/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#include <math.h>  /* for abs() */
#include <stdio.h>  /* for printf() */
#include <string.h> /* for memset() */
#include <stdint.h> /* for uint64 definition */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit() definition */
#include <time.h> /* for clock_gettime */

#include "../drc_math.h"
#include "../dsp_util.h"

/* Constant for converting time to milliseconds. */
#define BILLION 1000000000LL
/* Number of iterations for performance testing. */
#define ITERATIONS 400000

#if defined(__aarch64__)
int16_t float_to_short(float a) {
	int32_t ret;
	asm volatile ("fcvtas %s[ret], %s[a]\n"
		      "sqxtn %h[ret], %s[ret]\n"
		      : [ret] "=w" (ret)
		      : [a] "w" (a)
	return (int16_t)(ret);
int16_t float_to_short(float a) {
	a += (a >= 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f;
	return (int16_t)(max(-32768, min(32767, a)));

void dsp_util_deinterleave_reference(int16_t *input, float *const *output,
				     int channels, int frames)
	float *output_ptr[channels];
	int i, j;

	for (i = 0; i < channels; i++)
		output_ptr[i] = output[i];

	for (i = 0; i < frames; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < channels; j++)
			*(output_ptr[j]++) = *input++ / 32768.0f;

void dsp_util_interleave_reference(float *const *input, int16_t *output,
				   int channels, int frames)
	float *input_ptr[channels];
	int i, j;

	for (i = 0; i < channels; i++)
		input_ptr[i] = input[i];

	for (i = 0; i < frames; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < channels; j++) {
			float f = *(input_ptr[j]++) * 32768.0f;
			*output++ = float_to_short(f);

/* Use fixed size allocation to avoid performance fluctuation of allocation. */
#define MAXSAMPLES 4096
#define MINSAMPLES 256
/* PAD buffer to check for overflows. */
#define PAD 4096

void TestRounding(float in, int16_t expected, int samples)
	int i;
	int max_diff;
	int d;

	short* in_shorts = (short*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
	float* out_floats_left_c = (float*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	float* out_floats_right_c = (float*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	float* out_floats_left_opt = (float*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	float* out_floats_right_opt = (float*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	short* out_shorts_c = (short*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
	short* out_shorts_opt = (short*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);

	memset(in_shorts, 0xfb, MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
	memset(out_floats_left_c, 0xfb, MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	memset(out_floats_right_c, 0xfb, MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	memset(out_floats_left_opt, 0xfb, MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	memset(out_floats_right_opt, 0xfb, MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	memset(out_shorts_c, 0xfb, MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
	memset(out_shorts_opt, 0xfb, MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);

	float *out_floats_ptr_c[2];
	float *out_floats_ptr_opt[2];

	out_floats_ptr_c[0] = out_floats_left_c;
	out_floats_ptr_c[1] = out_floats_right_c;
	out_floats_ptr_opt[0] = out_floats_left_opt;
	out_floats_ptr_opt[1] = out_floats_right_opt;

	for (i = 0; i < MAXSAMPLES; ++i) {
		out_floats_left_c[i] = in;
		out_floats_right_c[i] = in;

	/*  reference C interleave */
	dsp_util_interleave_reference(out_floats_ptr_c, out_shorts_c, 2,

	/* measure optimized interleave */
	for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) {
		dsp_util_interleave(out_floats_ptr_c, out_shorts_opt, 2,

	max_diff = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < (MAXSAMPLES * 2 + PAD / 2); ++i) {
		d = abs(out_shorts_c[i] - out_shorts_opt[i]);
		if (d > max_diff) {
			max_diff = d;
	printf("test interleave compare %6d, %10f %13f %6d %6d %6d %s\n",
		max_diff, in, in * 32768.0f, out_shorts_c[0], out_shorts_opt[0],
		max_diff == 0 ? "PASS" : (out_shorts_opt[0] == expected ?

