/* * Copyright 2003 VMware, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL VMWARE AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "main/context.h" #include "main/framebuffer.h" #include "main/renderbuffer.h" #include "main/texobj.h" #include "main/hash.h" #include "main/fbobject.h" #include "main/version.h" #include "swrast/s_renderbuffer.h" #include "util/ralloc.h" #include "brw_shader.h" #include "compiler/nir/nir.h" #include "utils.h" #include "xmlpool.h" static const __DRIconfigOptionsExtension brw_config_options = { .base = { __DRI_CONFIG_OPTIONS, 1 }, .xml = DRI_CONF_BEGIN DRI_CONF_SECTION_PERFORMANCE DRI_CONF_VBLANK_MODE(DRI_CONF_VBLANK_ALWAYS_SYNC) /* Options correspond to DRI_CONF_BO_REUSE_DISABLED, * DRI_CONF_BO_REUSE_ALL */ DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(bo_reuse, enum, 1, "0:1") DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(en, "Buffer object reuse") DRI_CONF_ENUM(0, "Disable buffer object reuse") DRI_CONF_ENUM(1, "Enable reuse of all sizes of buffer objects") DRI_CONF_DESC_END DRI_CONF_OPT_END DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_B(hiz, "true") DRI_CONF_DESC(en, "Enable Hierarchical Z on gen6+") DRI_CONF_OPT_END DRI_CONF_SECTION_END DRI_CONF_SECTION_QUALITY DRI_CONF_FORCE_S3TC_ENABLE("false") DRI_CONF_PRECISE_TRIG("false") DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN(clamp_max_samples, int, -1) DRI_CONF_DESC(en, "Clamp the value of GL_MAX_SAMPLES to the " "given integer. If negative, then do not clamp.") DRI_CONF_OPT_END DRI_CONF_SECTION_END DRI_CONF_SECTION_DEBUG DRI_CONF_NO_RAST("false") DRI_CONF_ALWAYS_FLUSH_BATCH("false") DRI_CONF_ALWAYS_FLUSH_CACHE("false") DRI_CONF_DISABLE_THROTTLING("false") DRI_CONF_FORCE_GLSL_EXTENSIONS_WARN("false") DRI_CONF_FORCE_GLSL_VERSION(0) DRI_CONF_DISABLE_GLSL_LINE_CONTINUATIONS("false") DRI_CONF_DISABLE_BLEND_FUNC_EXTENDED("false") DRI_CONF_DUAL_COLOR_BLEND_BY_LOCATION("false") DRI_CONF_ALLOW_GLSL_EXTENSION_DIRECTIVE_MIDSHADER("false") DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_B(shader_precompile, "true") DRI_CONF_DESC(en, "Perform code generation at shader link time.") DRI_CONF_OPT_END DRI_CONF_SECTION_END DRI_CONF_SECTION_MISCELLANEOUS DRI_CONF_GLSL_ZERO_INIT("false") DRI_CONF_SECTION_END DRI_CONF_END }; #include "intel_batchbuffer.h" #include "intel_buffers.h" #include "intel_bufmgr.h" #include "intel_fbo.h" #include "intel_mipmap_tree.h" #include "intel_screen.h" #include "intel_tex.h" #include "intel_image.h" #include "brw_context.h" #include "i915_drm.h" /** * For debugging purposes, this returns a time in seconds. */ double get_time(void) { struct timespec tp; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp); return tp.tv_sec + tp.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0; } void aub_dump_bmp(struct gl_context *ctx) { struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer; for (unsigned i = 0; i < fb->_NumColorDrawBuffers; i++) { struct intel_renderbuffer *irb = intel_renderbuffer(fb->_ColorDrawBuffers[i]); if (irb && irb->mt) { enum aub_dump_bmp_format format; switch (irb->Base.Base.Format) { case MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: case MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM: format = AUB_DUMP_BMP_FORMAT_ARGB_8888; break; default: continue; } drm_intel_gem_bo_aub_dump_bmp(irb->mt->bo, irb->draw_x, irb->draw_y, irb->Base.Base.Width, irb->Base.Base.Height, format, irb->mt->pitch, 0); } } } static const __DRItexBufferExtension intelTexBufferExtension = { .base = { __DRI_TEX_BUFFER, 3 }, .setTexBuffer = intelSetTexBuffer, .setTexBuffer2 = intelSetTexBuffer2, .releaseTexBuffer = NULL, }; static void intel_dri2_flush_with_flags(__DRIcontext *cPriv, __DRIdrawable *dPriv, unsigned flags, enum __DRI2throttleReason reason) { struct brw_context *brw = cPriv->driverPrivate; if (!brw) return; struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx; FLUSH_VERTICES(ctx, 0); if (flags & __DRI2_FLUSH_DRAWABLE) intel_resolve_for_dri2_flush(brw, dPriv); if (reason == __DRI2_THROTTLE_SWAPBUFFER) brw->need_swap_throttle = true; if (reason == __DRI2_THROTTLE_FLUSHFRONT) brw->need_flush_throttle = true; intel_batchbuffer_flush(brw); if (INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_AUB) { aub_dump_bmp(ctx); } } /** * Provides compatibility with loaders that only support the older (version * 1-3) flush interface. * * That includes libGL up to Mesa 9.0, and the X Server at least up to 1.13. */ static void intel_dri2_flush(__DRIdrawable *drawable) { intel_dri2_flush_with_flags(drawable->driContextPriv, drawable, __DRI2_FLUSH_DRAWABLE, __DRI2_THROTTLE_SWAPBUFFER); } static const struct __DRI2flushExtensionRec intelFlushExtension = { .base = { __DRI2_FLUSH, 4 }, .flush = intel_dri2_flush, .invalidate = dri2InvalidateDrawable, .flush_with_flags = intel_dri2_flush_with_flags, }; static struct intel_image_format intel_image_formats[] = { { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_ARGB8888, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_RGBA, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888, 4 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_ABGR8888, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_RGBA, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ABGR8888, 4 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_SARGB8888, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_RGBA, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_SARGB8, 4 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_XRGB8888, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_RGB, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_XRGB8888, 4 }, } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_XBGR8888, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_RGB, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_XBGR8888, 4 }, } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_ARGB1555, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_RGBA, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB1555, 2 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_RGB565, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_RGB, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565, 2 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_R8, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_R, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_GR88, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_RG, 1, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_GR88, 2 }, } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YUV410, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 2, 2, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 2, 2, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YUV411, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 2, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 2, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YUV420, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 1, 1, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YUV422, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 1, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 1, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YUV444, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YVU410, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 2, 2, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 2, 2, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YVU411, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 2, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 2, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YVU420, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 1, 1, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YVU422, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 1, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 1, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YVU444, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_U_V, 3, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 2, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_NV12, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_UV, 2, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 1, 1, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_GR88, 2 } } }, { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_NV16, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_UV, 2, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_R8, 1 }, { 1, 1, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_GR88, 2 } } }, /* For YUYV buffers, we set up two overlapping DRI images and treat * them as planar buffers in the compositors. Plane 0 is GR88 and * samples YU or YV pairs and places Y into the R component, while * plane 1 is ARGB and samples YUYV clusters and places pairs and * places U into the G component and V into A. This lets the * texture sampler interpolate the Y components correctly when * sampling from plane 0, and interpolate U and V correctly when * sampling from plane 1. */ { __DRI_IMAGE_FOURCC_YUYV, __DRI_IMAGE_COMPONENTS_Y_XUXV, 2, { { 0, 0, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_GR88, 2 }, { 0, 1, 0, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_ARGB8888, 4 } } } }; static void intel_image_warn_if_unaligned(__DRIimage *image, const char *func) { uint32_t tiling, swizzle; drm_intel_bo_get_tiling(image->bo, &tiling, &swizzle); if (tiling != I915_TILING_NONE && (image->offset & 0xfff)) { _mesa_warning(NULL, "%s: offset 0x%08x not on tile boundary", func, image->offset); } } static struct intel_image_format * intel_image_format_lookup(int fourcc) { struct intel_image_format *f = NULL; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(intel_image_formats); i++) { if (intel_image_formats[i].fourcc == fourcc) { f = &intel_image_formats[i]; break; } } return f; } static boolean intel_lookup_fourcc(int dri_format, int *fourcc) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(intel_image_formats); i++) { if (intel_image_formats[i].planes[0].dri_format == dri_format) { *fourcc = intel_image_formats[i].fourcc; return true; } } return false; } static __DRIimage * intel_allocate_image(int dri_format, void *loaderPrivate) { __DRIimage *image; image = calloc(1, sizeof *image); if (image == NULL) return NULL; image->dri_format = dri_format; image->offset = 0; image->format = driImageFormatToGLFormat(dri_format); if (dri_format != __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE && image->format == MESA_FORMAT_NONE) { free(image); return NULL; } image->internal_format = _mesa_get_format_base_format(image->format); image->data = loaderPrivate; return image; } /** * Sets up a DRIImage structure to point to a slice out of a miptree. */ static void intel_setup_image_from_mipmap_tree(struct brw_context *brw, __DRIimage *image, struct intel_mipmap_tree *mt, GLuint level, GLuint zoffset) { intel_miptree_make_shareable(brw, mt); intel_miptree_check_level_layer(mt, level, zoffset); image->width = minify(mt->physical_width0, level - mt->first_level); image->height = minify(mt->physical_height0, level - mt->first_level); image->pitch = mt->pitch; image->offset = intel_miptree_get_tile_offsets(mt, level, zoffset, &image->tile_x, &image->tile_y); drm_intel_bo_unreference(image->bo); image->bo = mt->bo; drm_intel_bo_reference(mt->bo); } static __DRIimage * intel_create_image_from_name(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, int width, int height, int format, int name, int pitch, void *loaderPrivate) { struct intel_screen *screen = dri_screen->driverPrivate; __DRIimage *image; int cpp; image = intel_allocate_image(format, loaderPrivate); if (image == NULL) return NULL; if (image->format == MESA_FORMAT_NONE) cpp = 1; else cpp = _mesa_get_format_bytes(image->format); image->width = width; image->height = height; image->pitch = pitch * cpp; image->bo = drm_intel_bo_gem_create_from_name(screen->bufmgr, "image", name); if (!image->bo) { free(image); return NULL; } return image; } static __DRIimage * intel_create_image_from_renderbuffer(__DRIcontext *context, int renderbuffer, void *loaderPrivate) { __DRIimage *image; struct brw_context *brw = context->driverPrivate; struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx; struct gl_renderbuffer *rb; struct intel_renderbuffer *irb; rb = _mesa_lookup_renderbuffer(ctx, renderbuffer); if (!rb) { _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glRenderbufferExternalMESA"); return NULL; } irb = intel_renderbuffer(rb); intel_miptree_make_shareable(brw, irb->mt); image = calloc(1, sizeof *image); if (image == NULL) return NULL; image->internal_format = rb->InternalFormat; image->format = rb->Format; image->offset = 0; image->data = loaderPrivate; drm_intel_bo_unreference(image->bo); image->bo = irb->mt->bo; drm_intel_bo_reference(irb->mt->bo); image->width = rb->Width; image->height = rb->Height; image->pitch = irb->mt->pitch; image->dri_format = driGLFormatToImageFormat(image->format); image->has_depthstencil = irb->mt->stencil_mt? true : false; rb->NeedsFinishRenderTexture = true; return image; } static __DRIimage * intel_create_image_from_texture(__DRIcontext *context, int target, unsigned texture, int zoffset, int level, unsigned *error, void *loaderPrivate) { __DRIimage *image; struct brw_context *brw = context->driverPrivate; struct gl_texture_object *obj; struct intel_texture_object *iobj; GLuint face = 0; obj = _mesa_lookup_texture(&brw->ctx, texture); if (!obj || obj->Target != target) { *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; return NULL; } if (target == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) face = zoffset; _mesa_test_texobj_completeness(&brw->ctx, obj); iobj = intel_texture_object(obj); if (!obj->_BaseComplete || (level > 0 && !obj->_MipmapComplete)) { *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; return NULL; } if (level < obj->BaseLevel || level > obj->_MaxLevel) { *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_BAD_MATCH; return NULL; } if (target == GL_TEXTURE_3D && obj->Image[face][level]->Depth < zoffset) { *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_BAD_MATCH; return NULL; } image = calloc(1, sizeof *image); if (image == NULL) { *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_BAD_ALLOC; return NULL; } image->internal_format = obj->Image[face][level]->InternalFormat; image->format = obj->Image[face][level]->TexFormat; image->data = loaderPrivate; intel_setup_image_from_mipmap_tree(brw, image, iobj->mt, level, zoffset); image->dri_format = driGLFormatToImageFormat(image->format); image->has_depthstencil = iobj->mt->stencil_mt? true : false; if (image->dri_format == MESA_FORMAT_NONE) { *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; free(image); return NULL; } *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS; return image; } static void intel_destroy_image(__DRIimage *image) { drm_intel_bo_unreference(image->bo); free(image); } static __DRIimage * intel_create_image(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, int width, int height, int format, unsigned int use, void *loaderPrivate) { __DRIimage *image; struct intel_screen *screen = dri_screen->driverPrivate; uint32_t tiling; int cpp; unsigned long pitch; tiling = I915_TILING_X; if (use & __DRI_IMAGE_USE_CURSOR) { if (width != 64 || height != 64) return NULL; tiling = I915_TILING_NONE; } if (use & __DRI_IMAGE_USE_LINEAR) tiling = I915_TILING_NONE; image = intel_allocate_image(format, loaderPrivate); if (image == NULL) return NULL; cpp = _mesa_get_format_bytes(image->format); image->bo = drm_intel_bo_alloc_tiled(screen->bufmgr, "image", width, height, cpp, &tiling, &pitch, 0); if (image->bo == NULL) { free(image); return NULL; } image->width = width; image->height = height; image->pitch = pitch; return image; } static GLboolean intel_query_image(__DRIimage *image, int attrib, int *value) { switch (attrib) { case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_STRIDE: *value = image->pitch; return true; case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_HANDLE: *value = image->bo->handle; return true; case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_NAME: return !drm_intel_bo_flink(image->bo, (uint32_t *) value); case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_FORMAT: *value = image->dri_format; return true; case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_WIDTH: *value = image->width; return true; case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_HEIGHT: *value = image->height; return true; case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_COMPONENTS: if (image->planar_format == NULL) return false; *value = image->planar_format->components; return true; case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_FD: return !drm_intel_bo_gem_export_to_prime(image->bo, value); case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_FOURCC: return intel_lookup_fourcc(image->dri_format, value); case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_NUM_PLANES: *value = 1; return true; case __DRI_IMAGE_ATTRIB_OFFSET: *value = image->offset; return true; default: return false; } } static __DRIimage * intel_dup_image(__DRIimage *orig_image, void *loaderPrivate) { __DRIimage *image; image = calloc(1, sizeof *image); if (image == NULL) return NULL; drm_intel_bo_reference(orig_image->bo); image->bo = orig_image->bo; image->internal_format = orig_image->internal_format; image->planar_format = orig_image->planar_format; image->dri_format = orig_image->dri_format; image->format = orig_image->format; image->offset = orig_image->offset; image->width = orig_image->width; image->height = orig_image->height; image->pitch = orig_image->pitch; image->tile_x = orig_image->tile_x; image->tile_y = orig_image->tile_y; image->has_depthstencil = orig_image->has_depthstencil; image->data = loaderPrivate; memcpy(image->strides, orig_image->strides, sizeof(image->strides)); memcpy(image->offsets, orig_image->offsets, sizeof(image->offsets)); return image; } static GLboolean intel_validate_usage(__DRIimage *image, unsigned int use) { if (use & __DRI_IMAGE_USE_CURSOR) { if (image->width != 64 || image->height != 64) return GL_FALSE; } return GL_TRUE; } static __DRIimage * intel_create_image_from_names(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, int width, int height, int fourcc, int *names, int num_names, int *strides, int *offsets, void *loaderPrivate) { struct intel_image_format *f = NULL; __DRIimage *image; int i, index; if (dri_screen == NULL || names == NULL || num_names != 1) return NULL; f = intel_image_format_lookup(fourcc); if (f == NULL) return NULL; image = intel_create_image_from_name(dri_screen, width, height, __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE, names[0], strides[0], loaderPrivate); if (image == NULL) return NULL; image->planar_format = f; for (i = 0; i < f->nplanes; i++) { index = f->planes[i].buffer_index; image->offsets[index] = offsets[index]; image->strides[index] = strides[index]; } return image; } static __DRIimage * intel_create_image_from_fds(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, int width, int height, int fourcc, int *fds, int num_fds, int *strides, int *offsets, void *loaderPrivate) { struct intel_screen *screen = dri_screen->driverPrivate; struct intel_image_format *f; __DRIimage *image; int i, index; if (fds == NULL || num_fds < 1) return NULL; /* We only support all planes from the same bo */ for (i = 0; i < num_fds; i++) if (fds[0] != fds[i]) return NULL; f = intel_image_format_lookup(fourcc); if (f == NULL) return NULL; if (f->nplanes == 1) image = intel_allocate_image(f->planes[0].dri_format, loaderPrivate); else image = intel_allocate_image(__DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_NONE, loaderPrivate); if (image == NULL) return NULL; image->width = width; image->height = height; image->pitch = strides[0]; image->planar_format = f; int size = 0; for (i = 0; i < f->nplanes; i++) { index = f->planes[i].buffer_index; image->offsets[index] = offsets[index]; image->strides[index] = strides[index]; const int plane_height = height >> f->planes[i].height_shift; const int end = offsets[index] + plane_height * strides[index]; if (size < end) size = end; } image->bo = drm_intel_bo_gem_create_from_prime(screen->bufmgr, fds[0], size); if (image->bo == NULL) { free(image); return NULL; } if (f->nplanes == 1) { image->offset = image->offsets[0]; intel_image_warn_if_unaligned(image, __func__); } return image; } static __DRIimage * intel_create_image_from_dma_bufs(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, int width, int height, int fourcc, int *fds, int num_fds, int *strides, int *offsets, enum __DRIYUVColorSpace yuv_color_space, enum __DRISampleRange sample_range, enum __DRIChromaSiting horizontal_siting, enum __DRIChromaSiting vertical_siting, unsigned *error, void *loaderPrivate) { __DRIimage *image; struct intel_image_format *f = intel_image_format_lookup(fourcc); if (!f) { *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_BAD_MATCH; return NULL; } image = intel_create_image_from_fds(dri_screen, width, height, fourcc, fds, num_fds, strides, offsets, loaderPrivate); /* * Invalid parameters and any inconsistencies between are assumed to be * checked