#!/usr/bin/python -B # Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utility methods associated with ICU source and builds.""" import glob import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import i18nutil import ziputil def icuDir(): """Returns the location of ICU in the Android source tree.""" android_build_top = i18nutil.GetAndroidRootOrDie() icu_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/external/icu' % android_build_top) i18nutil.CheckDirExists(icu_dir, 'external/icu') return icu_dir def icu4cDir(): """Returns the location of ICU4C in the Android source tree.""" icu4c_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/icu4c/source' % icuDir()) i18nutil.CheckDirExists(icu4c_dir, 'external/icu/icu4c/source') return icu4c_dir def icu4jDir(): """Returns the location of ICU4J in the Android source tree.""" icu4j_dir = os.path.realpath('%s/icu4j' % icuDir()) i18nutil.CheckDirExists(icu4j_dir, 'external/icu/icu4j') return icu4j_dir def datFile(icu_build_dir): """Returns the location of the ICU .dat file in the specified ICU build dir.""" dat_file_pattern = '%s/data/out/tmp/icudt??l.dat' % icu_build_dir dat_files = glob.glob(dat_file_pattern) if len(dat_files) != 1: print 'ERROR: Unexpectedly found %d .dat files (%s). Halting.' % (len(datfiles), datfiles) sys.exit(1) dat_file = dat_files[0] return dat_file def PrepareIcuBuild(icu_build_dir): """Sets up an ICU build in the specified (non-existent) directory. Creates the directory and runs "runConfigureICU Linux" """ # Keep track of the original cwd so we can go back to it at the end. original_working_dir = os.getcwd() # Create a directory to run 'make' from. os.mkdir(icu_build_dir) os.chdir(icu_build_dir) # Build the ICU tools. print 'Configuring ICU tools...' subprocess.check_call(['%s/runConfigureICU' % icu4cDir(), 'Linux']) os.chdir(original_working_dir) def MakeTzDataFiles(icu_build_dir, iana_tar_file): """Builds and runs the ICU tools in ${icu_Build_dir}/tools/tzcode. The tools are run against the specified IANA tzdata .tar.gz. The resulting zoneinfo64.txt is copied into the src directories. """ tzcode_working_dir = '%s/tools/tzcode' % icu_build_dir # Fix missing files. # The tz2icu tool only picks up icuregions and icuzones if they are in the CWD for icu_data_file in [ 'icuregions', 'icuzones']: icu_data_file_source = '%s/tools/tzcode/%s' % (icu4cDir(), icu_data_file) icu_data_file_symlink = '%s/%s' % (tzcode_working_dir, icu_data_file) os.symlink(icu_data_file_source, icu_data_file_symlink) iana_tar_filename = os.path.basename(iana_tar_file) working_iana_tar_file = '%s/%s' % (tzcode_working_dir, iana_tar_filename) shutil.copyfile(iana_tar_file, working_iana_tar_file) print 'Making ICU tz data files...' # The Makefile assumes the existence of the bin directory. os.mkdir('%s/bin' % icu_build_dir) subprocess.check_call(['make', '-C', tzcode_working_dir]) # Copy the source file to its ultimate destination. zoneinfo_file = '%s/zoneinfo64.txt' % tzcode_working_dir icu_txt_data_dir = '%s/data/misc' % icu4cDir() print 'Copying zoneinfo64.txt to %s ...' % icu_txt_data_dir shutil.copy(zoneinfo_file, icu_txt_data_dir) def MakeAndCopyIcuDataFiles(icu_build_dir): """Builds the ICU .dat and .jar files using the current src data. The files are copied back into the expected locations in the src tree. """ # Keep track of the original cwd so we can go back to it at the end. original_working_dir = os.getcwd() # Regenerate the .dat file. os.chdir(icu_build_dir) subprocess.check_call(['make', 'INCLUDE_UNI_CORE_DATA=1', '-j32']) # Copy the .dat file to its ultimate destination. icu_dat_data_dir = '%s/stubdata' % icu4cDir() dat_file = datFile(icu_build_dir) print 'Copying %s to %s ...' % (dat_file, icu_dat_data_dir) shutil.copy(dat_file, icu_dat_data_dir) # Generate the ICU4J .jar files os.chdir('%s/data' % icu_build_dir) subprocess.check_call(['make', 'icu4j-data']) # Copy the ICU4J .jar files to their ultimate destination. icu_jar_data_dir = '%s/main/shared/data' % icu4jDir() jarfiles = glob.glob('out/icu4j/*.jar') if len(jarfiles) != 2: print 'ERROR: Unexpectedly found %d .jar files (%s). Halting.' % (len(jarfiles), jarfiles) sys.exit(1) for jarfile in jarfiles: icu_jarfile = os.path.join(icu_jar_data_dir, os.path.basename(jarfile)) if ziputil.ZipCompare(jarfile, icu_jarfile): print 'Ignoring %s which is identical to %s ...' % (jarfile, icu_jarfile) else: print 'Copying %s to %s ...' % (jarfile, icu_jar_data_dir) shutil.copy(jarfile, icu_jar_data_dir) # Switch back to the original working cwd. os.chdir(original_working_dir) def MakeAndCopyOverlayTzIcuData(icu_build_dir, dest_file): """Makes a .dat file containing just time-zone data. The overlay file can be used as an overlay of a full ICU .dat file to provide newer time zone data. Some strings like translated time zone names will be missing, but rules will be correct.""" # Keep track of the original cwd so we can go back to it at the end. original_working_dir = os.getcwd() # Regenerate the .res files. os.chdir(icu_build_dir) subprocess.check_call(['make', 'INCLUDE_UNI_CORE_DATA=1', '-j32']) # The list of ICU resources needed for time zone data overlays. tz_res_names = [ 'metaZones.res', 'timezoneTypes.res', 'windowsZones.res', 'zoneinfo64.res', ] dat_file = datFile(icu_build_dir) icu_package_dat = os.path.basename(dat_file) if not icu_package_dat.endswith('.dat'): print '%s does not end with .dat' % icu_package_dat sys.exit(1) icu_package = icu_package_dat[:-4] # Create a staging directory to hold the files to go into the overlay .dat res_staging_dir = '%s/overlay_res' % icu_build_dir os.mkdir(res_staging_dir) # Copy all the .res files we need from, e.g. ./data/out/build/icudt55l, to the staging directory res_src_dir = '%s/data/out/build/%s' % (icu_build_dir, icu_package) for tz_res_name in tz_res_names: shutil.copy('%s/%s' % (res_src_dir, tz_res_name), res_staging_dir) # Create a .lst file to pass to pkgdata. tz_files_file = '%s/tzdata.lst' % res_staging_dir with open(tz_files_file, "a") as tz_files: for tz_res_name in tz_res_names: tz_files.write('%s\n' % tz_res_name) icu_lib_dir = '%s/lib' % icu_build_dir pkg_data_bin = '%s/bin/pkgdata' % icu_build_dir # Run pkgdata to create a .dat file. icu_env = os.environ.copy() icu_env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = icu_lib_dir # pkgdata treats the .lst file it is given as relative to CWD, and the path also affects the # resource names in the .dat file produced so we change the CWD. os.chdir(res_staging_dir) # -F : force rebuilding all data # -m common : create a .dat # -v : verbose # -T . : use "." as a temp dir # -d . : use "." as the dest dir # -p <name> : Set the "data name" p = subprocess.Popen( [pkg_data_bin, '-F', '-m', 'common', '-v', '-T', '.', '-d', '.', '-p', icu_package, tz_files_file], env=icu_env) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: print 'pkgdata failed with status code: %s' % p.returncode # Copy the .dat to the chosen place / name. generated_dat_file = '%s/%s' % (res_staging_dir, icu_package_dat) shutil.copyfile(generated_dat_file, dest_file) print 'ICU overlay .dat can be found here: %s' % dest_file # Switch back to the original working cwd. os.chdir(original_working_dir)