/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkRefCnt.h" #include "SkTypes.h" #include "SkWeakRefCnt.h" #include "Test.h" #include <thread> static void bounce_ref(void* data) { SkRefCnt* ref = static_cast<SkRefCnt*>(data); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { ref->ref(); ref->unref(); } } static void test_refCnt(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { SkRefCnt* ref = new SkRefCnt(); std::thread thing1(bounce_ref, ref); std::thread thing2(bounce_ref, ref); thing1.join(); thing2.join(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, ref->unique()); ref->unref(); } static void bounce_weak_ref(void* data) { SkWeakRefCnt* ref = static_cast<SkWeakRefCnt*>(data); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { if (ref->try_ref()) { ref->unref(); } } } static void bounce_weak_weak_ref(void* data) { SkWeakRefCnt* ref = static_cast<SkWeakRefCnt*>(data); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { ref->weak_ref(); ref->weak_unref(); } } static void test_weakRefCnt(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) { SkWeakRefCnt* ref = new SkWeakRefCnt(); std::thread thing1(bounce_ref, ref); std::thread thing2(bounce_ref, ref); std::thread thing3(bounce_weak_ref, ref); std::thread thing4(bounce_weak_weak_ref, ref); thing1.join(); thing2.join(); thing3.join(); thing4.join(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, ref->unique()); SkDEBUGCODE(REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, ref->getWeakCnt() == 1)); ref->unref(); } DEF_TEST(RefCnt, reporter) { test_refCnt(reporter); test_weakRefCnt(reporter); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int gRefCounter; static int gUnrefCounter; static int gNewCounter; static int gDeleteCounter; #define check(reporter, ref, unref, make, kill) \ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, gRefCounter == ref); \ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, gUnrefCounter == unref); \ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, gNewCounter == make); \ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, gDeleteCounter == kill); class Effect { public: Effect() : fRefCnt(1) { gNewCounter += 1; } virtual ~Effect() {} int fRefCnt; void ref() { gRefCounter += 1; fRefCnt += 1; } void unref() { gUnrefCounter += 1; SkASSERT(fRefCnt > 0); if (0 == --fRefCnt) { gDeleteCounter += 1; delete this; } } int* method() const { return new int; } }; static sk_sp<Effect> Create() { return sk_make_sp<Effect>(); } class Paint { public: sk_sp<Effect> fEffect; const sk_sp<Effect>& get() const { return fEffect; } void set(sk_sp<Effect> value) { fEffect = std::move(value); } }; struct EffectImpl : public Effect { ~EffectImpl() override {} static sk_sp<EffectImpl> Create() { return sk_sp<EffectImpl>(new EffectImpl); } int fValue; }; static sk_sp<Effect> make_effect() { auto foo = EffectImpl::Create(); foo->fValue = 42; return std::move(foo); } static void reset_counters() { gRefCounter = 0; gUnrefCounter = 0; gNewCounter = 0; gDeleteCounter = 0; } DEF_TEST(sk_sp, reporter) { reset_counters(); Paint paint; REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, paint.fEffect.get() == nullptr); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !paint.get()); check(reporter, 0, 0, 0, 0); paint.set(Create()); check(reporter, 0, 0, 1, 0); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, paint.fEffect.get()->fRefCnt == 1); if (paint.get()) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, true); } else { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, false); } if (!paint.get()) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, false); } else { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, true); } paint.set(nullptr); check(reporter, 0, 1, 1, 1); if (paint.get()) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, false); } else { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, true); } if (!paint.get()) { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, true); } else { REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, false); } auto e = Create(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, sizeof(e) == sizeof(void*)); check(reporter, 0, 1, 2, 1); paint.set(e); check(reporter, 1, 1, 2, 1); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, paint.fEffect.get()->fRefCnt == 2); Paint paint2; paint2.set(paint.get()); check(reporter, 2, 1, 2, 1); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, paint.fEffect.get()->fRefCnt == 3); // Test sk_sp::operator-> delete paint.get()->method(); check(reporter, 2, 1, 2, 1); // Test sk_sp::operator* delete (*paint.get()).method(); check(reporter, 2, 1, 2, 1); paint.set(nullptr); e = nullptr; paint2.set(nullptr); check(reporter, 2, 4, 2, 2); reset_counters(); { // Test convertible sk_sp assignment. check(reporter, 0, 0, 0, 0); sk_sp<Effect> foo(nullptr); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !foo); foo = make_effect(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, foo); check(reporter, 0, 0, 1, 0); } check(reporter, 0, 1, 1, 1); // Test passing convertible rvalue into funtion. reset_counters(); paint.set(EffectImpl::Create()); check(reporter, 