by the caller. Therefore besides unsupported formats one can fail * only in allocation. */ if (!image) { *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_BAD_ALLOC; return NULL; } image->dma_buf_imported = true; image->yuv_color_space = yuv_color_space; image->sample_range = sample_range; image->horizontal_siting = horizontal_siting; image->vertical_siting = vertical_siting; *error = __DRI_IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS; return image; } static __DRIimage * intel_from_planar(__DRIimage *parent, int plane, void *loaderPrivate) { int width, height, offset, stride, dri_format, index; struct intel_image_format *f; __DRIimage *image; if (parent == NULL || parent->planar_format == NULL) return NULL; f = parent->planar_format; if (plane >= f->nplanes) return NULL; width = parent->width >> f->planes[plane].width_shift; height = parent->height >> f->planes[plane].height_shift; dri_format = f->planes[plane].dri_format; index = f->planes[plane].buffer_index; offset = parent->offsets[index]; stride = parent->strides[index]; image = intel_allocate_image(dri_format, loaderPrivate); if (image == NULL) return NULL; if (offset + height * stride > parent->bo->size) { _mesa_warning(NULL, "intel_create_sub_image: subimage out of bounds"); free(image); return NULL; } image->bo = parent->bo; drm_intel_bo_reference(parent->bo); image->width = width; image->height = height; image->pitch = stride; image->offset = offset; intel_image_warn_if_unaligned(image, __func__); return image; } static const __DRIimageExtension intelImageExtension = { .base = { __DRI_IMAGE, 13 }, .createImageFromName = intel_create_image_from_name, .createImageFromRenderbuffer = intel_create_image_from_renderbuffer, .destroyImage = intel_destroy_image, .createImage = intel_create_image, .queryImage = intel_query_image, .dupImage = intel_dup_image, .validateUsage = intel_validate_usage, .createImageFromNames = intel_create_image_from_names, .fromPlanar = intel_from_planar, .createImageFromTexture = intel_create_image_from_texture, .createImageFromFds = intel_create_image_from_fds, .createImageFromDmaBufs = intel_create_image_from_dma_bufs, .blitImage = NULL, .getCapabilities = NULL, .mapImage = NULL, .unmapImage = NULL, }; static int brw_query_renderer_integer(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, int param, unsigned int *value) { const struct intel_screen *const screen = (struct intel_screen *) dri_screen->driverPrivate; switch (param) { case __DRI2_RENDERER_VENDOR_ID: value[0] = 0x8086; return 0; case __DRI2_RENDERER_DEVICE_ID: value[0] = screen->deviceID; return 0; case __DRI2_RENDERER_ACCELERATED: value[0] = 1; return 0; case __DRI2_RENDERER_VIDEO_MEMORY: { /* Once a batch uses more than 75% of the maximum mappable size, we * assume that there's some fragmentation, and we start doing extra * flushing, etc. That's the big cliff apps will care about. */ size_t aper_size; size_t mappable_size; drm_intel_get_aperture_sizes(dri_screen->fd, &mappable_size, &aper_size); const unsigned gpu_mappable_megabytes = (aper_size / (1024 * 1024)) * 3 / 4; const long system_memory_pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES); const long system_page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); if (system_memory_pages <= 0 || system_page_size <= 0) return -1; const uint64_t system_memory_bytes = (uint64_t) system_memory_pages * (uint64_t) system_page_size; const unsigned system_memory_megabytes = (unsigned) (system_memory_bytes / (1024 * 1024)); value[0] = MIN2(system_memory_megabytes, gpu_mappable_megabytes); return 0; } case __DRI2_RENDERER_UNIFIED_MEMORY_ARCHITECTURE: value[0] = 1; return 0; case __DRI2_RENDERER_HAS_TEXTURE_3D: value[0] = 1; return 0; default: return driQueryRendererIntegerCommon(dri_screen, param, value); } return -1; } static int brw_query_renderer_string(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, int param, const char **value) { const struct intel_screen *screen = (struct intel_screen *) dri_screen->driverPrivate; switch (param) { case __DRI2_RENDERER_VENDOR_ID: value[0] = brw_vendor_string; return 0; case __DRI2_RENDERER_DEVICE_ID: value[0] = brw_get_renderer_string(screen); return 0; default: break; } return -1; } static const __DRI2rendererQueryExtension intelRendererQueryExtension = { .base = { __DRI2_RENDERER_QUERY, 1 }, .queryInteger = brw_query_renderer_integer, .queryString = brw_query_renderer_string }; static const __DRIrobustnessExtension dri2Robustness = { .base = { __DRI2_ROBUSTNESS, 1 } }; static const __DRIextension *screenExtensions[] = { &intelTexBufferExtension.base, &intelFenceExtension.base, &intelFlushExtension.base, &intelImageExtension.base, &intelRendererQueryExtension.base, &dri2ConfigQueryExtension.base, NULL }; static const __DRIextension *intelRobustScreenExtensions[] = { &intelTexBufferExtension.base, &intelFenceExtension.base, &intelFlushExtension.base, &intelImageExtension.base, &intelRendererQueryExtension.base, &dri2ConfigQueryExtension.base, &dri2Robustness.base, NULL }; static int intel_get_param(struct intel_screen *screen, int param, int *value) { int ret = 0; struct drm_i915_getparam gp; memset(&gp, 0, sizeof(gp)); gp.param = param; gp.value = value; if (drmIoctl(screen->driScrnPriv->fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GETPARAM, &gp) == -1) { ret = -errno; if (ret != -EINVAL) _mesa_warning(NULL, "drm_i915_getparam: %d", ret); } return ret; } static bool intel_get_boolean(struct intel_screen *screen, int param) { int value = 0; return (intel_get_param(screen, param, &value) == 0) && value; } static int intel_get_integer(struct intel_screen *screen, int param) { int value = -1; if (intel_get_param(screen, param, &value) == 0) return value; return -1; } static void intelDestroyScreen(__DRIscreen * sPriv) { struct intel_screen *screen = sPriv->driverPrivate; dri_bufmgr_destroy(screen->bufmgr); driDestroyOptionInfo(&screen->optionCache); ralloc_free(screen); sPriv->driverPrivate = NULL; } /** * This is called when we need to set up GL rendering to a new X window. */ static GLboolean intelCreateBuffer(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, __DRIdrawable * driDrawPriv, const struct gl_config * mesaVis, GLboolean isPixmap) { struct intel_renderbuffer *rb; struct intel_screen *screen = (struct intel_screen *) dri_screen->driverPrivate; mesa_format rgbFormat; unsigned num_samples = intel_quantize_num_samples(screen, mesaVis->samples); struct gl_framebuffer *fb; if (isPixmap) return false; fb = CALLOC_STRUCT(gl_framebuffer); if (!fb) return false; _mesa_initialize_window_framebuffer(fb, mesaVis); if (screen->winsys_msaa_samples_override != -1) { num_samples = screen->winsys_msaa_samples_override; fb->Visual.samples = num_samples; } if (mesaVis->redBits == 5) { rgbFormat = mesaVis->redMask == 0x1f ? MESA_FORMAT_R5G6B5_UNORM : MESA_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM; } else if (mesaVis->sRGBCapable) { rgbFormat = mesaVis->redMask == 0xff ? MESA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB : MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB; } else