#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Parses and displays the contents of one or more autoserv result directories. This script parses the contents of one or more autoserv results folders and generates test reports. """ import datetime import glob import logging import operator import optparse import os import re import sys import common try: # Ensure the chromite site-package is installed. from chromite.lib import terminal except ImportError: import subprocess build_externals_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), 'utils', 'build_externals.py') subprocess.check_call([build_externals_path, 'chromiterepo']) # Restart the script so python now finds the autotest site-packages. sys.exit(os.execv(__file__, sys.argv)) _STDOUT_IS_TTY = hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty() def Die(message_format, *args, **kwargs): """Log a message and kill the current process. @param message_format: string for logging.error. """ logging.error(message_format, *args, **kwargs) sys.exit(1) class CrashWaiver: """Represents a crash that we want to ignore for now.""" def __init__(self, signals, deadline, url, person): self.signals = signals self.deadline = datetime.datetime.strptime(deadline, '%Y-%b-%d') self.issue_url = url self.suppressor = person # List of crashes which are okay to ignore. This list should almost always be # empty. If you add an entry, include the bug URL and your name, something like # 'crashy':CrashWaiver( # ['sig 11'], '2011-Aug-18', 'http://crosbug/123456', 'developer'), _CRASH_WHITELIST = { } class ResultCollector(object): """Collects status and performance data from an autoserv results dir.""" def __init__(self, collect_perf=True, collect_attr=False, collect_info=False, escape_error=False, whitelist_chrome_crashes=False): """Initialize ResultsCollector class. @param collect_perf: Should perf keyvals be collected? @param collect_attr: Should attr keyvals be collected? @param collect_info: Should info keyvals be collected? @param escape_error: Escape error message text for tools. @param whitelist_chrome_crashes: Treat Chrome crashes as non-fatal. """ self._collect_perf = collect_perf self._collect_attr = collect_attr self._collect_info = collect_info self._escape_error = escape_error self._whitelist_chrome_crashes = whitelist_chrome_crashes def _CollectPerf(self, testdir): """Parses keyval file under testdir and return the perf keyval pairs. @param testdir: autoserv test result directory path. @return dict of perf keyval pairs. """ if not self._collect_perf: return {} return self._CollectKeyval(testdir, 'perf') def _CollectAttr(self, testdir): """Parses keyval file under testdir and return the attr keyval pairs. @param testdir: autoserv test result directory path. @return dict of attr keyval pairs. """ if not self._collect_attr: return {} return self._CollectKeyval(testdir, 'attr') def _CollectKeyval(self, testdir, keyword): """Parses keyval file under testdir. If testdir contains a result folder, process the keyval file and return a dictionary of perf keyval pairs. @param testdir: The autoserv test result directory. @param keyword: The keyword of keyval, either 'perf' or 'attr'. @return If the perf option is disabled or the there's no keyval file under testdir, returns an empty dictionary. Otherwise, returns a dictionary of parsed keyvals. Duplicate keys are uniquified by their instance number. """ keyval = {} keyval_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'results', 'keyval') if not os.path.isfile(keyval_file): return keyval instances = {} for line in open(keyval_file): match = re.search(r'^(.+){%s}=(.+)$' % keyword, line) if match: key = match.group(1) val = match.group(2) # If the same key name was generated multiple times, uniquify # all instances other than the first one by adding the instance # count to the key name. key_inst = key instance = instances.get(key, 0) if instance: key_inst = '%s{%d}' % (key, instance) instances[key] = instance + 1 keyval[key_inst] = val return keyval def _CollectCrashes(self, status_raw): """Parses status_raw file for crashes. Saves crash details if crashes are discovered. If a whitelist is present, only records whitelisted crashes. @param status_raw: The contents of the status.log or status file from the test. @return a list of crash entries to be reported. """ crashes = [] regex = re.compile( 'Received crash notification for ([-\w]+).