## Utility CMake functions. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Convert boolean value to 0 or 1 macro (bool_to_int VAR) if (${VAR}) set (${VAR} 1) else () set (${VAR} 0) endif () endmacro () # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Extract version numbers from version string function (version_numbers version major minor patch) if (version MATCHES "([0-9]+)(\\.[0-9]+)?(\\.[0-9]+)?(rc[1-9][0-9]*|[a-z]+)?") if (CMAKE_MATCH_1) set (_major ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) else () set (_major 0) endif () if (CMAKE_MATCH_2) set (_minor ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}) string (REGEX REPLACE "^\\." "" _minor "${_minor}") else () set (_minor 0) endif () if (CMAKE_MATCH_3) set (_patch ${CMAKE_MATCH_3}) string (REGEX REPLACE "^\\." "" _patch "${_patch}") else () set (_patch 0) endif () else () set (_major 0) set (_minor 0) set (_patch 0) endif () set ("${major}" "${_major}" PARENT_SCOPE) set ("${minor}" "${_minor}" PARENT_SCOPE) set ("${patch}" "${_patch}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Determine if cache entry exists macro (gflags_is_cached retvar varname) if (DEFINED ${varname}) get_property (${retvar} CACHE ${varname} PROPERTY TYPE SET) else () set (${retvar} FALSE) endif () endmacro () # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Add gflags configuration variable # # The default value of the (cached) configuration value can be overridden either # on the CMake command-line or the super-project by setting the GFLAGS_<varname> # variable. When gflags is a subproject of another project (GFLAGS_IS_SUBPROJECT), # the variable is not added to the CMake cache. Otherwise it is cached. macro (gflags_define type varname docstring default) # note that ARGC must be expanded here, as it is not a "real" variable # (see the CMake documentation for the macro command) if ("${ARGC}" GREATER 5) message (FATAL_ERROR "gflags_variable: Too many macro arguments") endif () if (NOT DEFINED GFLAGS_${varname}) if (GFLAGS_IS_SUBPROJECT AND "${ARGC}" EQUAL 5) set (GFLAGS_${varname} "${ARGV4}") else () set (GFLAGS_${varname} "${default}") endif () endif () if (GFLAGS_IS_SUBPROJECT) if (NOT DEFINED ${varname}) set (${varname} "${GFLAGS_${varname}}") endif () else () set (${varname} "${GFLAGS_${varname}}" CACHE ${type} "${docstring}") endif () endmacro () # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Set property of cached gflags configuration variable macro (gflags_property varname property value) gflags_is_cached (_cached ${varname}) if (_cached) # note that property must be expanded here, as it is not a "real" variable # (see the CMake documentation for the macro command) if ("${property}" STREQUAL "ADVANCED") if (${value}) mark_as_advanced (FORCE ${varname}) else () mark_as_advanced (CLEAR ${varname}) endif () else () set_property (CACHE ${varname} PROPERTY "${property}" "${value}") endif () endif () unset (_cached) endmacro () # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Modify value of gflags configuration variable macro (gflags_set varname value) gflags_is_cached (_cached ${varname}) if (_cached) set_property (CACHE ${varname} PROPERTY VALUE "${value}") else () set (${varname} "${value}") endif () unset (_cached) endmacro () # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Configure public header files function (configure_headers out) set (tmp) foreach (src IN LISTS ARGN) if (IS_ABSOLUTE "${src}") list (APPEND tmp "${src}") elseif (EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${src}.in") configure_file ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${src}.in" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${GFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIR}/${src}" @ONLY) list (APPEND tmp "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${GFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIR}/${src}") else () configure_file ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${src}" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${GFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIR}/${src}" COPYONLY) list (APPEND tmp "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${GFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIR}/${src}") endif () endforeach () set (${out} "${tmp}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Configure source files with .in suffix function (configure_sources out) set (tmp) foreach (src IN LISTS ARGN) if (src MATCHES ".h$" AND EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${src}.in") configure_file ("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${src}.in" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${GFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIR}/${src}" @ONLY) list (APPEND tmp "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/${GFLAGS_INCLUDE_DIR}/${src}") else () list (APPEND tmp "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/${src}") endif () endforeach () set (${out} "${tmp}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Add usage test # # Using PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION and FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION would # do as well, but CMake/CTest does not allow us to specify an # expected exit status. Moreover, the execute_test.cmake script # sets environment variables needed by the --fromenv/--tryfromenv tests. macro (add_gflags_test name expected_rc expected_output unexpected_output cmd) set (args "--test_tmpdir=${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Testing/Temporary" "--srcdir=${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/test") add_test ( NAME ${name} COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-DCOMMAND:STRING=$<TARGET_FILE:${cmd}>;${args};${ARGN}" "-DEXPECTED_RC:STRING=${expected_rc}" "-DEXPECTED_OUTPUT:STRING=${expected_output}" "-DUNEXPECTED_OUTPUT:STRING=${unexpected_output}" -P "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/execute_test.cmake" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${GFLAGS_FLAGFILES_DIR}" ) endmacro () # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Register installed package with CMake # # This function adds an entry to the CMake registry for packages with the # path of the directory where the package configuration file of the installed # package is located in order to help CMake find the package in a custom # installation prefix. This differs from CMake's export(PACKAGE) command # which registers the build directory instead. function (register_gflags_package CONFIG_DIR) if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${CONFIG_DIR}") set (CONFIG_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CONFIG_DIR}") endif () string (MD5 REGISTRY_ENTRY "${CONFIG_DIR}") if (WIN32) install (CODE "execute_process ( COMMAND reg add \"HKCU\\\\Software\\\\Kitware\\\\CMake\\\\Packages\\\\${PACKAGE_NAME}\" /v \"${REGISTRY_ENTRY}\" /d \"${CONFIG_DIR}\" /t REG_SZ /f RESULT_VARIABLE RT ERROR_VARIABLE ERR OUTPUT_QUIET ) if (RT EQUAL 0) message (STATUS \"Register: Added HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Kitware\\\\CMake\\\\Packages\\\\${PACKAGE_NAME}\\\\${REGISTRY_ENTRY}\") else () string (STRIP \"\${ERR}\" ERR) message (STATUS \"Register: Failed to add registry entry: \${ERR}\") endif ()" ) elseif (IS_DIRECTORY "$ENV{HOME}") file (WRITE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-registry-entry" "${CONFIG_DIR}") install ( FILES "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}-registry-entry" DESTINATION "$ENV{HOME}/.cmake/packages/${PACKAGE_NAME}" RENAME "${REGISTRY_ENTRY}" ) endif () endfunction ()