// -*- C++ -*-
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>

#include "test_macros.h"
#include "test_workarounds.h"

#if TEST_STD_VER < 11
#error this header may only be used in C++11 or newer

template <class ...Args> struct TypeList;

// Test that the specified Hash meets the requirements of an enabled hash
template <class Hash, class Key, class InputKey = Key>
void test_hash_enabled(InputKey const& key = InputKey{});

template <class T, class InputKey = T>
void test_hash_enabled_for_type(InputKey const& key = InputKey{}) {
  return test_hash_enabled<std::hash<T>, T, InputKey>(key);

// Test that the specified Hash meets the requirements of a disabled hash.
template <class Hash, class Key>
void test_hash_disabled();

template <class T>
void test_hash_disabled_for_type() {
  return test_hash_disabled<std::hash<T>, T>();

namespace PoisonedHashDetail {
  enum Enum {};
  enum EnumClass : bool {};
  struct Class {};

// Each header that declares the template hash provides enabled
// specializations of hash for nullptr t and all cv-unqualified
// arithmetic, enumeration, and pointer types.
using LibraryHashTypes = TypeList<
#if TEST_STD_VER > 14
      signed char,
      unsigned char,
      unsigned short,
      unsigned int,
      unsigned long,
      long long,
      unsigned long long,
#ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_INT128
      long double,
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 14
      // Enum types
      // pointer types
      void const*,

// Test that each of the library hash specializations for  arithmetic types,
// enum types, and pointer types are available and enabled.
template <class Types = LibraryHashTypes>
void test_library_hash_specializations_available(Types = Types{});

namespace PoisonedHashDetail {

template <class T, class = typename T::foo_bar_baz>
constexpr bool instantiate(int) { return true; }
template <class> constexpr bool instantiate(long) { return true; }
template <class T> constexpr bool instantiate() { return instantiate<T>(0); }

template <class To>
struct ConvertibleToSimple {
  operator To() const {
    return To{};

template <class To>
struct ConvertibleTo {
  To to{};
  operator To&() & { return to; }
  operator To const&() const & { return to; }
  operator To&&() && { return std::move(to); }
  operator To const&&() const && { return std::move(to); }

template <class HashExpr,
         class Res = typename std::result_of<HashExpr>::type>
constexpr bool can_hash(int) {
  return std::is_same<Res, size_t>::value;
template <class> constexpr bool can_hash(long) { return false; }
template <class T> constexpr bool can_hash() { return can_hash<T>(0); }

} // namespace PoisonedHashDetail

template <class Hash, class Key, class InputKey>
void test_hash_enabled(InputKey const& key) {
  using namespace PoisonedHashDetail;

  static_assert(std::is_destructible<Hash>::value, "");
  // Enabled hash requirements
  static_assert(std::is_default_constructible<Hash>::value, "");
  static_assert(std::is_copy_constructible<Hash>::value, "");
  static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<Hash>::value, "");
  static_assert(std::is_copy_assignable<Hash>::value, "");
  static_assert(std::is_move_assignable<Hash>::value, "");

#if TEST_STD_VER > 14
  static_assert(std::is_swappable<Hash>::value, "");
#elif defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
  static_assert(std::__is_swappable<Hash>::value, "");

  // Hashable requirements
  using CKey = ConvertibleTo<Key>;
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(Key&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(Key const&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(Key&&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash const&(Key&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash const&(Key const&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash const&(Key&&)>(), "");

  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleToSimple<Key>&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleToSimple<Key> const&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleToSimple<Key>&&)>(), "");

  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleTo<Key>&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleTo<Key> const&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleTo<Key> &&)>(), "");
  static_assert(can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleTo<Key> const&&)>(), "");

  const Hash h{};
  assert(h(key) == h(key));


template <class Hash, class Key>
void test_hash_disabled() {
  using namespace PoisonedHashDetail;

  // Disabled hash requirements
  static_assert(!std::is_default_constructible<Hash>::value, "");
  static_assert(!std::is_copy_constructible<Hash>::value, "");
  static_assert(!std::is_move_constructible<Hash>::value, "");
  static_assert(!std::is_copy_assignable<Hash>::value, "");
  static_assert(!std::is_move_assignable<Hash>::value, "");

      typename std::remove_pointer<
          typename std::remove_reference<Hash>::type
    >::value, "");

  // Hashable requirements
  using CKey = ConvertibleTo<Key>;
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(Key&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(Key const&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(Key&&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash const&(Key&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash const&(Key const&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash const&(Key&&)>(), "");

  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleToSimple<Key>&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleToSimple<Key> const&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleToSimple<Key>&&)>(), "");

  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleTo<Key>&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleTo<Key> const&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleTo<Key> &&)>(), "");
  static_assert(!can_hash<Hash(ConvertibleTo<Key> const&&)>(), "");

template <class First, class ...Rest>
struct TypeList<First, Rest...> {
  template <template <class> class Trait, bool Expect = true>
  static constexpr bool assertTrait() {
    static_assert(Trait<First>::value == Expect, "");
    return TypeList<Rest...>::template assertTrait<Trait, Expect>();

  template <class Trait>
  static void applyTrait() {
    Trait::template apply<First>();
    TypeList<Rest...>::template applyTrait<Trait>();

template <>
struct TypeList<> {
  template <template <class> class Trait, bool Expect = true>
  static constexpr bool assertTrait() {
    return true;
  template <class Trait>
  static void applyTrait() {}

struct TestLibraryTrait {
    template <class Type>
    static void apply() { test_hash_enabled<std::hash<Type>, Type>(); }

template <class Types>
void test_library_hash_specializations_available(Types) {
  Types::template applyTrait<TestLibraryTrait >();