#!/usr/bin/env perl # Generate ZSH completion use strict; use warnings; my $curl = $ARGV[0] || 'curl'; my $regex = '\s+(?:(-[^\s]+),\s)?(--[^\s]+)\s([^\s.]+)?\s+(.*)'; my @opts = parse_main_opts('--help', $regex); my $opts_str; $opts_str .= qq{ $_ \\\n} foreach (@opts); chomp $opts_str; my $tmpl = <<"EOS"; #compdef curl # curl zsh completion local curcontext="\$curcontext" state state_descr line typeset -A opt_args local rc=1 _arguments -C -S \\ $opts_str '*:URL:_urls' && rc=0 return rc EOS print $tmpl; sub parse_main_opts { my ($cmd, $regex) = @_; my @list; my @lines = call_curl($cmd); foreach my $line (@lines) { my ($short, $long, $arg, $desc) = ($line =~ /^$regex/) or next; my $option = ''; $desc =~ s/'/'\\''/g if defined $desc; $desc =~ s/\[/\\\[/g if defined $desc; $desc =~ s/\]/\\\]/g if defined $desc; $option .= '{' . trim($short) . ',' if defined $short; $option .= trim($long) if defined $long; $option .= '}' if defined $short; $option .= '\'[' . trim($desc) . ']\'' if defined $desc; $option .= ":'$arg'" if defined $arg; $option .= ':_files' if defined $arg and ($arg eq '<file>' || $arg eq '<filename>' || $arg eq '<dir>'); push @list, $option; } # Sort longest first, because zsh won't complete an option listed # after one that's a prefix of it. @list = sort { $a =~ /([^=]*)/; my $ma = $1; $b =~ /([^=]*)/; my $mb = $1; length($mb) <=> length($ma) } @list; return @list; } sub trim { my $s = shift; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $s }; sub call_curl { my ($cmd) = @_; my $output = `"$curl" $cmd`; if ($? == -1) { die "Could not run curl: $!"; } elsif ((my $exit_code = $? >> 8) != 0) { die "curl returned $exit_code with output:\n$output"; } return split /\n/, $output; }