#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This tool translates a collection of BUILD.gn files into a mostly equivalent # Android.bp file for the Android Soong build system. The input to the tool is a # JSON description of the GN build definition generated with the following # command: # # gn desc out --format=json --all-toolchains "//*" > desc.json # # The tool is then given a list of GN labels for which to generate Android.bp # build rules. The dependencies for the GN labels are squashed to the generated # Android.bp target, except for actions which get their own genrule. Some # libraries are also mapped to their Android equivalents -- see |builtin_deps|. import argparse import errno import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys # Default targets to translate to the blueprint file. default_targets = [ '//:libtraced_shared', '//:perfetto_integrationtests', '//:perfetto_trace_protos', '//:perfetto_unittests', '//:perfetto', '//:traced', '//:traced_probes', '//:trace_to_text', ] # Defines a custom init_rc argument to be applied to the corresponding output # blueprint target. target_initrc = { '//:traced': 'perfetto.rc', } target_host_supported = [ '//:perfetto_trace_protos', ] target_host_only = [ '//:trace_to_text', ] # Arguments for the GN output directory. gn_args = 'target_os="android" target_cpu="arm" is_debug=false build_with_android=true' # All module names are prefixed with this string to avoid collisions. module_prefix = 'perfetto_' # Shared libraries which are directly translated to Android system equivalents. library_whitelist = [ 'android', 'binder', 'log', 'services', 'utils', ] # Name of the module which settings such as compiler flags for all other # modules. defaults_module = module_prefix + 'defaults' # Location of the project in the Android source tree. tree_path = 'external/perfetto' # Compiler flags which are passed through to the blueprint. cflag_whitelist = r'^-DPERFETTO.*$' # Compiler defines which are passed through to the blueprint. define_whitelist = r'^GOOGLE_PROTO.*$' # Shared libraries which are not in PDK. library_not_in_pdk = { 'libandroid', 'libservices', } def enable_gmock(module): module.static_libs.append('libgmock') def enable_gtest_prod(module): module.static_libs.append('libgtest_prod') def enable_gtest(module): assert module.type == 'cc_test' def enable_protobuf_full(module): module.shared_libs.append('libprotobuf-cpp-full') def enable_protobuf_lite(module): module.shared_libs.append('libprotobuf-cpp-lite') def enable_protoc_lib(module): module.shared_libs.append('libprotoc') def enable_libunwind(module): # libunwind is disabled on Darwin so we cannot depend on it. pass # Android equivalents for third-party libraries that the upstream project # depends on. builtin_deps = { '//buildtools:gmock': enable_gmock, '//buildtools:gtest': enable_gtest, '//gn:gtest_prod_config': enable_gtest_prod, '//buildtools:gtest_main': enable_gtest, '//buildtools:libunwind': enable_libunwind, '//buildtools:protobuf_full': enable_protobuf_full, '//buildtools:protobuf_lite': enable_protobuf_lite, '//buildtools:protoc_lib': enable_protoc_lib, } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End of configuration. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Error(Exception): pass class ThrowingArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def __init__(self, context): super(ThrowingArgumentParser, self).__init__() self.context = context def error(self, message): raise Error('%s: %s' % (self.context, message)) class Module(object): """A single module (e.g., cc_binary, cc_test) in a blueprint.""" def __init__(self, mod_type, name): self.type = mod_type self.name = name self.srcs = [] self.comment = None self.shared_libs = [] self.static_libs = [] self.tools = [] self.cmd = None self.host_supported = False self.init_rc = [] self.out = [] self.export_include_dirs = [] self.generated_headers = [] self.export_generated_headers = [] self.defaults = [] self.cflags = set() self.local_include_dirs = [] self.user_debug_flag = False def to_string(self, output): if self.comment: output.append('// %s' % self.comment) output.append('%s {' % self.type) self._output_field(output, 'name') self._output_field(output, 'srcs') self._output_field(output, 'shared_libs') self._output_field(output, 'static_libs') self._output_field(output, 'tools') self._output_field(output, 'cmd', sort=False) self._output_field(output, 'host_supported') self._output_field(output, 'init_rc') self._output_field(output, 'out') self._output_field(output, 'export_include_dirs') self._output_field(output, 'generated_headers') self._output_field(output, 'export_generated_headers') self._output_field(output, 