// Copyright 2017, VIXL authors // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of ARM Limited nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without // specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR // SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER // CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, // OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "test-pool-manager.h" #include <stdio.h> #include "pool-manager-impl.h" #include "pool-manager.h" #include "test-runner.h" #define TEST(Name) TEST_(POOL_MANAGER_##Name) #define IF_VERBOSE(exp) \ if (Test::verbose()) exp #define BUFFER_ALIGNMENT 16 using namespace vixl; static int Random() { return static_cast<int>(std::abs(mrand48())); } static int RandomObjectID(size_t num_objects) { return Random() % num_objects; } static int RandomObjectSize() { return 1 + Random() % 256; } static int RandomObjectAlignment(int size) { const int limit = static_cast<int>(floor(log2(BUFFER_ALIGNMENT))); int log2Size = static_cast<int>(floor(log2(size))); // Restrict alignment due to buffer alignment. log2Size = std::min(log2Size, limit); return (1 << (Random() % (1 + log2Size))); } // The size of the instruction. static int RandomReferenceSize() { return (Random() % 2) ? 2 : 4; } // The alignment of an instruction is either 2 or 4. static int RandomInstructionAlignment() { return (Random() % 2) ? 2 : 4; } static int32_t RandomMinOffset() { const int N = 3; static const int offsets[N] = {0, 2, 4}; return offsets[Random() % N]; } static int32_t RandomMaxOffset() { const int N = 5; static const int offsets[N] = {255, 1020, 1024, 4096, 16384}; return offsets[Random() % N]; } static int32_t RandomBranchMaxOffset() { const int N = 10; // The maximum offsets used for testing are taken from A32 and T32. static const int offsets[N] = {126, 254, 255, 1020, 1024, 2046, 4095, 1048574, 16777214, 33554428}; return offsets[Random() % N]; } static int RandomPCIncrement() { // A multiple of two. return 2 * (Random() % 4 + 1); } class TestObject : public LocationBase<int32_t> { public: TestObject(int size, int alignment, int id = 0) : LocationBase(0 /*type*/, size, alignment), id_(id) {} ~TestObject() VIXL_THROW_IN_NEGATIVE_TESTING_MODE(std::runtime_error) {} void EmitPoolObject(MacroAssemblerInterface *masm) VIXL_OVERRIDE { USE(masm); } bool ShouldDeletePoolObjectOnPlacement() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { return true; } // Update the references to this object. void ResolveReferences(internal::AssemblerBase *assembler) VIXL_OVERRIDE { int32_t location = GetLocation(); USE(assembler); for (std::vector<ForwardReference<int32_t> *>::iterator iter = references_.begin(); iter != references_.end();) { ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = *iter; VIXL_ASSERT(ref->LocationIsEncodable(location)); delete ref; iter = references_.erase(iter); } IF_VERBOSE(printf("Placed object %d at location: 0x%x (%u)\n", id_, location, location)); } void AddReference(ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref) { references_.push_back(ref); } int GetID() { return id_; } static TestObject *CreateRandom(int id) { int size = RandomObjectSize(); int alignment = RandomObjectAlignment(size); IF_VERBOSE(printf("Object %d -> size = %d, alignment = %d\n", id, size, alignment)); return new TestObject(size, alignment, id); } private: // Store pointers to ForwardReference objects - TestObject is responsible // for deleting them. std::vector<ForwardReference<int32_t> *> references_; // Object id used for debugging. int id_; }; class TestBranchObject : public LocationBase<int32_t> { public: TestBranchObject(int size, int alignment, int id = 0) : LocationBase(1 /* type */, size, alignment), id_(id) {} ~TestBranchObject() VIXL_THROW_IN_NEGATIVE_TESTING_MODE(std::runtime_error) {} bool UsePoolObjectEmissionMargin() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { return true; } int32_t GetPoolObjectEmissionMargin() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { return 1 * KBytes; } // Do nothing for now. void EmitPoolObject(MacroAssemblerInterface *masm) VIXL_OVERRIDE { USE(masm); } bool ShouldDeletePoolObjectOnPlacement() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual void UpdatePoolObject(PoolObject<int32_t> *object) VIXL_OVERRIDE { // Reference from the last emitted veneer: int32_t min = location_ + min_offset_; int32_t max = location_ + max_offset_; // The alignment that the new "veneer" requires of the label. int reference_alignment = RandomInstructionAlignment(); reference_alignment = std::max(reference_alignment, GetPoolObjectAlignment()); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(location_, 4 /*size*/, min, max, reference_alignment); AddReference(ref); object->Update(min, max, reference_alignment); } // Update