/* * test-soft-image.cpp - test soft image * * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Author: Wind Yuan <feng.yuan@intel.com> */ #include "test_common.h" #include "test_inline.h" #include <buffer_pool.h> #include <image_handler.h> #include <image_file_handle.h> #include <soft/soft_video_buf_allocator.h> #include <interface/blender.h> #include <interface/geo_mapper.h> #include <interface/stitcher.h> #include <calibration_parser.h> #include <string> #if (!defined(ANDROID) && (HAVE_OPENCV)) #include <ocl/cv_base_class.h> #endif #define XCAM_TEST_SOFT_IMAGE_DEBUG 0 #if (!defined(ANDROID) && (HAVE_OPENCV)) #define XCAM_TEST_OPENCV 1 #else #define XCAM_TEST_OPENCV 0 #endif #define XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE 1024 #define FISHEYE_CONFIG_PATH "./" #define MAP_WIDTH 3 #define MAP_HEIGHT 4 static PointFloat2 map_table[MAP_HEIGHT * MAP_WIDTH] = { {160.0f, 120.0f}, {480.0f, 120.0f}, {796.0f, 120.0f}, {60.0f, 240.0f}, {480.0f, 240.0f}, {900.0f, 240.0f}, {16.0f, 360.0f}, {480.0f, 360.0f}, {944.0f, 360.0f}, {0.0f, 480.0f}, {480.0f, 480.0f}, {960.0f, 480.0f}, }; using namespace XCam; enum SoftType { SoftTypeNone = 0, SoftTypeBlender, SoftTypeRemap, SoftTypeStitch, }; #define RUN_N(statement, loop, msg, ...) \ for (int i = 0; i < loop; ++i) { \ CHECK (statement, msg, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ FPS_CALCULATION (soft-image, XCAM_OBJ_DUR_FRAME_NUM); \ } #define ADD_ENELEMT(elements, file_name) \ { \ SmartPtr<SoftElement> element = new SoftElement (file_name); \ elements.push_back (element); \ } #if XCAM_TEST_OPENCV const static cv::Scalar color = cv::Scalar (0, 0, 255); const static int fontFace = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX; #endif class SoftElement { public: explicit SoftElement (const char *file_name = NULL, uint32_t width = 0, uint32_t height = 0); ~SoftElement (); void set_buf_size (uint32_t width, uint32_t height); uint32_t get_width () const { return _width; } uint32_t get_height () const { return _height; } const char *get_file_name () const { return _file_name; } SmartPtr<VideoBuffer> &get_buf () { return _buf; } XCamReturn open_file (const char *option); XCamReturn close_file (); XCamReturn rewind_file (); XCamReturn read_buf (); XCamReturn write_buf (); XCamReturn create_buf_pool (const VideoBufferInfo &info, uint32_t count); #if XCAM_TEST_OPENCV XCamReturn cv_open_writer (); void cv_write_image (char *img_name, char *frame_str, char *idx_str = NULL); #endif private: char *_file_name; uint32_t _width; uint32_t _height; SmartPtr<VideoBuffer> _buf; ImageFileHandle _file; SmartPtr<BufferPool> _pool; #if XCAM_TEST_OPENCV cv::VideoWriter _writer; #endif }; typedef std::vector<SmartPtr<SoftElement>> SoftElements; SoftElement::SoftElement (const char *file_name, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) : _file_name (NULL) , _width (width) , _height (height) { if (file_name) _file_name = strndup (file_name, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE); } SoftElement::~SoftElement () { _file.close (); if (_file_name) xcam_free (_file_name); } void SoftElement::set_buf_size (uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { _width = width; _height = height; } XCamReturn SoftElement::open_file (const char *option) { if (_file.open (_file_name, option) != XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("open %s failed.", _file_name); return XCAM_RETURN_ERROR_FILE; } return XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR; } XCamReturn SoftElement::close_file () { return _file.close (); } XCamReturn SoftElement::rewind_file () { return _file.rewind (); } XCamReturn SoftElement::create_buf_pool (const VideoBufferInfo &info, uint32_t count) { _pool = new SoftVideoBufAllocator (); _pool->set_video_info (info); if (!_pool->reserve (count)) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("create buffer pool failed"); return XCAM_RETURN_ERROR_MEM; } return XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR; } XCamReturn SoftElement::read_buf () { _buf = _pool->get_buffer (_pool); XCAM_ASSERT (_buf.ptr ()); return _file.read_buf (_buf); } XCamReturn SoftElement::write_buf () { return _file.write_buf (_buf); } #if XCAM_TEST_OPENCV XCamReturn SoftElement::cv_open_writer () { XCAM_FAIL_RETURN ( ERROR, _width && _height, XCAM_RETURN_ERROR_PARAM, "invalid size width:%d height:%d", _width, _height); cv::Size frame_size = cv::Size (_width, _height); if (!