/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SampleCode.h" #include "Resources.h" #include "SkAnimTimer.h" #include "SkView.h" #include "SkCanvas.h" #include "SkRSXform.h" #include "SkSurface.h" #include "Timer.h" #include <stdio.h> static const int kGrid = 100; static const int kWidth = 960; static const int kHeight = 640; typedef void (*DrawAtlasProc)(SkCanvas*, SkImage*, const SkRSXform[], const SkRect[], const SkColor[], int, const SkRect*, const SkPaint*); static void draw_atlas(SkCanvas* canvas, SkImage* atlas, const SkRSXform xform[], const SkRect tex[], const SkColor colors[], int count, const SkRect* cull, const SkPaint* paint) { canvas->drawAtlas(atlas, xform, tex, colors, count, SkBlendMode::kModulate, cull, paint); } static void draw_atlas_sim(SkCanvas* canvas, SkImage* atlas, const SkRSXform xform[], const SkRect tex[], const SkColor colors[], int count, const SkRect* cull, const SkPaint* paint) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { SkMatrix matrix; matrix.setRSXform(xform[i]); canvas->save(); canvas->concat(matrix); canvas->drawImageRect(atlas, tex[i], tex[i].makeOffset(-tex[i].x(), -tex[i].y()), paint, SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint); canvas->restore(); } } class DrawShipView : public SampleView { public: DrawShipView(const char name[], DrawAtlasProc proc) : fName(name), fProc(proc) { fAtlas = GetResourceAsImage("images/ship.png"); if (!fAtlas) { SkDebugf("\nCould not decode file ship.png. Falling back to penguin mode.\n"); fAtlas = GetResourceAsImage("images/baby_tux.png"); if (!fAtlas) { SkDebugf("\nCould not decode file baby_tux.png. Did you forget" " to set the resourcePath?\n"); return; } } SkScalar anchorX = fAtlas->width()*0.5f; SkScalar anchorY = fAtlas->height()*0.5f; int currIndex = 0; for (int x = 0; x < kGrid; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < kGrid; y++) { float xPos = (x / (kGrid - 1.0f)) * kWidth; float yPos = (y / (kGrid - 1.0f)) * kWidth; fTex[currIndex] = SkRect::MakeLTRB(0.0f, 0.0f, SkIntToScalar(fAtlas->width()), SkIntToScalar(fAtlas->height())); fXform[currIndex] = SkRSXform::MakeFromRadians(0.1f, SK_ScalarPI*0.5f, xPos, yPos, anchorX, anchorY); currIndex++; } } fTex[currIndex] = SkRect::MakeLTRB(0.0f, 0.0f, SkIntToScalar(fAtlas->width()), SkIntToScalar(fAtlas->height())); fXform[currIndex] = SkRSXform::MakeFromRadians(0.5f, SK_ScalarPI*0.5f, kWidth*0.5f, kHeight*0.5f, anchorX, anchorY); fCurrentTime = 0; fTimer.start(); } ~DrawShipView() override {} protected: // overrides from SkEventSink bool onQuery(SkEvent* evt) override { if (SampleCode::TitleQ(*evt)) { SampleCode::TitleR(evt, fName); return true; } return this->INHERITED::onQuery(evt); } void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { const float kCosDiff = 0.99984769515f; const float kSinDiff = 0.01745240643f; if (!fAtlas) { return; } SkPaint paint; paint.setFilterQuality(kLow_SkFilterQuality); paint.setColor(SK_ColorWHITE); paint.setTextSize(15.0f); fTimer.end(); fTimes[fCurrentTime] = (float)(fTimer.fWall); fCurrentTime = (fCurrentTime + 1) & 0x1f; float meanTime = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { meanTime += fTimes[i]; } meanTime /= 32.f; SkString outString("fps: "); SkScalar fps = 1000.f/meanTime; outString.appendScalar(fps); outString.append(" ms: "); outString.appendScalar(meanTime); fTimer.start(); SkScalar anchorX = fAtlas->width()*0.5f; SkScalar anchorY = fAtlas->height()*0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < kGrid*kGrid+1; ++i) { SkScalar c = fXform[i].fSCos; SkScalar s = fXform[i].fSSin; SkScalar dx = c*anchorX - s*anchorY; SkScalar dy = s*anchorX + c*anchorY; fXform[i].fSCos = kCosDiff*c - kSinDiff*s; fXform[i].fSSin = kSinDiff*c + kCosDiff*s; dx -= fXform[i].fSCos*anchorX - fXform[i].fSSin*anchorY; dy -= fXform[i].fSSin*anchorX + fXform[i].fSCos*anchorY; fXform[i].fTx += dx; fXform[i].fTy += dy; } fProc(canvas, fAtlas.get(), fXform, fTex, nullptr, kGrid*kGrid+1, nullptr, &paint); paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, 200, 24), paint); paint.setColor(SK_ColorWHITE); canvas->drawString(outString, 5, 15, paint); } #if 0 // TODO: switch over to use this for our animation bool onAnimate(const SkAnimTimer& timer) override { SkScalar angle = SkDoubleToScalar(fmod(timer.secs() * 360 / 24, 360)); fAnimatingDrawable->setSweep(angle); return true; } #endif private: const char* fName; DrawAtlasProc fProc; sk_sp<SkImage> fAtlas; SkRSXform fXform[kGrid*kGrid+1]; SkRect fTex[kGrid*kGrid+1]; WallTimer fTimer; float fTimes[32]; int fCurrentTime; typedef SampleView INHERITED; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEF_SAMPLE( return new DrawShipView("DrawShip", draw_atlas); ) DEF_SAMPLE( return new DrawShipView("DrawShipSim", draw_atlas_sim); )