	/* measure reference C deinterleave */
	dsp_util_deinterleave_reference(in_shorts, out_floats_ptr_c, 2,

	/* measure optimized deinterleave */
	dsp_util_deinterleave(in_shorts, out_floats_ptr_opt, 2, samples);

	d = memcmp(out_floats_ptr_c[0], out_floats_ptr_opt[0], samples * 4);
	if (d) printf("left compare %d, %f %f\n", d, out_floats_ptr_c[0][0],
	d = memcmp(out_floats_ptr_c[1], out_floats_ptr_opt[1], samples * 4);
	if (d) printf("right compare %d, %f %f\n", d, out_floats_ptr_c[1][0],


int main(int argc, char **argv)
	float e = 0.000000001f;
	int samples = 16;


	// Print headings for TestRounding output.
	printf("test interleave compare maxdif,     float,   float * 32k      "
	       "C   SIMD expect pass\n");

	// test clamping
	TestRounding(1.0f, 32767, samples);
	TestRounding(-1.0f, -32768, samples);
	TestRounding(1.1f, 32767, samples);
	TestRounding(-1.1f, -32768, samples);
	TestRounding(2000000000.f / 32768.f, 32767, samples);
	TestRounding(-2000000000.f / 32768.f, -32768, samples);

	/* Infinity produces zero on arm64. */
#if defined(__aarch64__)
#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
#define EXPECTED_INF_RESULT -32768

	TestRounding(5000000000.f / 32768.f, EXPECTED_INF_RESULT, samples);
	TestRounding(-5000000000.f / 32768.f, EXPECTED_NEGINF_RESULT, samples);

	// test infinity
	union ieee754_float inf;
	inf.ieee.negative = 0;
	inf.ieee.exponent = 0xfe;
	inf.ieee.mantissa = 0x7fffff;
	TestRounding(inf.f, EXPECTED_INF_RESULT, samples);  // expect fail
	inf.ieee.negative = 1;
	inf.ieee.exponent = 0xfe;
	inf.ieee.mantissa = 0x7fffff;
	TestRounding(inf.f, EXPECTED_NEGINF_RESULT, samples);  // expect fail

	// test rounding
	TestRounding(0.25f, 8192, samples);
	TestRounding(-0.25f, -8192, samples);
	TestRounding(0.50f, 16384, samples);
	TestRounding(-0.50f, -16384, samples);
	TestRounding(1.0f / 32768.0f, 1, samples);
	TestRounding(-1.0f / 32768.0f, -1, samples);
	TestRounding(1.0f / 32768.0f + e, 1, samples);
	TestRounding(-1.0f / 32768.0f - e, -1, samples);
	TestRounding(1.0f / 32768.0f - e, 1, samples);
	TestRounding(-1.0f / 32768.0f + e, -1, samples);

	/* Rounding on 'tie' is different for Intel. */
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
	TestRounding(0.5f / 32768.0f, 0, samples);  /* Expect round to even */
	TestRounding(-0.5f / 32768.0f, 0, samples);
	TestRounding(0.5f / 32768.0f, 1, samples);  /* Expect round away */
	TestRounding(-0.5f / 32768.0f, -1, samples);

	TestRounding(0.5f / 32768.0f + e, 1, samples);
	TestRounding(-0.5f / 32768.0f - e, 1, samples);
	TestRounding(0.5f / 32768.0f - e, 0, samples);
	TestRounding(-0.5f / 32768.0f + e, 0, samples);

	TestRounding(1.5f / 32768.0f, 2, samples);
	TestRounding(-1.5f / 32768.0f, -2, samples);
	TestRounding(1.5f / 32768.0f + e, 2, samples);
	TestRounding(-1.5f / 32768.0f - e, -2, samples);
	TestRounding(1.5f / 32768.0f - e, 1, samples);
	TestRounding(-1.5f / 32768.0f + e, -1, samples);

	/* Test denormals */
	union ieee754_float denorm;
	denorm.ieee.negative = 0;
	denorm.ieee.exponent = 0;
	denorm.ieee.mantissa = 1;
	TestRounding(denorm.f, 0, samples);
	denorm.ieee.negative = 1;
	denorm.ieee.exponent = 0;
	denorm.ieee.mantissa = 1;
	TestRounding(denorm.f, 0, samples);