the references to this object. void ResolveReferences(internal::AssemblerBase *assembler) VIXL_OVERRIDE { int32_t location = GetLocation(); USE(assembler); for (std::vector<ForwardReference<int32_t> *>::iterator iter = references_.begin(); iter != references_.end();) { ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = *iter; VIXL_ASSERT(ref->LocationIsEncodable(location)); delete ref; iter = references_.erase(iter); } IF_VERBOSE(printf("Veneer %d placed at location: 0x%x (%u)\n", id_, location, location)); } void AddReference(ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref) { references_.push_back(ref); } virtual int GetMaxAlignment() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { int max_alignment = GetPoolObjectAlignment(); for (std::vector<ForwardReference<int32_t> *>::const_iterator iter = references_.begin(); iter != references_.end(); ++iter) { const ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = *iter; if (ref->GetAlignment() > max_alignment) max_alignment = ref->GetAlignment(); } return max_alignment; } virtual int32_t GetMinLocation() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { int32_t min_location = 0; for (std::vector<ForwardReference<int32_t> *>::const_iterator iter = references_.begin(); iter != references_.end(); ++iter) { const ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = *iter; if (ref->GetMinLocation() > min_location) min_location = ref->GetMinLocation(); } return min_location; } int GetID() { return id_; } static TestBranchObject *CreateRandom(int id) { int size = RandomReferenceSize(); int alignment = size; IF_VERBOSE(printf("Object %d -> size = %d, alignment = %d\n", id, size, alignment)); return new TestBranchObject(size, alignment, id); } private: // Store pointers to ForwardReference objects - TestBranchObject is // responsible for deleting them. std::vector<ForwardReference<int32_t> *> references_; // Object id used for debugging. int id_; // These are the min and max offsets of the type of branch used for the // veneer. static const int32_t min_offset_ = 0; static const int32_t max_offset_ = 16 * 1024 * 1024; }; // MacroAssembler implementation that does nothing but print in verbose mode. class TestMacroAssembler : public MacroAssemblerInterface { public: TestMacroAssembler() : assembler_(128) {} void EmitPoolHeader() VIXL_OVERRIDE { IF_VERBOSE(printf("[MASM] Emitting pool header.\n")); } void EmitPoolFooter() VIXL_OVERRIDE { IF_VERBOSE(printf("[MASM] Emitting pool footer.\n")); } void EmitPaddingBytes(int n) VIXL_OVERRIDE { IF_VERBOSE(printf("[MASM] Added %d bytes of padding.\n", n)); } void EmitNopBytes(int n) VIXL_OVERRIDE { IF_VERBOSE(printf("[MASM] Added %d bytes of NOPs.\n", n)); } bool ArePoolsBlocked() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { return false; } bool AllowMacroInstructions() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { return false; } void SetAllowMacroInstructions(bool allow) VIXL_OVERRIDE { USE(allow); } void BlockPools() VIXL_OVERRIDE {} void ReleasePools() VIXL_OVERRIDE {} void EnsureEmitPoolsFor(size_t) VIXL_OVERRIDE {} internal::AssemblerBase *AsAssemblerBase() VIXL_OVERRIDE { return &assembler_; } private: internal::AssemblerBase assembler_; }; // Used for debugging. namespace vixl { template <> void PoolManager<int32_t>::DumpCurrentState(int32_t pc) const { IF_VERBOSE( printf("Number of objects: %d\n", static_cast<int>(objects_.size()))); IF_VERBOSE(printf("Current pc = 0x%x (%d)\n", pc, pc)); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(objects_.size()); ++i) { const PoolObject<int32_t> &object = objects_[i]; IF_VERBOSE( printf("Object %d -> size = %d, alignment = %d, range = (%d,%d)\n", i, object.label_base_->GetPoolObjectSizeInBytes(), object.alignment_, object.min_location_, object.max_location_)); } } } // Basic test - checks that emitting a very simple pool works. TEST(Basic) { TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(4 /*header_size*/, 2 /*header_alignment*/, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); TestObject object1(4 /*size*/, 4 /*alignment*/); TestObject object2(128 /*size*/, 4 /*alignment*/); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref1_obj1 = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(0 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 0, 200); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref2_obj1 = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(2 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 2, 202); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref3_obj1 = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(4 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 4, 