if (mesaVis->alphaBits == 0) { rgbFormat = mesaVis->redMask == 0xff ? MESA_FORMAT_R8G8B8X8_UNORM : MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM; } else { rgbFormat = mesaVis->redMask == 0xff ? MESA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB : MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB; fb->Visual.sRGBCapable = true; } /* setup the hardware-based renderbuffers */ rb = intel_create_renderbuffer(rgbFormat, num_samples); _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT, &rb->Base.Base); if (mesaVis->doubleBufferMode) { rb = intel_create_renderbuffer(rgbFormat, num_samples); _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_BACK_LEFT, &rb->Base.Base); } /* * Assert here that the gl_config has an expected depth/stencil bit * combination: one of d24/s8, d16/s0, d0/s0. (See intelInitScreen2(), * which constructs the advertised configs.) */ if (mesaVis->depthBits == 24) { assert(mesaVis->stencilBits == 8); if (screen->devinfo.has_hiz_and_separate_stencil) { rb = intel_create_private_renderbuffer(MESA_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_X8_UINT, num_samples); _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH, &rb->Base.Base); rb = intel_create_private_renderbuffer(MESA_FORMAT_S_UINT8, num_samples); _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_STENCIL, &rb->Base.Base); } else { /* * Use combined depth/stencil. Note that the renderbuffer is * attached to two attachment points. */ rb = intel_create_private_renderbuffer(MESA_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT, num_samples); _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH, &rb->Base.Base); _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_STENCIL, &rb->Base.Base); } } else if (mesaVis->depthBits == 16) { assert(mesaVis->stencilBits == 0); rb = intel_create_private_renderbuffer(MESA_FORMAT_Z_UNORM16, num_samples); _mesa_add_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_DEPTH, &rb->Base.Base); } else { assert(mesaVis->depthBits == 0); assert(mesaVis->stencilBits == 0); } /* now add any/all software-based renderbuffers we may need */ _swrast_add_soft_renderbuffers(fb, false, /* never sw color */ false, /* never sw depth */ false, /* never sw stencil */ mesaVis->accumRedBits > 0, false, /* never sw alpha */ false /* never sw aux */ ); driDrawPriv->driverPrivate = fb; return true; } static void intelDestroyBuffer(__DRIdrawable * driDrawPriv) { struct gl_framebuffer *fb = driDrawPriv->driverPrivate; _mesa_reference_framebuffer(&fb, NULL); } static void intel_detect_sseu(struct intel_screen *screen) { assert(screen->devinfo.gen >= 8); int ret; screen->subslice_total = -1; screen->eu_total = -1; ret = intel_get_param(screen, I915_PARAM_SUBSLICE_TOTAL, &screen->subslice_total); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EINVAL) goto err_out; ret = intel_get_param(screen, I915_PARAM_EU_TOTAL, &screen->eu_total); if (ret < 0 && ret != -EINVAL) goto err_out; /* Without this information, we cannot get the right Braswell brandstrings, * and we have to use conservative numbers for GPGPU on many platforms, but * otherwise, things will just work. */ if (screen->subslice_total < 1 || screen->eu_total < 1) _mesa_warning(NULL, "Kernel 4.1 required to properly query GPU properties.\n"); return; err_out: screen->subslice_total = -1; screen->eu_total = -1; _mesa_warning(NULL, "Failed to query GPU properties (%s).\n", strerror(-ret)); } static bool intel_init_bufmgr(struct intel_screen *screen) { __DRIscreen *dri_screen = screen->driScrnPriv; screen->no_hw = getenv("INTEL_NO_HW") != NULL; screen->bufmgr = intel_bufmgr_gem_init(dri_screen->fd, BATCH_SZ); if (screen->bufmgr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%u] Error initializing buffer manager.\n", __func__, __LINE__); return false; } drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_enable_fenced_relocs(screen->bufmgr); if (!intel_get_boolean(screen, I915_PARAM_HAS_RELAXED_DELTA)) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s: %u] Kernel 2.6.39 required.\n", __func__, __LINE__); return false; } return true; } static bool intel_detect_swizzling(struct intel_screen *screen) { drm_intel_bo *buffer; unsigned long flags = 0; unsigned long aligned_pitch; uint32_t tiling = I915_TILING_X; uint32_t swizzle_mode = 0; buffer = drm_intel_bo_alloc_tiled(screen->bufmgr, "swizzle test", 64, 64, 4, &tiling, &aligned_pitch, flags); if (buffer == NULL) return false; drm_intel_bo_get_tiling(buffer, &tiling, &swizzle_mode); drm_intel_bo_unreference(buffer); if (swizzle_mode == I915_BIT_6_SWIZZLE_NONE) return false; else return true; } static int intel_detect_timestamp(struct intel_screen *screen) { uint64_t dummy = 0, last = 0; int upper, lower, loops; /* On 64bit systems, some old kernels trigger a hw bug resulting in the * TIMESTAMP register being shifted and the low 32bits always zero. * * More recent kernels offer an interface to read the full 36bits * everywhere. */ if (drm_intel_reg_read(screen->bufmgr, TIMESTAMP | 1, &dummy) == 0) return 3; /* Determine if we have a 32bit or 64bit kernel by inspecting the * upper 32bits for a rapidly changing timestamp. */ if (drm_intel_reg_read(screen->bufmgr, TIMESTAMP, &last)) return 0; upper = lower = 0; for (loops = 0; loops < 10; loops++) { /* The TIMESTAMP should change every 80ns, so several round trips * through the kernel should be enough to advance it. */ if (drm_intel_reg_read(screen->bufmgr, TIMESTAMP, &dummy)) return 0; upper += (dummy >> 32) != (last >> 32); if (upper > 1) /* beware 32bit counter overflow */ return 2; /* upper dword holds the low 32bits of the timestamp */ lower += (dummy & 0xffffffff) != (last & 0xffffffff); if (lower > 1) return 1; /* timestamp is unshifted */ last = dummy; } /* No advancement? No timestamp! */ return 0; } /** * Test if we can use MI_LOAD_REGISTER_MEM from an untrusted batchbuffer. * * Some combinations of hardware and kernel versions allow this feature, * while others don't. Instead of trying to enumerate every case, just * try and write a register and see if works. */ static bool intel_detect_pipelined_register(struct intel_screen *screen, int reg, uint32_t expected_value, bool reset) { drm_intel_bo *results, *bo; uint32_t *batch; uint32_t offset = 0; bool success = false; /* Create a zero'ed temporary buffer for reading our results */ results = drm_intel_bo_alloc(screen->bufmgr, "registers", 4096, 0); if (results == NULL) goto err; bo = drm_intel_bo_alloc(screen->bufmgr, "batchbuffer", 4096, 0); if (bo == NULL) goto err_results; if (drm_intel_bo_map(bo, 1)) goto err_batch; batch = bo->virtual; /* Write the register. */ *batch++ = MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM | (3 - 2); *batch++ = reg; *batch++ = expected_value; /* Save the register's value back to the buffer. */ *batch++ = MI_STORE_REGISTER_MEM | (3 - 2); *batch++ = reg; drm_intel_bo_emit_reloc(bo, (char *)batch -(char *)bo->virtual, results, offset*sizeof(uint32_t), I915_GEM_DOMAIN_INSTRUCTION, I915_GEM_DOMAIN_INSTRUCTION); *batch++ = results->offset + offset*sizeof(uint32_t); /* And afterwards clear the register */ if (reset) { *batch++ = MI_LOAD_REGISTER_IMM | (3 - 2); *batch++ = reg; *batch++ = 0; } *batch++ = MI_BATCH_BUFFER_END; drm_intel_bo_mrb_exec(bo, ALIGN((char *)batch - (char *)bo->virtual, 8), NULL, 0, 0, I915_EXEC_RENDER); /* Check whether the value got written. */ if (drm_intel_bo_map(results, false) == 0) { success = *((uint32_t *)results->virtual + offset) == expected_value; drm_intel_bo_unmap(results); } err_batch: drm_intel_bo_unreference(bo); err_results: drm_intel_bo_unreference(results); err: return success; } static bool intel_detect_pipelined_so(struct intel_screen *screen) { const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo; /* Supposedly, Broadwell just works. */ if (devinfo->gen >= 8) return true; if (devinfo->gen <= 6) return false; /* See the big explanation about command parser versions below */ if (screen->cmd_parser_version >= (devinfo->is_haswell ? 