#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 The Khronos Group Inc. # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Valve Corporation # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 LunarG, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Author: Tobin Ehlis <tobine@google.com> import argparse import os import sys import platform # vk_validation_stats.py overview # # usage: # python vk_validation_stats.py [verbose] # # Arguments: # verbose - enables verbose output, including VUID duplicates # # This script is intended to generate statistics on the state of validation code # based on information parsed from the source files and the database file # Here's what it currently does: # 1. Parse vk_validation_error_database.txt to store claimed state of validation checks # 2. Parse vk_validation_error_messages.h to verify the actual checks in header vs. the # claimed state of the checks # 3. Parse source files to identify which checks are implemented and verify that this # exactly matches the list of checks claimed to be implemented in the database # 4. Parse test file(s) and verify that reported tests exist # 5. Report out stats on number of checks, implemented checks, and duplicated checks # # If a mis-match is found during steps 2, 3, or 4, then the script exits w/ a non-zero error code # otherwise, the script will exit(0) # # TODO: # 1. Would also like to report out number of existing checks that don't yet use new, unique enum # 2. Could use notes to store custom fields (like TODO) and print those out here # 3. Update test code to check if tests use new, unique enums to check for errors instead of strings db_file = '../layers/vk_validation_error_database.txt' generated_layer_source_directories = [ 'build', 'dbuild', 'release', ] generated_layer_source_files = [ 'parameter_validation.cpp', 'object_tracker.cpp', ] layer_source_files = [ '../layers/core_validation.cpp', '../layers/descriptor_sets.cpp', '../layers/parameter_validation_utils.cpp', '../layers/object_tracker_utils.cpp', '../layers/shader_validation.cpp', '../layers/buffer_validation.cpp', ] header_file = '../layers/vk_validation_error_messages.h' # TODO : Don't hardcode linux path format if we want this to run on windows test_file = '../tests/layer_validation_tests.cpp' # List of enums that are allowed to be used more than once so don't warn on their duplicates duplicate_exceptions = [ 'VALIDATION_ERROR_258004ea', # This covers the broad case that all child objects must be destroyed at DestroyInstance time 'VALIDATION_ERROR_24a002f4', # This covers the broad case that all child objects must be destroyed at DestroyDevice time 'VALIDATION_ERROR_0280006e', # Obj tracker check makes sure non-null framebuffer is valid & CV check makes sure it's compatible w/ renderpass framebuffer 'VALIDATION_ERROR_12200682', # This is an aliasing error that we report twice, for each of the two allocations that are aliasing 'VALIDATION_ERROR_1060d201', # Covers valid shader module handle for both Compute & Graphics pipelines 'VALIDATION_ERROR_0c20c601', # This is a case for VkMappedMemoryRange struct that is used by both Flush & Invalidate MappedMemoryRange 'VALIDATION_ERROR_0a400c01', # This is a blanket case for all invalid image aspect bit errors. The spec link has appropriate details for all separate cases. 'VALIDATION_ERROR_0a8007fc', # This case covers two separate checks which are done independently 'VALIDATION_ERROR_0a800800', # This case covers two separate checks which are done independently 'VALIDATION_ERROR_15c0028a', # This is a descriptor set write update error that we use for a couple copy cases as well 'VALIDATION_ERROR_1bc002de', # Single error for mis-matched stageFlags of vkCmdPushConstants() that is flagged for no stage flags & mis-matched flags 'VALIDATION_ERROR_1880000e', # Handles both depth/stencil & compressed image errors for vkCmdClearColorImage() 'VALIDATION_ERROR_0a600152', # Used for the mipLevel check of both dst & src images on vkCmdCopyImage call 'VALIDATION_ERROR_0a600154', # Used for the arraySize check of both dst & src images on vkCmdCopyImage call 'VALIDATION_ERROR_1500099e', # Used