/*--- Format-neutral storage of and querying of info acquired from ---*/
/*--- ELF/XCOFF stabs/dwarf1/dwarf2/dwarf3 debug info.             ---*/
/*---                                                    storage.c ---*/

   This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation

   Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Julian Seward 

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307, USA.

   The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.

/* This file manages the data structures built by the debuginfo
   system.  These are: the top level SegInfo list.  For each SegInfo,
   there are tables for address-to-symbol mappings,
   address-to-src-file/line mappings, and address-to-CFI-info

#include "pub_core_basics.h"
#include "pub_core_options.h"      /* VG_(clo_verbosity) */
#include "pub_core_debuginfo.h"
#include "pub_core_debuglog.h"
#include "pub_core_libcassert.h"
#include "pub_core_libcbase.h"
#include "pub_core_libcprint.h"
#include "pub_core_xarray.h"
#include "pub_core_oset.h"
#include "pub_core_deduppoolalloc.h"

#include "priv_misc.h"         /* dinfo_zalloc/free/strdup */
#include "priv_image.h"
#include "priv_d3basics.h"     /* ML_(pp_GX) */
#include "priv_tytypes.h"
#include "priv_storage.h"      /* self */

/*--- Misc (printing, errors)                              ---*/

/* Show a non-fatal debug info reading error.  Use VG_(core_panic) for
   fatal errors.  'serious' errors are shown regardless of the
   verbosity setting. */
void ML_(symerr) ( const DebugInfo* di, Bool serious, const HChar* msg )
   /* XML mode hides everything :-( */
   if (VG_(clo_xml))

   if (serious) {

      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "WARNING: Serious error when "
                                "reading debug info\n");
      if (True || VG_(clo_verbosity) < 2) {
         /* Need to show what the file name is, at verbosity levels 2
            or below, since that won't already have been shown */
                      "When reading debug info from %s:\n",
                      (di && di->fsm.filename) ? di->fsm.filename
                                               : "???");
      VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "%s\n", msg);

   } else { /* !serious */

      if (VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 2)
         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "%s\n", msg);


/* Print a symbol. */
void ML_(ppSym) ( Int idx, const DiSym* sym )
   const HChar** sec_names = sym->sec_names;
   if (sec_names)
   VG_(printf)( "%5d:  %c%c%c %#8lx .. %#8lx (%u)      %s%s",
                sym->isText ? 'T' : '-',
                sym->isIFunc ? 'I' : '-',
                sym->isGlobal ? 'G' : '-',
                sym->avmas.main + sym->size - 1, sym->size,
                sym->pri_name, sec_names ? " " : "" );
   if (sec_names) {
      while (*sec_names) {
         VG_(printf)("%s%s", *sec_names, *(sec_names+1) ? " " : "");

/* Print a call-frame-info summary. */
void ML_(ppDiCfSI) ( const XArray* /* of CfiExpr */ exprs,
                     Addr base, UInt len,
                     const DiCfSI_m* si_m )
#  define SHOW_HOW(_how, _off)                   \
      do {                                       \
         if (_how == CFIR_UNKNOWN) {             \
            VG_(printf)("Unknown");              \
         } else                                  \
         if (_how == CFIR_SAME) {                \
            VG_(printf)("Same");                 \
         } else                                  \
         if (_how == CFIR_CFAREL) {              \
            VG_(printf)("cfa+%d", _off);         \
         } else                                  \
         if (_how == CFIR_MEMCFAREL) {           \
            VG_(printf)("*(cfa+%d)", _off);      \
         } else                                  \
         if (_how == CFIR_EXPR) {                \
            VG_(printf)("{");                    \
            ML_(ppCfiExpr)(exprs, _off);         \
            VG_(printf)("}");                    \
         } else {                                \
            vg_assert(0+0);                      \
         }                                       \
      } while (0)

   if (base != 0 || len != 0)
      VG_(printf)("[%#lx .. %#lx]: ", base, base + len - 1);
      VG_(printf)("[]: ");

   switch (si_m->cfa_how) {
      case CFIC_IA_SPREL: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=oldSP+%d", si_m->cfa_off); 
      case CFIC_IA_BPREL: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=oldBP+%d", si_m->cfa_off); 
      case CFIC_ARM_R13REL: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=oldR13+%d", si_m->cfa_off); 
      case CFIC_ARM_R12REL: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=oldR12+%d", si_m->cfa_off); 
      case CFIC_ARM_R11REL: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=oldR11+%d", si_m->cfa_off); 
      case CFIR_SAME:
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=Same");
      case CFIC_ARM_R7REL: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=oldR7+%d", si_m->cfa_off); 
      case CFIC_ARM64_SPREL: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=oldSP+%d", si_m->cfa_off); 
      case CFIC_ARM64_X29REL: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa=oldX29+%d", si_m->cfa_off); 
      case CFIC_EXPR: 
         VG_(printf)("let cfa={"); 
         ML_(ppCfiExpr)(exprs, si_m->cfa_off);

   VG_(printf)(" in RA=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->ra_how, si_m->ra_off);
#  if defined(VGA_x86) || defined(VGA_amd64)
   VG_(printf)(" SP=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->sp_how, si_m->sp_off);
   VG_(printf)(" BP=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->bp_how, si_m->bp_off);
#  elif defined(VGA_arm)
   VG_(printf)(" R14=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->r14_how, si_m->r14_off);
   VG_(printf)(" R13=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->r13_how, si_m->r13_off);
   VG_(printf)(" R12=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->r12_how, si_m->r12_off);
   VG_(printf)(" R11=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->r11_how, si_m->r11_off);
   VG_(printf)(" R7=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->r7_how, si_m->r7_off);
#  elif defined(VGA_ppc32) || defined(VGA_ppc64be) || defined(VGA_ppc64le)
#  elif defined(VGA_s390x) || defined(VGA_mips32) || defined(VGA_mips64)
   VG_(printf)(" SP=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->sp_how, si_m->sp_off);
   VG_(printf)(" FP=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->fp_how, si_m->fp_off);
#  elif defined(VGA_arm64)
   VG_(printf)(" SP=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->sp_how, si_m->sp_off);
   VG_(printf)(" X30=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->x30_how, si_m->x30_off);
   VG_(printf)(" X29=");
   SHOW_HOW(si_m->x29_how, si_m->x29_off);
#  else
#    error "Unknown arch"
#  endif
#  undef SHOW_HOW

/*--- Adding stuff                                         ---*/

/* If not yet in strpool, add a str to the string pool including terminating
   Return the pointer to the string in strpool.
const HChar* ML_(addStr) ( DebugInfo* di, const HChar* str, Int len )
   if (len == -1) {
      len = VG_(strlen)(str);
   } else {
      vg_assert(len >= 0);
   if (UNLIKELY(di->strpool == NULL))
      di->strpool = VG_(newDedupPA)(SEGINFO_STRPOOLSIZE,
   return VG_(allocEltDedupPA) (di->strpool, len+1, str);

UInt ML_(addFnDn) (struct _DebugInfo* di,
                   const HChar* filename, 
                   const HChar* dirname)
   FnDn fndn;
   UInt fndn_ix;

   if (UNLIKELY(di->fndnpool == NULL))
      di->fndnpool = VG_(newDedupPA)(500,
   fndn.filename = ML_(addStr)(di, filename, -1);
   fndn.dirname = dirname ? ML_(addStr)(di, dirname, -1) : NULL;
   fndn_ix = VG_(allocFixedEltDedupPA) (di->fndnpool, sizeof(FnDn), &fndn);
   return fndn_ix;

const HChar* ML_(fndn_ix2filename) (const DebugInfo* di,
                                    UInt fndn_ix)
   FnDn *fndn;
   if (fndn_ix == 0)
      return "???";
   else {
      fndn = VG_(indexEltNumber) (di->fndnpool, fndn_ix);
      return fndn->filename;

const HChar* ML_(fndn_ix2dirname) (const DebugInfo* di,
                                   UInt fndn_ix)
   FnDn *fndn;
   if (fndn_ix == 0)
      return "";
   else {
      fndn = VG_(indexEltNumber) (di->fndnpool, fndn_ix);
      if (fndn->dirname)
         return fndn->dirname;
         return "";

/* Add a string to the string table of a DebugInfo, by copying the
   string from the given DiCursor.  Measures the length of the string
   itself. */
const HChar* ML_(addStrFromCursor)( DebugInfo* di, DiCursor c )
   /* This is a less-than-stellar implementation, but it should
      work. */
   HChar* str = ML_(cur_read_strdup)(c, "di.addStrFromCursor.1");
   const HChar* res = ML_(addStr)(di, str, -1);
   return res;

/* Add a symbol to the symbol table, by copying *sym.  'sym' may only
   have one name, so there's no complexities to do with deep vs
   shallow copying of the sec_name array.  This is checked.
void ML_(addSym) ( struct _DebugInfo* di, DiSym* sym )
   UInt   new_sz, i;
   DiSym* new_tab;

   vg_assert(sym->pri_name != NULL);
   vg_assert(sym->sec_names == NULL);

   /* Ignore zero-sized syms. */
   if (sym->size == 0) return;

   if (di->symtab_used == di->symtab_size) {
      new_sz = 2 * di->symtab_size;
      if (new_sz == 0) new_sz = 500;
      new_tab = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.addSym.1", 
                                   new_sz * sizeof(DiSym) );
      if (di->symtab != NULL) {
         for (i = 0; i < di->symtab_used; i++)
            new_tab[i] = di->symtab[i];
      di->symtab = new_tab;
      di->symtab_size = new_sz;

   di->symtab[di->symtab_used++] = *sym;
   vg_assert(di->symtab_used <= di->symtab_size);