7 : 2)) return true; /* We use SO_WRITE_OFFSET0 since you're supposed to write it (unlike the * statistics registers), and we already reset it to zero before using it. */ return intel_detect_pipelined_register(screen, GEN7_SO_WRITE_OFFSET(0), 0x1337d0d0, false); } /** * Return array of MSAA modes supported by the hardware. The array is * zero-terminated and sorted in decreasing order. */ const int* intel_supported_msaa_modes(const struct intel_screen *screen) { static const int gen9_modes[] = {16, 8, 4, 2, 0, -1}; static const int gen8_modes[] = {8, 4, 2, 0, -1}; static const int gen7_modes[] = {8, 4, 0, -1}; static const int gen6_modes[] = {4, 0, -1}; static const int gen4_modes[] = {0, -1}; if (screen->devinfo.gen >= 9) { return gen9_modes; } else if (screen->devinfo.gen >= 8) { return gen8_modes; } else if (screen->devinfo.gen >= 7) { return gen7_modes; } else if (screen->devinfo.gen == 6) { return gen6_modes; } else { return gen4_modes; } } static __DRIconfig** intel_screen_make_configs(__DRIscreen *dri_screen) { static const mesa_format formats[] = { MESA_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM, MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM }; /* GLX_SWAP_COPY_OML is not supported due to page flipping. */ static const GLenum back_buffer_modes[] = { GLX_SWAP_UNDEFINED_OML, GLX_NONE, }; static const uint8_t singlesample_samples[1] = {0}; static const uint8_t multisample_samples[2] = {4, 8}; struct intel_screen *screen = dri_screen->driverPrivate; const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &screen->devinfo; uint8_t depth_bits[4], stencil_bits[4]; __DRIconfig **configs = NULL; /* Generate singlesample configs without accumulation buffer. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(formats); i++) { __DRIconfig **new_configs; int num_depth_stencil_bits = 2; /* Starting with DRI2 protocol version 1.1 we can request a depth/stencil * buffer that has a different number of bits per pixel than the color * buffer, gen >= 6 supports this. */ depth_bits[0] = 0; stencil_bits[0] = 0; if (formats[i] == MESA_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM) { depth_bits[1] = 16; stencil_bits[1] = 0; if (devinfo->gen >= 6) { depth_bits[2] = 24; stencil_bits[2] = 8; num_depth_stencil_bits = 3; } } else { depth_bits[1] = 24; stencil_bits[1] = 8; } new_configs = driCreateConfigs(formats[i], depth_bits, stencil_bits, num_depth_stencil_bits, back_buffer_modes, 2, singlesample_samples, 1, false, false); configs = driConcatConfigs(configs, new_configs); } /* Generate the minimum possible set of configs that include an * accumulation buffer. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(formats); i++) { __DRIconfig **new_configs; if (formats[i] == MESA_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM) { depth_bits[0] = 16; stencil_bits[0] = 0; } else { depth_bits[0] = 24; stencil_bits[0] = 8; } new_configs = driCreateConfigs(formats[i], depth_bits, stencil_bits, 1, back_buffer_modes, 1, singlesample_samples, 1, true, false); configs = driConcatConfigs(configs, new_configs); } /* Generate multisample configs. * * This loop breaks early, and hence is a no-op, on gen < 6. * * Multisample configs must follow the singlesample configs in order to * work around an X server bug present in 1.12. The X server chooses to * associate the first listed RGBA888-Z24S8 config, regardless of its * sample count, with the 32-bit depth visual used for compositing. * * Only doublebuffer configs with GLX_SWAP_UNDEFINED_OML behavior are * supported. Singlebuffer configs are not supported because no one wants * them. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(formats); i++) { if (devinfo->gen < 6) break; __DRIconfig **new_configs; const int num_depth_stencil_bits = 2; int num_msaa_modes = 0; depth_bits[0] = 0; stencil_bits[0] = 0; if (formats[i] == MESA_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM) { depth_bits[1] = 16; stencil_bits[1] = 0; } else { depth_bits[1] = 24; stencil_bits[1] = 8; } if (devinfo->gen >= 7) num_msaa_modes = 2; else if (devinfo->gen == 6) num_msaa_modes = 1; new_configs = driCreateConfigs(formats[i], depth_bits, stencil_bits, num_depth_stencil_bits, back_buffer_modes, 1, multisample_samples, num_msaa_modes, false, false); configs = driConcatConfigs(configs, new_configs); } if (configs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%u] Error creating FBConfig!\n", __func__, __LINE__); return NULL; } return configs; } static void set_max_gl_versions(struct intel_screen *screen) { __DRIscreen *dri_screen = screen->driScrnPriv; const bool has_astc = screen->devinfo.gen >= 9; switch (screen->devinfo.gen) { case 9: case 8: dri_screen->max_gl_core_version = 45; dri_screen->max_gl_compat_version = 30; dri_screen->max_gl_es1_version = 11; dri_screen->max_gl_es2_version = has_astc ? 32 : 31; break; case 7: dri_screen->max_gl_core_version = 33; if (screen->devinfo.is_haswell && can_do_pipelined_register_writes(screen)) { dri_screen->max_gl_core_version = 42; if (can_do_compute_dispatch(screen)) dri_screen->max_gl_core_version = 43; if (can_do_mi_math_and_lrr(screen)) dri_screen->max_gl_core_version = 45; } dri_screen->max_gl_compat_version = 30; dri_screen->max_gl_es1_version = 11; dri_screen->max_gl_es2_version = screen->devinfo.is_haswell ? 