	/* Test NaNs. Caveat Results vary by implementation. */
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
#define EXPECTED_NAN_RESULT -32768
	union ieee754_float nan;  /* Quiet NaN */
	nan.ieee.negative = 0;
	nan.ieee.exponent = 0xff;
	nan.ieee.mantissa = 0x400001;
	TestRounding(nan.f, EXPECTED_NAN_RESULT, samples);
	nan.ieee.negative = 0;
	nan.ieee.exponent = 0xff;
	nan.ieee.mantissa = 0x000001;  /* Signalling NaN */
	TestRounding(nan.f, EXPECTED_NAN_RESULT, samples);

	/* Test Performance */
	uint64_t diff;
	struct timespec start, end;
	int i;
	int d;

	short* in_shorts = (short*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
	float* out_floats_left_c = (float*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	float* out_floats_right_c = (float*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	float* out_floats_left_opt = (float*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	float* out_floats_right_opt = (float*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	short* out_shorts_c = (short*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
	short* out_shorts_opt = (short*) malloc(MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);

	memset(in_shorts, 0x11, MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
	memset(out_floats_left_c, 0x22, MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	memset(out_floats_right_c, 0x33, MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	memset(out_floats_left_opt, 0x44, MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	memset(out_floats_right_opt, 0x55, MAXSAMPLES * 4 + PAD);
	memset(out_shorts_c, 0x66, MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
	memset(out_shorts_opt, 0x66, MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);

	float *out_floats_ptr_c[2];
	float *out_floats_ptr_opt[2];

	out_floats_ptr_c[0] = out_floats_left_c;
	out_floats_ptr_c[1] = out_floats_right_c;
	out_floats_ptr_opt[0] = out_floats_left_opt;
	out_floats_ptr_opt[1] = out_floats_right_opt;

	/* Benchmark dsp_util_interleave */
	for (samples = MAXSAMPLES; samples >= MINSAMPLES; samples /= 2) {

		/* measure original C interleave */
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); /* mark start time */
		for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) {
						      2, samples);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); /* mark the end time */
		diff = (BILLION * (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) +
			end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000000;
		printf("interleave   ORIG size = %6d, elapsed time = %llu ms\n",
		       samples, (long long unsigned int) diff);

		/* measure optimized interleave */
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); /* mark start time */
		for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) {
			dsp_util_interleave(out_floats_ptr_c, out_shorts_opt, 2,
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); /* mark the end time */
		diff = (BILLION * (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) +
			end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000000;
		printf("interleave   SIMD size = %6d, elapsed time = %llu ms\n",
		       samples, (long long unsigned int) diff);

		/* Test C and SIMD output match */
		d = memcmp(out_shorts_c, out_shorts_opt,
			   MAXSAMPLES * 2 * 2 + PAD);
		if (d) printf("interleave compare %d, %d %d, %d %d\n", d,
			      out_shorts_c[0], out_shorts_c[1],
			      out_shorts_opt[0], out_shorts_opt[1]);

	/* Benchmark dsp_util_deinterleave */
	for (samples = MAXSAMPLES; samples >= MINSAMPLES; samples /= 2) {

		/* Measure original C deinterleave */
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); /* mark start time */
		for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) {
							2, samples);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); /* mark the end time */
		diff = (BILLION * (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) +
			end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000000;
			printf("deinterleave ORIG size = %6d, "
			       "elapsed time = %llu ms\n",
			       samples, (long long unsigned int) diff);

		/* Measure optimized deinterleave */
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start); /* mark start time */
		for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) {
			dsp_util_deinterleave(in_shorts, out_floats_ptr_opt, 2,
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end); /* mark the end time */
		diff = (BILLION * (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) +
			end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1000000;
		printf("deinterleave SIMD size = %6d, elapsed time = %llu ms\n",
			samples, (long long unsigned int) diff);

		/* Test C and SIMD output match */
		d = memcmp(out_floats_ptr_c[0], out_floats_ptr_opt[0],
			   samples * 4);
		if (d) printf("left compare %d, %f %f\n", d,
			      out_floats_ptr_c[0][0], out_floats_ptr_opt[0][0]);
		d = memcmp(out_floats_ptr_c[1], out_floats_ptr_opt[1],
			   samples * 4);
		if (d) printf("right compare %d, %f %f\n", d,
			      out_floats_ptr_c[1][0], out_floats_ptr_opt[1][0]);


	return 0;