_writer.open (_file_name, CV_FOURCC('X', '2', '6', '4'), 30, frame_size)) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("open file %s failed", _file_name); return XCAM_RETURN_ERROR_FILE; } return XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR; } void SoftElement::cv_write_image (char *img_name, char *frame_str, char *idx_str) { cv::Mat mat; #if XCAM_TEST_SOFT_IMAGE_DEBUG convert_to_mat (_buf, mat); cv::putText (mat, frame_str, cv::Point(20, 50), fontFace, 2.0, color, 2, 8, false); if(idx_str) cv::putText (mat, idx_str, cv::Point(20, 110), fontFace, 2.0, color, 2, 8, false); cv::imwrite (img_name, mat); #else XCAM_UNUSED (img_name); XCAM_UNUSED (frame_str); XCAM_UNUSED (idx_str); #endif if (_writer.isOpened ()) { if (mat.empty()) convert_to_mat (_buf, mat); _writer.write (mat); } } #endif static int parse_camera_info (const char *path, uint32_t idx, CameraInfo &info, uint32_t camera_count) { static const char *instrinsic_names[] = { "intrinsic_camera_front.txt", "intrinsic_camera_right.txt", "intrinsic_camera_rear.txt", "intrinsic_camera_left.txt" }; static const char *exstrinsic_names[] = { "extrinsic_camera_front.txt", "extrinsic_camera_right.txt", "extrinsic_camera_rear.txt", "extrinsic_camera_left.txt" }; static const float viewpoints_range[] = {64.0f, 160.0f, 64.0f, 160.0f}; char intrinsic_path[XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE] = {'\0'}; char extrinsic_path[XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE] = {'\0'}; snprintf (intrinsic_path, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "%s/%s", path, instrinsic_names[idx]); snprintf (extrinsic_path, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "%s/%s", path, exstrinsic_names[idx]); CalibrationParser parser; CHECK ( parser.parse_intrinsic_file (intrinsic_path, info.calibration.intrinsic), "parse intrinsic params (%s)failed.", intrinsic_path); CHECK ( parser.parse_extrinsic_file (extrinsic_path, info.calibration.extrinsic), "parse extrinsic params (%s)failed.", extrinsic_path); info.calibration.extrinsic.trans_x += TEST_CAMERA_POSITION_OFFSET_X; info.angle_range = viewpoints_range[idx]; info.round_angle_start = (idx * 360.0f / camera_count) - info.angle_range / 2.0f; return 0; } static void combine_name (const char *orig_name, const char *embedded_str, char *new_name) { const char *dir_delimiter = std::strrchr (orig_name, '/'); if (dir_delimiter) { std::string path (orig_name, dir_delimiter - orig_name + 1); XCAM_ASSERT (path.c_str ()); snprintf (new_name, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "%s%s_%s", path.c_str (), embedded_str, dir_delimiter + 1); } else { snprintf (new_name, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "%s_%s", embedded_str, orig_name); } } static void add_element (SoftElements &elements, const char *element_name, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { char file_name[XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE] = {'\0'}; combine_name (elements[0]->get_file_name (), element_name, file_name); SmartPtr<SoftElement> element = new SoftElement (file_name, width, height); elements.push_back (element); } static XCamReturn elements_open_file (const SoftElements &elements, const char *option, const bool &nv12_output) { XCamReturn ret = XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < elements.size (); ++i) { if (nv12_output) ret = elements[i]->open_file (option); #if XCAM_TEST_OPENCV else ret = elements[i]->cv_open_writer (); #endif if (ret != XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("open file(%s) failed", elements[i]->get_file_name ()); break; } } return ret; } static XCamReturn remap_topview_buf ( BowlModel &model, const SmartPtr<VideoBuffer> &buf, SmartPtr<VideoBuffer> &topview_buf, uint32_t topview_width, uint32_t topview_height) { BowlModel::PointMap points; uint32_t lut_w = topview_width / 4, lut_h = topview_height / 4; float length_mm = 0.0f, width_mm = 0.0f; model.get_max_topview_area_mm (length_mm, width_mm); XCAM_LOG_INFO ("Max Topview Area (L%.2fmm, W%.2fmm)", length_mm, width_mm); model.get_topview_rect_map (points, lut_w, lut_h); SmartPtr<GeoMapper> mapper = GeoMapper::create_soft_geo_mapper (); XCAM_ASSERT (mapper.ptr ()); mapper->set_output_size (topview_width, topview_height); mapper->set_lookup_table (points.data (), lut_w, lut_h); XCamReturn ret = mapper->remap (buf, topview_buf); if (ret != XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("remap stitched image to topview failed."); return ret; } #if 0 BowlModel::VertexMap