for both x & y bounds of viewport 'VALIDATION_ERROR_1d8004a6', # Used for both x & y value of scissors to make sure they're not negative 'VALIDATION_ERROR_1462ec01', # Surface of VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR must be valid when creating both single or shared swapchains 'VALIDATION_ERROR_1460de01', # oldSwapchain of VkSwapchainCreateInfoKHR must be valid when creating both single or shared swapchains 'VALIDATION_ERROR_146009f2', # Single error for both imageFormat & imageColorSpace requirements when creating swapchain 'VALIDATION_ERROR_15c00294', # Used twice for the same error codepath as both a param & to set a variable, so not really a duplicate ] class ValidationDatabase: def __init__(self, filename=db_file): self.db_file = filename self.delimiter = '~^~' self.db_dict = {} # complete dict of all db values per error enum # specialized data structs with slices of complete dict self.db_implemented_enums = [] # list of all error enums claiming to be implemented in database file self.db_unimplemented_implicit = [] # list of all implicit checks that aren't marked implemented self.db_enum_to_tests = {} # dict where enum is key to lookup list of tests implementing the enum self.db_invalid_implemented = [] # list of checks with invalid check_implemented flags #self.src_implemented_enums def read(self): """Read a database file into internal data structures, format of each line is <enum><implemented Y|N?><testname><api><errormsg><notes>""" #db_dict = {} # This is a simple db of just enum->errormsg, the same as is created from spec #max_id = 0 with open(self.db_file, "r", encoding="utf8") as infile: for line in infile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or '' == line: continue db_line = line.split(self.delimiter) if len(db_line) != 8: print("ERROR: Bad database line doesn't have 8 elements: %s" % (line)) error_enum = db_line[0] implemented = db_line[1] testname = db_line[2] api = db_line[3] vuid_string = db_line[4] core_ext = db_line[5] error_str = db_line[6] note = db_line[7] # Read complete database contents into our class var for later use self.db_dict[error_enum] = {} self.db_dict[error_enum]['check_implemented'] = implemented self.db_dict[error_enum]['testname'] = testname self.db_dict[error_enum]['api'] = api self.db_dict[error_enum]['vuid_string'] = vuid_string self.db_dict[error_enum]['core_ext'] = core_ext self.db_dict[error_enum]['error_string'] = error_str self.db_dict[error_enum]['note'] = note # Now build custom data structs if 'Y' == implemented: self.db_implemented_enums.append(error_enum) elif 'implicit' in note: # only make note of non-implemented implicit checks self.db_unimplemented_implicit.append(error_enum) if implemented not in ['Y', 'N']: self.db_invalid_implemented.append(error_enum) if testname.lower() not in ['unknown', 'none', 'nottestable']: self.db_enum_to_tests[error_enum] = testname.split(',') #if len(self.db_enum_to_tests[error_enum]) > 1: # print "Found check %s that has multiple tests: %s" % (error_enum, self.db_enum_to_tests[error_enum]) #else: # print "Check %s has single test: %s" % (error_enum, self.db_enum_to_tests[error_enum]) #unique_id = int(db_line[0].split('_')[-1]) #if unique_id > max_id: # max_id = unique_id #print "Found %d total enums in database" % (len(self.db_dict.keys())) #print "Found %d enums claiming to be implemented in source" % (len(self.db_implemented_enums)) #print "Found %d enums claiming to have tests implemented" % (len(self.db_enum_to_tests.keys())) class ValidationHeader: def __init__(self, filename=header_file): self.filename = header_file self.enums = [] def read(self): """Read unique error enum header file into internal data structures""" grab_enums = False with open(self.filename, "r") as infile: for line in infile: line = line.strip() if 'enum UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE {' in line: grab_enums = True continue if grab_enums: if 'VALIDATION_ERROR_MAX_ENUM' in line: grab_enums = False break # done elif 'VALIDATION_ERROR_UNDEFINED' in line: continue elif 'VALIDATION_ERROR_' in line: enum = line.split(' = ')[0] self.enums.append(enum) #print "Found %d error enums. First is %s and last is %s." % (len(self.enums), self.enums[0], self.enums[-1]) class ValidationSource: def __init__(self, source_file_list, generated_source_file_list, generated_source_directories): self.source_files = source_file_list self.generated_source_files = generated_source_file_list self.generated_source_dirs = generated_source_directories if len(self.generated_source_files) > 0: qualified_paths = [] for source in self.generated_source_files: for build_dir in self.generated_source_dirs: filepath = '../%s/layers/%s' % (build_dir, source) if os.path.isfile(filepath): qualified_paths.append(filepath) break if len(self.generated_source_files) != len(qualified_paths): print("Error: Unable to locate one or more of the following source files in the %s directories" % (", ".join(generated_source_directories))) print(self.generated_source_files) print("Skipping documentation validation test") exit(1) else: self.source_files.extend(qualified_paths) self.enum_count_dict = {} # dict of enum values to the count of how much they're used, and location of where they're used def parse(self): duplicate_checks = 0 for sf in self.source_files: line_num = 0 with open(sf) as f: for line in f: line_num = line_num + 1 if True in [line.strip().startswith(comment) for comment in ['//', '/*']]: continue # Find enums #if 'VALIDATION_ERROR_' in line and True not in [ignore in line for ignore in ['[VALIDATION_ERROR_', 'UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE']]: if 'VALIDATION_ERROR_' in line: # Need to isolate the validation error enum #print("Line has check:%s" % (line)) line_list = line.split() enum_list = [] for str in line_list: if 'VALIDATION_ERROR_' in str and True not in [ignore_str in str for ignore_str in ['[VALIDATION_ERROR_', 'VALIDATION_ERROR_UNDEFINED', 'UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE']]: enum_list.append(str.strip(',);{}')) #break for enum in enum_list: if enum != '': if enum not in self.enum_count_dict: self.enum_count_dict[enum] = {} self.enum_count_dict[enum]['count'] = 1 self.enum_count_dict[enum]['file_line'] = [] self.enum_count_dict[enum]['file_line'].append('%s,%d' % (sf, line_num)) #print "Found enum %s implemented for first time in file %s" % (enum, sf) else: self.enum_count_dict[enum]['count'] = self.enum_count_dict[enum]['count'] + 1 self.enum_count_dict[enum]['file_line'].append('%s,%d' % (sf, line_num)) #print "Found enum %s implemented for %d time in file %s" % (enum, self.enum_count_dict[enum], sf) duplicate_checks = duplicate_checks + 1 #else: #print("Didn't find actual check in line:%s" % (line)) #print "Found %d unique implemented checks and %d are duplicated at least once" % (len(self.enum_count_dict.keys()), duplicate_checks) # Class to parse the validation layer test source and store testnames # TODO: Enhance class to detect use of unique error enums in the test class TestParser: def __init__(self, test_file_list, test_group_name=['VkLayerTest', 'VkPositiveLayerTest', 'VkWsiEnabledLayerTest']): self.test_files = test_file_list self.test_to_errors = {} # Dict where testname maps to list of error enums found in that test self.test_trigger_txt_list = [] for tg in test_group_name: self.test_trigger_txt_list.append('TEST_F(%s' % tg) #print('Test trigger test list: %s' % (self.test_trigger_txt_list)) # Parse test files into internal data struct def parse(self): # For each test file, parse test names into set grab_next_line = False # handle testname on separate line than wildcard testname = '' for test_file in self.test_files: with open(test_file) as tf: for line in tf: if True in [line.strip().startswith(comment) for comment in ['//', '/*']]: continue if True in [ttt in line for ttt in self.test_trigger_txt_list]: #print('Test wildcard in line: %s' % (line)) testname = line.split(',')[-1] testname = testname.strip().strip(' {)') #print('Inserting test: "%s"' % (testname)) if ('' == testname): grab_next_line = True continue self.test_to_errors[testname] = [] if grab_next_line: # test name on its own line grab_next_line = False testname = testname.strip().strip(' {)') self.test_to_errors[testname] = [] if ' VALIDATION_ERROR_' in line: line_list = line.split() for sub_str in line_list: if 'VALIDATION_ERROR_' in sub_str and True not in [ignore_str in sub_str for ignore_str in ['VALIDATION_ERROR_UNDEFINED', 'UNIQUE_VALIDATION_ERROR_CODE', 'VALIDATION_ERROR_MAX_ENUM']]: #print("Trying to add enums for line: %s" % ()) #print("Adding enum %s to test %s" % (sub_str.strip(',);'), testname)) self.test_to_errors[testname].append(sub_str.strip(',);')) # Little helper class for coloring cmd line output class bcolors: def __init__(self): self.GREEN = '\033[0;32m' self.RED = '\033[0;31m' self.YELLOW = '\033[1;33m' self.ENDC = '\033[0m' if 'Linux' != platform.system(): self.GREEN = '' self.RED = '' self.YELLOW = '' self.ENDC = '' def green(self): return self.GREEN def red(self): return self.RED def yellow(self): return self.YELLOW def endc(self): return self.ENDC def main(argv): result = 0 # Non-zero result indicates an error case verbose_mode = 'verbose' in sys.argv # parse db val_db = ValidationDatabase() val_db.read() # parse header val_header = ValidationHeader() val_header.read() # Create parser for layer files val_source = ValidationSource(layer_source_files, generated_layer_source_files, generated_layer_source_directories) val_source.parse() # Parse test files test_parser = TestParser([test_file, ]) test_parser.parse() # Process stats - Just doing this inline in main, could make a fancy class to handle # all the processing of data and then get results from that txt_color = bcolors() if verbose_mode: print("Validation Statistics") else: print("Validation/Documentation Consistency Test") # First give number of checks in db & header and report any discrepancies db_enums = len(val_db.db_dict.keys()) hdr_enums = len(val_header.enums) if verbose_mode: print(" Database file includes %d unique checks" % (db_enums)) print(" Header file declares %d unique checks" % (hdr_enums)) # Report any checks that have an invalid check_implemented flag if len(val_db.db_invalid_implemented) > 0: result = 1 print(txt_color.red() + "The following checks have an invalid check_implemented flag (must be 'Y' or 'N'):" + txt_color.endc()) for invalid_imp_enum in val_db.db_invalid_implemented: check_implemented = val_db.db_dict[invalid_imp_enum]['check_implemented'] print(txt_color.red() + " %s has check_implemented flag '%s'" % (invalid_imp_enum, check_implemented) + txt_color.endc()) # Report details about how well the Database and Header are synchronized. tmp_db_dict = val_db.db_dict db_missing = [] for enum in val_header.enums: if not tmp_db_dict.pop(enum, False): db_missing.append(enum) if db_enums == hdr_enums and len(db_missing) == 0 and len(tmp_db_dict.keys()) == 0: if verbose_mode: print(txt_color.green() + " Database and Header match, GREAT!" + txt_color.endc()) else: print(txt_color.red() + " Uh oh, Database doesn't match Header :(" + txt_color.endc()) result = 1 if len(db_missing) != 0: print(txt_color.red() + " The following checks are in header but missing from database:" + txt_color.endc()) for missing_enum in db_missing: print(txt_color.red() + " %s" % (missing_enum) + txt_color.endc()) if len(tmp_db_dict.keys()) != 0: print(txt_color.red() + " The following checks are in database but haven't been declared in the header:" + txt_color.endc()) for extra_enum in tmp_db_dict: print(txt_color.red() + " %s" % (extra_enum) + txt_color.endc()) # Report out claimed implemented checks vs. found actual implemented checks imp_not_found = [] # Checks claimed to implemented in DB file but no source found imp_not_claimed = [] # Checks found implemented but not claimed to be in DB multiple_uses = False # Flag if any enums are used multiple times for db_imp in val_db.db_implemented_enums: if db_imp not in val_source.enum_count_dict: imp_not_found.append(db_imp) for src_enum in val_source.enum_count_dict: if val_source.enum_count_dict[src_enum]['count'] > 1 and src_enum not in duplicate_exceptions: multiple_uses = True if src_enum not in val_db.db_implemented_enums: imp_not_claimed.append(src_enum) if verbose_mode: print(" Database file claims that %d checks (%s) are implemented in