'defaults') self._output_field(output, 'cflags') self._output_field(output, 'local_include_dirs') disable_pdk = any(name in library_not_in_pdk for name in self.shared_libs) if self.user_debug_flag or disable_pdk: output.append(' product_variables: {') if disable_pdk: output.append(' pdk: {') output.append(' enabled: false,') output.append(' },') if self.user_debug_flag: output.append(' debuggable: {') output.append(' cflags: ["-DPERFETTO_BUILD_WITH_ANDROID_USERDEBUG"],') output.append(' },') output.append(' },') output.append('}') output.append('') def _output_field(self, output, name, sort=True): value = getattr(self, name) if not value: return if isinstance(value, set): value = sorted(value) if isinstance(value, list): output.append(' %s: [' % name) for item in sorted(value) if sort else value: output.append(' "%s",' % item) output.append(' ],') return if isinstance(value, bool): output.append(' %s: true,' % name) return output.append(' %s: "%s",' % (name, value)) class Blueprint(object): """In-memory representation of an Android.bp file.""" def __init__(self): self.modules = {} def add_module(self, module): """Adds a new module to the blueprint, replacing any existing module with the same name. Args: module: Module instance. """ self.modules[module.name] = module def to_string(self, output): for m in sorted(self.modules.itervalues(), key=lambda m: m.name): m.to_string(output) def label_to_path(label): """Turn a GN output label (e.g., //some_dir/file.cc) into a path.""" assert label.startswith('//') return label[2:] def label_to_module_name(label): """Turn a GN label (e.g., //:perfetto_tests) into a module name.""" module = re.sub(r'^//:?', '', label) module = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', module) if not module.startswith(module_prefix) and label not in default_targets: return module_prefix + module return module def label_without_toolchain(label): """Strips the toolchain from a GN label. Return a GN label (e.g //buildtools:protobuf(//gn/standalone/toolchain: gcc_like_host) without the parenthesised toolchain part. """ return label.split('(')[0] def is_supported_source_file(name): """Returns True if |name| can appear in a 'srcs' list.""" return os.path.splitext(name)[1] in ['.c', '.cc', '.proto'] def is_generated_by_action(desc, label): """Checks if a label is generated by an action. Returns True if a GN output label |label| is an output for any action, i.e., the file is generated dynamically. """ for target in desc.itervalues(): if target['type'] == 'action' and label in target['outputs']: return True return False def apply_module_dependency(blueprint, desc, module, dep_name): """Recursively collect dependencies for a given module. Walk the transitive dependencies for a GN target and apply them to a given module. This effectively flattens the dependency tree so that |module| directly contains all the sources, libraries, etc. in the corresponding GN dependency tree. Args: blueprint: Blueprint instance which is being generated. desc: JSON GN description. module: Module to which dependencies should be added. dep_name: GN target of the dependency. """ # If the dependency refers to a library which we can replace with an Android # equivalent, stop recursing and patch the dependency in. if label_without_toolchain(dep_name) in builtin_deps: builtin_deps[label_without_toolchain(dep_name)](module) return # Similarly some shared libraries are directly mapped to Android # equivalents. target = desc[dep_name] for lib in target.get('libs', []): android_lib = 'lib' + lib if lib in library_whitelist and not android_lib in module.shared_libs: module.shared_libs.append(android_lib) type = target['type'] if type == 'action': create_modules_from_target(blueprint, desc, dep_name) # Depend both on the generated sources and headers -- see # make_genrules_for_action. module.srcs.append(':' + label_to_module_name(dep_name)) module.generated_headers.append( label_to_module_name(dep_name) + '_headers') elif type == 'static_library' and label_to_module_name( dep_name) != module.name: create_modules_from_target(blueprint, desc, dep_name) module.static_libs.append(label_to_module_name(dep_name)) elif type == 'shared_library' and label_to_module_name( dep_name) != module.name: module.shared_libs.append(label_to_module_name(dep_name)) elif type in ['group', 'source_set', 'executable', 'static_library' ] and 'sources' in target: # Ignore source files that are generated by actions since they will be # implicitly added by the genrule dependencies. module.srcs.extend( label_to_path(src) for src in target['sources'] if is_supported_source_file(src) and not is_generated_by_action(desc, src)) module.cflags |= _get_cflags(target) def