UInt ML_(fndn_ix) (const DebugInfo* di, Word locno)
   UInt fndn_ix;

   switch(di->sizeof_fndn_ix) {
      case 1: fndn_ix = ((UChar*)  di->loctab_fndn_ix)[locno]; break;
      case 2: fndn_ix = ((UShort*) di->loctab_fndn_ix)[locno]; break;
      case 4: fndn_ix = ((UInt*)   di->loctab_fndn_ix)[locno]; break;
      default: vg_assert(0);
   return fndn_ix;

static inline void set_fndn_ix (struct _DebugInfo* di, Word locno, UInt fndn_ix)
   Word i;

   switch(di->sizeof_fndn_ix) {
      case 1: 
         if (LIKELY (fndn_ix <= 255)) {
            ((UChar*) di->loctab_fndn_ix)[locno] = fndn_ix;
            UChar* old = (UChar*) di->loctab_fndn_ix;
            UShort* new = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.sfix.1",
                                             di->loctab_size * 2 );
            for (i = 0; i < di->loctab_used; i++)
               new[i] = old[i];
            di->sizeof_fndn_ix = 2;
            di->loctab_fndn_ix = new;
         // Fallthrough

      case 2:
         if (LIKELY (fndn_ix <= 65535)) {
            ((UShort*) di->loctab_fndn_ix)[locno] = fndn_ix;
            UShort* old = (UShort*) di->loctab_fndn_ix;
            UInt* new = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.sfix.2",
                                           di->loctab_size * 4 );
            for (i = 0; i < di->loctab_used; i++)
               new[i] = old[i];
            di->sizeof_fndn_ix = 4;
            di->loctab_fndn_ix = new;
         // Fallthrough

      case 4:
         ((UInt*) di->loctab_fndn_ix)[locno] = fndn_ix;

      default: vg_assert(0);

// Comment the below line to trace LOCTAB merging/canonicalising
#define TRACE_LOCTAB_CANON(msg,prev_loc,cur_loc)
#define TRACE_LOCTAB_CANON(msg,prev_loc,cur_loc)                        \
   VG_(printf)("%s previous: addr %#lx, size %d, line %d, "             \
               " current: addr %#lx, size %d, line %d.\n",              \
               msg,                                                     \
               (prev_loc)->addr, (prev_loc)->size, (prev_loc)->lineno,  \
               (cur_loc)->addr, (cur_loc)->size, (cur_loc)->lineno);

/* Add a location to the location table. 
static void addLoc ( struct _DebugInfo* di, DiLoc* loc, UInt fndn_ix )
   /* Zero-sized locs should have been ignored earlier */
   vg_assert(loc->size > 0);

   /* Check if the last entry has adjacent range for the same line. */
   if (di->loctab_used > 0) {
      DiLoc *previous = &di->loctab[di->loctab_used - 1];
      if ((previous->lineno == loc->lineno)
          && (previous->addr + previous->size == loc->addr)) {
         if (previous->size + loc->size <= MAX_LOC_SIZE) {
            TRACE_LOCTAB_CANON ("addLoc merging", previous, loc);
            previous->size += loc->size;
         } else {
            TRACE_LOCTAB_CANON ("addLoc merging not done (maxsize)",
                                previous, loc);

   if (di->loctab_used == di->loctab_size) {
      UInt   new_sz;
      DiLoc* new_loctab;
      void*  new_loctab_fndn_ix;

      new_sz = 2 * di->loctab_size;
      if (new_sz == 0) new_sz = 500;
      new_loctab = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.addLoc.1",
                                      new_sz * sizeof(DiLoc) );
      if (di->sizeof_fndn_ix == 0)
         di->sizeof_fndn_ix = 1; // To start with.
      new_loctab_fndn_ix = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.addLoc.2",
                                              new_sz * di->sizeof_fndn_ix );
      if (di->loctab != NULL) {
         VG_(memcpy)(new_loctab, di->loctab,
                     di->loctab_used * sizeof(DiLoc));
         VG_(memcpy)(new_loctab_fndn_ix, di->loctab_fndn_ix,
                     di->loctab_used * di->sizeof_fndn_ix);
      di->loctab = new_loctab;
      di->loctab_fndn_ix = new_loctab_fndn_ix;
      di->loctab_size = new_sz;

   di->loctab[di->loctab_used] = *loc;
   set_fndn_ix (di, di->loctab_used, fndn_ix);
   vg_assert(di->loctab_used <= di->loctab_size);

/* Resize the LocTab (line number table) to save memory, by removing
   (and, potentially, allowing m_mallocfree to unmap) any unused space
   at the end of the table. */
static void shrinkLocTab ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   UWord new_sz = di->loctab_used;
   if (new_sz == di->loctab_size) return;
   vg_assert(new_sz < di->loctab_size);
   ML_(dinfo_shrink_block)( di->loctab, new_sz * sizeof(DiLoc));
   ML_(dinfo_shrink_block)( di->loctab_fndn_ix, new_sz * di->sizeof_fndn_ix);
   di->loctab_size = new_sz;

#define COMPLAIN_ONCE(what, limit, limit_op)                   \
   {                                                           \
   static Bool complained = False;                             \
   if (!complained) {                                          \
      complained = True;                                       \
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg,                                 \
                   "warning: Can't handle " what " with "      \
                   "line number %d " limit_op " than %d\n",    \
                   lineno, limit);                             \
      VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg,                                 \
                   "(Nb: this message is only shown once)\n"); \
   } \

/* Top-level place to call to add a source-location mapping entry.
void ML_(addLineInfo) ( struct _DebugInfo* di,
                        UInt     fndn_ix,
                        Addr     this,
                        Addr     next,
                        Int      lineno,
                        Int      entry /* only needed for debug printing */
   static const Bool debug = False;
   DiLoc loc;
   UWord size = next - this;

   /* Ignore zero-sized locs */
   if (this == next) return;

   if (debug) {
      FnDn *fndn = VG_(indexEltNumber) (di->fndnpool, fndn_ix);
      VG_(printf)( "  src ix %u %s %s line %d %#lx-%#lx\n",
                   fndn->dirname ? fndn->dirname : "(unknown)",
                   fndn->filename, lineno, this, next );

   /* Maximum sanity checking.  Some versions of GNU as do a shabby
    * job with stabs entries; if anything looks suspicious, revert to
    * a size of 1.  This should catch the instruction of interest
    * (since if using asm-level debug info, one instruction will
    * correspond to one line, unlike with C-level debug info where
    * multiple instructions can map to the one line), but avoid
    * catching any other instructions bogusly. */
   if (this > next) {
       if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
                        "warning: line info addresses out of order "
                        "at entry %d: 0x%lx 0x%lx\n", entry, this, next);
       size = 1;

   if (size > MAX_LOC_SIZE) {
       if (0)
                    "warning: line info address range too large "
                    "at entry %d: %lu\n", entry, size);
       size = 1;

   /* At this point, we know that the original value for |size|, viz
      |next - this|, will only still be used in the case where
      |this| <u |next|, so it can't have underflowed.  Considering
      that and the three checks that follow it, the following must
      hold. */
   vg_assert(size >= 1);
   vg_assert(size <= MAX_LOC_SIZE);

   /* Rule out ones which are completely outside the r-x mapped area.
      See "Comment_Regarding_Text_Range_Checks" elsewhere in this file
      for background and rationale. */
   vg_assert(di->fsm.have_rx_map && di->fsm.have_rw_map);
   if (ML_(find_rx_mapping)(di, this, this + size - 1) == NULL) {
       if (0)
                       "warning: ignoring line info entry falling "
                       "outside current DebugInfo: %#lx %#lx %#lx %#lx\n",
                       di->text_avma + di->text_size, 
                       this, this + size - 1);

   if (lineno < 0) {
      COMPLAIN_ONCE("line info entry", 0, "smaller");
   if (lineno > MAX_LINENO) {
      COMPLAIN_ONCE("line info entry", MAX_LINENO, "greater");

   loc.addr      = this;
   loc.size      = (UShort)size;
   loc.lineno    = lineno;

   if (0) VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, 
		       "addLoc: addr %#lx, size %lu, line %d, fndn_ix %u\n",

   addLoc ( di, &loc, fndn_ix );

/* Add an inlined call info to the inlined call table. 
static void addInl ( struct _DebugInfo* di, DiInlLoc* inl )
   UInt   new_sz, i;
   DiInlLoc* new_tab;

   /* empty inl should have been ignored earlier */
   vg_assert(inl->addr_lo < inl->addr_hi);

   if (di->inltab_used == di->inltab_size) {
      new_sz = 2 * di->inltab_size;
      if (new_sz == 0) new_sz = 500;
      new_tab = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.addInl.1",
                                   new_sz * sizeof(DiInlLoc) );
      if (di->inltab != NULL) {
         for (i = 0; i < di->inltab_used; i++)
            new_tab[i] = di->inltab[i];
      di->inltab = new_tab;
      di->inltab_size = new_sz;

   di->inltab[di->inltab_used] = *inl;
   if (inl->addr_hi - inl->addr_lo > di->maxinl_codesz)
      di->maxinl_codesz = inl->addr_hi - inl->addr_lo;
   vg_assert(di->inltab_used <= di->inltab_size);

/* Resize the InlTab (inlined call table) to save memory, by removing
   (and, potentially, allowing m_mallocfree to unmap) any unused space
   at the end of the table. */
static void shrinkInlTab ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   UWord new_sz = di->inltab_used;
   if (new_sz == di->inltab_size) return;
   vg_assert(new_sz < di->inltab_size);
   ML_(dinfo_shrink_block)( di->inltab, new_sz * sizeof(DiInlLoc));
   di->inltab_size = new_sz;

/* Top-level place to call to add a addr-to-inlined fn info. */
void ML_(addInlInfo) ( struct _DebugInfo* di, 
                       Addr addr_lo, Addr addr_hi,
                       const HChar* inlinedfn,
                       UInt fndn_ix,
                       Int lineno, UShort level)
   DiInlLoc inl;

   /* Similar paranoia as in ML_(addLineInfo). Unclear if needed. */
   if (addr_lo >= addr_hi) {
       if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 2) {
                        "warning: inlined info addresses out of order "
                        "at: 0x%lx 0x%lx\n", addr_lo, addr_hi);
       addr_hi = addr_lo + 1;

   if (lineno < 0) {
      COMPLAIN_ONCE ("inlined call info entry", 0, "smaller");
   if (lineno > MAX_LINENO) {
      COMPLAIN_ONCE ("inlined call info entry", MAX_LINENO, "greater");

