/*--- begin                            host_generic_simd128.c ---*/

   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation

   Copyright (C) 2010-2017 OpenWorks GbR

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301, USA.

   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.

/* Generic helper functions for doing 128-bit SIMD arithmetic in cases
   where the instruction selectors cannot generate code in-line.
   These are purely back-end entities and cannot be seen/referenced
   from IR. */

#include "libvex_basictypes.h"
#include "host_generic_simd128.h"

/* Primitive helpers always take args of the real type (signed vs
   unsigned) but return an unsigned result, so there's no conversion
   weirdness when stuffing results back in the V128 union fields,
   which are all unsigned. */

static inline UInt mul32 ( Int xx, Int yy )
   Long t = ((Long)xx) * ((Long)yy);
   return toUInt(t);

static inline UInt max32S ( Int xx, Int yy )
   return toUInt((xx > yy) ? xx : yy);

static inline UInt min32S ( Int xx, Int yy )
   return toUInt((xx < yy) ? xx : yy);

static inline UInt max32U ( UInt xx, UInt yy )
   return toUInt((xx > yy) ? xx : yy);

static inline UInt min32U ( UInt xx, UInt yy )
   return toUInt((xx < yy) ? xx : yy);

static inline UShort max16U ( UShort xx, UShort yy )
   return toUShort((xx > yy) ? xx : yy);

static inline UShort min16U ( UShort xx, UShort yy )
   return toUShort((xx < yy) ? xx : yy);

static inline UChar max8S ( Char xx, Char yy )
   return toUChar((xx > yy) ? xx : yy);

static inline UChar min8S ( Char xx, Char yy )
   return toUChar((xx < yy) ? xx : yy);

static inline ULong cmpEQ64 ( Long xx, Long yy )
   return (((Long)xx) == ((Long)yy))
             ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL : 0ULL;

static inline ULong cmpGT64S ( Long xx, Long yy )
   return (((Long)xx) > ((Long)yy))
             ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL : 0ULL;

static inline ULong sar64 ( ULong v, UInt n )
   return ((Long)v) >> n;

static inline UChar sar8 ( UChar v, UInt n )
   return toUChar(((Char)v) >> n);

static inline UShort qnarrow32Sto16U ( UInt xx0 )
   Int xx = (Int)xx0;
   if (xx < 0)     xx = 0;
   if (xx > 65535) xx = 65535;
   return (UShort)xx;

static inline UShort narrow32to16 ( UInt xx )
   return (UShort)xx;

static inline UChar narrow16to8 ( UShort xx )
   return (UChar)xx;

     h_generic_calc_Mul32x4 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                              V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w32[0] = mul32(argL->w32[0], argR->w32[0]);
   res->w32[1] = mul32(argL->w32[1], argR->w32[1]);
   res->w32[2] = mul32(argL->w32[2], argR->w32[2]);
   res->w32[3] = mul32(argL->w32[3], argR->w32[3]);

     h_generic_calc_Max32Sx4 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w32[0] = max32S(argL->w32[0], argR->w32[0]);
   res->w32[1] = max32S(argL->w32[1], argR->w32[1]);
   res->w32[2] = max32S(argL->w32[2], argR->w32[2]);
   res->w32[3] = max32S(argL->w32[3], argR->w32[3]);

     h_generic_calc_Min32Sx4 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w32[0] = min32S(argL->w32[0], argR->w32[0]);
   res->w32[1] = min32S(argL->w32[1], argR->w32[1]);
   res->w32[2] = min32S(argL->w32[2], argR->w32[2]);
   res->w32[3] = min32S(argL->w32[3], argR->w32[3]);

     h_generic_calc_Max32Ux4 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w32[0] = max32U(argL->w32[0], argR->w32[0]);
   res->w32[1] = max32U(argL->w32[1], argR->w32[1]);
   res->w32[2] = max32U(argL->w32[2], argR->w32[2]);
   res->w32[3] = max32U(argL->w32[3], argR->w32[3]);

     h_generic_calc_Min32Ux4 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w32[0] = min32U(argL->w32[0], argR->w32[0]);
   res->w32[1] = min32U(argL->w32[1], argR->w32[1]);
   res->w32[2] = min32U(argL->w32[2], argR->w32[2]);
   res->w32[3] = min32U(argL->w32[3], argR->w32[3]);

     h_generic_calc_Max16Ux8 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w16[0] = max16U(argL->w16[0], argR->w16[0]);
   res->w16[1] = max16U(argL->w16[1], argR->w16[1]);
   res->w16[2] = max16U(argL->w16[2], argR->w16[2]);
   res->w16[3] = max16U(argL->w16[3], argR->w16[3]);
   res->w16[4] = max16U(argL->w16[4], argR->w16[4]);
   res->w16[5] = max16U(argL->w16[5], argR->w16[5]);
   res->w16[6] = max16U(argL->w16[6], argR->w16[6]);
   res->w16[7] = max16U(argL->w16[7], argR->w16[7]);