31 : 30; break; case 6: dri_screen->max_gl_core_version = 33; dri_screen->max_gl_compat_version = 30; dri_screen->max_gl_es1_version = 11; dri_screen->max_gl_es2_version = 30; break; case 5: case 4: dri_screen->max_gl_core_version = 0; dri_screen->max_gl_compat_version = 21; dri_screen->max_gl_es1_version = 11; dri_screen->max_gl_es2_version = 20; break; default: unreachable("unrecognized intel_screen::gen"); } } /** * Return the revision (generally the revid field of the PCI header) of the * graphics device. * * XXX: This function is useful to keep around even if it is not currently in * use. It is necessary for new platforms and revision specific workarounds or * features. Please don't remove it so that we know it at least continues to * build. */ static __attribute__((__unused__)) int brw_get_revision(int fd) { struct drm_i915_getparam gp; int revision; int ret; memset(&gp, 0, sizeof(gp)); gp.param = I915_PARAM_REVISION; gp.value = &revision; ret = drmCommandWriteRead(fd, DRM_I915_GETPARAM, &gp, sizeof(gp)); if (ret) revision = -1; return revision; } /* Drop when RS headers get pulled to libdrm */ #ifndef I915_PARAM_HAS_RESOURCE_STREAMER #define I915_PARAM_HAS_RESOURCE_STREAMER 36 #endif static void shader_debug_log_mesa(void *data, const char *fmt, ...) { struct brw_context *brw = (struct brw_context *)data; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); GLuint msg_id = 0; _mesa_gl_vdebug(&brw->ctx, &msg_id, MESA_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER, MESA_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER, MESA_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION, fmt, args); va_end(args); } static void shader_perf_log_mesa(void *data, const char *fmt, ...) { struct brw_context *brw = (struct brw_context *)data; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_PERF)) { va_list args_copy; va_copy(args_copy, args); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args_copy); va_end(args_copy); } if (brw->perf_debug) { GLuint msg_id = 0; _mesa_gl_vdebug(&brw->ctx, &msg_id, MESA_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER, MESA_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE, MESA_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM, fmt, args); } va_end(args); } /** * This is the driver specific part of the createNewScreen entry point. * Called when using DRI2. * * \return the struct gl_config supported by this driver */ static const __DRIconfig **intelInitScreen2(__DRIscreen *dri_screen) { struct intel_screen *screen; if (dri_screen->image.loader) { } else if (dri_screen->dri2.loader->base.version <= 2 || dri_screen->dri2.loader->getBuffersWithFormat == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR! DRI2 loader with getBuffersWithFormat() " "support required\n"); return false; } /* Allocate the private area */ screen = rzalloc(NULL, struct intel_screen); if (!screen) { fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR! Allocating private area failed\n"); return false; } /* parse information in __driConfigOptions */ driParseOptionInfo(&screen->optionCache, brw_config_options.xml); screen->driScrnPriv = dri_screen; dri_screen->driverPrivate = (void *) screen; if (!intel_init_bufmgr(screen)) return false; screen->deviceID = drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_get_devid(screen->bufmgr); if (!gen_get_device_info(screen->deviceID, &screen->devinfo)) return false; brw_process_intel_debug_variable(); if (INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_BUFMGR) dri_bufmgr_set_debug(screen->bufmgr, true); if ((INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_SHADER_TIME) && screen->devinfo.gen < 7) { fprintf(stderr, "shader_time debugging requires gen7 (Ivybridge) or better.\n"); INTEL_DEBUG &= ~DEBUG_SHADER_TIME; } if (INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_AUB) drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_set_aub_dump(screen->bufmgr, true); #ifndef I915_PARAM_MMAP_GTT_VERSION #define I915_PARAM_MMAP_GTT_VERSION 40 /* XXX delete me with new libdrm */ #endif if (intel_get_integer(screen, I915_PARAM_MMAP_GTT_VERSION) >= 1) { /* Theorectically unlimited! At least for individual objects... * * Currently the entire (global) address space for all GTT maps is * limited to 64bits. That is all objects on the system that are * setup for GTT mmapping must fit within 64bits. An attempt to use * one that exceeds the limit with fail in drm_intel_bo_map_gtt(). * * Long before we hit that limit, we will be practically limited by * that any single object must fit in physical memory (RAM). The upper * limit on the CPU's address space is currently 48bits (Skylake), of * which only 39bits can be physical memory. (The GPU itself also has * a 48bit addressable virtual space.) We can fit over 32 million * objects of the current maximum allocable size before running out * of mmap space. */ screen->max_gtt_map_object_size = UINT64_MAX; } else { /* Estimate the size of the mappable aperture into the GTT. There's an * ioctl to get the whole GTT size, but not one to get the mappable subset. * It turns out it's basically always 256MB, though some ancient hardware * was smaller. */ uint32_t gtt_size = 256 * 1024 * 1024; /* We don't want to map two objects such that a memcpy between them would * just fault one mapping in and then the other over and over forever. So * we would need to divide the GTT size by 2. Additionally, some GTT is * taken up by things like the framebuffer and the ringbuffer and such, so * be more conservative. */ screen->max_gtt_map_object_size = gtt_size / 4; } screen->hw_has_swizzling = intel_detect_swizzling(screen); screen->hw_has_timestamp = intel_detect_timestamp(screen); /* GENs prior to 8 do not support EU/Subslice info */ if (screen->devinfo.gen >= 8) { intel_detect_sseu(screen); } else if (screen->devinfo.gen == 7) { screen->subslice_total = 1 << (screen->devinfo.gt - 1); } /* Gen7-7.5 kernel requirements / command parser saga: * * - pre-v3.16: * Haswell and Baytrail cannot use any privileged batchbuffer features. * * Ivybridge has aliasing PPGTT on by default, which accidentally marks * all batches secure, allowing them to use any feature with no checking. * This is effectively equivalent to a command parser version of * \infinity - everything is possible. * * The command parser does not exist, and querying the version will * return -EINVAL. * * - v3.16: * The kernel enables the command parser by default, for systems with * aliasing PPGTT enabled (Ivybridge and Haswell). However, the * hardware checker is still enabled, so Haswell and Baytrail cannot * do anything. * * Ivybridge goes from "everything is possible" to "only what the * command parser allows" (if the user boots with i915.cmd_parser=0, * then everything is possible again). We can only safely use features * allowed by the supported command parser version. * * Annoyingly, I915_PARAM_CMD_PARSER_VERSION reports the static version * implemented by the kernel, even if it's turned off. So, checking * for version > 0 does not mean that you can write registers. We have * to try it and see. The version does, however, indicate the age of * the kernel. * * Instead of matching the hardware checker's behavior of converting * privileged commands to MI_NOOP, it makes execbuf2 start returning * -EINVAL, making it dangerous to try and use privileged features. * * Effective command parser versions: * - Haswell: 0 (reporting 1, writes don't work) * - Baytrail: 0 (reporting 1, writes don't work) * - Ivybridge: 1 (enabled) or infinite (disabled) * * - v3.17: * Baytrail aliasing PPGTT is enabled, making it like Ivybridge: * effectively version 1 (enabled) or infinite (disabled). * * - v3.19: f1f55cc0556031c8ee3fe99dae7251e78b9b653b * Command parser v2 supports predicate writes. * * - Haswell: 0 (reporting 1, writes don't work) * - Baytrail: 2 (enabled) or infinite (disabled) * - Ivybridge: 2 (enabled) or infinite (disabled) * * So