   // code resulting from inlining of inlinedfn:
   inl.addr_lo   = addr_lo;
   inl.addr_hi   = addr_hi;
   inl.inlinedfn = inlinedfn;
   // caller:
   inl.fndn_ix   = fndn_ix;
   inl.lineno    = lineno;
   inl.level     = level;

   if (0) VG_(message)
              "addInlInfo: fn %s inlined as addr_lo %#lx,addr_hi %#lx,"
              "caller fndn_ix %u %s:%d\n",
              inlinedfn, addr_lo, addr_hi, fndn_ix,
              ML_(fndn_ix2filename) (di, fndn_ix), lineno);

   addInl ( di, &inl );

DiCfSI_m* ML_(get_cfsi_m) (const DebugInfo* di, UInt pos)
   UInt cfsi_m_ix;

   vg_assert(pos >= 0 && pos < di->cfsi_used);
   switch (di->sizeof_cfsi_m_ix) {
      case 1: cfsi_m_ix = ((UChar*)  di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos]; break;
      case 2: cfsi_m_ix = ((UShort*) di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos]; break;
      case 4: cfsi_m_ix = ((UInt*)   di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos]; break;
      default: vg_assert(0);
   if (cfsi_m_ix == 0)
      return NULL; // cfi hole
      return VG_(indexEltNumber) (di->cfsi_m_pool, cfsi_m_ix);

/* Top-level place to call to add a CFI summary record.  The supplied
   DiCfSI_m is copied. */
void ML_(addDiCfSI) ( struct _DebugInfo* di,
                      Addr base, UInt len, DiCfSI_m* cfsi_m )
   static const Bool debug = False;
   UInt    new_sz;
   DiCfSI* new_tab;
   SSizeT  delta;
   DebugInfoMapping* map;
   DebugInfoMapping* map2;

   if (debug) {
      VG_(printf)("adding DiCfSI: ");
      ML_(ppDiCfSI)(di->cfsi_exprs, base, len, cfsi_m);

   /* sanity */
   vg_assert(len > 0);
   /* Issue a warning if LEN is unexpectedly large (exceeds 5 million).
      The implication is you have a single procedure 
      with more than 5 million bytes of code.  Which is pretty
      unlikely.  Either that, or the debuginfo reader is somehow
      broken.  5 million is of course arbitrary; but it's big enough
      to be bigger than the size of any plausible piece of code that
      would fall within a single procedure. But occasionally it does
      happen (c.f. BZ #339542). */
   if (len >= 5000000)
                   "warning: DiCfSI %#lx .. %#lx is huge; length = %u (%s)\n",
                   base, base + len - 1, len, di->soname);

   vg_assert(di->fsm.have_rx_map && di->fsm.have_rw_map);
   /* Find mapping where at least one end of the CFSI falls into. */
   map  = ML_(find_rx_mapping)(di, base, base);
   map2 = ML_(find_rx_mapping)(di, base + len - 1,
                                   base + len - 1);
   if (map == NULL)
      map = map2;
   else if (map2 == NULL)
      map2 = map;

   /* Rule out ones which are completely outside the r-x mapped area
      (or which span across different areas).
      See "Comment_Regarding_Text_Range_Checks" elsewhere in this file
      for background and rationale. */
   if (map == NULL || map != map2) {
      static Int complaints = 10;
      if (VG_(clo_trace_cfi) || complaints > 0) {
         if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1) {
               "warning: DiCfSI %#lx .. %#lx outside mapped rx segments (%s)\n",
               base + len - 1,
         if (VG_(clo_trace_cfi)) 
            ML_(ppDiCfSI)(di->cfsi_exprs, base, len, cfsi_m);

   /* Now we know the range is at least partially inside the r-x
      mapped area.  That implies that at least one of the ends of the
      range falls inside the area.  If necessary, clip it so it is
      completely within the area.  If we don't do this,
      check_CFSI_related_invariants() in debuginfo.c (invariant #2)
      will fail.  See
      priv_storage.h for background. */
   if (base < map->avma) {
      /* Lower end is outside the mapped area.  Hence upper end must
         be inside it. */
      if (0) VG_(printf)("XXX truncate lower\n");
      vg_assert(base + len - 1 >= map->avma);
      delta = (SSizeT)(map->avma - base);
      vg_assert(delta > 0);
      vg_assert(delta < (SSizeT)len);
      base += delta;
      len -= delta;
   if (base + len - 1 > map->avma + map->size - 1) {
      /* Upper end is outside the mapped area.  Hence lower end must be
         inside it. */
      if (0) VG_(printf)("XXX truncate upper\n");
      vg_assert(base <= map->avma + map->size - 1);
      delta = (SSizeT)( (base + len - 1) 
                        - (map->avma + map->size - 1) );
      vg_assert(delta > 0);
      vg_assert(delta < (SSizeT)len);
      len -= delta;

   /* Final checks */

   /* Because: either cfsi was entirely inside the range, in which
      case we asserted that len > 0 at the start, OR it fell partially
      inside the range, in which case we reduced it by some size
      (delta) which is < its original size. */
   vg_assert(len > 0);

   /* Similar logic applies for the next two assertions. */
   vg_assert(base >= map->avma);
   vg_assert(base + len - 1
             <= map->avma + map->size - 1);

   if (di->cfsi_used == di->cfsi_size) {
      new_sz = 2 * di->cfsi_size;
      if (new_sz == 0) new_sz = 20;
      new_tab = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.addDiCfSI.1",
                                   new_sz * sizeof(DiCfSI) );
      if (di->cfsi_rd != NULL) {
         VG_(memcpy)(new_tab, di->cfsi_rd,
                     di->cfsi_used * sizeof(DiCfSI));
      di->cfsi_rd = new_tab;
      di->cfsi_size = new_sz;
      if (di->cfsi_m_pool == NULL)
         di->cfsi_m_pool = VG_(newDedupPA)(1000 * sizeof(DiCfSI_m),

   di->cfsi_rd[di->cfsi_used].base = base;
   di->cfsi_rd[di->cfsi_used].len  = len;
      = VG_(allocFixedEltDedupPA)(di->cfsi_m_pool,
   vg_assert(di->cfsi_used <= di->cfsi_size);

Int ML_(CfiExpr_Undef)( XArray* dst )
   CfiExpr e;
   VG_(memset)( &e, 0, sizeof(e) );
   e.tag = Cex_Undef;
   return (Int)VG_(addToXA)( dst, &e );
Int ML_(CfiExpr_Deref)( XArray* dst, Int ixAddr )
   CfiExpr e;
   VG_(memset)( &e, 0, sizeof(e) );
   e.tag = Cex_Deref;
   e.Cex.Deref.ixAddr = ixAddr;
   return (Int)VG_(addToXA)( dst, &e );
Int ML_(CfiExpr_Const)( XArray* dst, UWord con )
   CfiExpr e;
   VG_(memset)( &e, 0, sizeof(e) );
   e.tag = Cex_Const;
   e.Cex.Const.con = con;
   return (Int)VG_(addToXA)( dst, &e );
Int ML_(CfiExpr_Unop)( XArray* dst, CfiUnop op, Int ix )
   CfiExpr e;
   VG_(memset)( &e, 0, sizeof(e) );
   e.tag = Cex_Unop;
   e.Cex.Unop.op  = op;
   e.Cex.Unop.ix = ix;
   return (Int)VG_(addToXA)( dst, &e );
Int ML_(CfiExpr_Binop)( XArray* dst, CfiBinop op, Int ixL, Int ixR )
   CfiExpr e;
   VG_(memset)( &e, 0, sizeof(e) );
   e.tag = Cex_Binop;
   e.Cex.Binop.op  = op;
   e.Cex.Binop.ixL = ixL;
   e.Cex.Binop.ixR = ixR;
   return (Int)VG_(addToXA)( dst, &e );
Int ML_(CfiExpr_CfiReg)( XArray* dst, CfiReg reg )
   CfiExpr e;
   VG_(memset)( &e, 0, sizeof(e) );
   e.tag = Cex_CfiReg;
   e.Cex.CfiReg.reg = reg;
   return (Int)VG_(addToXA)( dst, &e );
Int ML_(CfiExpr_DwReg)( XArray* dst, Int reg )
   CfiExpr e;
   VG_(memset)( &e, 0, sizeof(e) );
   e.tag = Cex_DwReg;
   e.Cex.DwReg.reg = reg;
   return (Int)VG_(addToXA)( dst, &e );

static void ppCfiUnop ( CfiUnop op ) 
   switch (op) {
      case Cunop_Abs: VG_(printf)("abs"); break;
      case Cunop_Neg: VG_(printf)("-"); break;
      case Cunop_Not: VG_(printf)("~"); break;
      default:        vg_assert(0);

static void ppCfiBinop ( CfiBinop op ) 
   switch (op) {
      case Cbinop_Add: VG_(printf)("+"); break;
      case Cbinop_Sub: VG_(printf)("-"); break;
      case Cbinop_And: VG_(printf)("&"); break;
      case Cbinop_Mul: VG_(printf)("*"); break;
      case Cbinop_Shl: VG_(printf)("<<"); break;
      case Cbinop_Shr: VG_(printf)(">>"); break;
      case Cbinop_Eq:  VG_(printf)("=="); break;
      case Cbinop_Ge:  VG_(printf)(">="); break;
      case Cbinop_Gt:  VG_(printf)(">"); break;
      case Cbinop_Le:  VG_(printf)("<="); break;
      case Cbinop_Lt:  VG_(printf)("<"); break;
      case Cbinop_Ne:  VG_(printf)("!="); break;
      default:         vg_assert(0);

static void ppCfiReg ( CfiReg reg )
   switch (reg) {
      case Creg_INVALID:   VG_(printf)("Creg_INVALID"); break;
      case Creg_IA_SP:     VG_(printf)("xSP"); break;
      case Creg_IA_BP:     VG_(printf)("xBP"); break;
      case Creg_IA_IP:     VG_(printf)("xIP"); break;
      case Creg_ARM_R13:   VG_(printf)("R13"); break;
      case Creg_ARM_R12:   VG_(printf)("R12"); break;
      case Creg_ARM_R15:   VG_(printf)("R15"); break;
      case Creg_ARM_R14:   VG_(printf)("R14"); break;
      case Creg_ARM_R7:    VG_(printf)("R7");  break;
      case Creg_ARM64_X30: VG_(printf)("X30"); break;
      case Creg_MIPS_RA:   VG_(printf)("RA"); break;
      case Creg_S390_IA:   VG_(printf)("IA"); break;
      case Creg_S390_SP:   VG_(printf)("SP"); break;
      case Creg_S390_FP:   VG_(printf)("FP"); break;
      case Creg_S390_LR:   VG_(printf)("LR"); break;
      default: vg_assert(0);

void ML_(ppCfiExpr)( const XArray* src, Int ix )
   /* VG_(indexXA) checks for invalid src/ix values, so we can
      use it indiscriminately. */
   const CfiExpr* e = VG_(indexXA)( src, ix );
   switch (e->tag) {
      case Cex_Undef: 
      case Cex_Deref: 
         ML_(ppCfiExpr)(src, e->Cex.Deref.ixAddr);
      case Cex_Const: 
         VG_(printf)("0x%lx", e->Cex.Const.con); 
      case Cex_Unop: 
         ML_(ppCfiExpr)(src, e->Cex.Unop.ix);
      case Cex_Binop: 
         ML_(ppCfiExpr)(src, e->Cex.Binop.ixL);
         ML_(ppCfiExpr)(src, e->Cex.Binop.ixR);
      case Cex_CfiReg:
      case Cex_DwReg:
         VG_(printf)("dwr%d", e->Cex.DwReg.reg);

