# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """A module to support automatic firmware update. See FirmwareUpdater object below. """ import os import re from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chip_utils from autotest_lib.client.cros.faft.utils import (common, flashrom_handler, saft_flashrom_util, shell_wrapper) class FirmwareUpdaterError(Exception): """Error in the FirmwareUpdater module.""" class FirmwareUpdater(object): """An object to support firmware update. This object will create a temporary directory in /var/tmp/faft/autest with two subdirectory keys/ and work/. You can modify the keys in keys/ directory. If you want to provide a given shellball to do firmware update, put shellball under /var/tmp/faft/autest with name chromeos-firmwareupdate. """ DAEMON = 'update-engine' CBFSTOOL = 'cbfstool' HEXDUMP = 'hexdump -v -e \'1/1 "0x%02x\\n"\'' def __init__(self, os_if): self.os_if = os_if self._temp_path = '/var/tmp/faft/autest' self._cbfs_work_path = os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'cbfs') self._keys_path = os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'keys') self._work_path = os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'work') self._bios_path = 'bios.bin' self._ec_path = 'ec.bin' pubkey_path = os.path.join(self._keys_path, 'root_key.vbpubk') self._bios_handler = common.LazyInitHandlerProxy( flashrom_handler.FlashromHandler, saft_flashrom_util, os_if, pubkey_path, self._keys_path, 'bios') self._ec_handler = common.LazyInitHandlerProxy( flashrom_handler.FlashromHandler, saft_flashrom_util, os_if, pubkey_path, self._keys_path, 'ec') # _detect_image_paths always needs to run during initialization # or after extract_shellball is called. # # If we are setting up the temp dir from scratch, we'll transitively # call _detect_image_paths since extract_shellball is called. # Otherwise, we need to scan the existing temp directory. if not self.os_if.is_dir(self._temp_path): self._setup_temp_dir() else: self._detect_image_paths() def _setup_temp_dir(self): """Setup temporary directory. Devkeys are copied to _key_path. Then, shellball (default: /usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate) is extracted to _work_path. """ self.cleanup_temp_dir() self.os_if.create_dir(self._temp_path) self.os_if.create_dir(self._cbfs_work_path) self.os_if.create_dir(self._work_path) self.os_if.copy_dir('/usr/share/vboot/devkeys', self._keys_path) original_shellball = '/usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate' working_shellball = os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'chromeos-firmwareupdate') self.os_if.copy_file(original_shellball, working_shellball) self.extract_shellball() def cleanup_temp_dir(self): """Cleanup temporary directory.""" if self.os_if.is_dir(self._temp_path): self.os_if.remove_dir(self._temp_path) def stop_daemon(self): """Stop update-engine daemon.""" self.os_if.log('Stopping %s...' % self.DAEMON) cmd = 'status %s | grep stop || stop %s' % (self.DAEMON, self.DAEMON) self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd) def start_daemon(self): """Start update-engine daemon.""" self.os_if.log('Starting %s...' % self.DAEMON) cmd = 'status %s | grep start || start %s' % (self.DAEMON, self.DAEMON) self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd) def retrieve_fwid(self): """Retrieve shellball's fwid. This method should be called after _setup_temp_dir. Returns: Shellball's fwid. """ self._bios_handler.new_image( os.path.join(self._work_path, self._bios_path)) fwid = self._bios_handler.get_section_fwid('a') # Remove the tailing null characters return fwid.rstrip('\0') def retrieve_ecid(self): """Retrieve shellball's ecid. This method should be called after _setup_temp_dir. Returns: Shellball's ecid. """ self._ec_handler.new_image( os.path.join(self._work_path, self._ec_path)) fwid = self._ec_handler.get_section_fwid('rw') # Remove the tailing null characters