/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements C++ Base Library * ----------------------------- * * Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Fast ordered append-only container *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "deAppendList.hpp" #include "deThread.hpp" #include "deSpinBarrier.hpp" #include "deSharedPtr.hpp" #include <vector> #include <algorithm> namespace de { namespace { using std::vector; struct TestElem { deUint32 threadNdx; deUint32 elemNdx; TestElem (deUint32 threadNdx_, deUint32 elemNdx_) : threadNdx (threadNdx_) , elemNdx (elemNdx_) {} TestElem (void) : threadNdx (0) , elemNdx (0) {} }; struct SharedState { deUint32 numElements; SpinBarrier barrier; AppendList<TestElem> testList; SharedState (deUint32 numThreads, deUint32 numElements_, deUint32 numElementsHint) : numElements (numElements_) , barrier (numThreads) , testList (numElementsHint) {} }; class TestThread : public Thread { public: TestThread (SharedState* shared, deUint32 threadNdx) : m_shared (shared) , m_threadNdx (threadNdx) {} void run (void) { const deUint32 syncPerElems = 10000; for (deUint32 elemNdx = 0; elemNdx < m_shared->numElements; elemNdx++) { if (elemNdx % syncPerElems == 0) m_shared->barrier.sync(SpinBarrier::WAIT_MODE_AUTO); m_shared->testList.append(TestElem(m_threadNdx, elemNdx)); } } private: SharedState* const m_shared; const deUint32 m_threadNdx; }; typedef SharedPtr<TestThread> TestThreadSp; void runAppendListTest (deUint32 numThreads, deUint32 numElements, deUint32 numElementsHint) { SharedState sharedState (numThreads, numElements, numElementsHint); vector<TestThreadSp> threads (numThreads); for (deUint32 threadNdx = 0; threadNdx < numThreads; ++threadNdx) { threads[threadNdx] = TestThreadSp(new TestThread(&sharedState, threadNdx)); threads[threadNdx]->start(); } for (deUint32 threadNdx = 0; threadNdx < numThreads; ++threadNdx) threads[threadNdx]->join(); DE_TEST_ASSERT(sharedState.testList.size() == (size_t)numElements*(size_t)numThreads); { vector<deUint32> countByThread (numThreads); std::fill(countByThread.begin(), countByThread.end(), 0); for (AppendList<TestElem>::const_iterator elemIter = sharedState.testList.begin(); elemIter != sharedState.testList.end(); ++elemIter) { const TestElem& elem = *elemIter; DE_TEST_ASSERT(de::inBounds(elem.threadNdx, 0u, numThreads)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(countByThread[elem.threadNdx] == elem.elemNdx); countByThread[elem.threadNdx] += 1; } for (deUint32 threadNdx = 0; threadNdx < numThreads; ++threadNdx) DE_TEST_ASSERT(countByThread[threadNdx] == numElements); } } class ObjCountElem { public: ObjCountElem (int* liveCount) : m_liveCount(liveCount) { *m_liveCount += 1; } ~ObjCountElem (void) { *m_liveCount -= 1; } ObjCountElem (const ObjCountElem& other) : m_liveCount(other.m_liveCount) { *m_liveCount += 1; } ObjCountElem& operator= (const ObjCountElem& other) { m_liveCount = other.m_liveCount; *m_liveCount += 1; return *this; } private: int* m_liveCount; }; void runClearTest (deUint32 numElements1, deUint32 numElements2, deUint32 numElementsHint) { int liveCount = 0; { de::AppendList<ObjCountElem> testList (numElementsHint); for (deUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < numElements1; ++ndx) testList.append(ObjCountElem(&liveCount)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(liveCount == (int)numElements1); testList.clear(); DE_TEST_ASSERT(liveCount == 0); for (deUint32 ndx = 0; ndx < numElements2; ++ndx) testList.append(ObjCountElem(&liveCount)); DE_TEST_ASSERT(liveCount == (int)numElements2); } DE_TEST_ASSERT(liveCount == 0); } } // anonymous void AppendList_selfTest (void) { // Single-threaded runAppendListTest(1, 1000, 500); runAppendListTest(1, 1000, 2000); runAppendListTest(1, 35, 1); // Multi-threaded runAppendListTest(2, 10000, 500); runAppendListTest(2, 100, 10); if (deGetNumAvailableLogicalCores() >= 4) { runAppendListTest(4, 10000, 500); runAppendListTest(4, 100, 10); } // Dtor + clear() runClearTest(1, 1, 1); runClearTest(1, 2, 10); runClearTest(50, 25, 10); runClearTest(9, 50, 10); runClearTest(10, 50, 10); runClearTest(50, 9, 10); runClearTest(50, 10, 10); } } // de