#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Runs on autotest servers from a cron job to self update them. This script is designed to run on all autotest servers to allow them to automatically self-update based on the manifests used to create their (existing) repos. """ from __future__ import print_function import ConfigParser import argparse import os import re import subprocess import sys import time import common from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config from autotest_lib.server import utils as server_utils from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers # How long after restarting a service do we watch it to see if it's stable. SERVICE_STABILITY_TIMER = 60 # A dict to map update_commands defined in config file to repos or files that # decide whether need to update these commands. E.g. if no changes under # frontend repo, no need to update afe. COMMANDS_TO_REPOS_DICT = {'afe': 'frontend/client/', 'tko': 'frontend/client/'} BUILD_EXTERNALS_COMMAND = 'build_externals' _RESTART_SERVICES_FILE = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'push_restart_services') AFE = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE( server=server_utils.get_global_afe_hostname(), timeout_min=5, delay_sec=10) class DirtyTreeException(Exception): """Raised when the tree has been modified in an unexpected way.""" class UnknownCommandException(Exception): """Raised when we try to run a command name with no associated command.""" class UnstableServices(Exception): """Raised if a service appears unstable after restart.""" def strip_terminal_codes(text): """This function removes all terminal formatting codes from a string. @param text: String of text to cleanup. @returns String with format codes removed. """ ESC = '\x1b' return re.sub(ESC+r'\[[^m]*m', '', text) def _clean_pyc_files(): print('Removing .pyc files') try: subprocess.check_output([ 'find', '.', '(', # These are ignored to reduce IO load (crbug.com/759780). '-path', './site-packages', '-o', '-path', './containers', '-o', '-path', './logs', '-o', '-path', './results', ')', '-prune', '-o', '-name', '*.pyc', '-exec', 'rm', '-f', '{}', '+']) except Exception as e: print('Warning: fail to remove .pyc! %s' % e) def verify_repo_clean(): """This function cleans the current repo then verifies that it is valid. @raises DirtyTreeException if the repo is still not clean. @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a repo command failure. """ subprocess.check_output(['git', 'reset', '--hard']) # Forcefully blow away any non-gitignored files in the tree. subprocess.check_output(['git', 'clean', '-fd']) out = subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'status'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out = strip_terminal_codes(out).strip() if not 'working directory clean' in out: raise DirtyTreeException(out) def _clean_externals(): """Clean untracked files within ExternalSource and site-packages/ @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a git command failure. """ dirs_to_clean = ['site-packages/', 'ExternalSource/'] cmd = ['git', 'clean', '-fxd'] + dirs_to_clean subprocess.check_output(cmd) def repo_versions(): """This function collects the versions of all git repos in the general repo. @returns A dictionary mapping project names to git hashes for HEAD. @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a repo command failure. """ cmd = ['repo', 'forall', '-p', '-c', 'pwd && git log -1 --format=%h'] output = strip_terminal_codes(subprocess.check_output(cmd)) # The expected output format is: # project chrome_build/ # /dir/holding/chrome_build # 73dee9d # # project chrome_release/ # /dir/holding/chrome_release # 9f3a5d8 lines = output.splitlines() PROJECT_PREFIX = 'project ' project_heads = {} for n in range(0, len(lines), 4): project_line = lines[n] project_dir = lines[n+1] project_hash = lines[n+2] # lines[n+3] is a blank line, but doesn't exist for the final block. # Convert 'project chrome_build/' -> 'chrome_build' assert project_line.startswith(PROJECT_PREFIX) name = project_line[len(PROJECT_PREFIX):].rstrip('/') project_heads[name] = (project_dir, project_hash) return project_heads def repo_versions_to_decide_whether_run_cmd_update(): """Collect versions of repos/files defined in COMMANDS_TO_REPOS_DICT. For the update_commands defined in config files, no need to run the command every time. Only run it when the repos/files related to the commands have been changed. @returns A set of tuples: {(cmd, repo_version), ()...} """ results = set() for cmd, repo in COMMANDS_TO_REPOS_DICT.iteritems(): version = subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=tformat:%h', '%s/%s' % (common.autotest_dir, repo)]) results.add((cmd, version.strip())) return results def repo_sync(update_push_servers=False): """Perform a repo sync. @param update_push_servers: If True, then update test_push servers to ToT. Otherwise, update server to prod branch. @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a repo command failure. """ subprocess.check_output(['repo', 'sync']) if update_push_servers: print('Updating push servers, checkout cros/master') subprocess.check_output(['git', 'checkout', 'cros/master'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: print('Updating server to prod branch') subprocess.check_output(['git', 'checkout', 'cros/prod'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _clean_pyc_files() def