/** @file This file contains the definination for host controller register operation routines. Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _OHCI_REG_H #define _OHCI_REG_H #define HC_STATE_RESET 0x0 #define HC_STATE_RESUME 0x1 #define HC_STATE_OPERATIONAL 0x2 #define HC_STATE_SUSPEND 0x3 #define PERIODIC_ENABLE 0x01 #define ISOCHRONOUS_ENABLE 0x02 #define CONTROL_ENABLE 0x04 #define BULK_ENABLE 0x08 #define CONTROL_BULK_RATIO 0x10 #define HC_FUNCTIONAL_STATE 0x20 #define INTERRUPT_ROUTING 0x40 #define HC_RESET 0x01 #define CONTROL_LIST_FILLED 0x02 #define BULK_LIST_FILLED 0x04 #define CHANGE_OWNER_REQUEST 0x08 #define SCHEDULE_OVERRUN_COUNT 0x10 #define SCHEDULE_OVERRUN 0x00001 #define WRITEBACK_DONE_HEAD 0x00002 #define START_OF_FRAME 0x00004 #define RESUME_DETECT 0x00008 #define UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR 0x00010 #define FRAME_NUMBER_OVERFLOW 0x00020 #define ROOTHUB_STATUS_CHANGE 0x00040 #define OWNERSHIP_CHANGE 0x00080 #define MASTER_INTERRUPT 0x00400 #define CONTROL_HEAD 0x001 #define BULK_HEAD 0x002 #define DONE_HEAD 0x004 #define Hc_HCCA 0x001 #define Hc_PERIODIC_CURRENT 0x002 #define Hc_CONTOL_HEAD 0x004 #define Hc_CONTROL_CURRENT_PTR 0x008 #define Hc_BULK_HEAD 0x010 #define Hc_BULK_CURRENT_PTR 0x020 #define Hc_DONE_HEAD 0x040 #define FRAME_INTERVAL 0x008 #define FS_LARGEST_DATA_PACKET 0x010 #define FRMINT_TOGGLE 0x020 #define FRAME_REMAINING 0x040 #define FRAME_REMAIN_TOGGLE 0x080 #define RH_DESC_A 0x00001 #define RH_DESC_B 0x00002 #define RH_NUM_DS_PORTS 0x00004 #define RH_NO_PSWITCH 0x00008 #define RH_PSWITCH_MODE 0x00010 #define RH_DEVICE_TYPE 0x00020 #define RH_OC_PROT_MODE 0x00040 #define RH_NOC_PROT 0x00080 #define RH_POTPGT 0x00100 #define RH_NO_POTPGT 0x00200 #define RH_DEV_REMOVABLE 0x00400 #define RH_PORT_PWR_CTRL_MASK 0x00800 #define RH_LOCAL_PSTAT 0x00001 #define RH_OC_ID 0x00002 #define RH_REMOTE_WK_ENABLE 0x00004 #define RH_LOCAL_PSTAT_CHANGE 0x00008 #define RH_OC_ID_CHANGE 0x00010 #define RH_CLR_RMT_WK_ENABLE 0x00020 #define RH_CLEAR_PORT_ENABLE 0x0001 #define RH_SET_PORT_ENABLE 0x0002 #define RH_SET_PORT_SUSPEND 0x0004 #define RH_CLEAR_SUSPEND_STATUS 0x0008 #define RH_SET_PORT_RESET 0x0010 #define RH_SET_PORT_POWER 0x0020 #define RH_CLEAR_PORT_POWER 0x0040 #define RH_CONNECT_STATUS_CHANGE 0x10000 #define RH_PORT_ENABLE_STAT_CHANGE 0x20000 #define RH_PORT_SUSPEND_STAT_CHANGE 0x40000 #define RH_OC_INDICATOR_CHANGE 0x80000 #define RH_PORT_RESET_STAT_CHANGE 0x100000 #define RH_CURR_CONNECT_STAT 0x0001 #define RH_PORT_ENABLE_STAT 0x0002 #define RH_PORT_SUSPEND_STAT 0x0004 #define RH_PORT_OC_INDICATOR 0x0008 #define RH_PORT_RESET_STAT 0x0010 #define RH_PORT_POWER_STAT 0x0020 #define RH_LSDEVICE_ATTACHED 0x0040 #define RESET_SYSTEM_BUS (1 << 0) #define RESET_HOST_CONTROLLER (1 << 1) #define RESET_CLOCK_GENERATION (1 << 2) #define RESET_SSE_GLOBAL (1 << 5) #define RESET_PSPL (1 << 6) #define RESET_PCPL (1 << 7) #define RESET_SSEP1 (1 << 9) #define RESET_SSEP2 (1 << 10) #define RESET_SSEP3 (1 << 11) #define ONE_SECOND 1000000 #define ONE_MILLI_SEC 1000 #define MAX_BYTES_PER_TD 0x1000 #define MAX_RETRY_TIMES 100 #define PORT_NUMBER_ON_MAINSTONE2 1 // // Operational Register Offsets // // // Command & Status Registers Offsets // #define HC_REVISION 0x00 #define HC_CONTROL 0x04 #define HC_COMMAND_STATUS 0x08 #define HC_INTERRUPT_STATUS 0x0C #define HC_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 0x10 #define HC_INTERRUPT_DISABLE 0x14 // // Memory Pointer Offsets // #define HC_HCCA 0x18 #define HC_PERIODIC_CURRENT 0x1C #define HC_CONTROL_HEAD 0x20 #define HC_CONTROL_CURRENT_PTR 0x24 #define HC_BULK_HEAD 0x28 #define HC_BULK_CURRENT_PTR 0x2C #define HC_DONE_HEAD 0x30 // // Frame Register Offsets // #define HC_FRM_INTERVAL 0x34 #define HC_FRM_REMAINING 0x38 #define HC_FRM_NUMBER 0x3C #define HC_PERIODIC_START 0x40 #define HC_LS_THREASHOLD 0x44 // // Root Hub Register Offsets // #define HC_RH_DESC_A 0x48 #define HC_RH_DESC_B 0x4C #define HC_RH_STATUS 0x50 #define HC_RH_PORT_STATUS 0x54 #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCHR 0x64 // Usb Host reset register #define OHC_BAR_INDEX 0 // // Usb Host controller register offset // #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCREV 0x0 // Usb Host revision register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCHCON 0x4 // Usb Host control register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCCOMS 0x8 // Usb Host Command Status register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCINTS 0xC // Usb Host Interrupt Status register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCINTE 0x10 // Usb Host Interrupt Enable register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCINTD 0x14 // Usb Host Interrupt Disable register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCHCCA 0x18 // Usb Host Controller Communication Area #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCPCED 0x1C // Usb Host Period Current Endpoint Descriptor #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCCHED 0x20 // Usb Host Control Head Endpoint Descriptor #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCCCED 0x24 // Usb Host Control Current Endpoint Descriptor #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCBHED 0x28 // Usb Host Bulk Head Endpoint Descriptor #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCBCED 0x2C // Usb Host Bulk Current Endpoint Descriptor #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCDHEAD 0x30 // Usb Host Done Head register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCFMI 0x34 // Usb Host Frame Interval register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCFMR 0x38 // Usb Host Frame Remaining register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCFMN 0x3C // Usb Host Frame Number register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCPERS 0x40 // Usb Host Periodic Start register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCLST 0x44 // Usb Host Low-Speed Threshold register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCRHDA 0x48 // Usb Host Root Hub Descriptor A register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCRHDB 0x4C // Usb Host Root Hub Descriptor B register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCRHS 0x50 // Usb Host Root Hub Status register #define USBHOST_OFFSET_UHCRHPS1 0x54 // Usb Host Root Hub Port Status 1 register // // Usb Host controller register bit fields // #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { UINT8 ProgInterface; UINT8 SubClassCode; UINT8 BaseCode; } USB_CLASSC; typedef struct { UINT32 Revision:8; UINT32 Rsvd:24; } HcREVISION; typedef struct { UINT32 ControlBulkRatio:2; UINT32 PeriodicEnable:1; UINT32 IsochronousEnable:1; UINT32 ControlEnable:1; UINT32 BulkEnable:1; UINT32 FunctionalState:2; UINT32 InterruptRouting:1; UINT32 RemoteWakeup:1; UINT32 RemoteWakeupEnable:1; UINT32 Reserved:21; } HcCONTROL; typedef struct { UINT32 HcReset:1; UINT32 ControlListFilled:1; UINT32 BulkListFilled:1; UINT32 ChangeOwnerRequest:1; UINT32 Reserved1:12; UINT32 ScheduleOverrunCount:2; UINT32 Reserved:14; } HcCOMMAND_STATUS; typedef struct { UINT32 SchedulingOverrun:1; UINT32 WriteBackDone:1; UINT32 Sof:1; UINT32 ResumeDetected:1; UINT32 UnrecoverableError:1; UINT32 FrameNumOverflow:1; UINT32 RHStatusChange:1; UINT32 Reserved1:23; UINT32 OwnerChange:1; UINT32 Reserved2:1; } HcINTERRUPT_STATUS; typedef struct { UINT32 SchedulingOverrunInt:1; UINT32 WriteBackDoneInt:1; UINT32 SofInt:1; UINT32 ResumeDetectedInt:1; UINT32 UnrecoverableErrorInt:1; UINT32 FrameNumOverflowInt:1; UINT32 RHStatusChangeInt:1; UINT32 Reserved:23; UINT32 OwnerChangedInt:1; UINT32 MasterInterruptEnable:1; } HcINTERRUPT_CONTROL; typedef struct { UINT32 Rerserved:8; UINT32 Hcca:24; } HcHCCA; typedef struct { UINT32 Reserved:4; UINT32 MemoryPtr:28; } HcMEMORY_PTR; typedef struct { UINT32 FrameInterval:14; UINT32 Reserved:2; UINT32 FSMaxDataPacket:15; UINT32 FrmIntervalToggle:1; } HcFRM_INTERVAL; typedef struct { UINT32 FrameRemaining:14; UINT32 Reserved:17; UINT32 