/** @file Header file for IDE mode of ATA host controller. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef __ATA_HC_IDE_MODE_H__ #define __ATA_HC_IDE_MODE_H__ typedef enum { EfiIdePrimary = 0, EfiIdeSecondary = 1, EfiIdeMaxChannel = 2 } EFI_IDE_CHANNEL; typedef enum { EfiIdeMaster = 0, EfiIdeSlave = 1, EfiIdeMaxDevice = 2 } EFI_IDE_DEVICE; /// /// PIO mode definition /// typedef enum { EfiAtaPioModeBelow2, EfiAtaPioMode2, EfiAtaPioMode3, EfiAtaPioMode4 } EFI_ATA_PIO_MODE; // // Multi word DMA definition // typedef enum { EfiAtaMdmaMode0, EfiAtaMdmaMode1, EfiAtaMdmaMode2 } EFI_ATA_MDMA_MODE; // // UDMA mode definition // typedef enum { EfiAtaUdmaMode0, EfiAtaUdmaMode1, EfiAtaUdmaMode2, EfiAtaUdmaMode3, EfiAtaUdmaMode4, EfiAtaUdmaMode5 } EFI_ATA_UDMA_MODE; // // Bus Master Reg // #define BMIC_NREAD BIT3 #define BMIC_START BIT0 #define BMIS_INTERRUPT BIT2 #define BMIS_ERROR BIT1 #define BMIC_OFFSET 0x00 #define BMIS_OFFSET 0x02 #define BMID_OFFSET 0x04 // // IDE transfer mode // #define EFI_ATA_MODE_DEFAULT_PIO 0x00 #define EFI_ATA_MODE_FLOW_PIO 0x01 #define EFI_ATA_MODE_MDMA 0x04 #define EFI_ATA_MODE_UDMA 0x08 typedef struct { UINT32 RegionBaseAddr; UINT16 ByteCount; UINT16 EndOfTable; } EFI_ATA_DMA_PRD; typedef struct { UINT8 ModeNumber : 3; UINT8 ModeCategory : 5; } EFI_ATA_TRANSFER_MODE; typedef struct { UINT8 Sector; UINT8 Heads; UINT8 MultipleSector; } EFI_ATA_DRIVE_PARMS; // // IDE registers set // typedef struct { UINT16 Data; UINT16 ErrOrFeature; UINT16 SectorCount; UINT16 SectorNumber; UINT16 CylinderLsb; UINT16 CylinderMsb; UINT16 Head; UINT16 CmdOrStatus; UINT16 AltOrDev; UINT16 BusMasterBaseAddr; } EFI_IDE_REGISTERS; // // Bit definitions in Programming Interface byte of the Class Code field // in PCI IDE controller's Configuration Space // #define IDE_PRIMARY_OPERATING_MODE BIT0 #define IDE_PRIMARY_PROGRAMMABLE_INDICATOR BIT1 #define IDE_SECONDARY_OPERATING_MODE BIT2 #define IDE_SECONDARY_PROGRAMMABLE_INDICATOR BIT3 /** Get IDE i/o port registers' base addresses by mode. In 'Compatibility' mode, use fixed addresses. In Native-PCI mode, get base addresses from BARs in the PCI IDE controller's Configuration Space. The steps to get IDE i/o port registers' base addresses for each channel as follows: 1. Examine the Programming Interface byte of the Class Code fields in PCI IDE controller's Configuration Space to determine the operating mode. 2. a) In 'Compatibility' mode, use fixed addresses shown in the Table 1 below. ___________________________________________ | | Command Block | Control Block | | Channel | Registers | Registers | |___________|_______________|_______________| | Primary | 1F0h - 1F7h | 3F6h - 3F7h | |___________|_______________|_______________| | Secondary | 170h - 177h | 376h - 377h | |___________|_______________|_______________| Table 1. Compatibility resource mappings b) In Native-PCI mode, IDE registers are mapped into IO space using the BARs in IDE controller's PCI Configuration Space, shown in the Table 2 below. ___________________________________________________ | | Command Block | Control Block | | Channel | Registers | Registers | |___________|___________________|___________________| | Primary | BAR at offset 0x10| BAR at offset 0x14| |___________|___________________|___________________| | Secondary | BAR at offset 0x18| BAR at offset 0x1C| |___________|___________________|___________________| Table 2. BARs for Register Mapping @param[in] PciIo Pointer to the EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL instance @param[in, out] IdeRegisters Pointer to EFI_IDE_REGISTERS which is used to store the IDE i/o port registers' base addresses @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Return this value when the BARs is not IO type @retval EFI_SUCCESS Get the Base address successfully @retval Other Read the pci configureation data error **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI GetIdeRegisterIoAddr ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN OUT EFI_IDE_REGISTERS *IdeRegisters ); /** This function is used to send out ATAPI commands conforms to the Packet Command with PIO Data In Protocol. @param[in] PciIo Pointer to the EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL instance @param[in] IdeRegisters Pointer to EFI_IDE_REGISTERS which is used to store the IDE i/o port registers' base addresses @param[in] Channel The channel number of device. @param[in] Device The device number of device. @param[in] Packet A pointer to EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU_SCSI_REQUEST_PACKET data structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS send out the ATAPI packet command successfully and device sends data successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR the device failed to send data. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI AtaPacketCommandExecute ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN EFI_IDE_REGISTERS *IdeRegisters, IN UINT8 Channel, IN UINT8 Device, IN EFI_EXT_SCSI_PASS_THRU_SCSI_REQUEST_PACKET *Packet ); #endif