BIOS path and filename, give the values of vendor id and device id for the option of "VGA device PCI IDs". 3) In the Display section, Select the option of "Set framebuffer graphics resolution" Choose a right display mode for the option of "framebuffer graphics resolution". Note: If the boot OS is windows, please choose the display mode supporting 32 bit color. Select the option of "Keep VESA framebuffer" 5. Press ESC key to exit the Coreboot configuration surface. If there is a question prompted like "Do you wish to save your new configuration?", choose Yes. 6. Run "make" to build the coreboot firmware image.