     h_generic_calc_Min16Ux8 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w16[0] = min16U(argL->w16[0], argR->w16[0]);
   res->w16[1] = min16U(argL->w16[1], argR->w16[1]);
   res->w16[2] = min16U(argL->w16[2], argR->w16[2]);
   res->w16[3] = min16U(argL->w16[3], argR->w16[3]);
   res->w16[4] = min16U(argL->w16[4], argR->w16[4]);
   res->w16[5] = min16U(argL->w16[5], argR->w16[5]);
   res->w16[6] = min16U(argL->w16[6], argR->w16[6]);
   res->w16[7] = min16U(argL->w16[7], argR->w16[7]);

     h_generic_calc_Max8Sx16 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w8[ 0] = max8S(argL->w8[ 0], argR->w8[ 0]);
   res->w8[ 1] = max8S(argL->w8[ 1], argR->w8[ 1]);
   res->w8[ 2] = max8S(argL->w8[ 2], argR->w8[ 2]);
   res->w8[ 3] = max8S(argL->w8[ 3], argR->w8[ 3]);
   res->w8[ 4] = max8S(argL->w8[ 4], argR->w8[ 4]);
   res->w8[ 5] = max8S(argL->w8[ 5], argR->w8[ 5]);
   res->w8[ 6] = max8S(argL->w8[ 6], argR->w8[ 6]);
   res->w8[ 7] = max8S(argL->w8[ 7], argR->w8[ 7]);
   res->w8[ 8] = max8S(argL->w8[ 8], argR->w8[ 8]);
   res->w8[ 9] = max8S(argL->w8[ 9], argR->w8[ 9]);
   res->w8[10] = max8S(argL->w8[10], argR->w8[10]);
   res->w8[11] = max8S(argL->w8[11], argR->w8[11]);
   res->w8[12] = max8S(argL->w8[12], argR->w8[12]);
   res->w8[13] = max8S(argL->w8[13], argR->w8[13]);
   res->w8[14] = max8S(argL->w8[14], argR->w8[14]);
   res->w8[15] = max8S(argL->w8[15], argR->w8[15]);

     h_generic_calc_Min8Sx16 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w8[ 0] = min8S(argL->w8[ 0], argR->w8[ 0]);
   res->w8[ 1] = min8S(argL->w8[ 1], argR->w8[ 1]);
   res->w8[ 2] = min8S(argL->w8[ 2], argR->w8[ 2]);
   res->w8[ 3] = min8S(argL->w8[ 3], argR->w8[ 3]);
   res->w8[ 4] = min8S(argL->w8[ 4], argR->w8[ 4]);
   res->w8[ 5] = min8S(argL->w8[ 5], argR->w8[ 5]);
   res->w8[ 6] = min8S(argL->w8[ 6], argR->w8[ 6]);
   res->w8[ 7] = min8S(argL->w8[ 7], argR->w8[ 7]);
   res->w8[ 8] = min8S(argL->w8[ 8], argR->w8[ 8]);
   res->w8[ 9] = min8S(argL->w8[ 9], argR->w8[ 9]);
   res->w8[10] = min8S(argL->w8[10], argR->w8[10]);
   res->w8[11] = min8S(argL->w8[11], argR->w8[11]);
   res->w8[12] = min8S(argL->w8[12], argR->w8[12]);
   res->w8[13] = min8S(argL->w8[13], argR->w8[13]);
   res->w8[14] = min8S(argL->w8[14], argR->w8[14]);
   res->w8[15] = min8S(argL->w8[15], argR->w8[15]);

     h_generic_calc_CmpEQ64x2 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                                V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w64[0] = cmpEQ64(argL->w64[0], argR->w64[0]);
   res->w64[1] = cmpEQ64(argL->w64[1], argR->w64[1]);

     h_generic_calc_CmpGT64Sx2 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                                 V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w64[0] = cmpGT64S(argL->w64[0], argR->w64[0]);
   res->w64[1] = cmpGT64S(argL->w64[1], argR->w64[1]);

/* ------------ Shifting ------------ */
/* Note that because these primops are undefined if the shift amount
   equals or exceeds the lane width, the shift amount is masked so
   that the scalar shifts are always in range.  In fact, given the
   semantics of these primops (Sar64x2, etc) it is an error if in
   fact we are ever given an out-of-range shift amount. 
void /*not-regparm*/
     h_generic_calc_SarN64x2 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, UInt nn)
   /* vassert(nn < 64); */
   nn &= 63;
   res->w64[0] = sar64(argL->w64[0], nn);
   res->w64[1] = sar64(argL->w64[1], nn);

