/** @file This file contains the callback routines for undi3.1. the callback routines for Undi3.1 have an extra parameter UniqueId which stores the interface context for the NIC that snp is trying to talk. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Snp.h" /** Acquire or release a lock of the exclusive access to a critical section of the code/data. This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI3.1 at undi_start time. New callbacks for 3.1: there won't be a virtual2physical callback for UNDI 3.1 because undi3.1 uses the MemMap call to map the required address by itself! @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable). @param Enable Non-zero indicates acquire; Zero indicates release. **/ VOID EFIAPI SnpUndi32CallbackBlock ( IN UINT64 UniqueId, IN UINT32 Enable ) { SNP_DRIVER *Snp; Snp = (SNP_DRIVER *) (UINTN) UniqueId; // // tcpip was calling snp at tpl_notify and when we acquire a lock that was // created at a lower level (TPL_CALLBACK) it gives an assert! // if (Enable != 0) { EfiAcquireLock (&Snp->Lock); } else { EfiReleaseLock (&Snp->Lock); } } /** Delay MicroSeconds of micro seconds. This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time. @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable). @param MicroSeconds Number of micro seconds to pause, ususlly multiple of 10. **/ VOID EFIAPI SnpUndi32CallbackDelay ( IN UINT64 UniqueId, IN UINT64 MicroSeconds ) { if (MicroSeconds != 0) { gBS->Stall ((UINTN) MicroSeconds); } } /** IO routine for UNDI3.1. This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time. @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable). @param ReadOrWrite Indicates read or write, IO or Memory. @param NumBytes Number of bytes to read or write. @param MemOrPortAddr IO or memory address to read from or write to. @param BufferPtr Memory location to read into or that contains the bytes to write. **/ VOID EFIAPI SnpUndi32CallbackMemio ( IN UINT64 UniqueId, IN UINT8 ReadOrWrite, IN UINT8 NumBytes, IN UINT64 MemOrPortAddr, IN OUT UINT64 BufferPtr ) { SNP_DRIVER *Snp; EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width; Snp = (SNP_DRIVER *) (UINTN) UniqueId; Width = (EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) 0; switch (NumBytes) { case 2: Width = (EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) 1; break; case 4: Width = (EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) 2; break; case 8: Width = (EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) 3; break; } switch (ReadOrWrite) { case PXE_IO_READ: Snp->PciIo->Io.Read ( Snp->PciIo, Width, Snp->IoBarIndex, // BAR 1 (for 32bit regs), IO base address MemOrPortAddr, 1, // count (VOID *) (UINTN) BufferPtr ); break; case PXE_IO_WRITE: Snp->PciIo->Io.Write ( Snp->PciIo, Width, Snp->IoBarIndex, // BAR 1 (for 32bit regs), IO base address MemOrPortAddr, 1, // count (VOID *) (UINTN) BufferPtr ); break; case PXE_MEM_READ: Snp->PciIo->Mem.Read ( Snp->PciIo, Width, Snp->MemoryBarIndex, // BAR 0, Memory base address MemOrPortAddr, 1, // count (VOID *) (UINTN) BufferPtr ); break; case PXE_MEM_WRITE: Snp->PciIo->Mem.Write ( Snp->PciIo, Width, Snp->MemoryBarIndex, // BAR 0, Memory base address MemOrPortAddr, 1, // count (VOID *) (UINTN) BufferPtr ); break; } return ; } /** Map a CPU address to a device address. This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time. @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable). @param CpuAddr Virtual address to be mapped. @param NumBytes Size of memory to be mapped. @param Direction Direction of data flow for this memory's usage: cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways. @param DeviceAddrPtr Pointer to return the mapped device address. **/ VOID EFIAPI SnpUndi32CallbackMap ( IN UINT64 UniqueId, IN UINT64 CpuAddr, IN UINT32 NumBytes, IN UINT32 Direction, IN OUT UINT64 DeviceAddrPtr ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *DevAddrPtr; EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_OPERATION DirectionFlag; UINTN BuffSize; SNP_DRIVER *Snp; UINTN Index; EFI_STATUS Status; BuffSize = (UINTN) NumBytes; Snp = (SNP_DRIVER *) (UINTN) UniqueId; DevAddrPtr = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *) (UINTN) DeviceAddrPtr; if (CpuAddr == 0) { *DevAddrPtr = 0; return ; } switch (Direction) { case TO_AND_FROM_DEVICE: DirectionFlag = EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterCommonBuffer; break; case FROM_DEVICE: DirectionFlag = EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterWrite; break; case TO_DEVICE: DirectionFlag = EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterRead; break; default: *DevAddrPtr = 0; // // any non zero indicates error! // return ; } // // find an unused map_list entry // for (Index = 0; Index < MAX_MAP_LENGTH; Index++) { if (Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress == 0) { break; } } if (Index >= MAX_MAP_LENGTH) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SNP maplist is FULL\n")); *DevAddrPtr = 0; return ; } Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) CpuAddr; Status = Snp->PciIo->Map ( Snp->PciIo, DirectionFlag, (VOID *) (UINTN) CpuAddr, &BuffSize, DevAddrPtr, &(Snp->MapList[Index].MapCookie) ); if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) { *DevAddrPtr = 0; Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress = 0; } return ; } /** Unmap an address that was previously mapped using map callback. This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time. @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store. Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable). @param CpuAddr Virtual address that was mapped. @param NumBytes Size of memory mapped. @param Direction Direction of data flow for this memory's usage: cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways. @param DeviceAddr The mapped device address. **/ VOID EFIAPI SnpUndi32CallbackUnmap ( IN UINT64 UniqueId, IN UINT64 CpuAddr, IN UINT32 NumBytes, IN UINT32 Direction, IN UINT64 DeviceAddr ) { SNP_DRIVER *Snp; UINT16 Index; Snp = (SNP_DRIVER *) (UINTN) UniqueId; for (Index = 0; Index < MAX_MAP_LENGTH; Index++) { if (Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress == CpuAddr) { break; } } if (Index >= MAX_MAP_LENGTH) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SNP could not find a mapping, failed to unmap.\n")); return ; } Snp->PciIo->Unmap (Snp->PciIo, Snp->MapList[Index].MapCookie); Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress = 0; Snp->MapList[Index].MapCookie = NULL; return ; } /** Synchronize the virtual buffer contents with the mapped buffer contents. This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time. The virtual and mapped buffers need not correspond to the same physical memory (especially if the virtual address is > 4GB). Depending on the direction for which the buffer is mapped, undi will need to synchronize their contents whenever it writes to/reads from the buffer using either the cpu address or the device address. EFI does not provide a sync call since virt=physical, we should just do the synchronization ourselves here. @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write this variable). @param CpuAddr Virtual address that was mapped. @param NumBytes Size of memory mapped. @param Direction Direction of data flow for this memory's usage: cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways. @param DeviceAddr The mapped device address. **/ VOID EFIAPI SnpUndi32CallbackSync ( IN UINT64 UniqueId, IN UINT64 CpuAddr, IN UINT32 NumBytes, IN UINT32 Direction, IN UINT64 DeviceAddr ) { if ((CpuAddr == 0) || (DeviceAddr == 0) || (NumBytes == 0)) { return ; } switch (Direction) { case FROM_DEVICE: CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) CpuAddr, (UINT8 *) (UINTN) DeviceAddr, NumBytes); break; case TO_DEVICE: CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) DeviceAddr, (UINT8 *) (UINTN) CpuAddr, NumBytes); break; } return ; }