/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #ifndef SKSL_SWITCHSTATEMENT #define SKSL_SWITCHSTATEMENT #include "SkSLStatement.h" #include "SkSLSwitchCase.h" namespace SkSL { /** * A 'switch' statement. */ struct SwitchStatement : public Statement { SwitchStatement(int offset, bool isStatic, std::unique_ptr<Expression> value, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SwitchCase>> cases, const std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> symbols) : INHERITED(offset, kSwitch_Kind) , fIsStatic(isStatic) , fValue(std::move(value)) , fSymbols(std::move(symbols)) , fCases(std::move(cases)) {} String description() const override { String result; if (fIsStatic) { result += "@"; } result += String::printf("switch (%s) {\n", fValue->description().c_str()); for (const auto& c : fCases) { result += c->description(); } result += "}"; return result; } bool fIsStatic; std::unique_ptr<Expression> fValue; // it's important to keep fCases defined after (and thus destroyed before) fSymbols, because // destroying statements can modify reference counts in symbols const std::shared_ptr<SymbolTable> fSymbols; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SwitchCase>> fCases; typedef Statement INHERITED; }; } // namespace #endif