0, 0, 1, 0); paint.set(nullptr); check(reporter, 0, 1, 1, 1); reset_counters(); auto baz = EffectImpl::Create(); check(reporter, 0, 0, 1, 0); paint.set(std::move(baz)); check(reporter, 0, 0, 1, 0); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !baz); paint.set(nullptr); check(reporter, 0, 1, 1, 1); reset_counters(); { // test comparison operator with convertible type. sk_sp<EffectImpl> bar1 = EffectImpl::Create(); sk_sp<Effect> bar2(bar1); // convertible copy constructor check(reporter, 1, 0, 1, 0); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bar1); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bar2); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bar1 == bar2); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, bar2 == bar1); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !(bar1 != bar2)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, !(bar2 != bar1)); sk_sp<Effect> bar3(nullptr); bar3 = bar1; // convertible copy assignment check(reporter, 2, 0, 1, 0); } check(reporter, 2, 3, 1, 1); // test passing convertible copy into funtion. reset_counters(); baz = EffectImpl::Create(); check(reporter, 0, 0, 1, 0); paint.set(baz); check(reporter, 1, 0, 1, 0); baz = nullptr; check(reporter, 1, 1, 1, 0); paint.set(nullptr); check(reporter, 1, 2, 1, 1); { sk_sp<SkRefCnt> empty; sk_sp<SkRefCnt> notEmpty = sk_make_sp<SkRefCnt>(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, empty == sk_sp<SkRefCnt>()); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, notEmpty != empty); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, empty != notEmpty); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr == empty); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, empty == nullptr); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, empty == empty); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr <= empty); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, empty <= nullptr); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, empty <= empty); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, nullptr >= empty); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, empty >= nullptr); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, empty >= empty); } { sk_sp<SkRefCnt> a = sk_make_sp<SkRefCnt>(); sk_sp<SkRefCnt> b = sk_make_sp<SkRefCnt>(); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a != b); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (a < b) != (b < a)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (b > a) != (a > b)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (a <= b) != (b <= a)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (b >= a) != (a >= b)); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a == a); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a <= a); REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, a >= a); } // http://wg21.cmeerw.net/lwg/issue998 { class foo : public SkRefCnt { public: foo() : bar(this) {} void reset() { bar.reset(); } private: sk_sp<foo> bar; }; // The following should properly delete the object and not cause undefined behavior. // This is an ugly example, but the same issue can arise in more subtle ways. (new foo)->reset(); } // https://crrev.com/0d4ef2583a6f19c3e61be04d36eb1a60b133832c { struct StructB; struct StructA : public SkRefCnt { sk_sp<StructB> b; }; struct StructB : public SkRefCnt { sk_sp<StructA> a; ~StructB() override {} // Some clang versions don't emit this implicitly. }; // Create a reference cycle. StructA* a = new StructA; a->b.reset(new StructB); a->b->a.reset(a); // Break the cycle by calling reset(). This will cause |a| (and hence, |a.b|) // to be deleted before the call to reset() returns. This tests that the // implementation of sk_sp::reset() doesn't access |this| after it // deletes the underlying pointer. This behaviour is consistent with the // definition of unique_ptr::reset in C++11. a->b.reset(); } } namespace { struct FooAbstract : public SkRefCnt { virtual void f() = 0; }; struct FooConcrete : public FooAbstract { void f() override {} }; } static sk_sp<FooAbstract> make_foo() { // can not cast FooConcrete to FooAbstract. // can cast FooConcrete* to FooAbstract*. return sk_make_sp<FooConcrete>(); } DEF_TEST(sk_make_sp, r) { auto x = make_foo(); } // Test that reset() "adopts" ownership from the caller, even if we are given the same ptr twice // DEF_TEST(sk_sp_reset, r) { SkRefCnt* rc = new SkRefCnt; REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rc->unique()); sk_sp<SkRefCnt> sp; sp.reset(rc); // We have transfered our ownership over to sp REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rc->unique()); rc->ref(); // now "rc" is also an owner REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !rc->unique()); sp.reset(rc); // this should transfer our ownership over to sp REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rc->unique()); } DEF_TEST(sk_sp_ref, r) { SkRefCnt* rc = new SkRefCnt; REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rc->unique()); { sk_sp<SkRefCnt> sp = sk_ref_sp(rc); REPORTER_ASSERT(r, !rc->unique()); } REPORTER_ASSERT(r, rc->unique()); rc->unref(); }