FrameRemainingToggle:1; } HcFRAME_REMAINING; typedef struct { UINT32 FrameNumber:16; UINT32 Reserved:16; } HcFRAME_NUMBER; typedef struct { UINT32 PeriodicStart:14; UINT32 Reserved:18; } HcPERIODIC_START; typedef struct { UINT32 LsThreshold:12; UINT32 Reserved:20; } HcLS_THRESHOLD; typedef struct { UINT32 NumDownStrmPorts:8; UINT32 PowerSwitchMode:1; UINT32 NoPowerSwitch:1; UINT32 DeviceType:1; UINT32 OverCurrentProtMode:1; UINT32 NoOverCurrentProtMode:1; UINT32 Reserved:11; UINT32 PowerOnToPowerGoodTime:8; } HcRH_DESC_A; typedef struct { UINT32 DeviceRemovable:16; UINT32 PortPowerControlMask:16; } HcRH_DESC_B; typedef struct { UINT32 LocalPowerStat:1; UINT32 OverCurrentIndicator:1; UINT32 Reserved1:13; UINT32 DevRemoteWakeupEnable:1; UINT32 LocalPowerStatChange:1; UINT32 OverCurrentIndicatorChange:1; UINT32 Reserved2:13; UINT32 ClearRemoteWakeupEnable:1; } HcRH_STATUS; typedef struct { UINT32 CurrentConnectStat:1; UINT32 EnableStat:1; UINT32 SuspendStat:1; UINT32 OCIndicator:1; UINT32 ResetStat:1; UINT32 Reserved1:3; UINT32 PowerStat:1; UINT32 LsDeviceAttached:1; UINT32 Reserved2:6; UINT32 ConnectStatChange:1; UINT32 EnableStatChange:1; UINT32 SuspendStatChange:1; UINT32 OCIndicatorChange:1; UINT32 ResetStatChange:1; UINT32 Reserved3:11; } HcRHPORT_STATUS; typedef struct { UINT32 FSBIR:1; UINT32 FHR:1; UINT32 CGR:1; UINT32 SSDC:1; UINT32 UIT:1; UINT32 SSE:1; UINT32 PSPL:1; UINT32 PCPL:1; UINT32 Reserved0:1; UINT32 SSEP1:1; UINT32 SSEP2:1; UINT32 SSEP3:1; UINT32 Reserved1:20; } HcRESET; #pragma pack() // // Func List // /** Get OHCI operational reg value @param PciIo PciIo protocol instance @param Offset Offset of the operational reg @retval Value of the register **/ UINT32 OhciGetOperationalReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 Offset ); /** Set OHCI operational reg value @param PciIo PCI Bus Io protocol instance @param Offset Offset of the operational reg @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set to the reg **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetOperationalReg ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo, IN UINT32 Offset, IN VOID *Value ); /** Get HcRevision reg value @param PciIo PCI Bus Io protocol instance @retval Value of the register **/ UINT32 OhciGetHcRevision ( IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL *PciIo ); /** Set HcReset reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to set @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetHcReset ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 Field, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get specific field of HcReset reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field **/ UINT32 OhciGetHcReset ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 Field ); /** Set HcControl reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to set @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetHcControl ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get specific field of HcControl reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field **/ UINT32 OhciGetHcControl ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Set HcCommand reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to set @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetHcCommandStatus ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get specific field of HcCommand reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field **/ UINT32 OhciGetHcCommandStatus ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Clear specific fields of Interrupt Status @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to clear @retval EFI_SUCCESS Fields cleared **/ EFI_STATUS OhciClearInterruptStatus ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Get fields of HcInterrupt reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field **/ UINT32 OhciGetHcInterruptStatus ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Set Interrupt Control reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param StatEnable Enable or Disable @param Field Field to set @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetInterruptControl ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN BOOLEAN StatEnable, IN UINTN Field, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get field of HcInterruptControl reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field **/ UINT32 OhciGetHcInterruptControl ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Set memory pointer of specific type @param Ohc UHC private data @param PointerType Type of the pointer to set @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Memory pointer set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetMemoryPointer( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 PointerType, IN VOID *Value ); /** Get memory pointer of specific type @param Ohc UHC private data @param PointerType Type of pointer @retval Memory pointer of the specific type **/ VOID * OhciGetMemoryPointer ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 PointerType ); /** Set Frame Interval value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to set @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetFrameInterval ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get field of frame interval reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field **/ UINT32 OhciGetFrameInterval ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Set Frame Remaining reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetFrameRemaining ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get value of frame remaining reg @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of frame remaining reg **/ UINT32 OhciGetFrameRemaining ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Set frame number reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetFrameNumber( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get frame number reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @retval Value of frame number reg **/ UINT32 OhciGetFrameNumber ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc ); /** Set period start reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetPeriodicStart ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get periodic start reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Value of periodic start reg **/ UINT32 OhciGetPeriodicStart ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc ); /** Set Ls Threshold reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetLsThreshold ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get Ls Threshold reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @retval Value of Ls Threshold reg **/ UINT32 OhciGetLsThreshold ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc ); /** Set Root Hub Descriptor reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to set @param Value Value to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetRootHubDescriptor ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field, IN UINT32 Value ); /** Get Root Hub Descriptor reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field **/ UINT32 OhciGetRootHubDescriptor ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Set Root Hub Status reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetRootHubStatus ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Get Root Hub Status reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field **/ UINT32 OhciGetRootHubStatus ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINTN Field ); /** Set Root Hub Port Status reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Index Index of the port @param Field Field to set @retval EFI_SUCCESS Value set **/ EFI_STATUS OhciSetRootHubPortStatus ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 Index, IN UINTN Field ); /** Get Root Hub Port Status reg value @param Ohc UHC private data @param Index Index of the port @param Field Field to get @retval Value of the field and index **/ UINT32 OhciReadRootHubPortStatus ( IN USB_OHCI_HC_DEV *Ohc, IN UINT32 Index, IN UINTN Field ); #endif