#include <assert.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "regex.h" #include "label_file.h" #include "selinux_internal.h" #ifdef USE_PCRE2 #define REGEX_ARCH_SIZE_T PCRE2_SIZE #else #define REGEX_ARCH_SIZE_T size_t #endif #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER__ /* If the compiler doesn't define __BYTE_ORDER__, try to use the C * library <endian.h> header definitions. */ #include <endian.h> #ifndef __BYTE_ORDER #error Neither __BYTE_ORDER__ nor __BYTE_ORDER defined. Unable to determine endianness. #endif #define __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN __LITTLE_ENDIAN #define __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN __BIG_ENDIAN #define __BYTE_ORDER__ __BYTE_ORDER #endif #ifdef USE_PCRE2 char const *regex_arch_string(void) { static char arch_string_buffer[32]; static char const *arch_string = ""; char const *endianness = NULL; int rc; if (arch_string[0] == '\0') { if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) endianness = "el"; else if (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) endianness = "eb"; if (!endianness) return NULL; rc = snprintf(arch_string_buffer, sizeof(arch_string_buffer), "%zu-%zu-%s", sizeof(void *), sizeof(REGEX_ARCH_SIZE_T), endianness); if (rc < 0) abort(); arch_string = &arch_string_buffer[0]; } return arch_string; } struct regex_data { pcre2_code *regex; /* compiled regular expression */ /* * match data block required for the compiled * pattern in pcre2 */ pcre2_match_data *match_data; pthread_mutex_t match_mutex; }; int regex_prepare_data(struct regex_data **regex, char const *pattern_string, struct regex_error_data *errordata) { memset(errordata, 0, sizeof(struct regex_error_data)); *regex = regex_data_create(); if (!(*regex)) return -1; (*regex)->regex = pcre2_compile( (PCRE2_SPTR)pattern_string, PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED, PCRE2_DOTALL, &errordata->error_code, &errordata->error_offset, NULL); if (!(*regex)->regex) { goto err; } (*regex)->match_data = pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern((*regex)->regex, NULL); if (!(*regex)->match_data) { goto err; } return 0; err: regex_data_free(*regex); *regex = NULL; return -1; } char const *regex_version(void) { static char version_buf[256]; size_t len = pcre2_config(PCRE2_CONFIG_VERSION, NULL); if (len <= 0 || len > sizeof(version_buf)) return NULL; pcre2_config(PCRE2_CONFIG_VERSION, version_buf); return version_buf; } int regex_load_mmap(struct mmap_area *mmap_area, struct regex_data **regex, int do_load_precompregex, bool *regex_compiled) { int rc; uint32_t entry_len; *regex_compiled = false; rc = next_entry(&entry_len, mmap_area, sizeof(uint32_t)); if (rc < 0) return -1; if (entry_len && do_load_precompregex) { /* * this should yield exactly one because we store one pattern at * a time */ rc = pcre2_serialize_get_number_of_codes(mmap_area->next_addr); if (rc != 1) return -1; *regex = regex_data_create(); if (!*regex) return -1; rc = pcre2_serialize_decode(&(*regex)->regex, 1, (PCRE2_SPTR)mmap_area->next_addr, NULL); if (rc != 1) goto err; (*regex)->match_data = pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern((*regex)->regex, NULL); if (!(*regex)->match_data) goto err; *regex_compiled = true; } /* and skip the decoded bit */ rc = next_entry(NULL, mmap_area, entry_len); if (rc < 0) goto err; return 0; err: regex_data_free(*regex); *regex = NULL; return -1; } int regex_writef(struct regex_data *regex, FILE *fp, int do_write_precompregex) { int rc = 0; size_t len; PCRE2_SIZE serialized_size; uint32_t to_write = 0; PCRE2_UCHAR *bytes = NULL; if (do_write_precompregex) { /* encode the patter for serialization */ rc = pcre2_serialize_encode((const pcre2_code **)®ex->regex, 1, &bytes, &serialized_size, NULL); if (rc != 1) { rc = -1; goto out; } to_write = serialized_size; } /* write serialized pattern's size */ len = fwrite(&to_write, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp); if (len != 1) { rc = -1; goto out; } if (do_write_precompregex) { /* write serialized pattern */ len = fwrite(bytes, 1, to_write, fp); if (len != to_write) rc = -1; } out: if (bytes) pcre2_serialize_free(bytes); return rc; } void regex_data_free(struct regex_data *regex) { if (regex) { if (regex->regex) pcre2_code_free(regex->regex); if (regex->match_data) pcre2_match_data_free(regex->match_data); __pthread_mutex_destroy(®ex->match_mutex); free(regex); } } int regex_match(struct regex_data *regex, char const *subject, int partial) { int rc; __pthread_mutex_lock(®ex->match_mutex); rc = pcre2_match( regex->regex, (PCRE2_SPTR)subject, PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED, 0, partial ? PCRE2_PARTIAL_SOFT : 0, regex->match_data, NULL); __pthread_mutex_unlock(®ex->match_mutex); if (rc > 0) return REGEX_MATCH; switch (rc) { case PCRE2_ERROR_PARTIAL: return REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL; case PCRE2_ERROR_NOMATCH: return REGEX_NO_MATCH; default: return REGEX_ERROR; } } /* * TODO Replace this compare function with something that actually compares the * regular expressions. * This compare function basically just compares the binary representations of * the automatons, and because this representation contains pointers and * metadata, it can only return a match if regex1 == regex2. * Preferably, this function would be replaced with an algorithm that computes * the equivalence of the automatons systematically. */ int regex_cmp(struct regex_data *regex1, struct regex_data *regex2) { int rc; size_t len1, len2; rc = pcre2_pattern_info(regex1->regex, PCRE2_INFO_SIZE, &len1); assert(rc == 0); rc = pcre2_pattern_info(regex2->regex, PCRE2_INFO_SIZE, &len2); assert(rc == 0); if (len1 != len2 || memcmp(regex1->regex, regex2->regex, len1)) return SELABEL_INCOMPARABLE; return SELABEL_EQUAL; } struct regex_data *regex_data_create(void) { struct regex_data *regex_data = (struct regex_data *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct regex_data)); __pthread_mutex_init(®ex_data->match_mutex, NULL); return regex_data; } #else // !USE_PCRE2 char const *regex_arch_string(void) { return "N/A"; } /* Prior to version 8.20, libpcre did not have pcre_free_study() */ #if (PCRE_MAJOR < 8 || (PCRE_MAJOR == 8 && PCRE_MINOR < 20)) #define pcre_free_study pcre_free #endif struct regex_data { int owned; /* * non zero if regex and pcre_extra is owned by this * structure and thus must be freed on destruction. */ pcre *regex; /* compiled regular expression */ union { pcre_extra *sd; /* pointer to extra compiled stuff */ pcre_extra lsd; /* used to hold the mmap'd version */ }; }; int regex_prepare_data(struct regex_data **regex, char const *pattern_string, struct regex_error_data *errordata) { memset(errordata, 0, sizeof(struct regex_error_data)); *regex = regex_data_create(); if (!(*regex)) return -1; (*regex)->regex = pcre_compile(pattern_string, PCRE_DOTALL, &errordata->error_buffer, &errordata->error_offset, NULL); if (!(*regex)->regex) goto err; (*regex)->owned = 1; (*regex)->sd = pcre_study((*regex)->regex, 0, &errordata->error_buffer); if (!(*regex)->sd && errordata->error_buffer) goto err; return 0; err: regex_data_free(*regex); *regex = NULL; return -1; } char const *regex_version(void) { return pcre_version(); } int regex_load_mmap(struct mmap_area *mmap_area, struct regex_data **regex, int unused __attribute__((unused)), bool *regex_compiled) { int rc; uint32_t entry_len; size_t info_len; rc = next_entry(&entry_len, mmap_area, sizeof(uint32_t)); if (rc < 0 || !entry_len) return -1; *regex = regex_data_create(); if (!(*regex)) return -1; (*regex)->owned = 0; (*regex)->regex = (pcre *)mmap_area->next_addr; rc = next_entry(NULL, mmap_area, entry_len); if (rc < 0) goto err; /* * Check that regex lengths match. pcre_fullinfo() * also validates its magic number. */ rc = pcre_fullinfo((*regex)->regex, NULL, PCRE_INFO_SIZE, &info_len); if (rc < 0 || info_len != entry_len) goto err; rc = next_entry(&entry_len, mmap_area, sizeof(uint32_t)); if (rc < 0 || !entry_len) goto err; if (entry_len) { (*regex)->lsd.study_data = (void *)mmap_area->next_addr; (*regex)->lsd.flags |= PCRE_EXTRA_STUDY_DATA; rc = next_entry(NULL, mmap_area, entry_len); if (rc < 0) goto err; /* Check that study data lengths match. */ rc = pcre_fullinfo((*regex)->regex, &(*regex)->lsd, PCRE_INFO_STUDYSIZE, &info_len); if (rc < 0 || info_len != entry_len) goto err; } *regex_compiled = true; return 0; err: regex_data_free(*regex); *regex = NULL; return -1; } static inline pcre_extra *get_pcre_extra(struct regex_data *regex) { if (!regex) return NULL; if (regex->owned) { return