return fwid.rstrip('\0') def retrieve_ec_hash(self): """Retrieve the hex string of the EC hash.""" return self._ec_handler.get_section_hash('rw') def modify_ecid_and_flash_to_bios(self): """Modify ecid, put it to AP firmware, and flash it to the system. This method is used for testing EC software sync for EC EFS (Early Firmware Selection). It creates a slightly different EC RW image (a different EC fwid) in AP firmware, in order to trigger EC software sync on the next boot (a different hash with the original EC RW). The steps of this method: * Modify the EC fwid by appending a '~', like from 'fizz_v1.1.7374-147f1bd64' to 'fizz_v1.1.7374-147f1bd64~'. * Resign the EC image. * Store the modififed EC RW image to CBFS component 'ecrw' of the AP firmware's FW_MAIN_A and FW_MAIN_B, and also the new hash. * Resign the AP image. * Flash the modified AP image back to the system. """ self.cbfs_setup_work_dir() fwid = self.retrieve_ecid() if fwid.endswith('~'): raise FirmwareUpdaterError('The EC fwid is already modified') # Modify the EC FWID and resign fwid = fwid[:-1] + '~' self._ec_handler.set_section_fwid('rw', fwid) self._ec_handler.resign_ec_rwsig() # Replace ecrw to the new one ecrw_bin_path = os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, chip_utils.ecrw.cbfs_bin_name) self._ec_handler.dump_section_body('rw', ecrw_bin_path) # Replace ecrw.hash to the new one ecrw_hash_path = os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, chip_utils.ecrw.cbfs_hash_name) with open(ecrw_hash_path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.retrieve_ec_hash()) # Store the modified ecrw and its hash to cbfs self.cbfs_replace_chip(chip_utils.ecrw.fw_name, extension='') # Resign and flash the AP firmware back to the system self.cbfs_sign_and_flash() def resign_firmware(self, version=None, work_path=None): """Resign firmware with version. Args: version: new firmware version number, default to no modification. work_path: work path, default to the updater work path. """ if work_path is None: work_path = self._work_path self.os_if.run_shell_command( '/usr/share/vboot/bin/resign_firmwarefd.sh ' '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % ( os.path.join(work_path, self._bios_path), os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'output.bin'), os.path.join(self._keys_path, 'firmware_data_key.vbprivk'), os.path.join(self._keys_path, 'firmware.keyblock'), os.path.join(self._keys_path, 'dev_firmware_data_key.vbprivk'), os.path.join(self._keys_path, 'dev_firmware.keyblock'), os.path.join(self._keys_path, 'kernel_subkey.vbpubk'), ('%d' % version) if version is not None else '')) self.os_if.copy_file('%s' % os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'output.bin'), '%s' % os.path.join( work_path, self._bios_path)) def _detect_image_paths(self): """Scans shellball to find correct bios and ec image paths.""" model_result = self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_output( 'mosys platform model') if model_result: model = model_result[0] search_path = os.path.join( self._work_path, 'models', model, 'setvars.sh') grep_result = self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_output( 'grep IMAGE_MAIN= %s' % search_path) if grep_result: match = re.match('IMAGE_MAIN=(.*)', grep_result[0]) if match: self._bios_path = match.group(1).replace('"', '') grep_result = self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_output( 'grep IMAGE_EC= %s' % search_path) if grep_result: match = re.match('IMAGE_EC=(.*)', grep_result[0]) if match: self._ec_path = match.group(1).replace('"', '') def _update_target_fwid(self): """Update target fwid/ecid in the setvars.sh.""" model_result = self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_output( 'mosys platform model') if model_result: model = model_result[0] setvars_path = os.path.join( self._work_path, 'models', model, 'setvars.sh') if self.os_if.path_exists(setvars_path): fwid = self.retrieve_fwid() ecid = self.retrieve_ecid() args = ['-i'] args.append( '"s/TARGET_FWID=\\".