// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef XFA_FXFA_PARSER_CXFA_RECTANGLE_H_ #define XFA_FXFA_PARSER_CXFA_RECTANGLE_H_ #include <memory> #include <vector> #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_box.h" #include "xfa/fxgraphics/cxfa_gepath.h" class CXFA_Rectangle : public CXFA_Box { public: CXFA_Rectangle(CXFA_Document* doc, XFA_PacketType packet); ~CXFA_Rectangle() override; void GetFillPath(const std::vector<CXFA_Stroke*>& strokes, const CFX_RectF& rtWidget, CXFA_GEPath* fillPath); void Draw(const std::vector<CXFA_Stroke*>& strokes, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rtWidget, const CFX_Matrix& matrix); protected: CXFA_Rectangle(CXFA_Document* pDoc, XFA_PacketType ePacket, uint32_t validPackets, XFA_ObjectType oType, XFA_Element eType, const PropertyData* properties, const AttributeData* attributes, const WideStringView& elementName, std::unique_ptr<CJX_Object> js_node); private: void Stroke(const std::vector<CXFA_Stroke*>& strokes, CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rtWidget, const CFX_Matrix& matrix); void StrokeEmbossed(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rt, float fThickness, const CFX_Matrix& matrix); void StrokeLowered(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rt, float fThickness, const CFX_Matrix& matrix); void StrokeRaised(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rt, float fThickness, const CFX_Matrix& matrix); void StrokeEtched(CXFA_Graphics* pGS, CFX_RectF rt, float fThickness, const CFX_Matrix& matrix); void StrokeRect(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphic, const CFX_RectF& rt, float fLineWidth, const CFX_Matrix& matrix, FX_ARGB argbTopLeft, FX_ARGB argbBottomRight); void GetPath(const std::vector<CXFA_Stroke*>& strokes, CFX_RectF rtWidget, CXFA_GEPath& path, int32_t nIndex, bool bStart, bool bCorner); }; #endif // XFA_FXFA_PARSER_CXFA_RECTANGLE_H_