/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define DEBUG false // STOPSHIP if true #include "Log.h" #include "statslog.h" #include <android-base/file.h> #include <dirent.h> #include "StatsLogProcessor.h" #include "stats_log_util.h" #include "android-base/stringprintf.h" #include "guardrail/StatsdStats.h" #include "metrics/CountMetricProducer.h" #include "external/StatsPullerManager.h" #include "stats_util.h" #include "storage/StorageManager.h" #include <log/log_event_list.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> #include <utils/SystemClock.h> using namespace android; using android::base::StringPrintf; using android::util::FIELD_COUNT_REPEATED; using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_BOOL; using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT; using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_INT32; using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_INT64; using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE; using android::util::FIELD_TYPE_STRING; using android::util::ProtoOutputStream; using std::make_unique; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; namespace android { namespace os { namespace statsd { // for ConfigMetricsReportList const int FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY = 1; const int FIELD_ID_REPORTS = 2; // for ConfigKey const int FIELD_ID_UID = 1; const int FIELD_ID_ID = 2; // for ConfigMetricsReport // const int FIELD_ID_METRICS = 1; // written in MetricsManager.cpp const int FIELD_ID_UID_MAP = 2; const int FIELD_ID_LAST_REPORT_ELAPSED_NANOS = 3; const int FIELD_ID_CURRENT_REPORT_ELAPSED_NANOS = 4; const int FIELD_ID_LAST_REPORT_WALL_CLOCK_NANOS = 5; const int FIELD_ID_CURRENT_REPORT_WALL_CLOCK_NANOS = 6; const int FIELD_ID_DUMP_REPORT_REASON = 8; const int FIELD_ID_STRINGS = 9; #define NS_PER_HOUR 3600 * NS_PER_SEC #define STATS_DATA_DIR "/data/misc/stats-data" StatsLogProcessor::StatsLogProcessor(const sp<UidMap>& uidMap, const sp<AlarmMonitor>& anomalyAlarmMonitor, const sp<AlarmMonitor>& periodicAlarmMonitor, const int64_t timeBaseNs, const std::function<bool(const ConfigKey&)>& sendBroadcast) : mUidMap(uidMap), mAnomalyAlarmMonitor(anomalyAlarmMonitor), mPeriodicAlarmMonitor(periodicAlarmMonitor), mSendBroadcast(sendBroadcast), mTimeBaseNs(timeBaseNs), mLargestTimestampSeen(0), mLastTimestampSeen(0) { mStatsPullerManager.ForceClearPullerCache(); } StatsLogProcessor::~StatsLogProcessor() { } void StatsLogProcessor::onAnomalyAlarmFired( const int64_t& timestampNs, unordered_set<sp<const InternalAlarm>, SpHash<InternalAlarm>> alarmSet) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); for (const auto& itr : mMetricsManagers) { itr.second->onAnomalyAlarmFired(timestampNs, alarmSet); } } void StatsLogProcessor::onPeriodicAlarmFired( const int64_t& timestampNs, unordered_set<sp<const InternalAlarm>, SpHash<InternalAlarm>> alarmSet) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); for (const auto& itr : mMetricsManagers) { itr.second->onPeriodicAlarmFired(timestampNs, alarmSet); } } void updateUid(Value* value, int hostUid) { int uid = value->int_value; if (uid != hostUid) { value->setInt(hostUid); } } void StatsLogProcessor::mapIsolatedUidToHostUidIfNecessaryLocked(LogEvent* event) const { if (android::util::AtomsInfo::kAtomsWithAttributionChain.find(event->GetTagId()) != android::util::AtomsInfo::kAtomsWithAttributionChain.end()) { for (auto& value : *(event->getMutableValues())) { if (value.mField.getPosAtDepth(0) > kAttributionField) { break; } if (isAttributionUidField(value)) { const int hostUid = mUidMap->getHostUidOrSelf(value.mValue.int_value); updateUid(&value.mValue, hostUid); } } } else { auto it = android::util::AtomsInfo::kAtomsWithUidField.find(event->GetTagId()); if (it != android::util::AtomsInfo::kAtomsWithUidField.end()) { int uidField = it->second; // uidField is the field number in proto, // starting from 1 if (uidField > 0 && (int)event->getValues().size() >= uidField && (event->getValues())[uidField - 1].mValue.getType() == INT) { Value& value = (*event->getMutableValues())[uidField - 1].mValue; const int hostUid = mUidMap->getHostUidOrSelf(value.int_value); updateUid(&value, hostUid); } else { ALOGE("Malformed log, uid not found. %s", event->ToString().c_str()); } } } } void StatsLogProcessor::onIsolatedUidChangedEventLocked(const LogEvent& event) { status_t err = NO_ERROR, err2 = NO_ERROR, err3 = NO_ERROR; bool is_create = event.GetBool(3, &err); auto parent_uid = int(event.GetLong(1, &err2)); auto isolated_uid = int(event.GetLong(2, &err3)); if (err == NO_ERROR && err2 == NO_ERROR && err3 == NO_ERROR) { if (is_create) { mUidMap->assignIsolatedUid(isolated_uid, parent_uid); } else { mUidMap->removeIsolatedUid(isolated_uid, parent_uid); } } else { ALOGE("Failed to parse uid in the isolated uid change event."); } } void StatsLogProcessor::OnLogEvent(LogEvent* event) { OnLogEvent(event, false); } void StatsLogProcessor::resetConfigs() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); resetConfigsLocked(getElapsedRealtimeNs()); } void StatsLogProcessor::resetConfigsLocked(const int64_t timestampNs) { std::vector<ConfigKey> configKeys; for (auto it = mMetricsManagers.begin(); it != mMetricsManagers.end(); it++) { configKeys.push_back(it->first); } resetConfigsLocked(timestampNs, configKeys); } void StatsLogProcessor::OnLogEvent(LogEvent* event, bool reconnected) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); #ifdef VERY_VERBOSE_PRINTING if (mPrintAllLogs) { ALOGI("%s", event->ToString().c_str()); } #endif const int64_t currentTimestampNs = event->GetElapsedTimestampNs(); if (reconnected && mLastTimestampSeen != 0) { // LogReader tells us the connection has just been reset. Now we need // to enter reconnection state to find the last CP. mInReconnection = true; } if (mInReconnection) { // We see the checkpoint if (currentTimestampNs == mLastTimestampSeen) { mInReconnection = false; // Found the CP. ignore this event, and we will start to read from next event. return; } if (currentTimestampNs > mLargestTimestampSeen) { // We see a new log but CP has not been found yet. Give up now. mLogLossCount++; mInReconnection = false; StatsdStats::getInstance().noteLogLost(currentTimestampNs); // Persist the data before we reset. Do we want this? WriteDataToDiskLocked(CONFIG_RESET); // We see fresher event before we see the checkpoint. We might have lost data. // The best we can do is to reset. resetConfigsLocked(currentTimestampNs); } else { // Still in search of the CP. Keep going. return; } } mLogCount++; mLastTimestampSeen = currentTimestampNs; if (mLargestTimestampSeen < currentTimestampNs) { mLargestTimestampSeen = currentTimestampNs; } resetIfConfigTtlExpiredLocked(currentTimestampNs); StatsdStats::getInstance().noteAtomLogged( event->GetTagId(), event->GetElapsedTimestampNs() / NS_PER_SEC); // Hard-coded logic to update the isolated uid's in the uid-map. // The field numbers need to be currently updated by hand with atoms.proto if (event->GetTagId() == android::util::ISOLATED_UID_CHANGED) { onIsolatedUidChangedEventLocked(*event); } if (mMetricsManagers.empty()) { return; } int64_t curTimeSec = getElapsedRealtimeSec(); if (curTimeSec - mLastPullerCacheClearTimeSec > StatsdStats::kPullerCacheClearIntervalSec) { mStatsPullerManager.ClearPullerCacheIfNecessary(curTimeSec * NS_PER_SEC); mLastPullerCacheClearTimeSec = curTimeSec; } if (event->GetTagId() != android::util::ISOLATED_UID_CHANGED) { // Map the isolated uid to host uid if necessary. mapIsolatedUidToHostUidIfNecessaryLocked(event); } // pass the event to metrics managers. for (auto& pair : mMetricsManagers) { pair.second->onLogEvent(*event); flushIfNecessaryLocked(event->GetElapsedTimestampNs(), pair.first, *(pair.second)); } } void StatsLogProcessor::OnConfigUpdated(const int64_t timestampNs, const ConfigKey& key, const StatsdConfig& config) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); WriteDataToDiskLocked(key, timestampNs, CONFIG_UPDATED); OnConfigUpdatedLocked(timestampNs, key, config); } void StatsLogProcessor::OnConfigUpdatedLocked( const int64_t timestampNs, const ConfigKey& key, const StatsdConfig& config) { VLOG("Updated configuration for key %s", key.ToString().c_str()); sp<MetricsManager> newMetricsManager = new MetricsManager(key, config, mTimeBaseNs, timestampNs, mUidMap, mAnomalyAlarmMonitor, mPeriodicAlarmMonitor); if (newMetricsManager->isConfigValid()) { mUidMap->OnConfigUpdated(key); if (newMetricsManager->shouldAddUidMapListener()) { // We have to add listener after the MetricsManager is constructed because it's // not safe to create wp or sp from this pointer inside its constructor. mUidMap->addListener(newMetricsManager.get()); } newMetricsManager->refreshTtl(timestampNs); mMetricsManagers[key] = newMetricsManager; VLOG("StatsdConfig valid"); } else { // If there is any error in the config, don't use it. ALOGE("StatsdConfig NOT valid"); } } size_t StatsLogProcessor::GetMetricsSize(const ConfigKey& key) const { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key); if (it == mMetricsManagers.end()) { ALOGW("Config source %s does not exist", key.ToString().c_str()); return 0; } return it->second->byteSize(); } void StatsLogProcessor::dumpStates(FILE* out, bool verbose) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); fprintf(out, "MetricsManager count: %lu\n", (unsigned long)mMetricsManagers.size()); for (auto metricsManager : mMetricsManagers) { metricsManager.second->dumpStates(out, verbose); } } /* * onDumpReport dumps serialized ConfigMetricsReportList into outData. */ void StatsLogProcessor::onDumpReport(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t dumpTimeStampNs, const bool include_current_partial_bucket, const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason, vector<uint8_t>* outData) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); ProtoOutputStream proto; // Start of ConfigKey. uint64_t configKeyToken = proto.start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_CONFIG_KEY); proto.write(FIELD_TYPE_INT32 | FIELD_ID_UID, key.GetUid()); proto.write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_ID, (long long)key.GetId()); proto.end(configKeyToken); // End of ConfigKey. // Then, check stats-data directory to see there's any file containing // ConfigMetricsReport from previous shutdowns to concatenate to reports. StorageManager::appendConfigMetricsReport(key, &proto); auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key); if (it != mMetricsManagers.end()) { // This allows another broadcast to be sent within the rate-limit period if we get close to // filling the buffer again soon. mLastBroadcastTimes.erase(key); // Start of ConfigMetricsReport (reports). uint64_t reportsToken = proto.start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_COUNT_REPEATED | FIELD_ID_REPORTS); onConfigMetricsReportLocked(key, dumpTimeStampNs, include_current_partial_bucket, dumpReportReason, &proto); proto.end(reportsToken); // End of ConfigMetricsReport (reports). } else { ALOGW("Config source %s does not exist", key.ToString().c_str()); } if (outData != nullptr) { outData->clear(); outData->resize(proto.size()); size_t pos = 0; auto iter = proto.data(); while (iter.readBuffer() != NULL) { size_t toRead = iter.currentToRead(); std::memcpy(&((*outData)[pos]), iter.readBuffer(), toRead); pos += toRead; iter.rp()->move(toRead); } } StatsdStats::getInstance().noteMetricsReportSent(key, proto.size()); } /* * onConfigMetricsReportLocked dumps serialized ConfigMetricsReport into outData. */ void StatsLogProcessor::onConfigMetricsReportLocked(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t dumpTimeStampNs, const bool include_current_partial_bucket, const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason, ProtoOutputStream* proto) { // We already checked whether key exists in mMetricsManagers in // WriteDataToDisk. auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key); if (it == mMetricsManagers.end()) { return; } int64_t lastReportTimeNs = it->second->getLastReportTimeNs(); int64_t lastReportWallClockNs = it->second->getLastReportWallClockNs(); std::set<string> str_set; // First, fill in ConfigMetricsReport using current data on memory, which // starts from filling in StatsLogReport's. it->second->onDumpReport(dumpTimeStampNs, include_current_partial_bucket, &str_set, proto); // Fill in UidMap if there is at least one metric to report. // This skips the uid map if it's an empty config. if (it->second->getNumMetrics() > 0) { uint64_t uidMapToken = proto->start(FIELD_TYPE_MESSAGE | FIELD_ID_UID_MAP); if (it->second->hashStringInReport()) { mUidMap->appendUidMap(dumpTimeStampNs, key, &str_set, proto); } else { mUidMap->appendUidMap(dumpTimeStampNs, key, nullptr, proto); } proto->end(uidMapToken); } // Fill in the timestamps. proto->write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_LAST_REPORT_ELAPSED_NANOS, (long long)lastReportTimeNs); proto->write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_CURRENT_REPORT_ELAPSED_NANOS, (long long)dumpTimeStampNs); proto->write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_LAST_REPORT_WALL_CLOCK_NANOS, (long long)lastReportWallClockNs); proto->write(FIELD_TYPE_INT64 | FIELD_ID_CURRENT_REPORT_WALL_CLOCK_NANOS, (long long)getWallClockNs()); // Dump report reason proto->write(FIELD_TYPE_INT32 | FIELD_ID_DUMP_REPORT_REASON, dumpReportReason); for (const auto& str : str_set) { proto->write(FIELD_TYPE_STRING | FIELD_COUNT_REPEATED | FIELD_ID_STRINGS, str); } } void StatsLogProcessor::resetConfigsLocked(const int64_t timestampNs, const std::vector<ConfigKey>& configs) { for (const auto& key : configs) { StatsdConfig config; if (StorageManager::readConfigFromDisk(key, &config)) { OnConfigUpdatedLocked(timestampNs, key, config); StatsdStats::getInstance().noteConfigReset(key); } else { ALOGE("Failed to read backup config from disk for : %s", key.ToString().c_str()); auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key); if (it != mMetricsManagers.end()) { it->second->refreshTtl(timestampNs); } } } } void StatsLogProcessor::resetIfConfigTtlExpiredLocked(const int64_t timestampNs) { std::vector<ConfigKey> configKeysTtlExpired; for (auto it = mMetricsManagers.begin(); it != mMetricsManagers.end(); it++) { if (it->second != nullptr && !it->second->isInTtl(timestampNs)) { configKeysTtlExpired.push_back(it->first); } } if (configKeysTtlExpired.size() > 0) { WriteDataToDiskLocked(CONFIG_RESET); resetConfigsLocked(timestampNs, configKeysTtlExpired); } } void StatsLogProcessor::OnConfigRemoved(const ConfigKey& key) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key); if (it != mMetricsManagers.end()) { WriteDataToDiskLocked(key, getElapsedRealtimeNs(), CONFIG_REMOVED); mMetricsManagers.erase(it); mUidMap->OnConfigRemoved(key); } StatsdStats::getInstance().noteConfigRemoved(key); mLastBroadcastTimes.erase(key); if (mMetricsManagers.empty()) { mStatsPullerManager.ForceClearPullerCache(); } } void StatsLogProcessor::flushIfNecessaryLocked( int64_t timestampNs, const ConfigKey& key, MetricsManager& metricsManager) { auto lastCheckTime = mLastByteSizeTimes.find(key); if (lastCheckTime != mLastByteSizeTimes.end()) { if (timestampNs - lastCheckTime->second < StatsdStats::kMinByteSizeCheckPeriodNs) { return; } } // We suspect that the byteSize() computation is expensive, so we set a rate limit. size_t totalBytes = metricsManager.byteSize(); mLastByteSizeTimes[key] = timestampNs; bool requestDump = false; if (totalBytes > StatsdStats::kMaxMetricsBytesPerConfig) { // Too late. We need to start clearing data. metricsManager.dropData(timestampNs); StatsdStats::getInstance().noteDataDropped(key); VLOG("StatsD had to toss out metrics for %s", key.ToString().c_str()); } else if ((totalBytes > StatsdStats::kBytesPerConfigTriggerGetData) || (mOnDiskDataConfigs.find(key) != mOnDiskDataConfigs.end())) { // Request to send a broadcast if: // 1. in memory data > threshold OR // 2. config has old data report on disk. requestDump = true; } if (requestDump) { // Send broadcast so that receivers can pull data. auto lastBroadcastTime = mLastBroadcastTimes.find(key); if (lastBroadcastTime != mLastBroadcastTimes.end()) { if (timestampNs - lastBroadcastTime->second < StatsdStats::kMinBroadcastPeriodNs) { VLOG("StatsD would've sent a broadcast but the rate limit stopped us."); return; } } if (mSendBroadcast(key)) { mOnDiskDataConfigs.erase(key); VLOG("StatsD triggered data fetch for %s", key.ToString().c_str()); mLastBroadcastTimes[key] = timestampNs; StatsdStats::getInstance().noteBroadcastSent(key); } } } void StatsLogProcessor::WriteDataToDiskLocked(const ConfigKey& key, const int64_t timestampNs, const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason) { if (mMetricsManagers.find(key) == mMetricsManagers.end() || !mMetricsManagers.find(key)->second->shouldWriteToDisk()) { return; } ProtoOutputStream proto; onConfigMetricsReportLocked(key, timestampNs, true /* include_current_partial_bucket*/, dumpReportReason, &proto); string file_name = StringPrintf("%s/%ld_%d_%lld", STATS_DATA_DIR, (long)getWallClockSec(), key.GetUid(), (long long)key.GetId()); android::base::unique_fd fd(open(file_name.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)); if (fd == -1) { ALOGE("Attempt to write %s but failed", file_name.c_str()); return; } proto.flush(fd.get()); // We were able to write the ConfigMetricsReport to disk, so we should trigger collection ASAP. mOnDiskDataConfigs.insert(key); } void StatsLogProcessor::WriteDataToDiskLocked(const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason) { const int64_t timeNs = getElapsedRealtimeNs(); for (auto& pair : mMetricsManagers) { WriteDataToDiskLocked(pair.first, timeNs, dumpReportReason); } } void StatsLogProcessor::WriteDataToDisk(const DumpReportReason dumpReportReason) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); WriteDataToDiskLocked(dumpReportReason); } void StatsLogProcessor::informPullAlarmFired(const int64_t timestampNs) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); mStatsPullerManager.OnAlarmFired(timestampNs); } int64_t StatsLogProcessor::getLastReportTimeNs(const ConfigKey& key) { auto it = mMetricsManagers.find(key); if (it == mMetricsManagers.end()) { return 0; } else { return it->second->getLastReportTimeNs(); } } void StatsLogProcessor::noteOnDiskData(const ConfigKey& key) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMetricsMutex); mOnDiskDataConfigs.insert(key); } } // namespace statsd } // namespace os } // namespace android