/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: HwWatchdogTimer.h Abstract: --*/ #ifndef __EFI_WATCHDOG_TIMER_DRIVER_PROTOCOL_H__ #define __EFI_WATCHDOG_TIMER_DRIVER_PROTOCOL_H__ #define EFI_WATCHDOG_TIMER_DRIVER_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { 0xd5b06d16, 0x2ea1, 0x4def, 0x98, 0xd0, 0xa0, 0x5d, 0x40, 0x72, 0x84, 0x17 } #define EFI_WATCHDOG_TIMER_NOT_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_GUID \ { 0xe9e156ac, 0x3203, 0x4572, 0xac, 0xdf, 0x84, 0x4f, 0xdc, 0xdb, 0x6, 0xbf } #include <Guid/HwWatchdogTimerHob.h> // // General Purpose Constants // #define ICH_INSTAFLUSH_GPIO BIT16 // BIT 16 in GPIO Level 2 is GPIO 48. #define B_INSTAFLUSH BIT4 // // Other Watchdog timer values // #define WDT_COUNTDOWN_VALUE 0x14 #define BDS_WDT_COUNTDOWN_VALUE 0x35 // // Prototypes for the Watchdog Timer Driver Protocol // typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_WATCHDOG_START_TIMER) ( VOID ); /*++ Routine Description: This service begins the Watchdog Timer countdown. If the countdown completes prior to Stop Timer or Restart Timer the system will reset. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *PEI_WATCHDOG_RESET_TIMER) ( VOID ); /*++ Routine Description: This service resets the Watchdog Timer countdown and should only be called after the Start Timer function. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_WATCHDOG_RESTART_TIMER) ( VOID ); /*++ Routine Description: This service restarts the Watchdog Timer countdown and should only be called after the Start Timer function. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_WATCHDOG_STOP_TIMER) ( VOID ); /*++ Routine Description: This service disables the Watchdog Timer countdown. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_WATCHDOG_CHECK_TIMEOUT) ( OUT HW_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT *WatchdogTimeout ); /*++ Routine Description: This service disables the Watchdog Timer countdown. Arguments: None Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_WATCHDOG_FORCE_REBOOT) ( IN BOOLEAN ForceTimeout, IN UINT8 ResetType ); /*++ Routine Description: This service forces a reboot of the system due to a reset of the POWERGOOD_PS, POWERGOOD_CLK, and the BSEL Override Arguments: None Returns: This function should not return! EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful and a reboot did not occur --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_WATCHDOG_KNOWN_RESET) ( IN BOOLEAN AllowReset ); /*++ Routine Description: This service notifies the Watchdog Timer of the fact that a known reset is occuring. Arguments: AllowReset - TRUE if a Reset is currently expected FALSE if a Reset is not currently expected Returns: This function should not return! EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful and a reboot did not occur --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_GET_TIMER_COUNT_DOWN_PERIOD)( OUT UINT32 *CountdownValue ); /*++ Routine Description: This service reads the current Watchdog Timer countdown reload value. Arguments: CountdownValue - pointer to UINT32 to return the value of the reload register. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_SET_TIMER_COUNT_DOWN_PERIOD)( OUT UINT32 CountdownValue ); /*++ Routine Description: This service reads the current Watchdog Timer countdown reload value. Arguments: CountdownValue - Value to set the reload register. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *PEI_WATCHDOG_CLEAR_TIMER_STATE) ( ); /*++ Routine Description: This service clears the state that indicates the Watchdog Timer fired. Arguments: Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *EFI_STALL_WATCHDOG_COUNTDOWN) ( IN BOOLEAN Stall ); /*++ Routine Description: This service disables the Watchdog Timer countdown. It also closes the recurring restart event if the event exists. Arguments: Stall - TRUE = Stop the timer countdown FALSE = Start the timer countdown Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Operation completed successfully EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - The command was unsuccessful --*/ typedef struct _EFI_WATCHDOG_TIMER_DRIVER_PROTOCOL { EFI_WATCHDOG_START_TIMER StartWatchdogTimer; PEI_WATCHDOG_RESET_TIMER ResetWatchdogTimeout; EFI_WATCHDOG_RESTART_TIMER RestartWatchdogTimer; EFI_WATCHDOG_STOP_TIMER StopWatchdogTimer; EFI_WATCHDOG_CHECK_TIMEOUT CheckWatchdogTimeout; EFI_WATCHDOG_FORCE_REBOOT ForceReboot; EFI_WATCHDOG_KNOWN_RESET AllowKnownReset; EFI_GET_TIMER_COUNT_DOWN_PERIOD GetCountdownPeriod; EFI_SET_TIMER_COUNT_DOWN_PERIOD SetCountdownPeriod; PEI_WATCHDOG_CLEAR_TIMER_STATE ClearTimerState; EFI_STALL_WATCHDOG_COUNTDOWN StallWatchdogCountdown; } EFI_WATCHDOG_TIMER_DRIVER_PROTOCOL; extern EFI_GUID gEfiWatchdogTimerDriverProtocolGuid; extern EFI_GUID gEfiWatchdogTimerNotSupportedProtocolGuid; #endif