void /*not-regparm*/
     h_generic_calc_SarN8x16 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                              V128* argL, UInt nn)
   /* vassert(nn < 8); */
   nn &= 7;
   res->w8[ 0] = sar8(argL->w8[ 0], nn);
   res->w8[ 1] = sar8(argL->w8[ 1], nn);
   res->w8[ 2] = sar8(argL->w8[ 2], nn);
   res->w8[ 3] = sar8(argL->w8[ 3], nn);
   res->w8[ 4] = sar8(argL->w8[ 4], nn);
   res->w8[ 5] = sar8(argL->w8[ 5], nn);
   res->w8[ 6] = sar8(argL->w8[ 6], nn);
   res->w8[ 7] = sar8(argL->w8[ 7], nn);
   res->w8[ 8] = sar8(argL->w8[ 8], nn);
   res->w8[ 9] = sar8(argL->w8[ 9], nn);
   res->w8[10] = sar8(argL->w8[10], nn);
   res->w8[11] = sar8(argL->w8[11], nn);
   res->w8[12] = sar8(argL->w8[12], nn);
   res->w8[13] = sar8(argL->w8[13], nn);
   res->w8[14] = sar8(argL->w8[14], nn);
   res->w8[15] = sar8(argL->w8[15], nn);

     h_generic_calc_QNarrowBin32Sto16Ux8 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                                           V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w16[0] = qnarrow32Sto16U(argR->w32[0]);
   res->w16[1] = qnarrow32Sto16U(argR->w32[1]);
   res->w16[2] = qnarrow32Sto16U(argR->w32[2]);
   res->w16[3] = qnarrow32Sto16U(argR->w32[3]);
   res->w16[4] = qnarrow32Sto16U(argL->w32[0]);
   res->w16[5] = qnarrow32Sto16U(argL->w32[1]);
   res->w16[6] = qnarrow32Sto16U(argL->w32[2]);
   res->w16[7] = qnarrow32Sto16U(argL->w32[3]);

     h_generic_calc_NarrowBin16to8x16 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                                        V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w8[ 0] = narrow16to8(argR->w16[0]);
   res->w8[ 1] = narrow16to8(argR->w16[1]);
   res->w8[ 2] = narrow16to8(argR->w16[2]);
   res->w8[ 3] = narrow16to8(argR->w16[3]);
   res->w8[ 4] = narrow16to8(argR->w16[4]);
   res->w8[ 5] = narrow16to8(argR->w16[5]);
   res->w8[ 6] = narrow16to8(argR->w16[6]);
   res->w8[ 7] = narrow16to8(argR->w16[7]);
   res->w8[ 8] = narrow16to8(argL->w16[0]);
   res->w8[ 9] = narrow16to8(argL->w16[1]);
   res->w8[10] = narrow16to8(argL->w16[2]);
   res->w8[11] = narrow16to8(argL->w16[3]);
   res->w8[12] = narrow16to8(argL->w16[4]);
   res->w8[13] = narrow16to8(argL->w16[5]);
   res->w8[14] = narrow16to8(argL->w16[6]);
   res->w8[15] = narrow16to8(argL->w16[7]);

     h_generic_calc_NarrowBin32to16x8 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                                        V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w16[0] = narrow32to16(argR->w32[0]);
   res->w16[1] = narrow32to16(argR->w32[1]);
   res->w16[2] = narrow32to16(argR->w32[2]);
   res->w16[3] = narrow32to16(argR->w32[3]);
   res->w16[4] = narrow32to16(argL->w32[0]);
   res->w16[5] = narrow32to16(argL->w32[1]);
   res->w16[6] = narrow32to16(argL->w32[2]);
   res->w16[7] = narrow32to16(argL->w32[3]);

     h_generic_calc_Perm32x4 ( /*OUT*/V128* res,
                               V128* argL, V128* argR )
   res->w32[0] = argL->w32[ argR->w32[0] & 3 ];
   res->w32[1] = argL->w32[ argR->w32[1] & 3 ];
   res->w32[2] = argL->w32[ argR->w32[2] & 3 ];
   res->w32[3] = argL->w32[ argR->w32[3] & 3 ];

UInt /*not-regparm*/
     h_generic_calc_GetMSBs8x16 ( ULong w64hi, ULong w64lo )
   UInt r = 0;
   if (w64hi & (1ULL << (64-1))) r |= (1<<15);
   if (w64hi & (1ULL << (56-1))) r |= (1<<14);
   if (w64hi & (1ULL << (48-1))) r |= (1<<13);
   if (w64hi & (1ULL << (40-1))) r |= (1<<12);
   if (w64hi & (1ULL << (32-1))) r |= (1<<11);
   if (w64hi & (1ULL << (24-1))) r |= (1<<10);
   if (w64hi & (1ULL << (16-1))) r |= (1<<9);
   if (w64hi & (1ULL << ( 8-1))) r |= (1<<8);
   if (w64lo & (1ULL << (64-1))) r |= (1<<7);
   if (w64lo & (1ULL << (56-1))) r |= (1<<6);
   if (w64lo & (1ULL << (48-1))) r |= (1<<5);
   if (w64lo & (1ULL << (40-1))) r |= (1<<4);
   if (w64lo & (1ULL << (32-1))) r |= (1<<3);
   if (w64lo & (1ULL << (24-1))) r |= (1<<2);
   if (w64lo & (1ULL << (16-1))) r |= (1<<1);
   if (w64lo & (1ULL << ( 8-1))) r |= (1<<0);
   return r;

/*--- end                              host_generic_simd128.c ---*/