+ (sig \d+)') chrome_regex = re.compile(r'^supplied_[cC]hrome|^chrome$') for match in regex.finditer(status_raw): w = _CRASH_WHITELIST.get(match.group(1)) if (self._whitelist_chrome_crashes and chrome_regex.match(match.group(1))): print '@@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@' print '%s crashed with %s' % (match.group(1), match.group(2)) elif (w is not None and match.group(2) in w.signals and w.deadline > datetime.datetime.now()): print 'Ignoring crash in %s for waiver that expires %s' % ( match.group(1), w.deadline.strftime('%Y-%b-%d')) else: crashes.append('%s %s' % match.groups()) return crashes def _CollectInfo(self, testdir, custom_info): """Parses *_info files under testdir/sysinfo/var/log. If the sysinfo/var/log/*info files exist, save information that shows hw, ec and bios version info. This collection of extra info is disabled by default (this funtion is a no-op). It is enabled only if the --info command-line option is explicitly supplied. Normal job parsing does not supply this option. @param testdir: The autoserv test result directory. @param custom_info: Dictionary to collect detailed ec/bios info. @return a dictionary of info that was discovered. """ if not self._collect_info: return {} info = custom_info sysinfo_dir = os.path.join(testdir, 'sysinfo', 'var', 'log') for info_file, info_keys in {'ec_info.txt': ['fw_version'], 'bios_info.txt': ['fwid', 'hwid']}.iteritems(): info_file_path = os.path.join(sysinfo_dir, info_file) if not os.path.isfile(info_file_path): continue # Some example raw text that might be matched include: # # fw_version | snow_v1.1.332-cf20b3e # fwid = Google_Snow.2711.0.2012_08_06_1139 # Active firmware ID # hwid = DAISY TEST A-A 9382 # Hardware ID info_regex = re.compile(r'^(%s)\s*[|=]\s*(.*)' % '|'.join(info_keys)) with open(info_file_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() line = line.split('#')[0] match = info_regex.match(line) if match: info[match.group(1)] = str(match.group(2)).strip() return info def _CollectEndTimes(self, status_raw, status_re='', is_end=True): """Helper to match and collect timestamp and localtime. Preferred to locate timestamp and localtime with an 'END GOOD test_name...' line. However, aborted tests occasionally fail to produce this line and then need to scrape timestamps from the 'START test_name...' line. @param status_raw: multi-line text to search. @param status_re: status regex to seek (e.g. GOOD|FAIL) @param is_end: if True, search for 'END' otherwise 'START'. @return Tuple of timestamp, localtime retrieved from the test status log. """ timestamp = '' localtime = '' localtime_re = r'\w+\s+\w+\s+[:\w]+' match_filter = ( r'^\s*%s\s+(?:%s).*timestamp=(\d*).*localtime=(%s).*$' % ( 'END' if is_end else 'START', status_re, localtime_re)) matches = re.findall(match_filter, status_raw, re.MULTILINE) if matches: # There may be multiple lines with timestamp/localtime info. # The last one found is selected because it will reflect the end # time. for i in xrange(len(matches)): timestamp_, localtime_ = matches[-(i+1)] if not timestamp or timestamp_ > timestamp: timestamp = timestamp_ localtime = localtime_ return timestamp, localtime def _CheckExperimental(self, testdir): """Parses keyval file and return the value of `experimental`. @param testdir: The result directory that has the keyval file. @return The value of 'experimental', which is a boolean value indicating whether it is an experimental test or not. """ keyval_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'keyval') if not os.path.isfile(keyval_file): return False with open(keyval_file) as f: for line in f: match = re.match(r'experimental=(.+)', line) if match: return match.group(1) == 'True' else: return False def _CollectResult(self, testdir, results, is_experimental=False): """Collects results stored under testdir into a dictionary. The presence/location of status files (status.log, status and job_report.html) varies depending on whether the job is a simple client test, simple server test, old-style suite or new-style suite. For example: -In some cases a single job_report.html may exist but many times multiple instances are produced in a result tree. -Most tests will produce a status.log but client tests invoked by a server test will only emit a status file. The two common criteria that seem to define the presence of a valid test result are: 1. Existence of a 'status.log' or 'status' file. Note that if both a 'status.log' and 'status' file exist for a test, the 'status' file is always a subset of the 'status.log' fle contents. 