regex->sd; } else if (regex->lsd.study_data) { return ®ex->lsd; } else { return NULL; } } int regex_writef(struct regex_data *regex, FILE *fp, int unused __attribute__((unused))) { int rc; size_t len; uint32_t to_write; size_t size; pcre_extra *sd = get_pcre_extra(regex); /* determine the size of the pcre data in bytes */ rc = pcre_fullinfo(regex->regex, NULL, PCRE_INFO_SIZE, &size); if (rc < 0) return -1; /* write the number of bytes in the pcre data */ to_write = size; len = fwrite(&to_write, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp); if (len != 1) return -1; /* write the actual pcre data as a char array */ len = fwrite(regex->regex, 1, to_write, fp); if (len != to_write) return -1; if (sd) { /* determine the size of the pcre study info */ rc = pcre_fullinfo(regex->regex, sd, PCRE_INFO_STUDYSIZE, &size); if (rc < 0) return -1; } else size = 0; /* write the number of bytes in the pcre study data */ to_write = size; len = fwrite(&to_write, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp); if (len != 1) return -1; if (sd) { /* write the actual pcre study data as a char array */ len = fwrite(sd->study_data, 1, to_write, fp); if (len != to_write) return -1; } return 0; } void regex_data_free(struct regex_data *regex) { if (regex) { if (regex->owned) { if (regex->regex) pcre_free(regex->regex); if (regex->sd) pcre_free_study(regex->sd); } free(regex); } } int regex_match(struct regex_data *regex, char const *subject, int partial) { int rc; rc = pcre_exec(regex->regex, get_pcre_extra(regex), subject, strlen(subject), 0, partial ? PCRE_PARTIAL_SOFT : 0, NULL, 0); switch (rc) { case 0: return REGEX_MATCH; case PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL: return REGEX_MATCH_PARTIAL; case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH: return REGEX_NO_MATCH; default: return REGEX_ERROR; } } /* * TODO Replace this compare function with something that actually compares the * regular expressions. * This compare function basically just compares the binary representations of * the automatons, and because this representation contains pointers and * metadata, it can only return a match if regex1 == regex2. * Preferably, this function would be replaced with an algorithm that computes * the equivalence of the automatons systematically. */ int regex_cmp(struct regex_data *regex1, struct regex_data *regex2) { int rc; size_t len1, len2; rc = pcre_fullinfo(regex1->regex, NULL, PCRE_INFO_SIZE, &len1); assert(rc == 0); rc = pcre_fullinfo(regex2->regex, NULL, PCRE_INFO_SIZE, &len2); assert(rc == 0); if (len1 != len2 || memcmp(regex1->regex, regex2->regex, len1)) return SELABEL_INCOMPARABLE; return SELABEL_EQUAL; } struct regex_data *regex_data_create(void) { return (struct regex_data *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct regex_data)); } #endif void regex_format_error(struct regex_error_data const *error_data, char *buffer, size_t buf_size) { unsigned the_end_length = buf_size > 4 ? 4 : buf_size; char *ptr = &buffer[buf_size - the_end_length]; int rc = 0; size_t pos = 0; if (!buffer || !buf_size) return; rc = snprintf(buffer, buf_size, "REGEX back-end error: "); if (rc < 0) /* * If snprintf fails it constitutes a logical error that needs * fixing. */ abort(); pos += rc; if (pos >= buf_size) goto truncated; if (error_data->error_offset > 0) { #ifdef USE_PCRE2 rc = snprintf(buffer + pos, buf_size - pos, "At offset %zu: ", error_data->error_offset); #else rc = snprintf(buffer + pos, buf_size - pos, "At offset %d: ", error_data->error_offset); #endif if (rc < 0) abort(); } pos += rc; if (pos >= buf_size) goto truncated; #ifdef USE_PCRE2 rc = pcre2_get_error_message(error_data->error_code, (PCRE2_UCHAR *)(buffer + pos), buf_size - pos); if (rc == PCRE2_ERROR_NOMEMORY) goto truncated; #else rc = snprintf(buffer + pos, buf_size - pos, "%s", error_data->error_buffer); if (rc < 0) abort(); if ((size_t)rc < strlen(error_data->error_buffer)) goto truncated; #endif return; truncated: /* replace end of string with "..." to indicate that it was truncated */ switch (the_end_length) { /* no break statements, fall-through is intended */ case 4: *ptr++ = '.'; /* FALLTHRU */ case 3: *ptr++ = '.'; /* FALLTHRU */ case 2: *ptr++ = '.'; /* FALLTHRU */ case 1: *ptr++ = '\0'; /* FALLTHRU */ default: break; } return; }