make_genrules_for_action(blueprint, desc, target_name): """Generate genrules for a GN action. GN actions are used to dynamically generate files during the build. The Soong equivalent is a genrule. This function turns a specific kind of genrule which turns .proto files into source and header files into a pair equivalent genrules. Args: blueprint: Blueprint instance which is being generated. desc: JSON GN description. target_name: GN target for genrule generation. Returns: A (source_genrule, header_genrule) module tuple. """ target = desc[target_name] # We only support genrules which call protoc (with or without a plugin) to # turn .proto files into header and source files. args = target['args'] if not args[0].endswith('/protoc'): raise Error('Unsupported action in target %s: %s' % (target_name, target['args'])) parser = ThrowingArgumentParser('Action in target %s (%s)' % (target_name, ' '.join(target['args']))) parser.add_argument('--proto_path') parser.add_argument('--cpp_out') parser.add_argument('--plugin') parser.add_argument('--plugin_out') parser.add_argument('protos', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) # Depending on whether we are using the default protoc C++ generator or the # protozero plugin, the output dir is passed as: # --cpp_out=gen/xxx or # --plugin_out=:gen/xxx or # --plugin_out=wrapper_namespace=pbzero:gen/xxx gen_dir = args.cpp_out if args.cpp_out else args.plugin_out.split(':')[1] assert gen_dir.startswith('gen/') gen_dir = gen_dir[4:] cpp_out_dir = ('$(genDir)/%s/%s' % (tree_path, gen_dir)).rstrip('/') # TODO(skyostil): Is there a way to avoid hardcoding the tree path here? # TODO(skyostil): Find a way to avoid creating the directory. cmd = [ 'mkdir -p %s &&' % cpp_out_dir, '$(location aprotoc)', '--cpp_out=%s' % cpp_out_dir ] # We create two genrules for each action: one for the protobuf headers and # another for the sources. This is because the module that depends on the # generated files needs to declare two different types of dependencies -- # source files in 'srcs' and headers in 'generated_headers' -- and it's not # valid to generate .h files from a source dependency and vice versa. source_module = Module('genrule', label_to_module_name(target_name)) source_module.srcs.extend(label_to_path(src) for src in target['sources']) source_module.tools = ['aprotoc'] header_module = Module('genrule', label_to_module_name(target_name) + '_headers') header_module.srcs = source_module.srcs[:] header_module.tools = source_module.tools[:] header_module.export_include_dirs = [gen_dir or '.'] # In GN builds the proto path is always relative to the output directory # (out/tmp.xxx). assert args.proto_path.startswith('../../') cmd += [ '--proto_path=%s/%s' % (tree_path, args.proto_path[6:])] namespaces = ['pb'] if args.plugin: _, plugin = os.path.split(args.plugin) # TODO(skyostil): Can we detect this some other way? if plugin == 'ipc_plugin': namespaces.append('ipc') elif plugin == 'protoc_plugin': namespaces = ['pbzero'] for dep in target['deps']: if desc[dep]['type'] != 'executable': continue _, executable = os.path.split(desc[dep]['outputs'][0]) if executable == plugin: cmd += [ '--plugin=protoc-gen-plugin=$(location %s)' % label_to_module_name(dep) ] source_module.tools.append(label_to_module_name(dep)) # Also make sure the module for the tool is generated. create_modules_from_target(blueprint, desc, dep) break else: raise Error('Unrecognized protoc plugin in target %s: %s' % (target_name, args[i])) if args.plugin_out: plugin_args = args.plugin_out.split(':')[0] cmd += ['--plugin_out=%s:%s' % (plugin_args, cpp_out_dir)] cmd += ['$(in)'] source_module.cmd = ' '.join(cmd) header_module.cmd = source_module.cmd header_module.tools = source_module.tools[:] for ns in namespaces: source_module.out += [ '%s/%s' % (tree_path, src.replace('.proto', '.%s.cc' % ns)) for src in source_module.srcs ] header_module.out += [ '%s/%s' % (tree_path, src.replace('.proto', '.%s.h' % ns)) for src in header_module.srcs ] return source_module, header_module def _get_cflags(target): cflags = set(flag for flag in target.get('cflags', []) if re.match(cflag_whitelist, flag)) cflags |= set("-D%s" % define for define in target.get('defines', []) if re.match(define_whitelist, define)) return cflags def create_modules_from_target(blueprint, desc, target_name): """Generate module(s) for a given GN target. Given a GN target name, generate one or more corresponding modules into a blueprint. Args: blueprint: Blueprint instance which is being generated. desc: JSON GN description. target_name: GN target for module generation. """ target = desc[target_name] if target['type'] == 'executable': if 'host' in target['toolchain'] or target_name in target_host_only: module_type = 'cc_binary_host' elif target.get('testonly'): module_type = 'cc_test' else: module_type = 'cc_binary' modules = [Module(module_type, label_to_module_name(target_name))] elif target['type'] == 'action': modules = make_genrules_for_action(blueprint, desc, target_name) elif target['type'] == 'static_library': module = Module('cc_library_static', label_to_module_name(target_name)) module.export_include_dirs = ['include'] modules = [module] elif target['type'] == 'shared_library': modules = [ Module('cc_library_shared', label_to_module_name(target_name)) ] else: raise Error('Unknown target type: %s' % target['type']) for module in modules: module.comment = 'GN target: %s' % target_name if target_name in target_initrc: module.init_rc = [target_initrc[target_name]] if target_name in target_host_supported: module.host_supported = True # Don't try to inject library/source dependencies into genrules because # they are not compiled in the traditional sense. if module.type != 'genrule': module.defaults = [defaults_module] apply_module_dependency(blueprint, desc, module, target_name) for dep in resolve_dependencies(desc, target_name): apply_module_dependency(blueprint, desc, module, dep) # If the module is a static library, export all the generated headers. if module.type == 'cc_library_static': module.export_generated_headers = module.generated_headers blueprint.add_module(module) def resolve_dependencies(desc, target_name): """Return the transitive set of dependent-on targets for a GN target. Args: blueprint: Blueprint instance which is being generated. desc: JSON GN description. Returns: A set of transitive dependencies in the form of GN targets. """ if label_without_toolchain(target_name) in builtin_deps: return set() target = desc[target_name] resolved_deps = set() for dep in target.get('deps', []): resolved_deps.add(dep) # Ignore the transitive dependencies of actions because they are # explicitly converted to genrules. if desc[dep]['type'] == 'action': continue # Dependencies on shared libraries shouldn't propagate any transitive # dependencies but only depend on the shared library target if desc[dep]['type'] == 'shared_library': continue resolved_deps.update(resolve_dependencies(desc, dep)) return resolved_deps def create_blueprint_for_targets(desc, targets): """Generate a blueprint for a list of GN targets.""" blueprint = Blueprint() # Default settings used by all modules. defaults = Module('cc_defaults', defaults_module) defaults.local_include_dirs = ['include'] defaults.cflags = [ '-Wno-error=return-type', '-Wno-sign-compare', '-Wno-sign-promo', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-fvisibility=hidden', '-Oz', ] defaults.user_debug_flag = True blueprint.add_module(defaults) for target in targets: create_modules_from_target(blueprint, desc, target) return blueprint def repo_root(): """Returns an absolute path to the repository root.""" return os.path.join( os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), os.path.pardir) def create_build_description(): """Creates the JSON build description by running GN.""" out = os.path.join(repo_root(), 'out', 'tmp.gen_android_bp') try: try: os.makedirs(out) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise subprocess.check_output( ['gn', 'gen', out, '--args=%s' % gn_args], cwd=repo_root()) desc = subprocess.check_output( ['gn', 'desc', out, '--format=json', '--all-toolchains', '//*'], cwd=repo_root()) return json.loads(desc) finally: shutil.rmtree(out) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate Android.bp from a GN description.') parser.add_argument( '--desc', help= 'GN description (e.g., gn desc out --format=json --all-toolchains "//*"' ) parser.add_argument( '--extras', help='Extra targets to include at the end of the Blueprint file', default=os.path.join(repo_root(), 'Android.bp.extras'), ) parser.add_argument( '--output', help='Blueprint file to create', default=os.path.join(repo_root(), 'Android.bp'), ) parser.add_argument( 'targets', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help='Targets to include in the blueprint (e.g., "//:perfetto_tests")') args = parser.parse_args() if args.desc: with open(args.desc) as f: desc = json.load(f) else: desc = create_build_description() blueprint = create_blueprint_for_targets(desc, args.targets or default_targets) output = [ """// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // This file is automatically generated by %s. Do not edit. """ % (__file__) ] blueprint.to_string(output) with open(args.extras, 'r') as r: for line in r: output.append(line.rstrip("\n\r")) with open(args.output, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(output)) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())