2. Presence of a 'debug' directory. In some cases multiple 'status.log' files will exist where the parent 'status.log' contains the contents of multiple subdirectory 'status.log' files. Parent and subdirectory 'status.log' files are always expected to agree on the outcome of a given test. The test results discovered from the 'status*' files are included in the result dictionary. The test directory name and a test directory timestamp/localtime are saved to be used as sort keys for the results. The value of 'is_experimental' is included in the result dictionary. @param testdir: The autoserv test result directory. @param results: A list to which a populated test-result-dictionary will be appended if a status file is found. @param is_experimental: A boolean value indicating whether the result directory is for an experimental test. """ status_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'status.log') if not os.path.isfile(status_file): status_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'status') if not os.path.isfile(status_file): return # Status is True if GOOD, else False for all others. status = False error_msg = None status_raw = open(status_file, 'r').read() failure_tags = 'ABORT|ERROR|FAIL' warning_tag = 'WARN|TEST_NA' failure = re.search(r'%s' % failure_tags, status_raw) warning = re.search(r'%s' % warning_tag, status_raw) and not failure good = (re.search(r'GOOD.+completed successfully', status_raw) and not (failure or warning)) # We'd like warnings to allow the tests to pass, but still gather info. if good or warning: status = True if not good: match = re.search(r'^\t+(%s|%s)\t(.+)' % (failure_tags, warning_tag), status_raw, re.MULTILINE) if match: failure_type = match.group(1) reason = match.group(2).split('\t')[4] if self._escape_error: reason = re.escape(reason) error_msg = ': '.join([failure_type, reason]) # Grab the timestamp - can be used for sorting the test runs. # Grab the localtime - may be printed to enable line filtering by date. # Designed to match a line like this: # END GOOD testname ... timestamp=1347324321 localtime=Sep 10 17:45:21 status_re = r'GOOD|%s|%s' % (failure_tags, warning_tag) timestamp, localtime = self._CollectEndTimes(status_raw, status_re) # Hung tests will occasionally skip printing the END line so grab # a default timestamp from the START line in those cases. if not timestamp: timestamp, localtime = self._CollectEndTimes(status_raw, is_end=False) results.append({ 'testdir': testdir, 'crashes': self._CollectCrashes(status_raw), 'status': status, 'error_msg': error_msg, 'localtime': localtime, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'perf': self._CollectPerf(testdir), 'attr': self._CollectAttr(testdir), 'info': self._CollectInfo(testdir, {'localtime': localtime, 'timestamp': timestamp}), 'experimental': is_experimental}) def RecursivelyCollectResults(self, resdir, parent_experimental_tag=False): """Recursively collect results into a list of dictionaries. Only recurses into directories that possess a 'debug' subdirectory because anything else is not considered a 'test' directory. The value of 'experimental' in keyval file is used to determine whether the result is for an experimental test. If it is, all its sub directories are considered to be experimental tests too. @param resdir: results/test directory to parse results from and recurse into. @param parent_experimental_tag: A boolean value, used to keep track of whether its parent directory is for an experimental test. @return List of dictionaries of results. """ results = [] is_experimental = (parent_experimental_tag or self._CheckExperimental(resdir)) self._CollectResult(resdir, results, is_experimental) for testdir in glob.glob(os.path.join(resdir, '*')): # Remove false positives that are missing a debug dir. if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(testdir, 'debug')): continue results.extend(self.RecursivelyCollectResults( testdir, is_experimental)) return results class ReportGenerator(object): """Collects and displays data from autoserv results directories. This class collects status and performance data from one or more autoserv result directories and generates test reports. """ _KEYVAL_INDENT = 2 _STATUS_STRINGS = {'hr': {'pass': '[ PASSED ]', 'fail': '[ FAILED ]'}, 'csv': {'pass': 'PASS', 'fail': 'FAIL'}} def __init__(self, options, args): self._options = options self._args = args self._color = terminal.Color(options.color) self._results = [] def _CollectAllResults(self): """Parses results into the self._results list. Builds a list (self._results) where each entry is a dictionary of result data from one test (which may contain other tests). Each dictionary will contain values such as: test folder, status, localtime, crashes, error_msg, perf keyvals [optional], info [optional]. """ collector = ResultCollector( collect_perf=self._options.perf, collect_attr=self._options.attr, collect_info=self._options.info, escape_error=self._options.escape_error, whitelist_chrome_crashes=self._options.whitelist_chrome_crashes) for resdir in self._args: if not os.path.isdir(resdir): Die('%r does not exist', resdir) self._results.extend(collector.RecursivelyCollectResults(resdir)) if not self._results: Die('no test directories found') def _GenStatusString(self, status): """Given a bool indicating success or failure, return the right string. Also takes --csv into account, returns old-style strings if it is set. @param status: True or False, indicating success or failure. @return The appropriate string for printing.. """ success = 'pass' if status else 'fail' if self._options.csv: return self._STATUS_STRINGS['csv'][success] return self._STATUS_STRINGS['hr'][success] def _Indent(self, msg): """Given a message, indents it appropriately. @param msg: string to indent. @return indented version of msg. """ return ' ' * self._KEYVAL_INDENT + msg def _GetTestColumnWidth(self): """Returns the test column width based on the test data. The test results are aligned by discovering the longest width test directory name or perf key stored in the list of result dictionaries. @return The width for the test column. """ width = 0 for result in self._results: width = max(width, len(result['testdir'])) perf = result.get('perf') if perf: perf_key_width = len(max(perf, key=len)) width = max(width, perf_key_width + self._KEYVAL_INDENT) return width def _PrintDashLine(self, width): """Prints a line of dashes as a separator in output. @param width: an integer. """ if not self._options.csv: print ''.ljust(width + len(self._STATUS_STRINGS['hr']['pass']), '-') def _PrintEntries(self, entries): """Prints a list of strings, delimited based on --csv flag. @param entries: a list of strings, entities to output. """ delimiter = ',' if self._options.csv else ' ' print delimiter.join(entries) def _PrintErrors(self, test, error_msg): """Prints an indented error message, unless the --csv flag is set. @param test: the name of a test with which to prefix the line. @param error_msg: a message to print. None is allowed, but ignored. """ if not self._options.csv and error_msg: self._PrintEntries([test, self._Indent(error_msg)]) def _PrintErrorLogs(self, test, test_string): """Prints the error log for |test| if --debug is set. @param test: the name of a test suitable for embedding in a path @param test_string: the name of a test with which to prefix the line. """ if self._options.print_debug: debug_file_regex = os.path.join( 'results.', test, 'debug', '%s*.ERROR' % os.path.basename(test)) for path in glob.glob(debug_file_regex): try: with open(path) as fh: for line in fh: # Ensure line is not just WS. if len(line.lstrip()) <= 0: continue self._PrintEntries( [test_string, self._Indent(line.rstrip())]) except IOError: print 'Could not open %s' % path def _PrintResultDictKeyVals(self, test_entry, result_dict): """Formatted print a dict of keyvals like 'perf' or 'info'. This function emits each keyval on a single line for uncompressed review. The 'perf' dictionary contains performance keyvals while the 'info' dictionary contains ec info, bios info and some test timestamps. @param test_entry: The unique name of the test (dir) - matches other test output. @param result_dict: A dict of keyvals to be presented. """ if not result_dict: return dict_keys = result_dict.keys() dict_keys.sort() width = self._GetTestColumnWidth() for dict_key in dict_keys: if self._options.csv: key_entry = dict_key else: key_entry = dict_key.ljust(width - self._KEYVAL_INDENT) key_entry = key_entry.rjust(width) value_entry = self._color.Color( self._color.BOLD, result_dict[dict_key]) self._PrintEntries([test_entry, key_entry, value_entry]) def _GetSortedTests(self): """Sort the test result dicts in preparation for results printing. By default sorts the results directionaries by their test names. However, when running long suites, it is useful to see if an early test has wedged the system and caused the remaining tests to abort/fail. The datetime-based chronological sorting allows this view. Uses the --sort-chron command line option to control. """ if self._options.sort_chron: # Need to reverse sort the test dirs to ensure the suite folder # shows at the bottom. Because the suite folder shares its datetime # with the last test it shows second-to-last without the reverse # sort first. tests = sorted(self._results, key=operator.itemgetter('testdir'), reverse=True) tests = sorted(tests, key=operator.itemgetter('timestamp')) else: tests = sorted(self._results, key=operator.itemgetter('testdir')) return tests def _GenerateReportText(self): """Prints a result report to stdout. Prints a result table to stdout. Each row of the table contains the test result directory and the test result (PASS, FAIL). If the perf option is enabled, each test entry is followed by perf keyval entries from the test results. """ tests = self._GetSortedTests() width = self._GetTestColumnWidth() crashes = {} tests_pass = 0 self._PrintDashLine(width) for result in tests: testdir = result['testdir'] test_entry = testdir if self._options.csv else testdir.ljust(width) status_entry = self._GenStatusString(result['status']) if result['status']: color = self._color.GREEN tests_pass += 1 else: color = self._color.RED test_entries = [test_entry, self._color.Color(color, status_entry)] info = result.get('info', {}) info.update(result.get('attr', {})) if self._options.csv and (self._options.info or self._options.attr): if info: test_entries.extend(['%s=%s' % (k, info[k]) for k in sorted(info.keys())]) if not result['status'] and result['error_msg']: test_entries.append('reason="%s"' % result['error_msg']) self._PrintEntries(test_entries) self._PrintErrors(test_entry, result['error_msg']) # Print out error log for failed tests. if not result['status']: self._PrintErrorLogs(testdir, test_entry) # Emit the perf keyvals entries. There will be no entries if the # --no-perf option is specified. self._PrintResultDictKeyVals(test_entry, result['perf']) # Determine that there was a crash during this test. if result['crashes']: for crash in result['crashes']: if not crash in crashes: crashes[crash] = set([]) crashes[crash].add(testdir) # Emit extra test metadata info on separate lines if not --csv. if not self._options.csv: self._PrintResultDictKeyVals(test_entry, info) self._PrintDashLine(width) if not self._options.csv: total_tests = len(tests) percent_pass = 100 * tests_pass / total_tests pass_str = '%d/%d (%d%%)' % (tests_pass, total_tests, percent_pass) print 'Total PASS: ' + self._color.Color(self._color.BOLD, pass_str) if self._options.crash_detection: print '' if crashes: print self._color.Color(self._color.RED, 'Crashes detected during testing:') self._PrintDashLine(width) for crash_name, crashed_tests in sorted(crashes.iteritems()): print self._color.Color(self._color.RED, crash_name) for crashed_test in crashed_tests: print self._Indent(crashed_test) self._PrintDashLine(width) print ('Total unique crashes: ' + self._color.Color(self._color.BOLD, str(len(crashes)))) # Sometimes the builders exit before these buffers are flushed. sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() def Run(self): """Runs report generation.""" self._CollectAllResults() self._GenerateReportText() for d in self._results: if d['experimental'] and self._options.ignore_experimental_tests: continue if not d['status'] or ( self._options.crash_detection and d['crashes']): sys.exit(1) def main(): usage = 'Usage: %prog [options] result-directories...' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('--color', dest='color', action='store_true', default=_STDOUT_IS_TTY, help='Use color for text reports [default if TTY stdout]') parser.add_option('--no-color', dest='color', action='store_false', help='Don\'t use color for text reports') parser.add_option('--no-crash-detection', dest='crash_detection', action='store_false', default=True, help='Don\'t report crashes or error out when detected') parser.add_option('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true', help='Output test result in CSV format. ' 'Implies --no-debug --no-crash-detection.') parser.add_option('--info', dest='info', action='store_true', default=False, help='Include info keyvals in the report') parser.add_option('--escape-error', dest='escape_error', action='store_true', default=False, help='Escape error message text for tools.') parser.add_option('--perf', dest='perf', action='store_true', default=True, help='Include perf keyvals in the report [default]') parser.add_option('--attr', dest='attr', action='store_true', default=False, help='Include attr keyvals in the report') parser.add_option('--no-perf', dest='perf', action='store_false', help='Don\'t include perf keyvals in the report') parser.add_option('--sort-chron', dest='sort_chron', action='store_true', default=False, help='Sort results by datetime instead of by test name.') parser.add_option('--no-debug', dest='print_debug', action='store_false', default=True, help='Don\'t print out logs when tests fail.') parser.add_option('--whitelist_chrome_crashes', dest='whitelist_chrome_crashes', action='store_true', default=False, help='Treat Chrome crashes as non-fatal.') parser.add_option('--ignore_experimental_tests', dest='ignore_experimental_tests', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, experimental test results will not ' 'influence the exit code.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not args: parser.print_help() Die('no result directories provided') if options.csv and (options.print_debug or options.crash_detection): Warning('Forcing --no-debug --no-crash-detection') options.print_debug = False options.crash_detection = False generator = ReportGenerator(options, args) generator.Run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()