/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "va_private.h" #include "VideoDecoderAVCSecure.h" #include "VideoDecoderTrace.h" #include <string.h> #define STARTCODE_PREFIX_LEN 3 #define NALU_TYPE_MASK 0x1F #define MAX_NALU_HEADER_BUFFER 8192 static const uint8_t startcodePrefix[STARTCODE_PREFIX_LEN] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x01}; VideoDecoderAVCSecure::VideoDecoderAVCSecure(const char *mimeType) : VideoDecoderAVC(mimeType), mNaluHeaderBuffer(NULL), mSliceHeaderBuffer(NULL) { setParserType(VBP_H264SECURE); } VideoDecoderAVCSecure::~VideoDecoderAVCSecure() { } Decode_Status VideoDecoderAVCSecure::start(VideoConfigBuffer *buffer) { Decode_Status status = VideoDecoderAVC::start(buffer); if (status != DECODE_SUCCESS) { return status; } mNaluHeaderBuffer = new uint8_t [MAX_NALU_HEADER_BUFFER]; if (mNaluHeaderBuffer == NULL) { ETRACE("Failed to allocate memory for mNaluHeaderBuffer"); return DECODE_MEMORY_FAIL; } mSliceHeaderBuffer = new uint8_t [MAX_NALU_HEADER_BUFFER]; if (mSliceHeaderBuffer == NULL) { ETRACE("Failed to allocate memory for mSliceHeaderBuffer"); if (mNaluHeaderBuffer) { delete [] mNaluHeaderBuffer; mNaluHeaderBuffer = NULL; } return DECODE_MEMORY_FAIL; } return status; } void VideoDecoderAVCSecure::stop(void) { VideoDecoderAVC::stop(); if (mNaluHeaderBuffer) { delete [] mNaluHeaderBuffer; mNaluHeaderBuffer = NULL; } if (mSliceHeaderBuffer) { delete [] mSliceHeaderBuffer; mSliceHeaderBuffer = NULL; } } Decode_Status VideoDecoderAVCSecure::decode(VideoDecodeBuffer *buffer) { Decode_Status status; int32_t sizeAccumulated = 0; int32_t sliceHeaderSize = 0; int32_t sizeLeft = 0; int32_t sliceIdx = 0; uint8_t naluType; frame_info_t* pFrameInfo; mFrameSize = 0; if (buffer->flag & IS_SECURE_DATA) { VTRACE("Decoding protected video ..."); mIsEncryptData = 1; } else { VTRACE("Decoding clear video ..."); mIsEncryptData = 0; return VideoDecoderAVC::decode(buffer); } if (buffer->size != sizeof(frame_info_t)) { ETRACE("Not enough data to read frame_info_t!"); return DECODE_INVALID_DATA; } pFrameInfo = (frame_info_t*) buffer->data; mFrameSize = pFrameInfo->length; VTRACE("mFrameSize = %d", mFrameSize); memcpy(&mEncParam, pFrameInfo->pavp, sizeof(pavp_info_t)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < pFrameInfo->num_nalus; i++) { naluType = pFrameInfo->nalus[i].type & NALU_TYPE_MASK; if (naluType >= h264_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_SLICE && naluType <= h264_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_IDR) { memcpy(mSliceHeaderBuffer + sliceHeaderSize, &sliceIdx, sizeof(int32_t)); sliceHeaderSize += 4; memcpy(mSliceHeaderBuffer + sliceHeaderSize, &pFrameInfo->data, sizeof(uint8_t*)); sliceHeaderSize += sizeof(uint8_t*); memcpy(mSliceHeaderBuffer + sliceHeaderSize, &pFrameInfo->nalus[i].offset, sizeof(uint32_t)); sliceHeaderSize += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(mSliceHeaderBuffer + sliceHeaderSize, &pFrameInfo->nalus[i].length, sizeof(uint32_t)); sliceHeaderSize += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(mSliceHeaderBuffer + sliceHeaderSize, pFrameInfo->nalus[i].slice_header, sizeof(slice_header_t)); sliceHeaderSize += sizeof(slice_header_t); if (pFrameInfo->nalus[i].type & 0x60) { memcpy(mSliceHeaderBuffer+sliceHeaderSize, pFrameInfo->dec_ref_pic_marking, sizeof(dec_ref_pic_marking_t)); } else { memset(mSliceHeaderBuffer+sliceHeaderSize, 0, sizeof(dec_ref_pic_marking_t)); } sliceHeaderSize += sizeof(dec_ref_pic_marking_t); sliceIdx++; } else if (naluType >= h264_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_SEI && naluType <= h264_NAL_UNIT_TYPE_PPS) { memcpy(mNaluHeaderBuffer + sizeAccumulated, startcodePrefix, STARTCODE_PREFIX_LEN); sizeAccumulated += STARTCODE_PREFIX_LEN; memcpy(mNaluHeaderBuffer + sizeAccumulated, pFrameInfo->nalus[i].data, pFrameInfo->nalus[i].length); sizeAccumulated += pFrameInfo->nalus[i].length; } else { WTRACE("Failure: DECODE_FRAME_DROPPED"); return DECODE_FRAME_DROPPED; } } vbp_data_h264 *data = NULL; int new_sequence_to_handle = 0; if (sizeAccumulated > 0) { status = VideoDecoderBase::parseBuffer( mNaluHeaderBuffer, sizeAccumulated, false, (void**)&data); CHECK_STATUS("VideoDecoderBase::parseBuffer"); // [FIX DRC zoom issue] if one buffer contains more than one nalu // for example SPS+PPS+IDR, new_sps/new_pps flags set in parseBuffer // will be flushed in the following updateBuffer. // So that handleNewSequence will not be handled in decodeFrame() if (data->new_sps || data->new_pps) { new_sequence_to_handle = 1; } } if (sliceHeaderSize > 0) { memset(mSliceHeaderBuffer + sliceHeaderSize, 0xFF, 4); sliceHeaderSize += 4; status = VideoDecoderBase::updateBuffer( mSliceHeaderBuffer, sliceHeaderSize, (void**)&data); CHECK_STATUS("VideoDecoderBase::updateBuffer"); // in case the flags were flushed but indeed new sequence needed to be handled. if ((1 == new_sequence_to_handle) && ((data->new_sps == 0) || (data->new_pps == 0))) { data->new_sps = 1; data->new_pps = 1; } } if (data == NULL) { ETRACE("Invalid data returned by parser!"); return DECODE_MEMORY_FAIL; } if (!mVAStarted) { if (data->has_sps && data->has_pps) { status = startVA(data); CHECK_STATUS("startVA"); } else { WTRACE("Can't start VA as either SPS or PPS is still not available."); return DECODE_SUCCESS; } } status = decodeFrame(buffer, data); return status; } Decode_Status VideoDecoderAVCSecure::decodeSlice(vbp_data_h264 *data, uint32_t picIndex, uint32_t sliceIndex) { Decode_Status status; VAStatus vaStatus; uint32_t bufferIDCount = 0; // maximum 4 buffers to render a slice: picture parameter, IQMatrix, slice parameter, slice data VABufferID bufferIDs[5]; vbp_picture_data_h264 *picData = &(data->pic_data[picIndex]); vbp_slice_data_h264 *sliceData = &(picData->slc_data[sliceIndex]); VAPictureParameterBufferH264 *picParam = picData->pic_parms; VASliceParameterBufferH264 *sliceParam = &(sliceData->slc_parms); VAEncryptionParameterBuffer encryptParam; if (sliceParam->first_mb_in_slice == 0 || mDecodingFrame == false) { // either condition indicates start of a new frame if (sliceParam->first_mb_in_slice != 0) { WTRACE("The first slice is lost."); // TODO: handle the first slice lost } if (mDecodingFrame) { // interlace content, complete decoding the first field vaStatus = vaEndPicture(mVADisplay, mVAContext); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaEndPicture"); // for interlace content, top field may be valid only after the second field is parsed mAcquiredBuffer->pictureOrder= picParam->CurrPic.TopFieldOrderCnt; } // Update the reference frames and surface IDs for DPB and current frame status = updateDPB(picParam); CHECK_STATUS("updateDPB"); vaStatus = vaBeginPicture(mVADisplay, mVAContext, mAcquiredBuffer->renderBuffer.surface); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaBeginPicture"); // start decoding a frame mDecodingFrame = true; vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer( mVADisplay, mVAContext, VAPictureParameterBufferType, sizeof(VAPictureParameterBufferH264), 1, picParam, &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreatePictureParameterBuffer"); bufferIDCount++; vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer( mVADisplay, mVAContext, VAIQMatrixBufferType, sizeof(VAIQMatrixBufferH264), 1, data->IQ_matrix_buf, &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreateIQMatrixBuffer"); bufferIDCount++; if (mIsEncryptData) { memset(&encryptParam, 0, sizeof(VAEncryptionParameterBuffer)); encryptParam.pavpCounterMode = 4; encryptParam.pavpEncryptionType = 2; encryptParam.hostEncryptMode = 2; encryptParam.pavpHasBeenEnabled = 1; encryptParam.app_id = 0; memcpy(encryptParam.pavpAesCounter, mEncParam.iv, 16); vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer( mVADisplay, mVAContext, (VABufferType)VAEncryptionParameterBufferType, sizeof(VAEncryptionParameterBuffer), 1, &encryptParam, &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreateEncryptionParameterBuffer"); bufferIDCount++; } vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer( mVADisplay, mVAContext, VASliceDataBufferType, mFrameSize, //size 1, //num_elements sliceData->buffer_addr + sliceData->slice_offset, &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreateSliceDataBuffer"); bufferIDCount++; } vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer( mVADisplay, mVAContext, VASliceParameterBufferType, sizeof(VASliceParameterBufferH264Base), 1, sliceParam, &bufferIDs[bufferIDCount]); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreateSliceParameterBuffer"); bufferIDCount++; vaStatus = vaRenderPicture( mVADisplay, mVAContext, bufferIDs, bufferIDCount); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaRenderPicture"); return DECODE_SUCCESS; } Decode_Status VideoDecoderAVCSecure::getCodecSpecificConfigs( VAProfile profile, VAConfigID *config) { VAStatus vaStatus; VAConfigAttrib attrib[2]; if (config == NULL) { ETRACE("Invalid parameter!"); return DECODE_FAIL; } attrib[0].type = VAConfigAttribRTFormat; attrib[0].value = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420; attrib[1].type = VAConfigAttribDecSliceMode; attrib[1].value = VA_DEC_SLICE_MODE_NORMAL; vaStatus = vaGetConfigAttributes(mVADisplay,profile,VAEntrypointVLD, &attrib[1], 1); if (attrib[1].value & VA_DEC_SLICE_MODE_BASE) { ITRACE("AVC short format used"); attrib[1].value = VA_DEC_SLICE_MODE_BASE; } else if (attrib[1].value & VA_DEC_SLICE_MODE_NORMAL) { ITRACE("AVC long format ssed"); attrib[1].value = VA_DEC_SLICE_MODE_NORMAL; } else { ETRACE("Unsupported Decode Slice Mode!"); return DECODE_FAIL; } vaStatus = vaCreateConfig( mVADisplay, profile, VAEntrypointVLD, &attrib[0], 2, config); CHECK_VA_STATUS("vaCreateConfig"); return DECODE_SUCCESS; }