bowl_vertices; BowlModel::PointMap bowl_points; uint32_t bowl_lut_w = 15, bowl_lut_h = 10; model.get_bowlview_vertex_map (bowl_vertices, bowl_points, bowl_lut_w, bowl_lut_h); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bowl_lut_h; ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < bowl_lut_w; ++j) { PointFloat3 &vetex = bowl_vertices[i * bowl_lut_w + j]; printf ("(%4.0f, %4.0f, %4.0f), ", vetex.x, vetex.y, vetex.z ); } printf ("\n"); } #endif return XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR; } static void write_image (const SoftElements &ins, const SoftElements &outs, const bool &nv12_output) { if (nv12_output) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < outs.size (); ++i) outs[i]->write_buf (); } #if XCAM_TEST_OPENCV else { static uint32_t frame_num = 0; char img_name[XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE] = {'\0'}; char frame_str[XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE] = {'\0'}; std::snprintf (frame_str, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "frame:%d", frame_num); char idx_str[XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE] = {'\0'}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ins.size (); ++i) { std::snprintf (idx_str, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "idx:%d", i); std::snprintf (img_name, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "orig_fisheye_%d_%d.jpg", frame_num, i); ins[i]->cv_write_image (img_name, frame_str, idx_str); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < outs.size (); ++i) { std::snprintf (img_name, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "%s_%d.jpg", outs[i]->get_file_name (), frame_num); outs[i]->cv_write_image (img_name, frame_str); } frame_num++; } #endif } static XCamReturn ensure_output_format (const char *file_name, const SoftType &type, bool &nv12_output) { char suffix[XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE] = {'\0'}; const char *ptr = std::strrchr (file_name, '.'); std::snprintf (suffix, XCAM_TEST_MAX_STR_SIZE, "%s", ptr + 1); if (!strcasecmp (suffix, "mp4")) { #if XCAM_TEST_OPENCV if (type != SoftTypeStitch) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("only stitch type supports MP4 output format"); return XCAM_RETURN_ERROR_PARAM; } nv12_output = false; #else XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("only supports NV12 output format"); return XCAM_RETURN_ERROR_PARAM; #endif } return XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR; } static bool check_element (const SoftElements &elements, const uint32_t &idx) { if (idx >= elements.size ()) return false; if (!elements[idx].ptr()) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("SoftElement(idx:%d) ptr is NULL", idx); return false; } XCAM_FAIL_RETURN ( ERROR, elements[idx]->get_width () && elements[idx]->get_height (), false, "SoftElement(idx:%d): invalid parameters width:%d height:%d", idx, elements[idx]->get_width (), elements[idx]->get_height ()); return true; } static XCamReturn check_elements (const SoftElements &elements) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < elements.size (); ++i) { XCAM_FAIL_RETURN ( ERROR, check_element (elements, i), XCAM_RETURN_ERROR_PARAM, "invalid SoftElement index:%d\n", i); } return XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR; } static XCamReturn run_topview (const SmartPtr<Stitcher> &stitcher, const SoftElements &outs) { BowlModel bowl_model (stitcher->get_bowl_config (), outs[0]->get_width (), outs[0]->get_height ()); return remap_topview_buf (bowl_model, outs[0]->get_buf (), outs[1]->get_buf (), outs[1]->get_width (), outs[1]->get_height ()); } static int run_stitcher ( const SmartPtr<Stitcher> &stitcher, const SoftElements &ins, const SoftElements &outs, bool nv12_output, bool save_output, int loop) { XCamReturn ret = XCAM_RETURN_NO_ERROR; CHECK (check_elements (ins), "invalid input elements"); CHECK (check_elements (outs), "invalid output elements"); VideoBufferList in_buffers; while (loop--) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ins.size (); ++i) { CHECK (ins[i]->rewind_file (), "rewind buffer from file(%s) failed", ins[i]->get_file_name ()); } do { in_buffers.clear (); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ins.size (); ++i) { ret = ins[i]->read_buf(); if (ret == XCAM_RETURN_BYPASS) break; CHECK (ret, "read buffer from file(%s) failed.", ins[i]->get_file_name ()); in_buffers.push_back (ins[i]->get_buf ()); } if (ret == XCAM_RETURN_BYPASS) break; CHECK ( stitcher->stitch_buffers (in_buffers, outs[0]->get_buf ()), "stitch buffer failed."); if (save_output) { if (check_element (outs, 1)) { CHECK (run_topview (stitcher, outs), "run topview failed"); } write_image (ins, outs, nv12_output); } FPS_CALCULATION (soft - stitcher, XCAM_OBJ_DUR_FRAME_NUM); } while (true); } return 0; } static void usage(const char* arg0) { printf ("Usage:\n" "%s --type TYPE--input0 file0 --input1 file1 --output file\n" "\t--type processing type, selected from: blend, remap, stitch, ...