source." % (len(val_db.db_implemented_enums), "{0:.0f}%".format(float(len(val_db.db_implemented_enums))/db_enums * 100))) if len(val_db.db_unimplemented_implicit) > 0 and verbose_mode: print(" Database file claims %d implicit checks (%s) that are not implemented." % (len(val_db.db_unimplemented_implicit), "{0:.0f}%".format(float(len(val_db.db_unimplemented_implicit))/db_enums * 100))) total_checks = len(val_db.db_implemented_enums) + len(val_db.db_unimplemented_implicit) print(" If all implicit checks are handled by parameter validation this is a total of %d (%s) checks covered." % (total_checks, "{0:.0f}%".format(float(total_checks)/db_enums * 100))) if len(imp_not_found) == 0 and len(imp_not_claimed) == 0: if verbose_mode: print(txt_color.green() + " All claimed Database implemented checks have been found in source, and no source checks aren't claimed in Database, GREAT!" + txt_color.endc()) else: result = 1 print(txt_color.red() + " Uh oh, Database claimed implemented don't match Source :(" + txt_color.endc()) if len(imp_not_found) != 0: print(txt_color.red() + " The following %d checks are claimed to be implemented in Database, but weren't found in source:" % (len(imp_not_found)) + txt_color.endc()) for not_imp_enum in imp_not_found: print(txt_color.red() + " %s" % (not_imp_enum) + txt_color.endc()) if len(imp_not_claimed) != 0: print(txt_color.red() + " The following checks are implemented in source, but not claimed to be in Database:" + txt_color.endc()) for imp_enum in imp_not_claimed: print(txt_color.red() + " %s" % (imp_enum) + txt_color.endc()) if multiple_uses and verbose_mode: print(txt_color.yellow() + " Note that some checks are used multiple times. These may be good candidates for new valid usage spec language." + txt_color.endc()) print(txt_color.yellow() + " Here is a list of each check used multiple times with its number of uses:" + txt_color.endc()) for enum in val_source.enum_count_dict: if val_source.enum_count_dict[enum]['count'] > 1 and enum not in duplicate_exceptions: print(txt_color.yellow() + " %s: %d uses in file,line:" % (enum, val_source.enum_count_dict[enum]['count']) + txt_color.endc()) for file_line in val_source.enum_count_dict[enum]['file_line']: print(txt_color.yellow() + " \t%s" % (file_line) + txt_color.endc()) # Now check that tests claimed to be implemented are actual test names bad_testnames = [] tests_missing_enum = {} # Report tests that don't use validation error enum to check for error case for enum in val_db.db_enum_to_tests: for testname in val_db.db_enum_to_tests[enum]: if testname not in test_parser.test_to_errors: bad_testnames.append(testname) else: enum_found = False for test_enum in test_parser.test_to_errors[testname]: if test_enum == enum: #print("Found test that correctly checks for enum: %s" % (enum)) enum_found = True if not enum_found: #print("Test %s is not using enum %s to check for error" % (testname, enum)) if testname not in tests_missing_enum: tests_missing_enum[testname] = [] tests_missing_enum[testname].append(enum) if tests_missing_enum and verbose_mode: print(txt_color.yellow() + " \nThe following tests do not use their reported enums to check for the validation error. You may want to update these to pass the expected enum to SetDesiredFailureMsg:" + txt_color.endc()) for testname in tests_missing_enum: print(txt_color.yellow() + " Testname %s does not explicitly check for these ids:" % (testname) + txt_color.endc()) for enum in tests_missing_enum[testname]: print(txt_color.yellow() + " %s" % (enum) + txt_color.endc()) # TODO : Go through all enums found in the test file and make sure they're correctly documented in the database file if verbose_mode: print(" Database file claims that %d checks have tests written." % len(val_db.db_enum_to_tests)) if len(bad_testnames) == 0: if verbose_mode: print(txt_color.green() + " All claimed tests have valid names. That's good!" + txt_color.endc()) else: print(txt_color.red() + " The following testnames in Database appear to be invalid:") result = 1 for bt in bad_testnames: print(txt_color.red() + " %s" % (bt) + txt_color.endc()) return result if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))