*\\"/TARGET_FWID=\\"%s\\"/g"' % fwid) args.append(setvars_path) cmd = 'sed %s' % ' '.join(args) self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd) args = ['-i'] args.append( '"s/TARGET_RO_FWID=\\".*\\"/TARGET_RO_FWID=\\"%s\\"/g"' % fwid) args.append(setvars_path) cmd = 'sed %s' % ' '.join(args) self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd) args = ['-i'] args.append( '"s/TARGET_ECID=\\".*\\"/TARGET_ECID=\\"%s\\"/g"' % ecid) args.append(setvars_path) cmd = 'sed %s' % ' '.join(args) self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd) def extract_shellball(self, append=None): """Extract the working shellball. Args: append: decide which shellball to use with format chromeos-firmwareupdate-[append]. Use 'chromeos-firmwareupdate' if append is None. """ working_shellball = os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'chromeos-firmwareupdate') if append: working_shellball = working_shellball + '-%s' % append self.os_if.run_shell_command('sh %s --sb_extract %s' % ( working_shellball, self._work_path)) self._detect_image_paths() def repack_shellball(self, append=None): """Repack shellball with new fwid. New fwid follows the rule: [orignal_fwid]-[append]. Args: append: save the new shellball with a suffix, for example, chromeos-firmwareupdate-[append]. Use 'chromeos-firmwareupdate' if append is None. """ self._update_target_fwid(); working_shellball = os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'chromeos-firmwareupdate') if append: self.os_if.copy_file(working_shellball, working_shellball + '-%s' % append) working_shellball = working_shellball + '-%s' % append self.os_if.run_shell_command('sh %s --sb_repack %s' % ( working_shellball, self._work_path)) if append: args = ['-i'] args.append( '"s/TARGET_FWID=\\"\\(.*\\)\\"/TARGET_FWID=\\"\\1.%s\\"/g"' % append) args.append(working_shellball) cmd = 'sed %s' % ' '.join(args) self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd) args = ['-i'] args.append('"s/TARGET_UNSTABLE=\\".*\\"/TARGET_UNSTABLE=\\"\\"/g"') args.append(working_shellball) cmd = 'sed %s' % ' '.join(args) self.os_if.run_shell_command(cmd) def run_firmwareupdate(self, mode, updater_append=None, options=[]): """Do firmwareupdate with updater in temp_dir. Args: updater_append: decide which shellball to use with format chromeos-firmwareupdate-[append]. Use'chromeos-firmwareupdate' if updater_append is None. mode: ex.'autoupdate', 'recovery', 'bootok', 'factory_install'... options: ex. ['--noupdate_ec', '--nocheck_rw_compatible'] or [] for no option. """ if updater_append: updater = os.path.join( self._temp_path, 'chromeos-firmwareupdate-%s' % updater_append) else: updater = os.path.join(self._temp_path, 'chromeos-firmwareupdate') command = '/bin/sh %s --mode %s %s' % (updater, mode, ' '.join(options)) if mode == 'bootok': # Since CL:459837, bootok is moved to chromeos-setgoodfirmware. new_command = '/usr/sbin/chromeos-setgoodfirmware' command = 'if [ -e %s ]; then %s; else %s; fi' % ( new_command, new_command, command) self.os_if.run_shell_command(command) def cbfs_setup_work_dir(self): """Sets up cbfs on DUT. Finds bios.bin on the DUT and sets up a temp dir to operate on bios.bin. If a bios.bin was specified, it is copied to the DUT and used instead of the native bios.bin. Returns: The cbfs work directory path. """ self.os_if.remove_dir(self._cbfs_work_path) self.os_if.copy_dir(self._work_path, self._cbfs_work_path) return self._cbfs_work_path def cbfs_extract_chip(self, fw_name, extension='.bin'): """Extracts chip firmware blob from cbfs. For a given chip type, looks for the corresponding firmware blob and hash in the specified bios. The firmware blob and hash are extracted into self._cbfs_work_path. The extracted blobs will be <fw_name><extension> and <fw_name>.hash located in cbfs_work_path. Args: fw_name: Chip firmware name to be extracted. extension: Extension of the name of the cbfs component. Returns: Boolean success status. """ bios = os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, self._bios_path) fw = fw_name cbfs_extract = '%s %s extract -r FW_MAIN_A -n %s%%s -f %s%%s' % ( self.CBFSTOOL, bios, fw, os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, fw)) cmd = cbfs_extract % (extension, extension) if self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_status(cmd) != 0: return False cmd = cbfs_extract % ('.hash', '.hash') if self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_status(cmd) != 0: return False return True def cbfs_get_chip_hash(self, fw_name): """Returns chip firmware hash blob. For a given chip type, returns the chip firmware hash blob. Before making this request, the chip blobs must have been extracted from cbfs using cbfs_extract_chip(). The hash data is returned as hexadecimal string. Args: fw_name: Chip firmware name whose hash blob to get. Returns: Boolean success status. Raises: shell_wrapper.ShellError: Underlying remote shell operations failed. """ hexdump_cmd = '%s %s.hash' % ( self.HEXDUMP, os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, fw_name)) hashblob = self.os_if.run_shell_command_get_output(hexdump_cmd) return hashblob def cbfs_replace_chip(self, fw_name, extension='.bin'): """Replaces chip firmware in CBFS (bios.bin). For a given chip type, replaces its firmware blob and hash in bios.bin. All files referenced are expected to be in the directory set up using cbfs_setup_work_dir(). Args: fw_name: Chip firmware name to be replaced. extension: Extension of the name of the cbfs component. Returns: Boolean success status. Raises: shell_wrapper.ShellError: Underlying remote shell operations failed. """ bios = os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, self._bios_path) rm_hash_cmd = '%s %s remove -r FW_MAIN_A,FW_MAIN_B -n %s.hash' % ( self.CBFSTOOL, bios, fw_name) rm_bin_cmd = '%s %s remove -r FW_MAIN_A,FW_MAIN_B -n %s%s' % ( self.CBFSTOOL, bios, fw_name, extension) expand_cmd = '%s %s expand -r FW_MAIN_A,FW_MAIN_B' % ( self.CBFSTOOL, bios) add_hash_cmd = ('%s %s add -r FW_MAIN_A,FW_MAIN_B -t raw -c none ' '-f %s.hash -n %s.hash') % ( self.CBFSTOOL, bios, os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, fw_name), fw_name) add_bin_cmd = ('%s %s add -r FW_MAIN_A,FW_MAIN_B -t raw -c lzma ' '-f %s%s -n %s%s') % ( self.CBFSTOOL, bios, os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, fw_name), extension, fw_name, extension) truncate_cmd = '%s %s truncate -r FW_MAIN_A,FW_MAIN_B' % ( self.CBFSTOOL, bios) self.os_if.run_shell_command(rm_hash_cmd) self.os_if.run_shell_command(rm_bin_cmd) try: self.os_if.run_shell_command(expand_cmd) except shell_wrapper.ShellError: self.os_if.log(('%s may be too old, ' 'continuing without "expand" support') % self.CBFSTOOL) self.os_if.run_shell_command(add_hash_cmd) self.os_if.run_shell_command(add_bin_cmd) try: self.os_if.run_shell_command(truncate_cmd) except shell_wrapper.ShellError: self.os_if.log(('%s may be too old, ' 'continuing without "truncate" support') % self.CBFSTOOL) return True def cbfs_sign_and_flash(self): """Signs CBFS (bios.bin) and flashes it.""" self.resign_firmware(work_path=self._cbfs_work_path) self._bios_handler.new_image( os.path.join(self._cbfs_work_path, self._bios_path)) self._bios_handler.write_whole() return True def get_temp_path(self): """Get temp directory path.""" return self._temp_path def get_keys_path(self): """Get keys directory path.""" return self._keys_path def get_cbfs_work_path(self): """Get cbfs work directory path.""" return self._cbfs_work_path def get_work_path(self): """Get work directory path.""" return self._work_path def get_bios_relative_path(self): """Gets the relative path of the bios image in the shellball.""" return self._bios_path def get_ec_relative_path(self): """Gets the relative path of the ec image in the shellball.""" return self._ec_path