\n" "\t-- [stitch]: read calibration files from exported path $FISHEYE_CONFIG_PATH\n" "\t--input0 input image(NV12)\n" "\t--input1 input image(NV12)\n" "\t--input2 input image(NV12)\n" "\t--input3 input image(NV12)\n" "\t--output output image(NV12)\n" "\t--in-w optional, input width, default: 1920\n" "\t--in-h optional, input height, default: 1080\n" "\t--out-w optional, output width, default: 1920\n" "\t--out-h optional, output height, default: 960\n" "\t--topview-w optional, output width, default: 1280\n" "\t--topview-h optional, output height, default: 720\n" "\t--save optional, save file or not, select from [true/false], default: true\n" "\t--loop optional, how many loops need to run, default: 1\n" "\t--help usage\n", arg0); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t input_width = 1920; uint32_t input_height = 1080; uint32_t output_width = 1920; //output_height * 2; uint32_t output_height = 960; //960; uint32_t topview_width = 1280; uint32_t topview_height = 720; SoftType type = SoftTypeNone; SoftElements ins; SoftElements outs; int loop = 1; bool save_output = true; bool nv12_output = true; const struct option long_opts[] = { {"type", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"input0", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"input1", required_argument, NULL, 'j'}, {"input2", required_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {"input3", required_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {"in-w", required_argument, NULL, 'w'}, {"in-h", required_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"out-w", required_argument, NULL, 'W'}, {"out-h", required_argument, NULL, 'H'}, {"topview-w", required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"topview-h", required_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {"save", required_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"loop", required_argument, NULL, 'L'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; int opt = -1; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_opts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 't': XCAM_ASSERT (optarg); if (!strcasecmp (optarg, "blend")) type = SoftTypeBlender; else if (!strcasecmp (optarg, "remap")) type = SoftTypeRemap; else if (!strcasecmp (optarg, "stitch")) type = SoftTypeStitch; else { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("unknown type:%s", optarg); usage (argv[0]); return -1; } break; case 'i': XCAM_ASSERT (optarg); ADD_ENELEMT(ins, optarg); break; case 'j': XCAM_ASSERT (optarg); ADD_ENELEMT(ins, optarg); break; case 'k': XCAM_ASSERT (optarg); ADD_ENELEMT(ins, optarg); break; case 'l': XCAM_ASSERT (optarg); ADD_ENELEMT(ins, optarg); break; case 'o': XCAM_ASSERT (optarg); ADD_ENELEMT(outs, optarg); break; case 'w': input_width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': input_height = atoi(optarg); break; case 'W': output_width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': output_height = atoi(optarg); break; case 'P': topview_width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'V': topview_height = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': save_output = (strcasecmp (optarg, "false") == 0 ? false : true); break; case 'L': loop = atoi(optarg); break; default: XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("getopt_long return unknown value:%c", opt); usage (argv[0]); return -1; } } if (optind < argc || argc < 2) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("unknown option %s", argv[optind]); usage (argv[0]); return -1; } if (SoftTypeNone == type) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("Type was not set"); usage (argv[0]); return -1; } if (ins.empty () || outs.empty () || !strlen (ins[0]->get_file_name ()) || !strlen (outs[0]->get_file_name ())) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("input or output file name was not set"); usage (argv[0]); return -1; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ins.size (); ++i) { printf ("input%d file:\t\t%s\n", i, ins[i]->get_file_name ()); } printf ("output file:\t\t%s\n", outs[0]->get_file_name ()); printf ("input width:\t\t%d\n", input_width); printf ("input height:\t\t%d\n", input_height); printf ("output width:\t\t%d\n", output_width); printf ("output height:\t\t%d\n", output_height); printf ("topview width:\t\t%d\n", topview_width); printf ("topview height:\t\t%d\n", topview_height); printf ("save output:\t\t%s\n", save_output ? "true" : "false"); printf ("loop count:\t\t%d\n", loop); VideoBufferInfo in_info, out_info; in_info.init (V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12, input_width, input_height); out_info.init (V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12, output_width, output_height); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ins.size (); ++i) { ins[i]->set_buf_size (input_width, input_height); CHECK (ins[i]->create_buf_pool (in_info, 6), "create buffer pool failed"); CHECK (ins[i]->open_file ("rb"), "open file(%s) failed", ins[i]->get_file_name ()); } outs[0]->set_buf_size (output_width, output_height); if (save_output) { CHECK (ensure_output_format (outs[0]->get_file_name (), type, nv12_output), "unsupported output format"); if (nv12_output) { CHECK (outs[0]->open_file ("wb"), "open file(%s) failed", outs[0]->get_file_name ()); } } switch (type) { case SoftTypeBlender: { CHECK_EXP (ins.size () >= 2, "blender need 2 input files."); SmartPtr<Blender> blender = Blender::create_soft_blender (); XCAM_ASSERT (blender.ptr ()); blender->set_output_size (output_width, output_height); Rect merge_window; merge_window.pos_x = 0; merge_window.pos_y = 0; merge_window.width = out_info.width; merge_window.height = out_info.height; blender->set_merge_window (merge_window); CHECK (ins[0]->read_buf(), "read buffer from file(%s) failed.", ins[0]->get_file_name ()); CHECK (ins[1]->read_buf(), "read buffer from file(%s) failed.", ins[1]->get_file_name ()); RUN_N (blender->blend (ins[0]->get_buf (), ins[1]->get_buf (), outs[0]->get_buf ()), loop, "blend buffer failed."); if (save_output) outs[0]->write_buf (); break; } case SoftTypeRemap: { SmartPtr<GeoMapper> mapper = GeoMapper::create_soft_geo_mapper (); XCAM_ASSERT (mapper.ptr ()); mapper->set_output_size (output_width, output_height); mapper->set_lookup_table (map_table, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT); //mapper->set_factors ((output_width - 1.0f) / (MAP_WIDTH - 1.0f), (output_height - 1.0f) / (MAP_HEIGHT - 1.0f)); CHECK (ins[0]->read_buf(), "read buffer from file(%s) failed.", ins[0]->get_file_name ()); RUN_N (mapper->remap (ins[0]->get_buf (), outs[0]->get_buf ()), loop, "remap buffer failed."); if (save_output) outs[0]->write_buf (); break; } case SoftTypeStitch: { CHECK_EXP (ins.size () >= 2 && ins.size () <= 4, "stitcher need at 2~4 input files."); uint32_t camera_count = ins.size (); SmartPtr<Stitcher> stitcher = Stitcher::create_soft_stitcher (); XCAM_ASSERT (stitcher.ptr ()); CameraInfo cam_info[4]; const char *fisheye_config_path = getenv ("FISHEYE_CONFIG_PATH"); if (!fisheye_config_path) fisheye_config_path = FISHEYE_CONFIG_PATH; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < camera_count; ++i) { if (parse_camera_info (fisheye_config_path, i, cam_info[i], camera_count) != 0) { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("parse fisheye dewarp info(idx:%d) failed.", i); return -1; } } PointFloat3 bowl_coord_offset; if (camera_count == 4) { centralize_bowl_coord_from_cameras ( cam_info[0].calibration.extrinsic, cam_info[1].calibration.extrinsic, cam_info[2].calibration.extrinsic, cam_info[3].calibration.extrinsic, bowl_coord_offset); } stitcher->set_camera_num (camera_count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < camera_count; ++i) { stitcher->set_camera_info (i, cam_info[i]); } BowlDataConfig bowl; bowl.wall_height = 3000.0f; bowl.ground_length = 2000.0f; //bowl.a = 5000.0f; //bowl.b = 3600.0f; //bowl.c = 3000.0f; bowl.angle_start = 0.0f; bowl.angle_end = 360.0f; stitcher->set_bowl_config (bowl); stitcher->set_output_size (output_width, output_height); if (save_output) { add_element (outs, "topview", topview_width, topview_height); elements_open_file (outs, "wb", nv12_output); } CHECK_EXP ( run_stitcher (stitcher, ins, outs, nv12_output, save_output, loop) == 0, "run stitcher failed."); break; } default: { XCAM_LOG_ERROR ("unsupported type:%d", type); usage (argv[0]); return -1; } } return 0; }