Word ML_(cmp_for_DiAddrRange_range) ( const void* keyV,
                                      const void* elemV ) {
   const Addr* key = (const Addr*)keyV;
   const DiAddrRange* elem = (const DiAddrRange*)elemV;
   if (0)
      VG_(printf)("cmp_for_DiAddrRange_range: %#lx vs %#lx\n",
                  *key, elem->aMin);
   if ((*key) < elem->aMin) return -1;
   if ((*key) > elem->aMax) return 1;
   return 0;

void show_scope ( OSet* /* of DiAddrRange */ scope, const HChar* who )
   DiAddrRange* range;
   VG_(printf)("Scope \"%s\" = {\n", who);
   VG_(OSetGen_ResetIter)( scope );
   while (True) {
      range = VG_(OSetGen_Next)( scope );
      if (!range) break;
      VG_(printf)("   %#lx .. %#lx: %ld vars\n", range->aMin, range->aMax,
                  range->vars ? VG_(sizeXA)(range->vars) : 0);

/* Add the variable 'var' to 'scope' for the address range [aMin,aMax]
   (inclusive of aMin and aMax).  Split existing ranges as required if
   aMin or aMax or both don't match existing range boundaries, and add
   'var' to all required ranges.  Take great care to preserve the
   invariant that the ranges in 'scope' cover the entire address range
   exactly once, with no overlaps and no holes. */
static void add_var_to_arange ( 
               /*MOD*/OSet* /* of DiAddrRange */ scope,
               Addr aMin, 
               Addr aMax,
               DiVariable* var
   DiAddrRange *first, *last, *range;
   /* These xx variables are for assertion checking only; they don't
      contribute anything to the actual work of this function. */
   DiAddrRange *xxRangep, *xxFirst, *xxLast;
   UWord       xxIters;

   vg_assert(aMin <= aMax);

   if (0) VG_(printf)("add_var_to_arange: %#lx .. %#lx\n", aMin, aMax);
   if (0) show_scope( scope, "add_var_to_arange(1)" );

   /* See if the lower end of the range (aMin) falls exactly on an
      existing range boundary.  If not, find the range it does fall
      into, and split it (copying the variables in the process), so
      that aMin does exactly fall on a range boundary. */
   first = VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)( scope, &aMin );
   /* It must be present, since the presented OSet must cover
      the entire address range. */
   vg_assert(first->aMin <= first->aMax);
   vg_assert(first->aMin <= aMin && aMin <= first->aMax);

   /* Fast track common case, which is that the range specified for
      the variable exactly coincides with one already-existing
      range. */
   if (first->aMin == aMin && first->aMax == aMax) {
      VG_(addToXA)( first->vars, var );

   /* We have to get into splitting ranges, which is complex
      and slow. */
   if (first->aMin < aMin) {
      DiAddrRange* nyu;
      /* Ok.  We'll have to split 'first'. */
      /* truncate the upper end of 'first' */
      Addr tmp = first->aMax;
      first->aMax = aMin-1;
      vg_assert(first->aMin <= first->aMax);
      /* create a new range */
      nyu = VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode)( scope, sizeof(DiAddrRange) );
      nyu->aMin = aMin;
      nyu->aMax = tmp;
      vg_assert(nyu->aMin <= nyu->aMax);
      /* copy vars into it */
      nyu->vars = VG_(cloneXA)( "di.storage.avta.1", first->vars );
      VG_(OSetGen_Insert)( scope, nyu );
      first = nyu;

   vg_assert(first->aMin == aMin);

   /* Now do exactly the same for the upper end (aMax): if it doesn't
      fall on a boundary, cause it to do so by splitting the range it
      does currently fall into. */
   last = VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)( scope, &aMax );
   vg_assert(last->aMin <= last->aMax);
   vg_assert(last->aMin <= aMax && aMax <= last->aMax);

   if (aMax < last->aMax) {
      DiAddrRange* nyu;
      /* We have to split 'last'. */
      /* truncate the lower end of 'last' */
      Addr tmp = last->aMin;
      last->aMin = aMax+1;
      vg_assert(last->aMin <= last->aMax);
      /* create a new range */
      nyu = VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode)( scope, sizeof(DiAddrRange) );
      nyu->aMin = tmp;
      nyu->aMax = aMax;
      vg_assert(nyu->aMin <= nyu->aMax);
      /* copy vars into it */
      nyu->vars = VG_(cloneXA)( "di.storage.avta.2", last->vars );
      VG_(OSetGen_Insert)( scope, nyu );
      last = nyu;

   vg_assert(aMax == last->aMax);

   xxFirst = (DiAddrRange*)VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)(scope, &aMin);
   xxLast  = (DiAddrRange*)VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)(scope, &aMax);
   vg_assert(xxFirst->aMin == aMin);
   vg_assert(xxLast->aMax == aMax);
   if (xxFirst != xxLast)
      vg_assert(xxFirst->aMax < xxLast->aMin);

   /* Great.  Now we merely need to iterate over the segments from
      'first' to 'last' inclusive, and add 'var' to the variable set
      of each of them. */
   if (0) {
      static UWord ctr = 0;
      VG_(printf)("ctr = %lu\n", ctr);
      if (ctr >= 33263) show_scope( scope, "add_var_to_arange(2)" );

   xxIters = 0;
   range = xxRangep = NULL;
   VG_(OSetGen_ResetIterAt)( scope, &aMin );
   while (True) {
      xxRangep = range;
      range    = VG_(OSetGen_Next)( scope );
      if (!range) break;
      if (range->aMin > aMax) break;
      if (0) VG_(printf)("have range %#lx %#lx\n",
                         range->aMin, range->aMax);

      /* Sanity checks */
      if (!xxRangep) {
         /* This is the first in the range */
         vg_assert(range->aMin == aMin);
      } else {
         vg_assert(xxRangep->aMax + 1 == range->aMin);

      VG_(addToXA)( range->vars, var );
   /* Done.  We should have seen at least one range. */
   vg_assert(xxIters >= 1);
   if (xxIters == 1) vg_assert(xxFirst == xxLast);
   if (xxFirst == xxLast) vg_assert(xxIters == 1);
   vg_assert(xxRangep->aMax == aMax);
   vg_assert(xxRangep == xxLast);

/* Top-level place to call to add a variable description (as extracted
   from a DWARF3 .debug_info section. */
void ML_(addVar)( struct _DebugInfo* di,
                  Int    level,
                  Addr   aMin,
                  Addr   aMax,
                  const  HChar* name, /* in di's .strpool */
                  UWord  typeR, /* a cuOff */
                  const GExpr* gexpr,
                  const GExpr* fbGX,
                  UInt   fndn_ix, /* where decl'd - may be zero.
                                     index in in di's .fndnpool */
                  Int    lineNo, /* where decl'd - may be zero */
                  Bool   show )
   OSet* /* of DiAddrRange */ scope;
   DiVariable var;
   Bool       all;
   TyEnt*     ent;
   MaybeULong mul;
   const HChar* badness;

   vg_assert(di && di->admin_tyents);

   if (0) {
      VG_(printf)("  ML_(addVar): level %d  %#lx-%#lx  %s :: ",
                  level, aMin, aMax, name );
      ML_(pp_TyEnt_C_ishly)( di->admin_tyents, typeR );
      VG_(printf)("\n  Var=");
      if (fbGX) {
         VG_(printf)("  FrB=");
         ML_(pp_GX)( fbGX );
      } else {
         VG_(printf)("  FrB=none\n");

   vg_assert(level >= 0);
   vg_assert(aMin <= aMax);

   ent = ML_(TyEnts__index_by_cuOff)( di->admin_tyents, NULL, typeR);

   /* "Comment_Regarding_Text_Range_Checks" (is referred to elsewhere)
      Ignore any variables whose aMin .. aMax (that is, range of text
      addresses for which they actually exist) falls outside the text
      segment.  Is this indicative of a bug in the reader?  Maybe.
      (LATER): instead of restricting strictly to the .text segment,
      be a bit more relaxed, and accept any variable whose text range
      falls inside the r-x mapped area.  This is useful because .text
      is not always the only instruction-carrying segment: others are:
      .init .plt __libc_freeres_fn and .fini.  This implicitly assumes
      that those extra sections have the same bias as .text, but that
      seems a reasonable assumption to me. */
   /* This is assured us by top level steering logic in debuginfo.c,
      and it is re-checked at the start of
      ML_(read_elf_debug_info). */
   vg_assert(di->fsm.have_rx_map && di->fsm.have_rw_map);
   if (level > 0 && ML_(find_rx_mapping)(di, aMin, aMax) == NULL) {
      if (VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 0) {
            "warning: addVar: in range %#lx .. %#lx outside "
            "all rx mapped areas (%s)\n",
            aMin, aMax, name

   /* If the type's size is zero (which can mean unknown size), ignore
      it.  We will never be able to actually relate a data address to
      a data object with zero size, so there's no point in storing
      info on it.  On 32-bit platforms, also reject types whose size
      is 2^32 bytes or large.  (It's amazing what junk shows up ..) */
   mul = ML_(sizeOfType)(di->admin_tyents, typeR);

   badness = NULL;
   if (mul.b != True) 
      badness = "unknown size";
   else if (mul.ul == 0)
      badness = "zero size   ";
   else if (sizeof(void*) == 4 && mul.ul >= (1ULL<<32))
      badness = "implausibly large";

   if (badness) {
      static Int complaints = 10;
      if (VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 2 && complaints > 0) {
         VG_(message)(Vg_DebugMsg, "warning: addVar: %s (%s)\n",
                                   badness, name );

   if (!di->varinfo) {
      di->varinfo = VG_(newXA)( ML_(dinfo_zalloc), 
                                sizeof(OSet*) );

   vg_assert(level < 256); /* arbitrary; stay sane */
   /* Expand the top level array enough to map this level */
   while ( VG_(sizeXA)(di->varinfo) <= level ) {
      DiAddrRange* nyu;
      scope = VG_(OSetGen_Create)( offsetof(DiAddrRange,aMin), 
                                   ML_(dinfo_zalloc), "di.storage.addVar.2",
                                   ML_(dinfo_free) );
      if (0) VG_(printf)("create: scope = %p, adding at %ld\n",
                         scope, VG_(sizeXA)(di->varinfo));
      VG_(addToXA)( di->varinfo, &scope );
      /* Add a single range covering the entire address space.  At
         level 0 we require this doesn't get split.  At levels above 0
         we require that any additions to it cause it to get split.
         All of these invariants get checked both add_var_to_arange
         and after reading is complete, in canonicaliseVarInfo. */
      nyu = VG_(OSetGen_AllocNode)( scope, sizeof(DiAddrRange) );
      nyu->aMin = (Addr)0;
      nyu->aMax = ~(Addr)0;
      nyu->vars = VG_(newXA)( ML_(dinfo_zalloc), "di.storage.addVar.3",
                              sizeof(DiVariable) );
      VG_(OSetGen_Insert)( scope, nyu );

   vg_assert( VG_(sizeXA)(di->varinfo) > level );
   scope = *(OSet**)VG_(indexXA)( di->varinfo, level );

   var.name     = name;
   var.typeR    = typeR;
   var.gexpr    = gexpr;
   var.fbGX     = fbGX;
   var.fndn_ix  = fndn_ix;
   var.lineNo   = lineNo;

   all = aMin == (Addr)0 && aMax == ~(Addr)0;
   vg_assert(level == 0 ? all : !all);

   add_var_to_arange( /*MOD*/scope, aMin, aMax, &var );

/* This really just checks the constructed data structure, as there is
   no canonicalisation to do. */
static void canonicaliseVarInfo ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   Word i, nInThisScope;

   if (!di->varinfo)

   for (i = 0; i < VG_(sizeXA)(di->varinfo); i++) {

      DiAddrRange *range, *rangep;
      OSet* scope = *(OSet**)VG_(indexXA)(di->varinfo, i);
      if (!scope) continue;

      /* Deal with the global-scope case. */
      if (i == 0) {
         Addr zero = 0;
         vg_assert(VG_(OSetGen_Size)( scope ) == 1);
         range = VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)( scope, &zero );
         vg_assert(range->aMin == (Addr)0);
         vg_assert(range->aMax == ~(Addr)0);

      /* All the rest of this is for the local-scope case. */
      /* iterate over all entries in 'scope' */
      nInThisScope = 0;
      rangep = NULL;
      while (True) {
         range = VG_(OSetGen_Next)(scope);
         if (!range) {
           /* We just saw the last one.  There must have been at
              least one entry in the range. */
           vg_assert(rangep->aMax == ~(Addr)0);

         vg_assert(range->aMin <= range->aMax);

         if (!rangep) {
           /* This is the first entry in the range. */
           vg_assert(range->aMin == 0);
         } else {
           vg_assert(rangep->aMax + 1 == range->aMin);

         rangep = range;
      } /* iterating over ranges in a given scope */

      /* If there's only one entry in this (local) scope, it must
         cover the entire address space (obviously), but it must not
         contain any vars. */

      vg_assert(nInThisScope > 0);
      if (nInThisScope == 1) {
         Addr zero = 0;
         vg_assert(VG_(OSetGen_Size)( scope ) == 1);
         range = VG_(OSetGen_Lookup)( scope, &zero );
         vg_assert(range->aMin == (Addr)0);
         vg_assert(range->aMax == ~(Addr)0);
         vg_assert(VG_(sizeXA)(range->vars) == 0);

   } /* iterate over scopes */

/*--- Canonicalisers                                       ---*/

/* Sort the symtab by starting address, and emit warnings if any
   symbols have overlapping address ranges.  We use that old chestnut,
   shellsort.  Mash the table around so as to establish the property
   that addresses are in order and the ranges to not overlap.  This
   facilitates using binary search to map addresses to symbols when we
   come to query the table.
static Int compare_DiSym ( const void* va, const void* vb ) 
   const DiSym* a = va;
   const DiSym* b = vb;
   if (a->avmas.main < b->avmas.main) return -1;
   if (a->avmas.main > b->avmas.main) return  1;
   return 0;

/* An address is associated with more than one name.  Which do we
   prefer as the "display" name (that we show the user in stack
   traces)?  In order:

   - Prefer "PMPI_<foo>" over "MPI_<foo>".

   - Else, prefer a non-empty name over an empty one.

   - Else, prefer a non-whitespace name over an all-whitespace name.

   - Else, prefer the shorter symbol name.  If the symbol contains a
     version symbol ('@' on Linux, other platforms may differ), which means it
     is versioned, then the length up to the version symbol is used for length
     comparison purposes (so "foo@GLIBC_2.4.2" is considered shorter than
   - Else, if two symbols have the same length, prefer a versioned symbol over
     a non-versioned symbol.
   - Else, use alphabetical ordering.

   - Otherwise, they must be the same;  use the name with the lower address.

   Very occasionally this goes wrong (eg. 'memcmp' and 'bcmp' are
   aliases in glibc, we choose the 'bcmp' symbol because it's shorter,
   so we can misdescribe memcmp() as bcmp()).  This is hard to avoid.
   It's mentioned in the FAQ file.

   Returned value is True if a_name is preferred, False if b_name is
Bool preferName ( const DebugInfo* di,
                  const HChar* a_name, const HChar* b_name,
                  Addr sym_avma/*exposition only*/ )
   Word cmp;
   Word vlena, vlenb;		/* length without version */
   const HChar *vpa, *vpb;

   Bool preferA = False;
   Bool preferB = False;

   // vg_assert(a_name != b_name);
   // ???? now the pointers can be equal but is that
   // ???? not the indication of a latent bug ????

   vlena = VG_(strlen)(a_name);
   vlenb = VG_(strlen)(b_name);

#  if defined(VGO_linux) || defined(VGO_solaris)
#    define VERSION_CHAR '@'
#  elif defined(VGO_darwin)
#    define VERSION_CHAR '$'
#  else
#    error Unknown OS
#  endif

   vpa = VG_(strchr)(a_name, VERSION_CHAR);
   vpb = VG_(strchr)(b_name, VERSION_CHAR);


   if (vpa)
      vlena = vpa - a_name;
   if (vpb)
      vlenb = vpb - b_name;

   /* MPI hack: prefer PMPI_Foo over MPI_Foo */
   if (0==VG_(strncmp)(a_name, "MPI_", 4)
       && 0==VG_(strncmp)(b_name, "PMPI_", 5)
       && 0==VG_(strcmp)(a_name, 1+b_name)) {
      preferB = True; goto out;
   if (0==VG_(strncmp)(b_name, "MPI_", 4)
       && 0==VG_(strncmp)(a_name, "PMPI_", 5)
       && 0==VG_(strcmp)(b_name, 1+a_name)) {
      preferA = True; goto out;

   /* Prefer non-empty name. */
   if (vlena  &&  !vlenb) {
      preferA = True; goto out;
   if (vlenb  &&  !vlena) {
      preferB = True; goto out;

   /* Prefer non-whitespace name. */
      Bool blankA = True;
      Bool blankB = True;
      const HChar *s;
      s = a_name;
      while (*s) {
         if (!VG_(isspace)(*s++)) {
            blankA = False;
      s = b_name;
      while (*s) {
         if (!VG_(isspace)(*s++)) {
            blankB = False;

      if (!blankA  &&  blankB) {
         preferA = True; goto out;
      if (!blankB  &&  blankA) {
         preferB = True; goto out;

   /* Select the shortest unversioned name */
   if (vlena < vlenb) {
      preferA = True; goto out;
   if (vlenb < vlena) {
      preferB = True; goto out;

   /* Equal lengths; select the versioned name */
   if (vpa && !vpb) {
      preferA = True; goto out;
   if (vpb && !vpa) {
      preferB = True; goto out;

   /* Either both versioned or neither is versioned; select them
      alphabetically */
   cmp = VG_(strcmp)(a_name, b_name);
   if (cmp < 0) {
      preferA = True; goto out;
   if (cmp > 0) {
      preferB = True; goto out;

   /* If we get here, they are the same name. */

   /* In this case we could choose either (arbitrarily), but might as
      well choose the one with the lowest DiSym* address, so as to try
      and make the comparison mechanism more stable (a la sorting
      parlance).  Also, skip the diagnostic printing in this case. */
   return a_name <= b_name  ? True  : False;

   if (preferA && !preferB) {
      TRACE_SYMTAB("sym at %#lx: prefer '%s' to '%s'\n",
                   sym_avma, a_name, b_name );
      return True;
   if (preferB && !preferA) {
      TRACE_SYMTAB("sym at %#lx: prefer '%s' to '%s'\n",
                   sym_avma, b_name, a_name );
      return False;

/* Add the names in FROM to the names in TO. */
void add_DiSym_names_to_from ( const DebugInfo* di, DiSym* to,
                               const DiSym* from )
   /* Figure out how many names there will be in the new combined
      secondary vector. */
   const HChar** to_sec   = to->sec_names;
   const HChar** from_sec = from->sec_names;
   Word n_new_sec = 1;
   if (from_sec) {
      while (*from_sec) {
   if (to_sec) {
      while (*to_sec) {
   if (0)
      TRACE_SYMTAB("merge: -> %ld\n", n_new_sec);
   /* Create the new sec and copy stuff into it, putting the new
      entries at the end. */
   const HChar** new_sec = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.aDntf.1",
                                              (n_new_sec+1) * sizeof(HChar*) );
   from_sec = from->sec_names;
   to_sec   = to->sec_names;
   Word i = 0;
   if (to_sec) {
      while (*to_sec) {
         new_sec[i++] = *to_sec;
   new_sec[i++] = from->pri_name;
   if (from_sec) {
      while (*from_sec) {
         new_sec[i++] = *from_sec;
   vg_assert(i == n_new_sec);
   vg_assert(new_sec[i] == NULL);
   /* If we're replacing an existing secondary vector, free it. */
   if (to->sec_names) {
   to->sec_names = new_sec;

static void canonicaliseSymtab ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   Word  i, j, n_truncated;
   Addr  sta1, sta2, end1, end2, toc1, toc2;
   const HChar *pri1, *pri2, **sec1, **sec2;
   Bool  ist1, ist2, isf1, isf2, isg1, isg2;

#  define SWAP(ty,aa,bb) \
      do { ty tt = (aa); (aa) = (bb); (bb) = tt; } while (0)

   if (di->symtab_used == 0)

   /* Check initial invariants */
   for (i = 0; i < di->symtab_used; i++) {
      DiSym* sym = &di->symtab[i];

   /* Sort by address. */
   VG_(ssort)(di->symtab, di->symtab_used, 
                          sizeof(*di->symtab), compare_DiSym);

   /* BEGIN Detect and "fix" identical address ranges. */
   while (1) {
      Word r, w, n_merged;
      n_merged = 0;
      w = 0;
      /* A pass merging entries together in the case where they agree
         on .isText -- that is, either: both are .isText or both are
         not .isText.  They are merged into a single entry, but both
         sets of names are preserved, so we end up knowing all the
         names for that particular address range.*/
      for (r = 1; r < di->symtab_used; r++) {
         vg_assert(w < r);
         if (   di->symtab[w].avmas.main == di->symtab[r].avmas.main
             && di->symtab[w].size       == di->symtab[r].size
             && !!di->symtab[w].isText   == !!di->symtab[r].isText) {
            /* merge the two into one */
            /* Add r names to w if r has secondary names 
               or r and w primary names differ. */
            if (di->symtab[r].sec_names 
                || (0 != VG_(strcmp)(di->symtab[r].pri_name,
                                     di->symtab[w].pri_name))) {
               add_DiSym_names_to_from(di, &di->symtab[w], &di->symtab[r]);
            /* mark w as an IFunc if either w or r are */
            di->symtab[w].isIFunc = di->symtab[w].isIFunc || di->symtab[r].isIFunc;
            /* likewise for global symbols */
            di->symtab[w].isGlobal = di->symtab[w].isGlobal || di->symtab[r].isGlobal;
            /* and use ::pri_names to indicate this slot is no longer in use */
            di->symtab[r].pri_name = NULL;
            if (di->symtab[r].sec_names) {
               di->symtab[r].sec_names = NULL;
            /* Completely zap the entry -- paranoia to make it more
               likely we'll notice if we inadvertently use it
               again. */
            VG_(memset)(&di->symtab[r], 0, sizeof(DiSym));
         } else {
            w = r;

      /* A second pass merging entries together where one .isText but
         the other isn't.  In such cases, just ignore the non-.isText
         one (a heuristic hack.) */
      for (r = 1; r < di->symtab_used; r++) {
         /* Either of the symbols might already have been zapped by
            the previous pass, so we first have to check that. */
         if (di->symtab[r-1].pri_name == NULL) continue;
         if (di->symtab[r-0].pri_name == NULL) continue;
         /* ok, they are both still valid.  Identical address ranges? */
         if (di->symtab[r-1].avmas.main != di->symtab[r-0].avmas.main) continue;
         if (di->symtab[r-1].size       != di->symtab[r-0].size) continue;
         /* Identical address ranges.  They must disagree on .isText
            since if they agreed, the previous pass would have merged
            them. */
         if (di->symtab[r-1].isText && di->symtab[r-0].isText) vg_assert(0);
         if (!di->symtab[r-1].isText && !di->symtab[r-0].isText) vg_assert(0);
         Word to_zap  = di->symtab[r-1].isText ? (r-0) : (r-1);
         Word to_keep = di->symtab[r-1].isText ? (r-1) : (r-0);
         /* Add to_zap's names to to_keep if to_zap has secondary names 
            or to_zap's and to_keep's primary names differ. */
         if (di->symtab[to_zap].sec_names 
             || (0 != VG_(strcmp)(di->symtab[to_zap].pri_name,
                                  di->symtab[to_keep].pri_name))) {
            add_DiSym_names_to_from(di, &di->symtab[to_keep],
         /* Mark to_zap as not-in use in the same way as in the
            previous loop. */
         di->symtab[to_zap].pri_name = NULL;
         if (di->symtab[to_zap].sec_names) {
            di->symtab[to_zap].sec_names = NULL;
         VG_(memset)(&di->symtab[to_zap], 0, sizeof(DiSym));

      TRACE_SYMTAB( "canonicaliseSymtab: %ld symbols merged\n", n_merged);
      if (n_merged == 0)
      /* Now a pass to squeeze out any unused ones */
      w = 0;
      for (r = 0; r < di->symtab_used; r++) {
         vg_assert(w <= r);
         if (di->symtab[r].pri_name == NULL)
         if (w < r) {
            di->symtab[w] = di->symtab[r];
      vg_assert(w + n_merged == di->symtab_used);
      di->symtab_used = w;
   } /* while (1) */
   /* END Detect and "fix" identical address ranges. */

   /* BEGIN Detect and "fix" overlapping address ranges. */
   n_truncated = 0;

   for (i = 0; i < ((Word)di->symtab_used) -1; i++) {

      vg_assert(di->symtab[i].avmas.main <= di->symtab[i+1].avmas.main);

      /* Check for common (no overlap) case. */ 
      if (di->symtab[i].avmas.main + di->symtab[i].size 
          <= di->symtab[i+1].avmas.main)

      /* There's an overlap.  Truncate one or the other. */
      if (di->trace_symtab) {
         VG_(printf)("overlapping address ranges in symbol table\n\t");
         ML_(ppSym)( i, &di->symtab[i] );
         ML_(ppSym)( i+1, &di->symtab[i+1] );

      /* Truncate one or the other. */
      sta1 = di->symtab[i].avmas.main;
      end1 = sta1 + di->symtab[i].size - 1;
      toc1 = GET_TOCPTR_AVMA(di->symtab[i].avmas);
      // aren't we missing local_ep here ????
      pri1 = di->symtab[i].pri_name;
      sec1 = di->symtab[i].sec_names;
      ist1 = di->symtab[i].isText;
      isf1 = di->symtab[i].isIFunc;
      isg1 = di->symtab[i].isGlobal;

      sta2 = di->symtab[i+1].avmas.main;
      end2 = sta2 + di->symtab[i+1].size - 1;
      toc2 = GET_TOCPTR_AVMA(di->symtab[i+1].avmas);
      // aren't we missing local_ep here ????
      pri2 = di->symtab[i+1].pri_name;
      sec2 = di->symtab[i+1].sec_names;
      ist2 = di->symtab[i+1].isText;
      isf2 = di->symtab[i+1].isIFunc;
      isg2 = di->symtab[i+1].isGlobal;

      if (sta1 < sta2) {
         end1 = sta2 - 1;
      } else {
         vg_assert(sta1 == sta2);
         if (end1 > end2) { 
            sta1 = end2 + 1;
            SWAP(Addr,sta1,sta2); SWAP(Addr,end1,end2); SWAP(Addr,toc1,toc2);
            SWAP(const HChar*,pri1,pri2); SWAP(const HChar**,sec1,sec2);
            SWAP(Bool,ist1,ist2); SWAP(Bool,isf1,isf2); SWAP(Bool, isg1, isg2);
         } else 
         if (end1 < end2) {
            sta2 = end1 + 1;
         } else {
	   /* end1 == end2.  Identical addr ranges.  We'll eventually wind
              up back at cleanup_more, which will take care of it. */
      di->symtab[i].avmas.main = sta1;
      di->symtab[i].size       = end1 - sta1 + 1;
      SET_TOCPTR_AVMA(di->symtab[i].avmas, toc1);
      // missing local_ep ???
      di->symtab[i].pri_name  = pri1;
      di->symtab[i].sec_names = sec1;
      di->symtab[i].isText    = ist1;
      di->symtab[i].isIFunc   = isf1;
      di->symtab[i].isGlobal  = isg1;

      di->symtab[i+1].avmas.main = sta2;
      di->symtab[i+1].size       = end2 - sta2 + 1;
      SET_TOCPTR_AVMA(di->symtab[i+1].avmas, toc2);
      // missing local_ep ???
      di->symtab[i+1].pri_name  = pri2;
      di->symtab[i+1].sec_names = sec2;
      di->symtab[i+1].isText    = ist2;
      di->symtab[i+1].isIFunc   = isf2;
      di->symtab[i+1].isGlobal  = isg2;

      vg_assert(sta1 <= sta2);
      vg_assert(di->symtab[i].size > 0);
      vg_assert(di->symtab[i+1].size > 0);
      /* It may be that the i+1 entry now needs to be moved further
         along to maintain the address order requirement. */
      j = i+1;
      while (j < ((Word)di->symtab_used)-1 
             && di->symtab[j].avmas.main > di->symtab[j+1].avmas.main) {
   /* END Detect and "fix" overlapping address ranges. */

   if (n_truncated > 0) goto cleanup_more;

   /* Ensure relevant postconditions hold. */
   for (i = 0; i < ((Word)di->symtab_used)-1; i++) {
      /* No zero-sized symbols. */
      vg_assert(di->symtab[i].size > 0);
      /* In order. */
      vg_assert(di->symtab[i].avmas.main < di->symtab[i+1].avmas.main);
      /* No overlaps. */
      vg_assert(di->symtab[i].avmas.main + di->symtab[i].size - 1
                < di->symtab[i+1].avmas.main);
      /* Names are sane(ish) */
      if (di->symtab[i].sec_names) {

   /* For each symbol that has more than one name, use preferName to
      select the primary name.  This is a complete kludge in that
      doing it properly requires making a total ordering on the
      candidate names, whilst what we have to work with is an ad-hoc
      binary relation (preferName) that certainly doesn't have the
      relevant transitivity etc properties that are needed to induce a
      legitimate total order.  Doesn't matter though if it doesn't
      always work right since this is only used to generate names to
      show the user. */
   for (i = 0; i < ((Word)di->symtab_used)-1; i++) {
      DiSym*  sym = &di->symtab[i];
      const HChar** sec = sym->sec_names;
      if (!sec)
      /* Slow but simple.  Copy all the cands into a temp array,
         choose the primary name, and copy them all back again. */
      Word n_tmp = 1;
      while (*sec) { n_tmp++; sec++; }
      j = 0;
      const HChar** tmp = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.cS.1",
                                             (n_tmp+1) * sizeof(HChar*) );
      tmp[j++] = sym->pri_name;
      sec = sym->sec_names;
      while (*sec) { tmp[j++] = *sec; sec++; }
      vg_assert(j == n_tmp);
      vg_assert(tmp[n_tmp] == NULL); /* because of zalloc */
      /* Choose the most favoured. */
      Word best = 0;
      for (j = 1; j < n_tmp; j++) {
         if (preferName(di, tmp[best], tmp[j], di->symtab[i].avmas.main)) {
            /* best is unchanged */
         } else {
            best = j;
      vg_assert(best >= 0 && best < n_tmp);
      /* Copy back */
      sym->pri_name = tmp[best];
      const HChar** cursor = sym->sec_names;
      for (j = 0; j < n_tmp; j++) {
         if (j == best)
         *cursor = tmp[j];
      vg_assert(*cursor == NULL);
      ML_(dinfo_free)( tmp );

#  undef SWAP

static DiLoc* sorting_loctab = NULL;
static Int compare_DiLoc_via_ix ( const void* va, const void* vb ) 
   const DiLoc* a = &sorting_loctab[*(const UInt*)va];
   const DiLoc* b = &sorting_loctab[*(const UInt*)vb];
   if (a->addr < b->addr) return -1;
   if (a->addr > b->addr) return  1;
   return 0;
static void sort_loctab_and_loctab_fndn_ix (struct _DebugInfo* di )
   /* We have to sort the array loctab by addr
      together with its "parallel" array loctab_fndn_ix.
      We first build sort_ix : an array of indexes in loctab,
      that we sort by loctab address. Then we can reorder both
      arrays according to sort_ix. */
   UInt *sort_ix = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)("di.storage.six",
   Word i, j, k;

   for (i = 0; i < di->loctab_used; i++) sort_ix[i] = i;
   sorting_loctab = di->loctab;
   VG_(ssort)(sort_ix, di->loctab_used, 
              sizeof(*sort_ix), compare_DiLoc_via_ix);
   sorting_loctab = NULL;

   // Permute in place, using the sort_ix.
   for (i=0; i < di->loctab_used; i++) {
      DiLoc tmp_diloc;
      UInt  tmp_fndn_ix;

      if (i == sort_ix[i])
         continue; // i already at the good place

      tmp_diloc = di->loctab[i];
      tmp_fndn_ix = ML_(fndn_ix)(di, i);
      j = i;
      for (;;) {
         k = sort_ix[j];
         sort_ix[j] = j;
         if (k == i)
         di->loctab[j] = di->loctab[k];
         set_fndn_ix (di, j, ML_(fndn_ix)(di, k));
         j = k;
      di->loctab[j] = tmp_diloc;
      set_fndn_ix (di, j, tmp_fndn_ix);

/* Sort the location table by starting address.  Mash the table around
   so as to establish the property that addresses are in order and the
   ranges do not overlap.  This facilitates using binary search to map
   addresses to locations when we come to query the table.
static void canonicaliseLoctab ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   Word i, j;

   if (di->loctab_used == 0)

   /* sort loctab and loctab_fndn_ix by addr. */
   sort_loctab_and_loctab_fndn_ix (di);

   for (i = 0; i < ((Word)di->loctab_used)-1; i++) {
      vg_assert(di->loctab[i].size < 10000);
      /* If two adjacent entries overlap, truncate the first. */
      if (di->loctab[i].addr + di->loctab[i].size > di->loctab[i+1].addr) {
         /* Do this in signed int32 because the actual .size fields
            are only 12 bits. */
         Int new_size = di->loctab[i+1].addr - di->loctab[i].addr;
         TRACE_LOCTAB_CANON ("Truncating",
                             &(di->loctab[i]), &(di->loctab[i+1]));
         if (new_size < 0) {
            di->loctab[i].size = 0;
         } else
         if (new_size > MAX_LOC_SIZE) {
           di->loctab[i].size = MAX_LOC_SIZE;
         } else {
           di->loctab[i].size = (UShort)new_size;

   /* Zap any zero-sized entries resulting from the truncation
      process. */
   j = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < (Word)di->loctab_used; i++) {
      if (di->loctab[i].size > 0) {
         if (j != i) {
            di->loctab[j] = di->loctab[i];
            set_fndn_ix(di, j, ML_(fndn_ix)(di, i));
   di->loctab_used = j;

   /* Ensure relevant postconditions hold. */
   for (i = 0; i < ((Word)di->loctab_used)-1; i++) {
      if (0)
         VG_(printf)("%ld  0x%p  lno:%d sz:%d fndn_ix:%u  i+1 0x%p\n", 
                     ML_(fndn_ix)(di, i),
      /* No zero-sized symbols. */
      vg_assert(di->loctab[i].size > 0);
      /* In order. */
      vg_assert(di->loctab[i].addr < di->loctab[i+1].addr);
      /* No overlaps. */
      vg_assert(di->loctab[i].addr + di->loctab[i].size - 1
                < di->loctab[i+1].addr);

   /* Free up unused space at the end of the table. */

/* Sort the inlined call table by starting address.  Mash the table around
   so as to establish the property that addresses are in order.
   This facilitates using binary search to map addresses to locations when
   we come to query the table.
   Note : ranges can overlap, multiple ranges can start at an address,
   multiple ranges can end at an address.
static Int compare_DiInlLoc ( const void* va, const void* vb ) 
   const DiInlLoc* a = va;
   const DiInlLoc* b = vb;
   if (a->addr_lo < b->addr_lo) return -1;
   if (a->addr_lo > b->addr_lo) return  1;
   return 0;

static void canonicaliseInltab ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   Word i;

   if (di->inltab_used == 0)

   /* Sort by start address. */
   VG_(ssort)(di->inltab, di->inltab_used, 
                          sizeof(*di->inltab), compare_DiInlLoc);

   /* Ensure relevant postconditions hold. */
   for (i = 0; i < ((Word)di->inltab_used)-1; i++) {
      /* No zero-sized inlined call. */
      vg_assert(di->inltab[i].addr_lo < di->inltab[i].addr_hi);
      /* In order, but we can have duplicates and overlapping ranges. */
      vg_assert(di->inltab[i].addr_lo <= di->inltab[i+1].addr_lo);

   /* Free up unused space at the end of the table. */

/* Sort the call-frame-info cfsi_rd by starting address.  Mash the table
   around so as to establish the property that addresses are in order
   and the ranges do not overlap.  This facilitates using binary
   search to map addresses to locations when we come to query the

   Also, set cfisi_minaddr and cfisi_maxaddr to be the min and max of
   any of the address ranges contained in cfisi[0 .. cfisi_used-1], so
   as to facilitate rapidly skipping this SegInfo when looking for an
   address which falls outside that range.
static Int compare_DiCfSI ( const void* va, const void* vb )
   const DiCfSI* a = va;
   const DiCfSI* b = vb;
   if (a->base < b->base) return -1;
   if (a->base > b->base) return  1;
   return 0;

static void get_cfsi_rd_stats ( const DebugInfo* di,
                                UWord *n_mergeables, UWord *n_holes )
   Word i;

   *n_mergeables = 0;
   *n_holes = 0;

   vg_assert (di->cfsi_used == 0 || di->cfsi_rd);
   for (i = 1; i < (Word)di->cfsi_used; i++) {
      Addr here_min = di->cfsi_rd[i].base;
      Addr prev_max = di->cfsi_rd[i-1].base + di->cfsi_rd[i-1].len - 1;
      Addr sep = here_min - prev_max;
      if (sep > 1)
      if (sep == 1 && di->cfsi_rd[i-1].cfsi_m_ix == di->cfsi_rd[i].cfsi_m_ix)

void ML_(canonicaliseCFI) ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   Word  i, j;
   const Addr minAvma = 0;
   const Addr maxAvma = ~minAvma;

   /* Note: take care in here.  di->cfsi can be NULL, in which
      case _used and _size fields will be zero. */
   if (di->cfsi_rd == NULL) {
      vg_assert(di->cfsi_used == 0);
      vg_assert(di->cfsi_size == 0);
      vg_assert(di->cfsi_m_pool == NULL);
   } else {
      vg_assert(di->cfsi_size != 0);
      vg_assert(di->cfsi_m_pool != NULL);

   /* Set cfsi_minavma and cfsi_maxavma to summarise the entire
      address range contained in cfsi_rd[0 .. cfsi_used-1]. */
   di->cfsi_minavma = maxAvma; 
   di->cfsi_maxavma = minAvma;
   for (i = 0; i < (Word)di->cfsi_used; i++) {
      Addr here_min = di->cfsi_rd[i].base;
      Addr here_max = di->cfsi_rd[i].base + di->cfsi_rd[i].len - 1;
      if (here_min < di->cfsi_minavma)
         di->cfsi_minavma = here_min;
      if (here_max > di->cfsi_maxavma)
         di->cfsi_maxavma = here_max;

   if (di->trace_cfi)
      VG_(printf)("canonicaliseCfiSI: %lu entries, %#lx .. %#lx\n",
                  di->cfsi_minavma, di->cfsi_maxavma);

   /* Sort the cfsi_rd array by base address. */
   VG_(ssort)(di->cfsi_rd, di->cfsi_used, sizeof(*di->cfsi_rd), compare_DiCfSI);