204); object1.AddReference(ref1_obj1); object1.AddReference(ref2_obj1); object1.AddReference(ref3_obj1); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref1_obj2 = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(8 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 8, 500); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref2_obj2 = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(12 /*location*/, 4 /*size*/, 12, 300); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref3_obj2 = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(16 /*location*/, 4 /*size*/, 16, 400); object2.AddReference(ref1_obj2); object2.AddReference(ref2_obj2); object2.AddReference(ref3_obj2); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref1_obj1, &object1); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref2_obj1, &object1); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref3_obj1, &object1); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref1_obj2, &object2); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref2_obj2, &object2); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref3_obj2, &object2); pool_manager.Emit(&masm, 20); } static ForwardReference<int32_t> *CreateReference(int id, int32_t pc, int size, int32_t min_offset, int32_t max_offset, int alignment) { IF_VERBOSE(printf( "About to add a new reference to object %d with min location = %d, max " "location = %d, alignment = %d, size = %d\n", id, min_offset + pc, max_offset + pc, alignment, size)); return new ForwardReference<int32_t>(pc, size, min_offset + pc, max_offset + pc, alignment); } // Fuzz test that uses literal-like objects, that get deleted when they are // placed. TEST(FuzzObjectDeletedWhenPlaced) { TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(4 /*header_size*/, 2 /*header_alignment*/, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); const int kObjectNum = 100; std::vector<TestObject *> objects; // Create objects. for (int i = 0; i < kObjectNum; ++i) { objects.push_back(TestObject::CreateRandom(i)); } int32_t pc = 0; for (int i = 0; !objects.empty(); ++i) { IF_VERBOSE(printf("PC = 0x%x (%d)\n", pc, pc)); int32_t pc_increment = RandomPCIncrement(); IF_VERBOSE(printf("Attempting to increment PC by %d\n", pc_increment)); if (pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, pc_increment)) { pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc, pc_increment); } pc += pc_increment; // Pick an object, randomly. TestObject *object = objects[RandomObjectID(objects.size())]; int32_t min_offset = RandomMinOffset(); int32_t max_offset = RandomMaxOffset(); int32_t size = RandomReferenceSize(); int32_t alignment = RandomObjectAlignment(object->GetPoolObjectSizeInBytes()); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = CreateReference(object->GetID(), pc, size, min_offset, max_offset, alignment); if (pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, size, ref, object)) { pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc, size, ref, object); delete ref; // We must recreate the reference, the PC has changed, but only if // it still is a forward reference. if (!object->IsBound()) { ref = CreateReference(object->GetID(), pc, size, min_offset, max_offset, alignment); } } IF_VERBOSE(printf("Incrementing PC by size of reference (%d).\n", size)); pc += size; // We only need to track the reference if it's a forward reference. if (!object->IsBound()) { object->AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, object); } VIXL_ASSERT(!pool_manager.MustEmit(pc - 1)); // Remove bound objects. for (std::vector<TestObject *>::iterator iter = objects.begin(); iter != objects.end();) { TestObject *object = *iter; if (object->IsBound()) { delete object; iter = objects.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } } pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc); } // Fuzz test that uses veneer-like objects, that get updated when they are // placed and get deleted when they are bound by the user. TEST(FuzzObjectUpdatedWhenPlaced) { TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(4 /*header_size*/, 2 /*header_alignment*/, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); const int kObjectNum = 1000; std::vector<TestBranchObject *> objects; // Create objects. for (int i = 0; i < kObjectNum; ++i) { objects.push_back(TestBranchObject::CreateRandom(i)); } int32_t pc = 0; for (int i = 0; !objects.empty(); ++i) { IF_VERBOSE(printf("PC = 0x%x (%d)\n", pc, pc)); int32_t pc_increment = RandomPCIncrement(); IF_VERBOSE(printf("Attempting to increment PC by %d\n", pc_increment)); if (pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, pc_increment)) { pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc, pc_increment); } pc += pc_increment; // Pick a random object. TestBranchObject *object = objects[RandomObjectID(objects.size())]; int32_t min_offset = RandomMinOffset(); int32_t max_offset = RandomBranchMaxOffset(); int32_t size = RandomReferenceSize(); int32_t alignment = RandomObjectAlignment(object->GetPoolObjectSizeInBytes()); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = CreateReference(object->GetID(), pc, size, min_offset, max_offset, alignment); if (pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, size, ref, object)) { pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc, size); delete ref; // We must recreate the reference, the PC has changed. ref = CreateReference(object->GetID(), pc, size, min_offset, max_offset, alignment); } IF_VERBOSE(printf("Incrementing PC by size of reference (%d).\n", size)); pc += size; object->AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, object); VIXL_ASSERT(!pool_manager.MustEmit(pc - 1)); // Pick another random label to bind. const int kProbabilityToBind = 20; if ((Random() % 100) < kProbabilityToBind) { TestBranchObject *object = objects[RandomObjectID(objects.size())]; // Binding can cause the pool emission, so check if we need to emit // the pools. The actual backends will know the max alignment we // might need here, so can simplify the check (won't need to check // the object references). int max_padding = object->GetMaxAlignment() - 1; if (pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, max_padding)) { pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc, max_padding); } pc = pool_manager.Bind(&masm, object, pc); } // Remove bound objects. for (std::vector<TestBranchObject *>::iterator iter = objects.begin(); iter != objects.end();) { TestBranchObject *object = *iter; if (object->IsBound()) { delete object; iter = objects.erase(iter); } else { ++iter; } } } pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc); } // Test that binding an unused label works. TEST(BindUnusedLabel) { TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(4 /*header_size*/, 2 /*header_alignment*/, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); TestBranchObject *object = new TestBranchObject(4 /*size*/, 4 /*alignment*/); int32_t pc = 0; pool_manager.Bind(&masm, object, pc); delete object; } // Test that binding a label adds necessary padding. TEST(BindLabelNeedsPadding) { TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(4 /*header_size*/, 2 /*header_alignment*/, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); // Label that needs padding because of the minimum location of the reference. TestBranchObject *object = new TestBranchObject(4 /*size*/, 2 /*alignment*/); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(0 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 4 /*min_location*/, 500 /*max_location*/); object->AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, object); int32_t pc = 2; pc = pool_manager.Bind(&masm, object, pc); VIXL_ASSERT(pc == 4); delete object; // Label that needs padding because of the alignment of the object. object = new TestBranchObject(4 /*size*/, 4 /*alignment*/); ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(0 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 0 /*min_location*/, 500 /*max_location*/); object->AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, object); pc = 2; pc = pool_manager.Bind(&masm, object, pc); VIXL_ASSERT(pc == 4); delete object; // Label that needs padding because of the alignment of the reference. object = new TestBranchObject(4 /*size*/, 1 /*alignment*/); ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(0 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 0 /*min_location*/, 500 /*max_location*/, 4 /*alignment*/); object->AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, object); pc = 2; pc = pool_manager.Bind(&masm, object, pc); VIXL_ASSERT(pc == 4); delete object; } // This test checks that when we omit the pool header, we insert any padding // needed in order to meet the minimum location of the first object. TEST(PoolWithoutHeaderMinLocation) { TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(4 /*header_size*/, 2 /*header_alignment*/, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); int object_size = 4; int object_alignment = 1; // Do not restrict alignment for this test. int min_location = 4; // We emit the pool at location 2, so need padding. int max_location = 500; TestObject object(object_size, object_alignment); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(0 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, min_location, max_location); object.AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, &object); int32_t new_pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, 2, 0, /* no new code added */ NULL, NULL, PoolManager<int32_t>::kNoBranchRequired); USE(new_pc); VIXL_ASSERT(new_pc == min_location + object_size); } // This test checks that when we omit the pool header, we insert any padding // needed in order to meet the alignment of the first object. TEST(PoolWithoutHeaderAlignment) { TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(4 /*header_size*/, 2 /*header_alignment*/, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); int object_size = 4; int object_alignment = 4; // We emit the pool at location 2, so need padding. int min_location = 0; // Do not restrict this for this test. int max_location = 500; TestObject object(object_size, object_alignment); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(0 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, min_location, max_location); object.AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, &object); int32_t pc = 2; int32_t new_pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc, 0, /* no new code added */ NULL, NULL, PoolManager<int32_t>::kNoBranchRequired); USE(pc); USE(new_pc); VIXL_ASSERT(new_pc == AlignUp(pc, object_alignment) + object_size); } static int32_t AddNBranches(PoolManager<int32_t> *pool_manager, int32_t pc, TestBranchObject *labels[], int num_branches, int branch_size, int veneer_size, int veneer_alignment, int branch_range) { for (int i = 0; i < num_branches; ++i) { labels[i] = new TestBranchObject(veneer_size, veneer_alignment); int32_t min_location = pc; int32_t max_location = pc + branch_range; ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(pc, branch_size, min_location, max_location); labels[i]->AddReference(ref); // We have picked the object sizes so that we do not need to emit now. VIXL_ASSERT(!pool_manager->MustEmit(pc, branch_size, ref, labels[i])); pool_manager->AddObjectReference(ref, labels[i]); pc += branch_size; } return pc; } TEST(MustEmitNewReferenceDueToRange) { const int kHeaderSize = 4; const int kHeaderAlignment = 2; const int kNumBranches = 550; const int kBranchSize = 4; const int kVeneerSize = 4; const int kVeneerAlignment = 2; const int kBranchRange = 1 * MBytes; int32_t pc = 0; TestMacroAssembler masm; TestBranchObject *labels[kNumBranches]; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(kHeaderSize, kHeaderAlignment, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); pc = AddNBranches(&pool_manager, pc, labels, kNumBranches, kBranchSize, kVeneerSize, kVeneerAlignment, kBranchRange); // Increment PC to close to the checkpoint of the pools. TestPoolManager test(&pool_manager); pc = test.GetPoolCheckpoint() - 4; VIXL_ASSERT(!pool_manager.MustEmit(pc)); // Now, attempt to add a reference that would make the problem impossible. // We need to emit the pool immediately after this new instruction, and // the current size of the pool is kVeneerSize * kNumBranches, so adding a // short-range (smaller than the pool size) reference should trigger pool // emission. const int kPoolSize = kVeneerSize * kNumBranches + kHeaderSize; const int kNewObjectSize = 2; TestObject new_object(kNewObjectSize, 1); ForwardReference<int32_t> temp_ref(pc, kBranchSize, pc, pc + kPoolSize + kBranchSize - 1); VIXL_ASSERT(pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, kBranchSize, &temp_ref, &new_object)); // Before actually emitting the pool, try a few different references to make // sure that this works as expected. { // This reference has a large enough range, so should not force pool // emission. ForwardReference<int32_t> far_ref(pc, kBranchSize, pc, pc + kPoolSize + kBranchSize); VIXL_ASSERT(!pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, kBranchSize, &far_ref, &new_object)); // This reference had a large enough range but will be restricted by // alignment so should force pool emission. int alignment = 16; VIXL_ASSERT((pc & (alignment - 1)) != 0); ForwardReference<int32_t> aligned_ref(pc, kBranchSize, pc, pc + kPoolSize + kBranchSize, alignment); VIXL_ASSERT( pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, kBranchSize, &aligned_ref, &new_object)); } // Emit the pool and check its size. int32_t new_pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc, kBranchSize, &temp_ref, &new_object); VIXL_ASSERT(pc % kHeaderAlignment == 0); // No need for padding. VIXL_ASSERT(new_pc == pc + kPoolSize); pc = new_pc; // Add the new reference, safely. ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(pc, 4 /*size*/, pc, pc + kBranchRange); new_object.AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, &new_object); pc += 4; // Emit the pool again. new_pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc); VIXL_ASSERT(pc % kHeaderAlignment == 0); // No need for padding. VIXL_ASSERT(new_pc == pc + kNewObjectSize + kHeaderSize); pc = new_pc; // Finally, bind the labels. for (int i = 0; i < kNumBranches; ++i) { pc = pool_manager.Bind(&masm, labels[i], pc); delete labels[i]; } } TEST(MustEmitNewReferenceDueToSizeOfObject) { const int kHeaderSize = 4; const int kHeaderAlignment = 2; const int kNumBranches = 550; const int kBranchSize = 4; const int kVeneerSize = 4; const int kVeneerAlignment = 2; const int kBranchRange = 1 * MBytes; int32_t pc = 0; TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(kHeaderSize, kHeaderAlignment, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); TestBranchObject *labels[kNumBranches]; pc = AddNBranches(&pool_manager, pc, labels, kNumBranches, kBranchSize, kVeneerSize, kVeneerAlignment, kBranchRange); // Increment PC to close to the checkpoint of the pools minus a known // thershold. const int kBigObjectSize = 1024; TestPoolManager test(&pool_manager); pc = test.GetPoolCheckpoint() - kBigObjectSize; VIXL_ASSERT(!pool_manager.MustEmit(pc)); // Now, attempt to add a reference that would make the problem impossible. // If we add a short-range (smaller than the pool size) reference with a // large size (larger than the margin we have until pool emission), pool // emission should be triggered. const int kPoolSize = kVeneerSize * kNumBranches + kHeaderSize; TestObject new_object(kBigObjectSize, 1); ForwardReference<int32_t> temp_ref(pc, kBranchSize, pc, pc + kPoolSize); VIXL_ASSERT(pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, kBranchSize, &temp_ref, &new_object)); // Before actually emitting the pool, try a few different references to make // sure that this works as expected. { // If the object is smaller, we can emit the reference. TestObject smaller_object(kBigObjectSize - 4, 1); ForwardReference<int32_t> temp_ref(pc, kBranchSize, pc, pc + kPoolSize); VIXL_ASSERT( !pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, kBranchSize, &temp_ref, &smaller_object)); // If the reference is going to be added after the current objects in the // pool, we can still emit it. ForwardReference<int32_t> far_ref(pc, kBranchSize, pc, pc + kBranchRange); VIXL_ASSERT(!pool_manager.MustEmit(pc, kBranchSize, &far_ref, &new_object)); } // Emit the pool and check its size. int32_t new_pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc, kBranchSize, &temp_ref, &new_object); VIXL_ASSERT(pc % kHeaderAlignment == 0); // No need for padding. VIXL_ASSERT(new_pc == pc + kPoolSize); pc = new_pc; // Add the new reference, safely. ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(pc, 4 /*size*/, pc, pc + kBranchRange); new_object.AddReference(ref); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref, &new_object); pc += 4; // Emit the pool again. new_pc = pool_manager.Emit(&masm, pc); VIXL_ASSERT(pc % kHeaderAlignment == 0); // No need for padding. VIXL_ASSERT(new_pc == pc + kBigObjectSize + kHeaderSize); pc = new_pc; // Finally, bind the labels. for (int i = 0; i < kNumBranches; ++i) { pc = pool_manager.Bind(&masm, labels[i], pc); delete labels[i]; } } template <typename ObjectType> void ManagedLocationBaseTestHelper() { TestMacroAssembler masm; PoolManager<int32_t> pool_manager(4 /*header_size*/, 2 /*header_alignment*/, BUFFER_ALIGNMENT); ObjectType *object1 = new ObjectType(); ObjectType *object2 = new ObjectType(); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref_obj1 = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(0 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 0, 200); object1->AddReference(ref_obj1); ForwardReference<int32_t> *ref_obj2 = new ForwardReference<int32_t>(8 /*location*/, 2 /*size*/, 8, 500); object2->AddReference(ref_obj2); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref_obj1, object1); pool_manager.AddObjectReference(ref_obj2, object2); pool_manager.Emit(&masm, 20); } class TestObjectDeletedOnPlacement : public TestObject { public: TestObjectDeletedOnPlacement() : TestObject(4 /*size*/, 4 /*alignment*/) {} // After passing ownership of this type of object to the pool manager, it is // not safe to use it anymore. virtual bool ShouldBeDeletedOnPlacementByPoolManager() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { return true; } }; TEST(DeleteLocationBaseOnPlacement) { ManagedLocationBaseTestHelper<TestObjectDeletedOnPlacement>(); } class TestObjectDeletedOnPoolManagerDestruction : public TestObject { public: TestObjectDeletedOnPoolManagerDestruction() : TestObject(4 /*size*/, 4 /*alignment*/) {} // We can continue using this type of object after passing its ownership to // the pool manager, as it will be deleted only when the pool manager is // destroyed. virtual bool ShouldBeDeletedOnPoolManagerDestruction() const VIXL_OVERRIDE { return true; } }; TEST(DeleteLocationBaseOnPoolManagerDestruction) { ManagedLocationBaseTestHelper<TestObjectDeletedOnPoolManagerDestruction>(); }