// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Definition of the in-memory high-level intermediate representation // of shaders. This is a tree that parser creates. // // Nodes in the tree are defined as a hierarchy of classes derived from // TIntermNode. Each is a node in a tree. There is no preset branching factor; // each node can have it's own type of list of children. // #ifndef __INTERMEDIATE_H #define __INTERMEDIATE_H #include "Common.h" #include "Types.h" #include "ConstantUnion.h" // // Operators used by the high-level (parse tree) representation. // enum TOperator { EOpNull, // if in a node, should only mean a node is still being built EOpSequence, // denotes a list of statements, or parameters, etc. EOpFunctionCall, EOpFunction, // For function definition EOpParameters, // an aggregate listing the parameters to a function EOpDeclaration, EOpInvariantDeclaration, // Specialized declarations for attributing invariance EOpPrototype, // // Unary operators // EOpNegative, EOpLogicalNot, EOpVectorLogicalNot, EOpBitwiseNot, EOpPostIncrement, EOpPostDecrement, EOpPreIncrement, EOpPreDecrement, // // binary operations // EOpAdd, EOpSub, EOpMul, EOpDiv, EOpEqual, EOpNotEqual, EOpVectorEqual, EOpVectorNotEqual, EOpLessThan, EOpGreaterThan, EOpLessThanEqual, EOpGreaterThanEqual, EOpComma, EOpOuterProduct, EOpTranspose, EOpDeterminant, EOpInverse, EOpVectorTimesScalar, EOpVectorTimesMatrix, EOpMatrixTimesVector, EOpMatrixTimesScalar, EOpLogicalOr, EOpLogicalXor, EOpLogicalAnd, EOpIMod, EOpBitShiftLeft, EOpBitShiftRight, EOpBitwiseAnd, EOpBitwiseXor, EOpBitwiseOr, EOpIndexDirect, EOpIndexIndirect, EOpIndexDirectStruct, EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock, EOpVectorSwizzle, // // Built-in functions potentially mapped to operators // EOpRadians, EOpDegrees, EOpSin, EOpCos, EOpTan, EOpAsin, EOpAcos, EOpAtan, EOpSinh, EOpCosh, EOpTanh, EOpAsinh, EOpAcosh, EOpAtanh, EOpPow, EOpExp, EOpLog, EOpExp2, EOpLog2, EOpSqrt, EOpInverseSqrt, EOpAbs, EOpSign, EOpFloor, EOpTrunc, EOpRound, EOpRoundEven, EOpCeil, EOpFract, EOpMod, EOpModf, EOpMin, EOpMax, EOpClamp, EOpMix, EOpStep, EOpSmoothStep, EOpIsNan, EOpIsInf, EOpFloatBitsToInt, EOpFloatBitsToUint, EOpIntBitsToFloat, EOpUintBitsToFloat, EOpPackSnorm2x16, EOpPackUnorm2x16, EOpPackHalf2x16, EOpUnpackSnorm2x16, EOpUnpackUnorm2x16, EOpUnpackHalf2x16, EOpLength, EOpDistance, EOpDot, EOpCross, EOpNormalize, EOpFaceForward, EOpReflect, EOpRefract, EOpDFdx, // Fragment only, OES_standard_derivatives extension EOpDFdy, // Fragment only, OES_standard_derivatives extension EOpFwidth, // Fragment only, OES_standard_derivatives extension EOpMatrixTimesMatrix, EOpAny, EOpAll, // // Branch // EOpKill, // Fragment only EOpReturn, EOpBreak, EOpContinue, // // Constructors // EOpConstructInt, EOpConstructUInt, EOpConstructBool, EOpConstructFloat, EOpConstructVec2, EOpConstructVec3, EOpConstructVec4, EOpConstructBVec2, EOpConstructBVec3, EOpConstructBVec4, EOpConstructIVec2, EOpConstructIVec3, EOpConstructIVec4, EOpConstructUVec2, EOpConstructUVec3, EOpConstructUVec4, EOpConstructMat2, EOpConstructMat2x3, EOpConstructMat2x4, EOpConstructMat3x2, EOpConstructMat3, EOpConstructMat3x4, EOpConstructMat4x2, EOpConstructMat4x3, EOpConstructMat4, EOpConstructStruct, // // moves // EOpAssign, EOpInitialize, EOpAddAssign, EOpSubAssign, EOpMulAssign, EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign, EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign, EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign, EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign, EOpDivAssign, EOpIModAssign, EOpBitShiftLeftAssign, EOpBitShiftRightAssign, EOpBitwiseAndAssign, EOpBitwiseXorAssign, EOpBitwiseOrAssign }; extern TOperator TypeToConstructorOperator(const TType &type); extern const char* getOperatorString(TOperator op); class TIntermTraverser; class TIntermAggregate; class TIntermBinary; class TIntermUnary; class TIntermConstantUnion; class TIntermSelection; class TIntermTyped; class TIntermSymbol; class TIntermLoop; class TIntermBranch; class TInfoSink; class TIntermSwitch; class TIntermCase; // // Base class for the tree nodes // class TIntermNode { public: POOL_ALLOCATOR_NEW_DELETE(); TIntermNode() { // TODO: Move this to TSourceLoc constructor // after getting rid of TPublicType. line.first_file = line.last_file = 0; line.first_line = line.last_line = 0; } const TSourceLoc& getLine() const { return line; } void setLine(const TSourceLoc& l) { line = l; } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*) = 0; virtual TIntermTyped* getAsTyped() { return 