SAX.setDocumentLocator() SAX.startDocument() SAX.internalSubset(test, , ) SAX.entityDecl(example, 1, (null), (null), <p>An ampersand (&) may be escaped numerically (&#38;) or with a general entity (&amp;).</p>) SAX.getEntity(example) SAX.externalSubset(test, , ) SAX.startElementNs(test, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0) SAX.getEntity(example) SAX.startElementNs(p, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0) SAX.characters(An ampersand (, 14) SAX.characters(&, 1) SAX.characters() may be escaped numerically , 31) SAX.characters(&, 1) SAX.characters(#38;) or with a general entity, 34) SAX.characters(&, 1) SAX.characters(amp;)., 6) SAX.endElementNs(p, NULL, NULL) SAX.endElementNs(test, NULL, NULL) SAX.endDocument()