#!/bin/sh ## @file # # Post build script that will be automatically run after build. # # Copyright (c) 2010 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> # # This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## if [ -z "$EDK_TOOLS_PATH" ] then export BASETOOLS_DIR=$WORKSPACE/Conf/BaseToolsSource/Source/C/bin else export BASETOOLS_DIR=$EDK_TOOLS_PATH/Source/C/bin fi export BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR=$WORKSPACE/DuetPkg/BootSector/bin export PROCESSOR="" export TOOLTAG="" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if [ "$1" = "-a" ]; then export PROCESSOR=$2 elif [ "$1" = "-t" ]; then export TOOLTAG=$2 elif [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then echo Usage: This script will be run automatically after build. return 1 fi shift shift done if [ "$PROCESSOR" = "" -o "$TOOLTAG" = "" ]; then echo Usage: This script will be run automatically after build. return 1 fi export BUILD_DIR=$WORKSPACE/Build/DuetPkg$PROCESSOR/DEBUG_$TOOLTAG # # Store environment variables used by CreateBootDisk.sh # echo export TOOLCHAIN=$TOOLTAG> $WORKSPACE/DuetPkg/SetEnv_$PROCESSOR.sh chmod +x $WORKSPACE/DuetPkg/SetEnv_$PROCESSOR.sh # # Boot sector module could only be built under IA32 tool chain # echo Compressing DUETEFIMainFv.FV ... $BASETOOLS_DIR/LzmaCompress -e -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/DUETEFIMAINFV.z $BUILD_DIR/FV/DUETEFIMAINFV.Fv echo Compressing DxeMain.efi ... $BASETOOLS_DIR/LzmaCompress -e -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/DxeMain.z $BUILD_DIR/$PROCESSOR/DxeCore.efi echo Compressing DxeIpl.efi ... $BASETOOLS_DIR/LzmaCompress -e -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/DxeIpl.z $BUILD_DIR/$PROCESSOR/DxeIpl.efi echo Generate Loader Image ... if [ $PROCESSOR = IA32 ] then $BASETOOLS_DIR/GenFw --rebase 0x10000 -o $BUILD_DIR/$PROCESSOR/EfiLoader.efi $BUILD_DIR/$PROCESSOR/EfiLoader.efi $BASETOOLS_DIR/EfiLdrImage -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr32 $BUILD_DIR/$PROCESSOR/EfiLoader.efi $BUILD_DIR/FV/DxeIpl.z $BUILD_DIR/FV/DxeMain.z $BUILD_DIR/FV/DUETEFIMAINFV.z cat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/Start.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi32.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr32 > $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr # # It is safe to use "bcat" to cat following binary file, if bcat command is avaiable for your system # #bcat -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr.bcat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/start.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi32.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr32 cat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/Start16.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi32.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr32 > $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr16 #bcat -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr16.bcat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/start16.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi32.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr32 cat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/Start32.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi32.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr32 > $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr20 #bcat -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr20.bcat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/start32.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi32.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr32 echo Done! fi if [ $PROCESSOR = X64 ] then $BASETOOLS_DIR/GenFw --rebase 0x10000 -o $BUILD_DIR/$PROCESSOR/EfiLoader.efi $BUILD_DIR/$PROCESSOR/EfiLoader.efi $BASETOOLS_DIR/EfiLdrImage -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr64 $BUILD_DIR/$PROCESSOR/EfiLoader.efi $BUILD_DIR/FV/DxeIpl.z $BUILD_DIR/FV/DxeMain.z $BUILD_DIR/FV/DUETEFIMAINFV.z cat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/Start64.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi64.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr64 > $BUILD_DIR/FV/EfildrPure #bcat -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/EfildrPure $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/start64.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi64.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr64 $BASETOOLS_DIR/GenPage $BUILD_DIR/FV/EfildrPure -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr cat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/St16_64.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi64.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr64 > $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr16Pure #bcat -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr16Pure $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/st16_64.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi64.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr64 $BASETOOLS_DIR/GenPage $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr16Pure -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr16 cat $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/St32_64.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi64.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr64 > $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr20Pure #bcat -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr20Pure $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/st32_64.com $BOOTSECTOR_BIN_DIR/efi64.com2 $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr64 $BASETOOLS_DIR/GenPage $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr20Pure -o $BUILD_DIR/FV/Efildr20 echo Done! fi