   /* If two adjacent entries overlap, truncate the first. */
   for (i = 0; i < (Word)di->cfsi_used-1; i++) {
      if (di->cfsi_rd[i].base + di->cfsi_rd[i].len > di->cfsi_rd[i+1].base) {
         Word new_len = di->cfsi_rd[i+1].base - di->cfsi_rd[i].base;
         /* how could it be otherwise?  The entries are sorted by the
            .base field. */         
         vg_assert(new_len >= 0);
	 vg_assert(new_len <= di->cfsi_rd[i].len);
         di->cfsi_rd[i].len = new_len;

   /* Zap any zero-sized entries resulting from the truncation
      process. */
   j = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < (Word)di->cfsi_used; i++) {
      if (di->cfsi_rd[i].len > 0) {
         if (j != i)
            di->cfsi_rd[j] = di->cfsi_rd[i];
   /* VG_(printf)("XXXXXXXXXXXXX %d %d\n", di->cfsi_used, j); */
   di->cfsi_used = j;

   /* Ensure relevant postconditions hold. */
   for (i = 0; i < (Word)di->cfsi_used; i++) {
      /* No zero-length ranges. */
      vg_assert(di->cfsi_rd[i].len > 0);
      /* Makes sense w.r.t. summary address range */
      vg_assert(di->cfsi_rd[i].base >= di->cfsi_minavma);
      vg_assert(di->cfsi_rd[i].base + di->cfsi_rd[i].len - 1
                <= di->cfsi_maxavma);

      if (i < di->cfsi_used - 1) {
         if (!(di->cfsi[i].base < di->cfsi[i+1].base)) {
            VG_(printf)("\nOOO cfsis:\n");
         /* In order. */
         vg_assert(di->cfsi_rd[i].base < di->cfsi_rd[i+1].base);
         /* No overlaps. */
         vg_assert(di->cfsi_rd[i].base + di->cfsi_rd[i].len - 1
                   < di->cfsi_rd[i+1].base);

   if (VG_(clo_stats) && VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 3) {
      UWord n_mergeables, n_holes;
      get_cfsi_rd_stats (di, &n_mergeables, &n_holes);
      VG_(dmsg)("CFSI total %lu mergeables %lu holes %lu uniq cfsi_m %u\n",
                di->cfsi_used, n_mergeables, n_holes,
                di->cfsi_m_pool ? VG_(sizeDedupPA) (di->cfsi_m_pool) : 0);

void ML_(finish_CFSI_arrays) ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   UWord n_mergeables, n_holes;
   UWord new_used;
   UWord i;
   UWord pos;
   UWord f_mergeables, f_holes;
   UInt sz_cfsi_m_pool;

   get_cfsi_rd_stats (di, &n_mergeables, &n_holes);

   if (di->cfsi_used == 0) {
      vg_assert (di->cfsi_rd == NULL);
      vg_assert (di->cfsi_m_pool == NULL);
      vg_assert (n_mergeables == 0);
      vg_assert (n_holes == 0);

   vg_assert (di->cfsi_used > n_mergeables);
   new_used = di->cfsi_used - n_mergeables + n_holes;

   sz_cfsi_m_pool = VG_(sizeDedupPA)(di->cfsi_m_pool);
   vg_assert (sz_cfsi_m_pool > 0);
   if (sz_cfsi_m_pool <= 255)
      di->sizeof_cfsi_m_ix = 1;
   else if (sz_cfsi_m_pool <= 65535)
      di->sizeof_cfsi_m_ix = 2;
      di->sizeof_cfsi_m_ix = 4;

   di->cfsi_base = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.finCfSI.1",
                                       new_used * sizeof(Addr) );
   di->cfsi_m_ix = ML_(dinfo_zalloc)( "di.storage.finCfSI.2",
                                      new_used * sizeof(UChar)*di->sizeof_cfsi_m_ix);

   pos = 0;
   f_mergeables = 0;
   f_holes = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < (Word)di->cfsi_used; i++) {
      if (i > 0) {
         Addr here_min = di->cfsi_rd[i].base;
         Addr prev_max = di->cfsi_rd[i-1].base + di->cfsi_rd[i-1].len - 1;
         SizeT sep = here_min - prev_max;

         // Skip a mergeable entry.
         if (sep == 1) {
            if (di->cfsi_rd[i-1].cfsi_m_ix == di->cfsi_rd[i].cfsi_m_ix) {
         // Insert a hole if needed.
         if (sep > 1) {
            di->cfsi_base[pos] = prev_max + 1;
            switch (di->sizeof_cfsi_m_ix) {
               case 1: ((UChar*) di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos] = 0; break;
               case 2: ((UShort*)di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos] = 0; break;
               case 4: ((UInt*)  di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos] = 0; break;
               default: vg_assert(0);

      // Insert the cfsi entry i.
      di->cfsi_base[pos] = di->cfsi_rd[i].base;
      switch (di->sizeof_cfsi_m_ix) {
         case 1: ((UChar*) di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos] = di->cfsi_rd[i].cfsi_m_ix; break;
         case 2: ((UShort*)di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos] = di->cfsi_rd[i].cfsi_m_ix; break;
         case 4: ((UInt*)  di->cfsi_m_ix)[pos] = di->cfsi_rd[i].cfsi_m_ix; break;
         default: vg_assert(0);

   vg_assert (f_mergeables == n_mergeables);
   vg_assert (f_holes == n_holes);
   vg_assert (pos == new_used);

   di->cfsi_used = new_used;
   di->cfsi_size = new_used;
   ML_(dinfo_free) (di->cfsi_rd);
   di->cfsi_rd = NULL;

/* Canonicalise the tables held by 'di', in preparation for use.  Call
   this after finishing adding entries to these tables. */
void ML_(canonicaliseTables) ( struct _DebugInfo* di )
   canonicaliseSymtab ( di );
   canonicaliseLoctab ( di );
   canonicaliseInltab ( di );
   ML_(canonicaliseCFI) ( di );
   if (di->cfsi_m_pool)
      VG_(freezeDedupPA) (di->cfsi_m_pool, ML_(dinfo_shrink_block));
   canonicaliseVarInfo ( di );
   if (di->strpool)
      VG_(freezeDedupPA) (di->strpool, ML_(dinfo_shrink_block));
   if (di->fndnpool)
      VG_(freezeDedupPA) (di->fndnpool, ML_(dinfo_shrink_block));

/*--- Searching the tables                                 ---*/

/* Find a symbol-table index containing the specified pointer, or -1
   if not found.  Binary search.  */

Word ML_(search_one_symtab) ( const DebugInfo* di, Addr ptr,
                              Bool findText )
   Addr a_mid_lo, a_mid_hi;
   Word mid,
        lo = 0, 
        hi = di->symtab_used-1;
   while (True) {
      /* current unsearched space is from lo to hi, inclusive. */
      if (lo > hi) return -1; /* not found */
      mid      = (lo + hi) / 2;
      a_mid_lo = di->symtab[mid].avmas.main;
      a_mid_hi = ((Addr)di->symtab[mid].avmas.main) + di->symtab[mid].size - 1;

      if (ptr < a_mid_lo) { hi = mid-1; continue; } 
      if (ptr > a_mid_hi) { lo = mid+1; continue; }
      vg_assert(ptr >= a_mid_lo && ptr <= a_mid_hi);
      /* Found a symbol with the correct address range.  But is it
         of the right kind (text vs data) ? */
      if (  findText   &&   di->symtab[mid].isText  ) return mid;
      if ( (!findText) && (!di->symtab[mid].isText) ) return mid;
      return -1;

/* Find a location-table index containing the specified pointer, or -1
   if not found.  Binary search.  */

Word ML_(search_one_loctab) ( const DebugInfo* di, Addr ptr )
   Addr a_mid_lo, a_mid_hi;
   Word mid, 
        lo = 0, 
        hi = di->loctab_used-1;
   while (True) {
      /* current unsearched space is from lo to hi, inclusive. */
      if (lo > hi) return -1; /* not found */
      mid      = (lo + hi) / 2;
      a_mid_lo = di->loctab[mid].addr;
      a_mid_hi = ((Addr)di->loctab[mid].addr) + di->loctab[mid].size - 1;

      if (ptr < a_mid_lo) { hi = mid-1; continue; } 
      if (ptr > a_mid_hi) { lo = mid+1; continue; }
      vg_assert(ptr >= a_mid_lo && ptr <= a_mid_hi);
      return mid;

/* Find a CFI-table index containing the specified pointer, or -1
   if not found.  Binary search.  */

Word ML_(search_one_cfitab) ( const DebugInfo* di, Addr ptr )
   Word mid, 
        lo = 0, 
        hi = di->cfsi_used-1;

   while (lo <= hi) {
      /* Invariants : hi == cfsi_used-1 || ptr < cfsi_base[hi+1]
                      lo == 0           || ptr > cfsi_base[lo-1]
         (the first part of the invariants is similar to considering 
         that cfsi_base[-1] is 0 and cfsi_base[cfsi_used] is ~0) */
      mid      = (lo + hi) / 2;
      if (ptr < di->cfsi_base[mid]) { hi = mid-1; continue; } 
      if (ptr > di->cfsi_base[mid]) { lo = mid+1; continue; }
      lo = mid+1; break;

#if 0
   for (mid = 0; mid <= di->cfsi_used-1; mid++)
      if (ptr < di->cfsi_base[mid])
   vg_assert (lo - 1 == mid - 1);
   return lo - 1;

/* Find a FPO-table index containing the specified pointer, or -1
   if not found.  Binary search.  */

Word ML_(search_one_fpotab) ( const DebugInfo* di, Addr ptr )
   Addr const addr = ptr - di->fpo_base_avma;
   Addr a_mid_lo, a_mid_hi;
   Word mid, size,
        lo = 0,
        hi = di->fpo_size-1;
   while (True) {
      /* current unsearched space is from lo to hi, inclusive. */
      if (lo > hi) return -1; /* not found */
      mid      = (lo + hi) / 2;
      a_mid_lo = di->fpo[mid].ulOffStart;
      size     = di->fpo[mid].cbProcSize;
      a_mid_hi = a_mid_lo + size - 1;
      vg_assert(a_mid_hi >= a_mid_lo);
      if (addr < a_mid_lo) { hi = mid-1; continue; }
      if (addr > a_mid_hi) { lo = mid+1; continue; }
      vg_assert(addr >= a_mid_lo && addr <= a_mid_hi);
      return mid;

/*--- end                                                          ---*/