discover_update_commands(): """Lookup the commands to run on this server. These commonly come from shadow_config.ini, since they vary by server type. @returns List of command names in string format. """ try: return global_config.global_config.get_config_value( 'UPDATE', 'commands', type=list) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, global_config.ConfigError): return [] def get_restart_services(): """Find the services that need restarting on the current server. These commonly come from shadow_config.ini, since they vary by server type. @returns Iterable of service names in string format. """ with open(_RESTART_SERVICES_FILE) as f: for line in f: yield line.rstrip() def update_command(cmd_tag, dryrun=False, use_chromite_master=False): """Restart a command. The command name is looked up in global_config.ini to find the full command to run, then it's executed. @param cmd_tag: Which command to restart. @param dryrun: If true print the command that would have been run. @param use_chromite_master: True if updating chromite to master, rather than prod. @raises UnknownCommandException If cmd_tag can't be looked up. @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a command failure. """ # Lookup the list of commands to consider. They are intended to be # in global_config.ini so that they can be shared everywhere. cmds = dict(global_config.global_config.config.items( 'UPDATE_COMMANDS')) if cmd_tag not in cmds: raise UnknownCommandException(cmd_tag, cmds) expanded_command = cmds[cmd_tag].replace('AUTOTEST_REPO', common.autotest_dir) # When updating push servers, pass an arg to build_externals to update # chromite to master branch for testing if use_chromite_master and cmd_tag == BUILD_EXTERNALS_COMMAND: expanded_command += ' --use_chromite_master' print('Running: %s: %s' % (cmd_tag, expanded_command)) if dryrun: print('Skip: %s' % expanded_command) else: try: subprocess.check_output(expanded_command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('FAILED:') print(e.output) raise def restart_service(service_name, dryrun=False): """Restart a service. Restarts the standard service with "service <name> restart". @param service_name: The name of the service to restart. @param dryrun: Don't really run anything, just print out the command. @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a command failure. """ cmd = ['sudo', 'service', service_name, 'restart'] print('Restarting: %s' % service_name) if dryrun: print('Skip: %s' % ' '.join(cmd)) else: subprocess.check_call(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def service_status(service_name): """Return the results "status <name>" for a given service. This string is expected to contain the pid, and so to change is the service is shutdown or restarted for any reason. @param service_name: The name of the service to check on. @returns The output of the external command. Ex: autofs start/running, process 1931 @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a command failure. """ return subprocess.check_output(['sudo', 'service', service_name, 'status']) def restart_services(service_names, dryrun=False, skip_service_status=False): """Restart services as needed for the current server type. Restart the listed set of services, and watch to see if they are stable for at least SERVICE_STABILITY_TIMER. It restarts all services quickly, waits for that delay, then verifies the status of all of them. @param service_names: The list of service to restart and monitor. @param dryrun: Don't really restart the service, just print out the command. @param skip_service_status: Set to True to skip service status check. Default is False. @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a command failure. @raises UnstableServices if any services are unstable after restart. """ service_statuses = {} if dryrun: for name in service_names: restart_service(name, dryrun=True) return # Restart each, and record the status (including pid). for name in service_names: restart_service(name) # Skip service status check if --skip-service-status is specified. Used for # servers in backup status. if skip_service_status: print('--skip-service-status is specified, skip checking services.') return # Wait for a while to let the services settle. time.sleep(SERVICE_STABILITY_TIMER) service_statuses = {name: service_status(name) for name in service_names} time.sleep(SERVICE_STABILITY_TIMER) # Look for any services that changed status. unstable_services = [n for n in service_names if service_status(n) != service_statuses[n]] # Report any services having issues. if unstable_services: raise UnstableServices(unstable_services) def run_deploy_actions(cmds_skip=set(), dryrun=False, skip_service_status=False, use_chromite_master=False): """Run arbitrary update commands specified in global.ini. @param cmds_skip: cmds no need to run since the corresponding repo/file does not change. @param dryrun: Don't really restart the service, just print out the command. @param skip_service_status: Set to True to skip service status check. Default is False. @param use_chromite_master: True if updating chromite to master, rather than prod. @raises subprocess.CalledProcessError on a command failure. @raises UnstableServices if any services are unstable after restart. """ defined_cmds = set(discover_update_commands()) cmds = defined_cmds - cmds_skip if cmds: print('Running update commands:', ', '.join(cmds)) for cmd in cmds: update_command(cmd, dryrun=dryrun, use_chromite_master=use_chromite_master) services = list(get_restart_services()) if services: print('Restarting Services:', ', '.join(services)) restart_services(services, dryrun=dryrun, skip_service_status=skip_service_status) def report_changes(versions_before, versions_after): """Produce a report describing what changed in all repos. @param versions_before: Results of repo_versions() from before the update. @param versions_after: Results of repo_versions() from after the update. @returns string containing a human friendly changes report. """ result = [] if versions_after: for project in sorted(set(versions_before.keys() + versions_after.keys())): result.append('%s:' % project) _, before_hash = versions_before.get(project, (None, None)) after_dir, after_hash = versions_after.get(project, (None, None)) if project not in versions_before: result.append('Added.') elif project not in versions_after: result.append('Removed.') elif before_hash == after_hash: result.append('No Change.') else: hashes = '%s..%s' % (before_hash, after_hash) cmd = ['git', 'log', hashes, '--oneline'] out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=after_dir, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) result.append(out.strip()) result.append('') else: for project in sorted(versions_before.keys()): _, before_hash = versions_before[project] result.append('%s: %s' % (project, before_hash)) result.append('') return '\n'.join(result) def parse_arguments(args): """Parse command line arguments. @param args: The command line arguments to parse. (ususally sys.argsv[1:]) @returns An argparse.Namespace populated with argument values. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Command to update an autotest server.') parser.add_argument('--skip-verify', action='store_false', dest='verify', default=True, help='Disable verification of a clean repository.') parser.add_argument('--skip-update', action='store_false', dest='update', default=True, help='Skip the repository source code update.') parser.add_argument('--skip-actions', action='store_false', dest='actions', default=True, help='Skip the post update actions.') parser.add_argument('--skip-report', action='store_false', dest='report', default=True, help='Skip the git version report.') parser.add_argument('--actions-only', action='store_true', help='Run the post update actions (restart services).') parser.add_argument('--dryrun', action='store_true', help='Don\'t actually run any commands, just log.') parser.add_argument('--skip-service-status', action='store_true', help='Skip checking the service status.') parser.add_argument('--update_push_servers', action='store_true', help='Indicate to update test_push server. If not ' 'specify, then update server to production.') parser.add_argument('--force-clean-externals', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force a cleanup of all untracked files within ' 'site-packages/ and ExternalSource/, so that ' 'build_externals will build from scratch.') parser.add_argument('--force_update', action='store_true', help='Force to run the update commands for afe, tko ' 'and build_externals') results = parser.parse_args(args) if results.actions_only: results.verify = False results.update = False results.report = False # TODO(dgarrett): Make these behaviors support dryrun. if results.dryrun: results.verify = False results.update = False results.force_clean_externals = False if not results.update_push_servers: print('Will skip service check for pushing servers in prod.') results.skip_service_status = True return results class ChangeDir(object): """Context manager for changing to a directory temporarily.""" def __init__(self, dir): self.new_dir = dir self.old_dir = None def __enter__(self): self.old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.new_dir) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): os.chdir(self.old_dir) def _sync_chromiumos_repo(): """Update ~chromeos-test/chromiumos repo.""" print('Updating ~chromeos-test/chromiumos') with ChangeDir(os.path.expanduser('~chromeos-test/chromiumos')): ret = subprocess.call(['repo', 'sync'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _clean_pyc_files() if ret != 0: print('Update failed, exited with status: %d' % ret) def main(args): """Main method.""" os.chdir(common.autotest_dir) global_config.global_config.parse_config_file() behaviors = parse_arguments(args) if behaviors.verify: print('Checking tree status:') verify_repo_clean() print('Tree status: clean') if behaviors.force_clean_externals: print('Cleaning all external packages and their cache...') _clean_externals() print('...done.') versions_before = repo_versions() versions_after = set() cmd_versions_before = repo_versions_to_decide_whether_run_cmd_update() cmd_versions_after = set() if behaviors.update: print('Updating Repo.') repo_sync(behaviors.update_push_servers) versions_after = repo_versions() cmd_versions_after = repo_versions_to_decide_whether_run_cmd_update() _sync_chromiumos_repo() if behaviors.actions: # If the corresponding repo/file not change, no need to run the cmd. cmds_skip = (set() if behaviors.force_update else {t[0] for t in cmd_versions_before & cmd_versions_after}) run_deploy_actions( cmds_skip, behaviors.dryrun, behaviors.skip_service_status, use_chromite_master=behaviors.update_push_servers) if behaviors.report: print('Changes:') print(report_changes(versions_before, versions_after)) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))