;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> ; This program and the accompanying materials ; are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License ; which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at ; http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. ; ; THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ; ; Module Name: ; ; SmiEntry.asm ; ; Abstract: ; ; Code template of the SMI handler for a particular processor ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .686p .model flat,C .xmm MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE EQU 1A0h MSR_EFER EQU 0c0000080h MSR_EFER_XD EQU 0800h ; ; Constants relating to TXT_PROCESSOR_SMM_DESCRIPTOR ; DSC_OFFSET EQU 0fb00h DSC_GDTPTR EQU 48h DSC_GDTSIZ EQU 50h DSC_CS EQU 14h DSC_DS EQU 16h DSC_SS EQU 18h DSC_OTHERSEG EQU 1Ah PROTECT_MODE_CS EQU 08h PROTECT_MODE_DS EQU 20h TSS_SEGMENT EQU 40h SmiRendezvous PROTO C CpuSmmDebugEntry PROTO C CpuSmmDebugExit PROTO C EXTERNDEF gcStmSmiHandlerTemplate:BYTE EXTERNDEF gcStmSmiHandlerSize:WORD EXTERNDEF gcStmSmiHandlerOffset:WORD EXTERNDEF gStmSmiCr3:DWORD EXTERNDEF gStmSmiStack:DWORD EXTERNDEF gStmSmbase:DWORD EXTERNDEF gStmXdSupported:BYTE EXTERNDEF FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmStackGuard):BYTE EXTERNDEF gStmSmiHandlerIdtr:FWORD .code gcStmSmiHandlerTemplate LABEL BYTE _StmSmiEntryPoint: DB 0bbh ; mov bx, imm16 DW offset _StmGdtDesc - _StmSmiEntryPoint + 8000h DB 2eh, 0a1h ; mov ax, cs:[offset16] DW DSC_OFFSET + DSC_GDTSIZ dec eax mov cs:[edi], eax ; mov cs:[bx], ax DB 66h, 2eh, 0a1h ; mov eax, cs:[offset16] DW DSC_OFFSET + DSC_GDTPTR mov cs:[edi + 2], ax ; mov cs:[bx + 2], eax mov bp, ax ; ebp = GDT base DB 66h lgdt fword ptr cs:[edi] ; lgdt fword ptr cs:[bx] ; Patch ProtectedMode Segment DB 0b8h ; mov ax, imm16 DW PROTECT_MODE_CS ; set AX for segment directly mov cs:[edi - 2], eax ; mov cs:[bx - 2], ax ; Patch ProtectedMode entry DB 66h, 0bfh ; mov edi, SMBASE gStmSmbase DD ? DB 67h lea ax, [edi + (@32bit - _StmSmiEntryPoint) + 8000h] mov cs:[edi - 6], ax ; mov cs:[bx - 6], eax mov ebx, cr0 DB 66h and ebx, 9ffafff3h DB 66h or ebx, 23h mov cr0, ebx DB 66h, 0eah DD ? DW ? _StmGdtDesc FWORD ? @32bit: mov ax, PROTECT_MODE_DS mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ss, ax DB 0bch ; mov esp, imm32 gStmSmiStack DD ? mov eax, offset gStmSmiHandlerIdtr lidt fword ptr [eax] jmp ProtFlatMode ProtFlatMode: DB 0b8h ; mov eax, imm32 gStmSmiCr3 DD ? mov cr3, eax ; ; Need to test for CR4 specific bit support ; mov eax, 1 cpuid ; use CPUID to determine if specific CR4 bits are supported xor eax, eax ; Clear EAX test edx, BIT2 ; Check for DE capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT3 @@: test edx, BIT6 ; Check for PAE capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT5 @@: test edx, BIT7 ; Check for MCE capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT6 @@: test edx, BIT24 ; Check for FXSR capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT9 @@: test edx, BIT25 ; Check for SSE capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT10 @@: ; as cr4.PGE is not set here, refresh cr3 mov cr4, eax ; in PreModifyMtrrs() to flush TLB. cmp FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmStackGuard), 0 jz @F ; Load TSS mov byte ptr [ebp + TSS_SEGMENT + 5], 89h ; clear busy flag mov eax, TSS_SEGMENT ltr ax @@: ; enable NXE if supported DB 0b0h ; mov al, imm8 gStmXdSupported DB 1 cmp al, 0 jz @SkipXd ; ; Check XD disable bit ; mov ecx, MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE rdmsr push edx ; save MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE[63-32] test edx, BIT2 ; MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE[34] jz @f and dx, 0FFFBh ; clear XD Disable bit if it is set wrmsr @@: mov ecx, MSR_EFER rdmsr or ax, MSR_EFER_XD ; enable NXE wrmsr jmp @XdDone @SkipXd: sub esp, 4 @XdDone: mov ebx, cr0 or ebx, 080010023h ; enable paging + WP + NE + MP + PE mov cr0, ebx lea ebx, [edi + DSC_OFFSET] mov ax, [ebx + DSC_DS] mov ds, eax mov ax, [ebx + DSC_OTHERSEG] mov es, eax mov fs, eax mov gs, eax mov ax, [ebx + DSC_SS] mov ss, eax CommonHandler: mov ebx, [esp + 4] ; CPU Index push ebx mov eax, CpuSmmDebugEntry call eax add esp, 4 push ebx mov eax, SmiRendezvous call eax add esp, 4 push ebx mov eax, CpuSmmDebugExit call eax add esp, 4 mov eax, gStmXdSupported mov al, [eax] cmp al, 0 jz @f pop edx ; get saved MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE[63-32] test edx, BIT2 jz @f mov ecx, MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE rdmsr or dx, BIT2 ; set XD Disable bit if it was set before entering into SMM wrmsr @@: rsm _StmSmiHandler: ; ; Check XD disable bit ; xor esi, esi mov eax, gStmXdSupported mov al, [eax] cmp al, 0 jz @StmXdDone mov ecx, MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE rdmsr mov esi, edx ; save MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE[63-32] test edx, BIT2 ; MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE[34] jz @f and dx, 0FFFBh ; clear XD Disable bit if it is set wrmsr @@: mov ecx, MSR_EFER rdmsr or ax, MSR_EFER_XD ; enable NXE wrmsr @StmXdDone: push esi ; below step is needed, because STM does not run above code. ; we have to run below code to set IDT/CR0/CR4 mov eax, offset gStmSmiHandlerIdtr lidt fword ptr [eax] mov eax, cr0 or eax, 80010023h ; enable paging + WP + NE + MP + PE mov cr0, eax ; ; Need to test for CR4 specific bit support ; mov eax, 1 cpuid ; use CPUID to determine if specific CR4 bits are supported mov eax, cr4 ; init EAX test edx, BIT2 ; Check for DE capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT3 @@: test edx, BIT6 ; Check for PAE capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT5 @@: test edx, BIT7 ; Check for MCE capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT6 @@: test edx, BIT24 ; Check for FXSR capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT9 @@: test edx, BIT25 ; Check for SSE capabilities jz @f or eax, BIT10 @@: ; as cr4.PGE is not set here, refresh cr3 mov cr4, eax ; in PreModifyMtrrs() to flush TLB. ; STM init finish jmp CommonHandler gcStmSmiHandlerSize DW $ - _StmSmiEntryPoint gcStmSmiHandlerOffset DW _StmSmiHandler - _StmSmiEntryPoint END