0; } virtual TIntermConstantUnion* getAsConstantUnion() { return 0; } virtual TIntermAggregate* getAsAggregate() { return 0; } virtual TIntermBinary* getAsBinaryNode() { return 0; } virtual TIntermUnary* getAsUnaryNode() { return 0; } virtual TIntermSelection* getAsSelectionNode() { return 0; } virtual TIntermSymbol* getAsSymbolNode() { return 0; } virtual TIntermLoop* getAsLoopNode() { return 0; } virtual TIntermBranch* getAsBranchNode() { return 0; } virtual TIntermSwitch *getAsSwitchNode() { return 0; } virtual TIntermCase *getAsCaseNode() { return 0; } virtual ~TIntermNode() { } protected: TSourceLoc line; }; // // This is just to help yacc. // struct TIntermNodePair { TIntermNode* node1; TIntermNode* node2; }; // // Intermediate class for nodes that have a type. // class TIntermTyped : public TIntermNode { public: TIntermTyped(const TType& t) : type(t) { } virtual TIntermTyped* getAsTyped() { return this; } virtual void setType(const TType& t) { type = t; } const TType& getType() const { return type; } TType* getTypePointer() { return &type; } TBasicType getBasicType() const { return type.getBasicType(); } TQualifier getQualifier() const { return type.getQualifier(); } TPrecision getPrecision() const { return type.getPrecision(); } int getNominalSize() const { return type.getNominalSize(); } int getSecondarySize() const { return type.getSecondarySize(); } bool isInterfaceBlock() const { return type.isInterfaceBlock(); } bool isMatrix() const { return type.isMatrix(); } bool isArray() const { return type.isArray(); } bool isVector() const { return type.isVector(); } bool isScalar() const { return type.isScalar(); } bool isScalarInt() const { return type.isScalarInt(); } bool isRegister() const { return type.isRegister(); } // Fits in a 4-element register bool isStruct() const { return type.isStruct(); } const char* getBasicString() const { return type.getBasicString(); } const char* getQualifierString() const { return type.getQualifierString(); } TString getCompleteString() const { return type.getCompleteString(); } int totalRegisterCount() const { return type.totalRegisterCount(); } int blockRegisterCount(bool samplersOnly) const { return samplersOnly ? type.totalSamplerRegisterCount() : type.blockRegisterCount(); } int elementRegisterCount() const { return type.elementRegisterCount(); } int registerSize() const { return type.registerSize(); } int getArraySize() const { return type.getArraySize(); } static TIntermTyped *CreateIndexNode(int index); protected: TType type; }; // // Handle for, do-while, and while loops. // enum TLoopType { ELoopFor, ELoopWhile, ELoopDoWhile }; class TIntermLoop : public TIntermNode { public: TIntermLoop(TLoopType aType, TIntermNode *aInit, TIntermTyped* aCond, TIntermTyped* aExpr, TIntermNode* aBody) : type(aType), init(aInit), cond(aCond), expr(aExpr), body(aBody), unrollFlag(false) { } virtual TIntermLoop* getAsLoopNode() { return this; } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*); TLoopType getType() const { return type; } TIntermNode* getInit() { return init; } TIntermTyped* getCondition() { return cond; } TIntermTyped* getExpression() { return expr; } TIntermNode* getBody() { return body; } void setUnrollFlag(bool flag) { unrollFlag = flag; } bool getUnrollFlag() { return unrollFlag; } protected: TLoopType type; TIntermNode* init; // for-loop initialization TIntermTyped* cond; // loop exit condition TIntermTyped* expr; // for-loop expression TIntermNode* body; // loop body bool unrollFlag; // Whether the loop should be unrolled or not. }; // // Handle break, continue, return, and kill. // class TIntermBranch : public TIntermNode { public: TIntermBranch(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* e) : flowOp(op), expression(e) { } virtual TIntermBranch* getAsBranchNode() { return this; } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*); TOperator getFlowOp() { return flowOp; } TIntermTyped* getExpression() { return expression; } protected: TOperator flowOp; TIntermTyped* expression; // non-zero except for "return exp;" statements }; // // Nodes that correspond to symbols or constants in the source code. // class TIntermSymbol : public TIntermTyped { public: // if symbol is initialized as symbol(sym), the memory comes from the poolallocator of sym. If sym comes from // per process globalpoolallocator, then it causes increased memory usage per compile // it is essential to use "symbol = sym" to assign to symbol TIntermSymbol(int i, const TString& sym, const TType& t) : TIntermTyped(t), id(i) { symbol = sym; } int getId() const { return id; } const TString& getSymbol() const { return symbol; } void setId(int newId) { id = newId; } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*); virtual TIntermSymbol* getAsSymbolNode() { return this; } protected: int id; TString symbol; }; class TIntermConstantUnion : public TIntermTyped { public: TIntermConstantUnion(ConstantUnion *unionPointer, const TType& t) : TIntermTyped(t), unionArrayPointer(unionPointer) { getTypePointer()->setQualifier(EvqConstExpr); } ConstantUnion* getUnionArrayPointer() const { return unionArrayPointer; } int getIConst(int index) const { return unionArrayPointer ? unionArrayPointer[index].getIConst() : 0; } int getUConst(int index) const { return unionArrayPointer ? unionArrayPointer[index].getUConst() : 0; } float getFConst(int index) const { return unionArrayPointer ? unionArrayPointer[index].getFConst() : 0.0f; } bool getBConst(int index) const { return unionArrayPointer ? unionArrayPointer[index].getBConst() : false; } // Previous union pointer freed on pool deallocation. void replaceConstantUnion(ConstantUnion *safeConstantUnion) { unionArrayPointer = safeConstantUnion; } virtual TIntermConstantUnion* getAsConstantUnion() { return this; } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*); TIntermTyped* fold(TOperator, TIntermTyped*, TInfoSink&); protected: ConstantUnion *unionArrayPointer; }; // // Intermediate class for node types that hold operators. // class TIntermOperator : public TIntermTyped { public: TOperator getOp() const { return op; } void setOp(TOperator o) { op = o; } bool modifiesState() const; bool isConstructor() const; protected: TIntermOperator(TOperator o) : TIntermTyped(TType(EbtFloat, EbpUndefined)), op(o) {} TIntermOperator(TOperator o, TType& t) : TIntermTyped(t), op(o) {} TOperator op; }; // // Nodes for all the basic binary math operators. // class TIntermBinary : public TIntermOperator { public: TIntermBinary(TOperator o) : TIntermOperator(o) {} virtual TIntermBinary* getAsBinaryNode() { return this; } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*); void setType(const TType &t) override { type = t; if(left->getQualifier() == EvqConstExpr && right->getQualifier() == EvqConstExpr) { type.setQualifier(EvqConstExpr); } } void setLeft(TIntermTyped* n) { left = n; } void setRight(TIntermTyped* n) { right = n; } TIntermTyped* getLeft() const { return left; } TIntermTyped* getRight() const { return right; } bool promote(TInfoSink&); protected: TIntermTyped* left; TIntermTyped* right; }; // // Nodes for unary math operators. // class TIntermUnary : public TIntermOperator { public: TIntermUnary(TOperator o, TType& t) : TIntermOperator(o, t), operand(0) {} TIntermUnary(TOperator o) : TIntermOperator(o), operand(0) {} void setType(const TType &t) override { type = t; if(operand->getQualifier() == EvqConstExpr) { type.setQualifier(EvqConstExpr); } } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*); virtual TIntermUnary* getAsUnaryNode() { return this; } void setOperand(TIntermTyped* o) { operand = o; } TIntermTyped* getOperand() { return operand; } bool promote(TInfoSink&, const TType *funcReturnType); protected: TIntermTyped* operand; }; typedef TVector<TIntermNode*> TIntermSequence; typedef TVector<int> TQualifierList; // // Nodes that operate on an arbitrary sized set of children. // class TIntermAggregate : public TIntermOperator { public: TIntermAggregate() : TIntermOperator(EOpNull), userDefined(false) { endLine = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; } TIntermAggregate(TOperator o) : TIntermOperator(o), userDefined(false) { endLine = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; } ~TIntermAggregate() { } virtual TIntermAggregate* getAsAggregate() { return this; } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*); TIntermSequence& getSequence() { return sequence; } void setType(const TType &t) override { type = t; if(op != EOpFunctionCall) { for(TIntermNode *node : sequence) { if(!node->getAsTyped() || node->getAsTyped()->getQualifier() != EvqConstExpr) { return; } } type.setQualifier(EvqConstExpr); } } void setName(const TString& n) { name = n; } const TString& getName() const { return name; } void setUserDefined() { userDefined = true; } bool isUserDefined() const { return userDefined; } void setOptimize(bool o) { optimize = o; } bool getOptimize() { return optimize; } void setDebug(bool d) { debug = d; } bool getDebug() { return debug; } void setEndLine(const TSourceLoc& line) { endLine = line; } const TSourceLoc& getEndLine() const { return endLine; } bool isConstantFoldable() { for(TIntermNode *node : sequence) { if(!node->getAsConstantUnion() || !node->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer()) { return false; } } return true; } protected: TIntermAggregate(const TIntermAggregate&); // disallow copy constructor TIntermAggregate& operator=(const TIntermAggregate&); // disallow assignment operator TIntermSequence sequence; TString name; bool userDefined; // used for user defined function names bool optimize; bool debug; TSourceLoc endLine; }; // // For if tests. Simplified since there is no switch statement. // class TIntermSelection : public TIntermTyped { public: TIntermSelection(TIntermTyped* cond, TIntermNode* trueB, TIntermNode* falseB) : TIntermTyped(TType(EbtVoid, EbpUndefined)), condition(cond), trueBlock(trueB), falseBlock(falseB) {} TIntermSelection(TIntermTyped* cond, TIntermNode* trueB, TIntermNode* falseB, const TType& type) : TIntermTyped(type), condition(cond), trueBlock(trueB), falseBlock(falseB) { this->type.setQualifier(EvqTemporary); } virtual void traverse(TIntermTraverser*); bool usesTernaryOperator() const { return getBasicType() != EbtVoid; } TIntermTyped* getCondition() const { return condition; } TIntermNode* getTrueBlock() const { return trueBlock; } TIntermNode* getFalseBlock() const { return falseBlock; } TIntermSelection* getAsSelectionNode() { return this; } protected: TIntermTyped* condition; TIntermNode* trueBlock; TIntermNode* falseBlock; }; // // Switch statement. // class TIntermSwitch : public TIntermNode { public: TIntermSwitch(TIntermTyped *init, TIntermAggregate *statementList) : TIntermNode(), mInit(init), mStatementList(statementList) {} void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it); TIntermSwitch *getAsSwitchNode() { return this; } TIntermTyped *getInit() { return mInit; } TIntermAggregate *getStatementList() { return mStatementList; } void setStatementList(TIntermAggregate *statementList) { mStatementList = statementList; } protected: TIntermTyped *mInit; TIntermAggregate *mStatementList; }; // // Case label. // class TIntermCase : public TIntermNode { public: TIntermCase(TIntermTyped *condition) : TIntermNode(), mCondition(condition) {} void traverse(TIntermTraverser *it); TIntermCase *getAsCaseNode() { return this; } bool hasCondition() const { return mCondition != nullptr; } TIntermTyped *getCondition() const { return mCondition; } protected: TIntermTyped *mCondition; }; enum Visit { PreVisit, InVisit, PostVisit }; // // For traversing the tree. User should derive from this, // put their traversal specific data in it, and then pass // it to a Traverse method. // // When using this, just fill in the methods for nodes you want visited. // Return false from a pre-visit to skip visiting that node's subtree. // class TIntermTraverser { public: POOL_ALLOCATOR_NEW_DELETE(); TIntermTraverser(bool preVisit = true, bool inVisit = false, bool postVisit = false, bool rightToLeft = false) : preVisit(preVisit), inVisit(inVisit), postVisit(postVisit), rightToLeft(rightToLeft), mDepth(0) {} virtual ~TIntermTraverser() {}; virtual void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol*) {} virtual void visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion*) {} virtual bool visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary*) {return true;} virtual bool visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary*) {return true;} virtual bool visitSelection(Visit visit, TIntermSelection*) {return true;} virtual bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate*) {return true;} virtual bool visitLoop(Visit visit, TIntermLoop*) {return true;} virtual bool visitBranch(Visit visit, TIntermBranch*) {return true;} virtual bool visitSwitch(Visit, TIntermSwitch*) { return true; } virtual bool visitCase(Visit, TIntermCase*) { return true; } void incrementDepth(TIntermNode *current) { mDepth++; mPath.push_back(current); } void decrementDepth() { mDepth--; mPath.pop_back(); } TIntermNode *getParentNode() { return mPath.size() == 0 ? nullptr : mPath.back(); } const bool preVisit; const bool inVisit; const bool postVisit; const bool rightToLeft; protected: int mDepth; // All the nodes from root to the current node's parent during traversing. TVector<TIntermNode *> mPath; private: struct ParentBlock { ParentBlock(TIntermAggregate *nodeIn, TIntermSequence::size_type posIn) : node(nodeIn), pos(posIn) {} TIntermAggregate *node; TIntermSequence::size_type pos; }; // All the code blocks from the root to the current node's parent during traversal. std::vector<ParentBlock> mParentBlockStack; }; #endif // __INTERMEDIATE_H