version >= 2 is enough to know that Ivybridge and Baytrail * will work. Haswell still can't do anything. * * - v4.0: Version 3 happened. Largely not relevant. * * - v4.1: 6702cf16e0ba8b0129f5aa1b6609d4e9c70bc13b * L3 config registers are properly saved and restored as part * of the hardware context. We can approximately detect this point * in time by checking if I915_PARAM_REVISION is recognized - it * landed in a later commit, but in the same release cycle. * * - v4.2: 245054a1fe33c06ad233e0d58a27ec7b64db9284 * Command parser finally gains secure batch promotion. On Haswell, * the hardware checker gets disabled, which finally allows it to do * privileged commands. * * I915_PARAM_CMD_PARSER_VERSION reports 3. Effective versions: * - Haswell: 3 (enabled) or 0 (disabled) * - Baytrail: 3 (enabled) or infinite (disabled) * - Ivybridge: 3 (enabled) or infinite (disabled) * * Unfortunately, detecting this point in time is tricky, because * no version bump happened when this important change occurred. * On Haswell, if we can write any register, then the kernel is at * least this new, and we can start trusting the version number. * * - v4.4: 2bbe6bbb0dc94fd4ce287bdac9e1bd184e23057b and * Command parser reaches version 4, allowing access to Haswell * atomic scratch and chicken3 registers. If version >= 4, we know * the kernel is new enough to support privileged features on all * hardware. However, the user might have disabled it...and the * kernel will still report version 4. So we still have to guess * and check. * * - v4.4: 7b9748cb513a6bef4af87b79f0da3ff7e8b56cd8 * Command parser v5 whitelists indirect compute shader dispatch * registers, needed for OpenGL 4.3 and later. * * - v4.8: * Command parser v7 lets us use MI_MATH on Haswell. * * Additionally, the kernel begins reporting version 0 when * the command parser is disabled, allowing us to skip the * guess-and-check step on Haswell. Unfortunately, this also * means that we can no longer use it as an indicator of the * age of the kernel. */ if (intel_get_param(screen, I915_PARAM_CMD_PARSER_VERSION, &screen->cmd_parser_version) < 0) { /* Command parser does not exist - getparam is unrecognized */ screen->cmd_parser_version = 0; } if (!intel_detect_pipelined_so(screen)) { /* We can't do anything, so the effective version is 0. */ screen->cmd_parser_version = 0; } else { screen->kernel_features |= KERNEL_ALLOWS_SOL_OFFSET_WRITES; } if (screen->devinfo.gen >= 8 || screen->cmd_parser_version >= 2) screen->kernel_features |= KERNEL_ALLOWS_PREDICATE_WRITES; /* Haswell requires command parser version 4 in order to have L3 * atomic scratch1 and chicken3 bits */ if (screen->devinfo.is_haswell && screen->cmd_parser_version >= 4) { screen->kernel_features |= KERNEL_ALLOWS_HSW_SCRATCH1_AND_ROW_CHICKEN3; } /* Haswell requires command parser version 6 in order to write to the * MI_MATH GPR registers, and version 7 in order to use * MI_LOAD_REGISTER_REG (which all users of MI_MATH use). */ if (screen->devinfo.gen >= 8 || (screen->devinfo.is_haswell && screen->cmd_parser_version >= 7)) { screen->kernel_features |= KERNEL_ALLOWS_MI_MATH_AND_LRR; } /* Gen7 needs at least command parser version 5 to support compute */ if (screen->devinfo.gen >= 8 || screen->cmd_parser_version >= 5) screen->kernel_features |= KERNEL_ALLOWS_COMPUTE_DISPATCH; const char *force_msaa = getenv("INTEL_FORCE_MSAA"); if (force_msaa) { screen->winsys_msaa_samples_override = intel_quantize_num_samples(screen, atoi(force_msaa)); printf("Forcing winsys sample count to %d\n", screen->winsys_msaa_samples_override); } else { screen->winsys_msaa_samples_override = -1; } set_max_gl_versions(screen); /* Notification of GPU resets requires hardware contexts and a kernel new * enough to support DRM_IOCTL_I915_GET_RESET_STATS. If the ioctl is * supported, calling it with a context of 0 will either generate EPERM or * no error. If the ioctl is not supported, it always generate EINVAL. * Use this to determine whether to advertise the __DRI2_ROBUSTNESS * extension to the loader. * * Don't even try on pre-Gen6, since we don't attempt to use contexts there. */ if (screen->devinfo.gen >= 6) { struct drm_i915_reset_stats stats; memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); const int ret = drmIoctl(dri_screen->fd, DRM_IOCTL_I915_GET_RESET_STATS, &stats); screen->has_context_reset_notification = (ret != -1 || errno != EINVAL); } dri_screen->extensions = !screen->has_context_reset_notification ? screenExtensions : intelRobustScreenExtensions; screen->compiler = brw_compiler_create(screen, &screen->devinfo); screen->compiler->shader_debug_log = shader_debug_log_mesa; screen->compiler->shader_perf_log = shader_perf_log_mesa; screen->program_id = 1; if (screen->devinfo.has_resource_streamer) { screen->has_resource_streamer = intel_get_boolean(screen, I915_PARAM_HAS_RESOURCE_STREAMER); } return (const __DRIconfig**) intel_screen_make_configs(dri_screen); } struct intel_buffer { __DRIbuffer base; drm_intel_bo *bo; }; static __DRIbuffer * intelAllocateBuffer(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, unsigned attachment, unsigned format, int width, int height) { struct intel_buffer *intelBuffer; struct intel_screen *screen = dri_screen->driverPrivate; assert(attachment == __DRI_BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT || attachment == __DRI_BUFFER_BACK_LEFT); intelBuffer = calloc(1, sizeof *intelBuffer); if (intelBuffer == NULL) return NULL; /* The front and back buffers are color buffers, which are X tiled. */ uint32_t tiling = I915_TILING_X; unsigned long pitch; int cpp = format / 8; intelBuffer->bo = drm_intel_bo_alloc_tiled(screen->bufmgr, "intelAllocateBuffer", width, height, cpp, &tiling, &pitch, BO_ALLOC_FOR_RENDER); if (intelBuffer->bo == NULL) { free(intelBuffer); return NULL; } drm_intel_bo_flink(intelBuffer->bo, &intelBuffer->base.name); intelBuffer->base.attachment = attachment; intelBuffer->base.cpp = cpp; intelBuffer->base.pitch = pitch; return &intelBuffer->base; } static void intelReleaseBuffer(__DRIscreen *dri_screen, __DRIbuffer *buffer) { struct intel_buffer *intelBuffer = (struct intel_buffer *) buffer; drm_intel_bo_unreference(intelBuffer->bo); free(intelBuffer); } static const struct __DriverAPIRec brw_driver_api = { .InitScreen = intelInitScreen2, .DestroyScreen = intelDestroyScreen, .CreateContext = brwCreateContext, .DestroyContext = intelDestroyContext, .CreateBuffer = intelCreateBuffer, .DestroyBuffer = intelDestroyBuffer, .MakeCurrent = intelMakeCurrent, .UnbindContext = intelUnbindContext, .AllocateBuffer = intelAllocateBuffer, .ReleaseBuffer = intelReleaseBuffer }; static const struct __DRIDriverVtableExtensionRec brw_vtable = { .base = { __DRI_DRIVER_VTABLE, 1 }, .vtable = &brw_driver_api, }; static const __DRIextension *brw_driver_extensions[] = { &driCoreExtension.base, &driImageDriverExtension.base, &driDRI2Extension.base, &brw_vtable.base, &brw_config_options.base, NULL }; PUBLIC const __DRIextension **__driDriverGetExtensions_i965(void) { globalDriverAPI = &brw_driver_api; return brw_driver_extensions; }