 * netlink-private/cache-api.h		Caching API
 *	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *	modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *	License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
 *	of the License.
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Thomas Graf <tgraf@suug.ch>


#include <netlink/netlink.h>
#include <netlink/cache.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @ingroup cache
 * @defgroup cache_api Cache Implementation
 * @brief
 * @par 1) Cache Definition
 * @code
 * struct nl_cache_ops my_cache_ops = {
 * 	.co_name		= "route/link",
 * 	.co_protocol		= NETLINK_ROUTE,
 * 	.co_hdrsize		= sizeof(struct ifinfomsg),
 * 	.co_obj_ops		= &my_obj_ops,
 * };
 * @endcode
 * @par 2) 
 * @code
 * // The simplest way to fill a cache is by providing a request-update
 * // function which must trigger a complete dump on the kernel-side of
 * // whatever the cache covers.
 * static int my_request_update(struct nl_cache *cache,
 * 				struct nl_sock *socket)
 * {
 * 	// In this example, we request a full dump of the interface table
 * 	return nl_rtgen_request(socket, RTM_GETLINK, AF_UNSPEC, NLM_F_DUMP);
 * }
 * // The resulting netlink messages sent back will be fed into a message
 * // parser one at a time. The message parser has to extract all relevant
 * // information from the message and create an object reflecting the
 * // contents of the message and pass it on to the parser callback function
 * // provide which will add the object to the cache.
 * static int my_msg_parser(struct nl_cache_ops *ops, struct sockaddr_nl *who,
 * 			    struct nlmsghdr *nlh, struct nl_parser_param *pp)
 * {
 * 	struct my_obj *obj;
 * 	obj = my_obj_alloc();
 * 	obj->ce_msgtype = nlh->nlmsg_type;
 * 	// Parse the netlink message and continue creating the object.
 * 	err = pp->pp_cb((struct nl_object *) obj, pp);
 * 	if (err < 0)
 * 		goto errout;
 * }
 * struct nl_cache_ops my_cache_ops = {
 * 	...
 * 	.co_request_update	= my_request_update,
 * 	.co_msg_parser		= my_msg_parser,
 * };
 * @endcode
 * @par 3) Notification based Updates
 * @code
 * // Caches can be kept up-to-date based on notifications if the kernel
 * // sends out notifications whenever an object is added/removed/changed.
 * //
 * // It is trivial to support this, first a list of groups needs to be
 * // defined which are required to join in order to receive all necessary
 * // notifications. The groups are separated by address family to support
 * // the common situation where a separate group is used for each address
 * // family. If there is only one group, simply specify AF_UNSPEC.
 * static struct nl_af_group addr_groups[] = {
 * };
 * // In order for the caching system to know the meaning of each message
 * // type it requires a table which maps each supported message type to
 * // a cache action, e.g. RTM_NEWADDR means address has been added or
 * // updated, RTM_DELADDR means address has been removed.
 * static struct nl_cache_ops rtnl_addr_ops = {
 * 	...
 * 	.co_msgtypes		= {
 * 					{ RTM_NEWADDR, NL_ACT_NEW, "new" },
 * 					{ RTM_DELADDR, NL_ACT_DEL, "del" },
 * 					{ RTM_GETADDR, NL_ACT_GET, "get" },
 * 				},
 * 	.co_groups		= addr_groups,
 * };
 * // It is now possible to keep the cache up-to-date using the cache manager.
 * @endcode
 * @{

#define END_OF_MSGTYPES_LIST	{ -1, -1, NULL }

 * Message type to cache action association
struct nl_msgtype
	/** Netlink message type */
	int			mt_id;

	/** Cache action to take */
	int			mt_act;

	/** Name of operation for human-readable printing */
	char *			mt_name;

 * Address family to netlink group association
struct nl_af_group
	/** Address family */
	int			ag_family;

	/** Netlink group identifier */
	int			ag_group;


 * Parser parameters
 * This structure is used to configure what kind of parser to use
 * when parsing netlink messages to create objects.
struct nl_parser_param
	/** Function to parse netlink messages into objects */
	int             (*pp_cb)(struct nl_object *, struct nl_parser_param *);

	/** Arbitary argument to be passed to the parser */
	void *            pp_arg;

 * Cache Operations
 * This structure defines the characterstics of a cache type. It contains
 * pointers to functions which implement the specifics of the object type
 * the cache can hold.
struct nl_cache_ops
	/** Name of cache type (must be unique) */
	char  *			co_name;

	/** Size of family specific netlink header */
	int			co_hdrsize;

	/** Netlink protocol */
	int			co_protocol;

	/** cache object hash size **/
	int			co_hash_size;

	/** cache flags */
	unsigned int		co_flags;

	/** Reference counter */
	unsigned int		co_refcnt;

	/** Group definition */
	struct nl_af_group *	co_groups;
	 * Called whenever an update of the cache is required. Must send
	 * a request message to the kernel requesting a complete dump.
	int   (*co_request_update)(struct nl_cache *, struct nl_sock *);

	 * Called whenever a message was received that needs to be parsed.
	 * Must parse the message and call the paser callback function
	 * (nl_parser_param) provided via the argument.
	int   (*co_msg_parser)(struct nl_cache_ops *, struct sockaddr_nl *,
			       struct nlmsghdr *, struct nl_parser_param *);

	 * The function registered under this callback is called after a
	 * netlink notification associated with this cache type has been
	 * parsed into an object and is being considered for inclusio into
	 * the specified cache.
	 * The purpose of this function is to filter out notifications
	 * which should be ignored when updating caches.
	 * The function must return NL_SKIP to prevent the object from
	 * being included, or NL_OK to include it.
	 * @code
	 * int my_filter(struct nl_cache *cache, struct nl_object *obj)
	 * {
	 * 	if (reason_to_not_include_obj(obj))
	 * 		return NL_SKIP;
	 * 	return NL_OK;
	 * }
	 * @endcode
	int   (*co_event_filter)(struct nl_cache *, struct nl_object *obj);

	 * The function registered under this callback is called when an
	 * object formed from a notification event needs to be included in
	 * a cache.
	 * For each modified object, the change callback \c change_cb must
	 * be called with the \c data argument provided.
	 * If no function is registered, the function nl_cache_include()
	 * will be used for this purpose.
	 * @see nl_cache_include()
	int   (*co_include_event)(struct nl_cache *cache, struct nl_object *obj,
				  change_func_t change_cb, void *data);

	void (*reserved_1)(void);
	void (*reserved_2)(void);
	void (*reserved_3)(void);
	void (*reserved_4)(void);
	void (*reserved_5)(void);
	void (*reserved_6)(void);
	void (*reserved_7)(void);
	void (*reserved_8)(void);

	/** Object operations */
	struct nl_object_ops *	co_obj_ops;

	/** Internal, do not touch! */
	struct nl_cache_ops *co_next;

	struct nl_cache *co_major_cache;
	struct genl_ops *	co_genl;

	/* Message type definition */
	struct nl_msgtype	co_msgtypes[];

/** @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus
