// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef sw_Renderer_hpp #define sw_Renderer_hpp #include "VertexProcessor.hpp" #include "PixelProcessor.hpp" #include "SetupProcessor.hpp" #include "Plane.hpp" #include "Blitter.hpp" #include "Common/MutexLock.hpp" #include "Common/Thread.hpp" #include "Main/Config.hpp" #include <list> namespace sw { class Clipper; class PixelShader; class VertexShader; class SwiftConfig; struct Task; class Resource; class Renderer; struct Constants; enum TranscendentalPrecision { APPROXIMATE, PARTIAL, // 2^-10 ACCURATE, WHQL, // 2^-21 IEEE // 2^-23 }; extern TranscendentalPrecision logPrecision; extern TranscendentalPrecision expPrecision; extern TranscendentalPrecision rcpPrecision; extern TranscendentalPrecision rsqPrecision; extern bool perspectiveCorrection; struct Conventions { bool halfIntegerCoordinates; bool symmetricNormalizedDepth; bool booleanFaceRegister; bool fullPixelPositionRegister; bool leadingVertexFirst; bool secondaryColor; bool colorsDefaultToZero; }; static const Conventions OpenGL = { true, // halfIntegerCoordinates true, // symmetricNormalizedDepth true, // booleanFaceRegister true, // fullPixelPositionRegister false, // leadingVertexFirst false, // secondaryColor true, // colorsDefaultToZero }; static const Conventions Direct3D = { false, // halfIntegerCoordinates false, // symmetricNormalizedDepth false, // booleanFaceRegister false, // fullPixelPositionRegister true, // leadingVertexFirst true, // secondardyColor false, // colorsDefaultToZero }; struct Query { enum Type { FRAGMENTS_PASSED, TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN }; Query(Type type) : building(false), reference(0), data(0), type(type) { } void begin() { building = true; data = 0; } void end() { building = false; } bool building; AtomicInt reference; AtomicInt data; const Type type; }; struct DrawData { const Constants *constants; const void *input[MAX_VERTEX_INPUTS]; unsigned int stride[MAX_VERTEX_INPUTS]; Texture mipmap[TOTAL_IMAGE_UNITS]; const void *indices; struct VS { float4 c[VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS + 1]; // One extra for indices out of range, c[VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS] = {0, 0, 0, 0} byte* u[MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS]; byte* t[MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS]; unsigned int reg[MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS]; // Offset used when reading from registers, in components unsigned int row[MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS]; // Number of rows to read unsigned int col[MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS]; // Number of columns to read unsigned int str[MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS]; // Number of components between each varying in output buffer int4 i[16]; bool b[16]; }; struct PS { word4 cW[8][4]; float4 c[FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS]; byte* u[MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS]; int4 i[16]; bool b[16]; }; union { VS vs; VertexProcessor::FixedFunction ff; }; PS ps; int instanceID; VertexProcessor::PointSprite point; float lineWidth; PixelProcessor::Stencil stencil[2]; // clockwise, counterclockwise PixelProcessor::Stencil stencilCCW; PixelProcessor::Fog fog; PixelProcessor::Factor factor; unsigned int occlusion[16]; // Number of pixels passing depth test #if PERF_PROFILE int64_t cycles[PERF_TIMERS][16]; #endif TextureStage::Uniforms textureStage[8]; float4 Wx16; float4 Hx16; float4 X0x16; float4 Y0x16; float4 XXXX; float4 YYYY; float4 halfPixelX; float4 halfPixelY; float viewportHeight; float slopeDepthBias; float depthRange; float depthNear; Plane clipPlane[6]; unsigned int *colorBuffer[RENDERTARGETS]; int colorPitchB[RENDERTARGETS]; int colorSliceB[RENDERTARGETS]; float *depthBuffer; int depthPitchB; int depthSliceB; unsigned char *stencilBuffer; int stencilPitchB; int stencilSliceB; int scissorX0; int scissorX1; int scissorY0; int scissorY1; float4 a2c0; float4 a2c1; float4 a2c2; float4 a2c3; }; struct DrawCall { DrawCall(); ~DrawCall(); AtomicInt drawType; AtomicInt batchSize; Routine *vertexRoutine; Routine *setupRoutine; Routine *pixelRoutine; VertexProcessor::RoutinePointer vertexPointer; SetupProcessor::RoutinePointer setupPointer; PixelProcessor::RoutinePointer pixelPointer; int (Renderer::*setupPrimitives)(int batch, int count); SetupProcessor::State setupState; Resource *vertexStream[MAX_VERTEX_INPUTS]; Resource *indexBuffer; Surface *renderTarget[RENDERTARGETS]; Surface *depthBuffer; Surface *stencilBuffer; Resource *texture[TOTAL_IMAGE_UNITS]; Resource* pUniformBuffers[MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS]; Resource* vUniformBuffers[MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS]; Resource* transformFeedbackBuffers[MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS]; unsigned int vsDirtyConstF; unsigned int vsDirtyConstI; unsigned int vsDirtyConstB; unsigned int psDirtyConstF; unsigned int psDirtyConstI; unsigned int psDirtyConstB; std::list<Query*> *queries; AtomicInt clipFlags; AtomicInt primitive; // Current primitive to enter pipeline AtomicInt count; // Number of primitives to render AtomicInt references; // Remaining references to this draw call, 0 when done drawing, -1 when resources unlocked and slot is free DrawData *data; }; struct Viewport { float x0; float y0; float width; float height; float minZ; float maxZ; }; class Renderer : public VertexProcessor, public PixelProcessor, public SetupProcessor { struct Task { enum Type { PRIMITIVES, PIXELS, RESUME, SUSPEND }; AtomicInt type; AtomicInt primitiveUnit; AtomicInt pixelCluster; }; struct PrimitiveProgress { void init() { drawCall = 0; firstPrimitive = 0; primitiveCount = 0; visible = 0; references = 0; } AtomicInt drawCall; AtomicInt firstPrimitive; AtomicInt primitiveCount; AtomicInt visible; AtomicInt references; }; struct PixelProgress { void init() { drawCall = 0; processedPrimitives = 0; executing = false; } AtomicInt drawCall; AtomicInt processedPrimitives; AtomicInt executing; }; public: Renderer(Context *context, Conventions conventions, bool exactColorRounding); virtual ~Renderer(); void *operator new(size_t size); void operator delete(void * mem); void draw(DrawType drawType, unsigned int indexOffset, unsigned int count, bool update = true); void clear(void *value, Format format, Surface *dest, const Rect &rect, unsigned int rgbaMask); void blit(Surface *source, const SliceRectF &sRect, Surface *dest, const SliceRect &dRect, bool filter, bool isStencil = false, bool sRGBconversion = true); void blit3D(Surface *source, Surface *dest); void setIndexBuffer(Resource *indexBuffer); void setMultiSampleMask(unsigned int mask); void setTransparencyAntialiasing(TransparencyAntialiasing transparencyAntialiasing); void setTextureResource(unsigned int sampler, Resource *resource); void setTextureLevel(unsigned int sampler, unsigned int face, unsigned int level, Surface *surface, TextureType type); void setTextureFilter(SamplerType type, int sampler, FilterType textureFilter); void setMipmapFilter(SamplerType type, int sampler, MipmapType mipmapFilter); void setGatherEnable(SamplerType type, int sampler, bool enable); void setAddressingModeU(SamplerType type, int sampler, AddressingMode addressingMode); void setAddressingModeV(SamplerType type, int sampler, AddressingMode addressingMode); void setAddressingModeW(SamplerType type, int sampler, AddressingMode addressingMode); void setReadSRGB(SamplerType type, int sampler, bool sRGB); void setMipmapLOD(SamplerType type, int sampler, float bias); void setBorderColor(SamplerType type, int sampler, const Color<float> &borderColor); void setMaxAnisotropy(SamplerType type, int sampler, float maxAnisotropy); void setHighPrecisionFiltering(SamplerType type, int sampler, bool highPrecisionFiltering); void setSwizzleR(SamplerType type, int sampler, SwizzleType swizzleR); void setSwizzleG(SamplerType type, int sampler, SwizzleType swizzleG); void setSwizzleB(SamplerType type, int sampler, SwizzleType swizzleB); void setSwizzleA(SamplerType type, int sampler, SwizzleType swizzleA); void setCompareFunc(SamplerType type, int sampler, CompareFunc compare); void setBaseLevel(SamplerType type, int sampler, int baseLevel); void setMaxLevel(SamplerType type, int sampler, int maxLevel); void setMinLod(SamplerType type, int sampler, float minLod); void setMaxLod(SamplerType type, int sampler, float maxLod); void setPointSpriteEnable(bool pointSpriteEnable); void setPointScaleEnable(bool pointScaleEnable); void setLineWidth(float width); void setDepthBias(float bias); void setSlopeDepthBias(float slopeBias); void setRasterizerDiscard(bool rasterizerDiscard); // Programmable pipelines void setPixelShader(const PixelShader *shader); void setVertexShader(const VertexShader *shader); void setPixelShaderConstantF(unsigned int index, const float value[4], unsigned int count = 1); void setPixelShaderConstantI(unsigned int index, const int value[4], unsigned int count = 1); void setPixelShaderConstantB(unsigned int index, const int *boolean, unsigned int count = 1); void setVertexShaderConstantF(unsigned int index, const float value[4], unsigned int count = 1); void setVertexShaderConstantI(unsigned int index, const int value[4], unsigned int count = 1); void setVertexShaderConstantB(unsigned int index, const int *boolean, unsigned int count = 1); // Viewport & Clipper void setViewport(const Viewport &viewport); void setScissor(const Rect &scissor); void setClipFlags(int flags); void setClipPlane(unsigned int index, const float plane[4]); // Partial transform void setModelMatrix(const Matrix &M, int i = 0); void setViewMatrix(const Matrix &V); void setBaseMatrix(const Matrix &B); void setProjectionMatrix(const Matrix &P); void addQuery(Query *query); void removeQuery(Query *query); void synchronize(); #if PERF_HUD // Performance timers int getThreadCount(); int64_t getVertexTime(int thread); int64_t getSetupTime(int thread); int64_t getPixelTime(int thread); void resetTimers(); #endif static int getClusterCount() { return clusterCount; } private: static void threadFunction(void *parameters); void threadLoop(int threadIndex); void taskLoop(int threadIndex); void findAvailableTasks(); void scheduleTask(int threadIndex); void executeTask(int threadIndex); void finishRendering(Task &pixelTask); void processPrimitiveVertices(int unit, unsigned int start, unsigned int count, unsigned int loop, int thread); int setupSolidTriangles(int batch, int count); int setupWireframeTriangle(int batch, int count); int setupVertexTriangle(int batch, int count); int setupLines(int batch, int count); int setupPoints(int batch, int count); bool setupLine(Primitive &primitive, Triangle &triangle, const DrawCall &draw); bool setupPoint(Primitive &primitive, Triangle &triangle, const DrawCall &draw); bool isReadWriteTexture(int sampler); void updateClipper(); void updateConfiguration(bool initialUpdate = false); void initializeThreads(); void terminateThreads(); void loadConstants(const VertexShader *vertexShader); void loadConstants(const PixelShader *pixelShader); Context *context; Clipper *clipper; Blitter *blitter; Viewport viewport; Rect scissor; int clipFlags; Triangle *triangleBatch[16]; Primitive *primitiveBatch[16]; // User-defined clipping planes Plane userPlane[MAX_CLIP_PLANES]; Plane clipPlane[MAX_CLIP_PLANES]; // Tranformed to clip space bool updateClipPlanes; AtomicInt exitThreads; AtomicInt threadsAwake; Thread *worker[16]; Event *resume[16]; // Events for resuming threads Event *suspend[16]; // Events for suspending threads Event *resumeApp; // Event for resuming the application thread PrimitiveProgress primitiveProgress[16]; PixelProgress pixelProgress[16]; Task task[16]; // Current tasks for threads enum { DRAW_COUNT = 16, // Number of draw calls buffered (must be power of 2) DRAW_COUNT_BITS = DRAW_COUNT - 1, }; DrawCall *drawCall[DRAW_COUNT]; DrawCall *drawList[DRAW_COUNT]; AtomicInt currentDraw; AtomicInt nextDraw; enum { TASK_COUNT = 32, // Size of the task queue (must be power of 2) TASK_COUNT_BITS = TASK_COUNT - 1, }; Task taskQueue[TASK_COUNT]; AtomicInt qHead; AtomicInt qSize; static AtomicInt unitCount; static AtomicInt clusterCount; MutexLock schedulerMutex; #if PERF_HUD int64_t vertexTime[16]; int64_t setupTime[16]; int64_t pixelTime[16]; #endif VertexTask *vertexTask[16]; SwiftConfig *swiftConfig; std::list<Query*> queries; Resource *sync; VertexProcessor::State vertexState; SetupProcessor::State setupState; PixelProcessor::State pixelState; Routine *vertexRoutine; Routine *setupRoutine; Routine *pixelRoutine; }; } #endif // sw_Renderer_hpp